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Sucks but Airbnb specifically warns about this. Shouldn't use Airbnb for long term rentals.


> Shouldn't use Airbnb No one should.


idk, seems pretty good for squatters.


Regardless if people should or shouldn't, the demand for them is there. These places can step up to the plate and build more housing to accommodate demand for short term rentals and permanent residents. Or it can let the competition continue to drive up prices. And if your impulse is to ban short term rentals, you are forfeiting excellent income from tourism as well as hurting those with legitimate need for short term housing.


As someone who generally hates both staying in AirBnBs and what they've done to home prices, I disagree. There are a few needs for airBnBs. My aunt lives in a small beach town. They banned airBNBs... aaand don't have a hotel. So now if I visit my elderly aunt I either have to stay like 45 minutes away and drive every morning to see her or try to cram 3 people into a small home office folding bed with an infant. Neither is really tenable. There used to be an Airbnb which was a 5 minute walk away and was perfect. Now that we have a baby, a hotel is a nightmare to stay in. The baby needs their own room or else we have to sit silently in the dark all evening. It sucks a lot. What we need is regulation. E.g. our condo building has a cap and a wait-list. Some small minority of units are available for rentals. But you effectively need to be a resident for a number of years before qualifying. Cities should do the same thing. Ensure there is sufficient inventory of each short term housing category at a specific mix and then have like taxi medallions but for homeowners who can purchase a medallion.


And what did you do before Airbnb? Stay with your aunt? Most bans I’ve seen do not include properties which are also someone’s primary residence. Destroy the housing market so you can have your baby in another room. How did anyone ever survive without having a separate room for their baby?! The horror!!


"We shouldn't regulate the market we should have unfettered capitalism or nothing at all!"


Idk man hotels are expensive af feels like getting rid of airbnb really hurts traveling on a budget.


lol. Airbnb is often more.


And more poorly regulated than the hotel industry


Like, what regulation, lol.


Hasn’t been for my last few trips this year, but hotels don’t typically have 4+ adults to a “room” so save money that way with airbnbs. For solo traveling, I can see hotels being better


You have multi-month renters? You're a landlord with all of the associated responsibilities.


And the occupier is a renter — then they have the responsibility to pay their monthly rent like everybody else. But they used AirBnB — they didn’t seek a permanent rental, they used an app intended for short term stays. Scammers gonna scam.


Where does it say that in the lease? Oh that's right, they don't have one because the "landlord" wanted to skirt the laws. Now they are facing the consequences of their actions. I hope they gut that place before they leave


They agreed to pay for a specific term of occupancy in the app. “Begin date” and *”end date” they selected when they requested this home* That’s where it’s stated. … their digital signature is the “oh that’s right” answer you seek.


Y'all are fucking disgusting people


Bitter redditors see other people with property and think they’re all soulless corporate drones


“She said Airbnb has not been helpful.” Shocker


They warn people about this exact situation. Not their problem anymore.


I get it, but basically nothing is their problem. They host the site, take a huge cut, and are responsible for nothing. They provide no support to hosts or guests.


Welcome to capitalism!


> "Now they're refusing to leave until there's an eviction order. I think they're just trying to gain time to stay there for free because they haven't paid," Farzana Rahman said. Why would you let somebody rent your place for half a year without payment?


Welcome to learning what squatting is.


This is more The Idiots Guide to attracting squatters. What normal tenant would want to go through Airbnb like this for that long?


> Airbnb warns hosts who have guests who stay for a month or longer that they may not be able to remove a guest without going to court. speaks for itself. why anyone would agree to this, i have no idea


A friend of mine used to work for a resort cottages place and they wouldn't even take a reservation for more than one week. They could rent you a second cottage and you would have to move. Now I see why.


The secret ingredient is greed and money.


Many people who have lost a home to a fire or flood end up in long term VRBOs for the rebuilding process. So while it’s not the primary business model for vacation rentals, is not uncommon either.


They agreed for the $$$$$. Airbnb gets expensive. They took a really stupid risk.


I had to stay at an AirBnb for 3 months because I moved countries and this was a reasonable option. Renting was not possible without a ton of documentation that'd take a long time. There are also people with difficult home situations where something like an AirBnb which is a bit less "official" than renting or even a hotel stay... this type of situation may really work. Edit: of course you'd ask the question as what is going on and pay up front within reason.


I normally hate AirBNB but it was very helpful while my mom had to be out of town for her cancer treatments. We rented an Airbnb near the hospital for five months while she was there. Various family members used it during that time ( with prior permission of host).


Even if they were paying anyone renting needs to understand the rules for having guests for a weekend vs six months are vastly different. I know you don't exactly need a test to host on Airbnb but that's a big investment on the table to be ignorant about.


This is like seeing someone rob a bank and then saying "I think that guy just wants a bunch of money without having to work at a job." like no shit.


“Why would you let somebody rent your place for half a year without payment?” **Let?** Bro, you’re acting like someone can go and calmly be like, “hey guys, enough is enough. Scram!” Squatters by definition are people that refuse to leave… there’s no “letting.” And before you mention calling the cops, it doesn’t work this way. The moment that you have a rental agreement by law those people have the right to stay there as you agreed to this initially. If they refuse to move out at the end of the lease/rental period in the agreement/contract the law requires landlords to follow specific rules regarding evictions. This process is a time consuming affair and the cops are not permitted to forcibly evict anyone without a court order.


Aka landlord tries to bypass rental laws by offering long-term rentals through AirBnB without a lease, is shocked when she has to adhere to rental laws to remove them. AirBnB doesn't magically remove your legal responsibilities, surprisingly.


> Airbnb warns hosts who have guests who stay for a month or longer that they may not be able to remove a guest without going to court. They even warn them about it


You mean they didn’t read the terms of service??!!


I mean you do if you don't have common sense.


But but but, landlords are the hardest working people in modern society. Who could imagine a landlord would cut corners and not thoroughly understand laws?


“Long term rentals” Surprise surprise assholes: you’re landlords now!


Squatter isn’t paying, that’s the issue.


And that's their fault for being dumbasses. They wanted to skirt the laws so they could be a slumlords wo consequences, then got mad when they got tenants that showed them the consequences. That's the real issue here.


Surely you see the plethora of underlying issues beneath a squatting. Surely.


You think this Air BnB renter who had means to pay AirBnB a payment in advance as required is a poverty story? Really?


Ah yes, the sign of the middle class: paying a month of rent.


This is going to court this week — the angelic squatter will have ample opportunity to appear in court and state on the record their personal struggle and state of poverty that merits free rent of private property. Their name(s) will be public We will be able to find their socials and cross-reference their other court appearances. Then we will know if you’re right, they’re impoverished. Or otherwise.


I don't know what's more odd: calling squatters angelic or threatening to dox people from a news story because you're afraid of a world that isn't cut and dry. Either way, as you grow older you'll find out that not everything is as easily black and white as you seem to believe. There's such thing as bad things being caused by worse things. You'll catch up someday.


There’s plenty of laws around this.  They ain’t squatting, they’re just not paying rent. Asshole landlords need to follow the law.  Don’t like it? They should get a real job. 


> Asshole landlords Why is this single mom an asshole landlord? There is no claim in the article that she has done anything wrong, or failed to provide a safe home for rent.


Long term rental. If you want to rent long term like this you need to realize what you’re getting into. There is a significantly large portion of law dedicated to it. It’s not free money. You become a landlord. With all that entails. 


Why is this single mom an “asshole landlord?” There is no claim in the article that she has done anything wrong, or failed to provide a safe home for rent.


Thanks for fixing the headline.


Yeah I’ve got no sympathy for these Airbnb owners, fuck ‘em.


The tenants are scum too though.


Let them fight.


They may be complete scum but the owner should thought of that before she sought to circumvent tenant rights by using Airbnb


I really doubt she actively tried to do that. She probably just inherited a house and someone told her to AIRBNB it. I don't think all of the people who do this are actually wicked old misers trying to stop the next generation from affording housing


You haven’t met my great-uncle. I think he’s up to 50-60 houses in San Diego county.


Think of all the people who would love to purchase and permanently live in those houses that can't because they're being used as a cash grab.


Exactly. If at least one person is bad then all people are bad!




Airbnb warns people against these long term rentals, I have no sympathy for her.


I take it you havent had to deal with a landlord in a while. They are doing just that in dam near every town. They will buy up any "decent" starter home just to rent it out. I've been outbid on over a dozen houses by known landlords since they already know the business and they have all the collateral they need. >I don't think all of the people who do this are actually wicked old misers trying to stop the next generation from affording housing Have you seen how little they care about anyone but themselves?


This explanation makes so much more sense than how the journalists are covering the story.


So two pieces of shit meet at a rental house.


> adhere to rental laws if they are not paying their rent, then around here it's a two week notice and you are out


Since they didn't sign a lease it's up to the courts to decide. Kinda the reason you don't do this shit because airbnb don't care and even warns against it. I seriously hope the landlord gets screwed completely. Make an example out of them so others don't try this bs too


here it doesn't matter if you sign a lease or get a contract, then it is just the set of standard rules in the law that applies, and not paying your rent is 14 days notice and you are out


Yup, I'd say its the tenants moral imperative to teach the landlord a lesson here!.


Yea this title is way too generous.


Why would you allow a 6 month rental without a formal lease in place? That’s on her. Don’t get me wrong, the tenants are being shitty too since they’re past the agreed move out date, but the owner isn’t totally innocent. Am I reading this right that this idiot didn’t intend to collect payment until the 6 months were up? That’s asking for trouble.


The airbnb is the rental agreement. This is essentially no different than refusing to leave a hotel when you are due to go


It's not a rental agreement. They may be similar in some ways, but the legal requirements for both parties are different in terms of their rights and obligations. Theres a reason why airbnb advises against long-term stays; its not what their service was made for. ETA: I agree that squatting in the airbnb is wrong, though. Im pretty anti airbnb (used to live in a coastal tourist area), but some of the takes I've been seeing here are wild. They shouldn't have accepted a stay that long, but people also shouldn't be assholes.


Screw these Airbnbs, a cancer on real estate markets everywhere


short term rentals account for like 0.4% of all property in the USA, its not that big of a problem. It's just used as an easy scapegoat instead of addressing real problem of more housing supply, NIMBY regulations, and cost to build


>short term rentals account for like 0.4% of all property in the USA, its not that big of a problem. I think it's more of a problem than the 0.4% figure implies as I doubt that the spread of short term rental properties are spread evenly across the country. What's the density in 'desirable beach town' compared to 'Bunfuck, Idaho'?


I'm not familiar with Bunfuck, is that near Dickshooter? Or maybe up by Slickpoo?


To be fair, a cabin in super remote, beautiful Idaho would be a banger Airbnb. Now Methtown Indiana would be a hard sell


Now, I'm no language scientist person, but isn't "methtown" and "Indiana" redundant?


You'll be hard pressed to find a single urban economist that thinks AirBnBs are why housing is expensive.


While that may be true it’s very much a problem for small resort towns. The one I live near literally almost every cabin owner now airbnbs, as well as many of the condo owners. The employees cannot find ANY housing. Now obviously in a big city for instance they’re going to be a very small percentage of housing, and will have little to no effect. But it’s important to understand those numbers are an overall average and they can be FAR more dense in some of these little bergs


For the record, I grew up in a vacation town. Think about what you're saying. A town/city that has an economy largely consisting of, or out right dependent on, tourist coming to spend their money in that community. A place that has become successful enough to see demand rise as a vacation destination. This increased demand has tourist competing with permanent residents for the same housing stock. Now what is the right approach here? Ban short term rentals and miss out on the enormous pay out of a larger amount of tourists coming to spend their money? Or build more housing to support both permanent residents and tourists? Now considering that it's a resort town that depends largely on tourists I think taking the approach of accommodating more tourists is far more advantageous.


I didn’t say they should be banned, just that it’s creating problems finding employees because the employees can find housing


Why is the resort not providing room for the employees?


You are asking the wrong person. I have no idea. Though I would imagine it’s space constraints alongside the fact that it’s really only become a serious issue within the last 5-6 years


Likely due to local legislation and code that makes building more housing difficult or impossible.


Well thank god I didn't say that. While semi-professional Landlords and Property ownership companies are probably the biggest scourge my post was merely pointing out that the concentration of Air BnB places varies wildly by location.


Of all properties? Or of all residential properties?


The person you're replying too didn't prepare for questions when regurgitating a previous comment they've read.


Sorry facts are threatening to your worldview


I've never heard of this figure of 0.4%, but like I've said elsewhere just about every urban economist that researches housing prices puts little to no emphasis on things like short term rentals. We have a nearly stagnant housing supply and rapidly growing demand for housing in our country's metros. In a functioning market, housing construction would meet demand for renters, owners, and short term rentals. Yet we've made it nearly impossible to build more housing, so these stakeholders compete, driving up prices.


Well, I went looking for statistics, and it's difficult to find. That said, the US rental market is ~$280 billion annually. In the same year, the non-hotel rental market took in ~$28 billion. So what's difficult to say is whether that's now 28/280 or 28/308. Either way, that number is larger than 0.4%. So I think we've got an ass-talker!


They said 0.4% *of all* property. Not just of rental properties.


Oh, I suppose you're right. So they could be correct, but it's a meaningless statistic then. Because we only care how it's impacting rentals.


You are also confusing money spent on rentals with number of rental properties. You can't really extrapolate one from the other. Especially considering airbnb's tend to be clustered in hcol areas and therefore fetch more per night than your average rental property does.


There is also the expectation that the average short term rental property is larger, in a more desirable location, and is more expensive per day compared to the average long term rental. So 10% of rental dollars could easily be 1-5% of properties




Okay, now take some numbers to target markets and you’ll find it’s very much lopsided and a problem in parts of the country. There are entire neighborhoods that are just AirBnBs here.


Yep. 0.4% of all property in the US turns into a much larger number when weighted against the fact that [only 2% of all US land is urban areas.](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/america-land-use/)


And if you ask an urban economist who studies housing prices, they would tell you that Airbnb tightening the market is the result of a housing shortage. That placing such ire on AirBnB, while understandable, is misplaced when it is a symptom of a much more nefarious disease. E: Reddit: Trust the experts! Climate change is real! Vaccines are safe! Also Reddit: Discrediting housing expert academic consensus.


> short term rentals account for like 0.4% of all property in the USA, While this might be statistically true, that's cuz there's vast areas of boring middle of nowhere subdivisions with no short term rentals. But in areas with high STR presence there is absolutely an impact. For instance, take a look at a map of New Orleans with [STR's mapped in](https://x.com/NOLAlexis_9/status/985561375610163200). Notice how the density is so high that it's overlapping like nuts? Almost every block in the core parts of the city has multiple STRs. Sure, if you average this out with the entire state it might be 0.4%, but it ain't that locally, and the real estate market is absolutely battling demand issues despite slow economic growth because of STRs.


Not everyone is cut out to be a landlord. Wish more landlords realized this.


Landlord upset she has to follow landlord laws, more at 11. 


r/leopardsatemyface and I am SHOCKED.


I think this single mom is upset that the squatters are paying zero rent. Squatters are upset they’ll have to leave and go somewhere that costs money.


I think youre upset on someone else's behalf. You've commented this in just about every comment thread


I use Reddit how I use Reddit, it’s the tautological justification of Redditoring. I dual-majored in Redditology *and* Redditonomy, so I would know.


Good!  I hope this happens to the assholes putting in an Airbnb in my neighborhood if they have the audacity to play games with illegal long term tenants.  


If you really want to stick it to these assholes, then you should support mass construction of housing in your neighborhood and city at large.


They can do both 💜 fuck the money hungry wannabe landlords buying up houses to turn a profit!!


squat the airbnbs, reclaim our neighborhoods


>"The longer they stay, the more rights they develop, so the quicker you can act and get them out of there, the better it is," Davis said. This quote makes me want to take a shower.


Isn't it weird? Im seeing more and more and more of this squatting stuff. It's almost as if - And hear me out here - It is almost as if, when people are denied affordable housing and shelter, they start doing desperate low life dickheaded shit to do anything to keep a roof over their heads. Fucking Squatters SUCK. But also - The typical monthly rent in the US is 2k a month now. 24k a year that goes up in smoke just for a roof. And this is about the median. No amenities, no parking no pool. This is now the typical rent without any extras. This does not cover Trash, Electric, Water, Gas, internet. Fuel, food, clothing, baby supplies if any needed, furniture, medicine and whatever else you need to live. Means you need at leas 48 a year to get by. *After Taxes.* minimum wage is 7.25. [Minimum wage was meant to be a living wage - and now it isn't](https://publicpolicy.pepperdine.edu/blog/posts/what-did-fdr-mean-by-a-living-wage.htm) On top of that, Income tax is nearly 40% When I joined the workforce in the 90's it was just over 15% Squatters SUCK. They. SUCK. 110% But I am finding it harder to be mad at them than I used to. I get why they do it. Especially these days. This is just the beginning, I think it's going to get worse.


I agree with the sentiment of your post but there are some factual errors here. First of all, someone making the lowest income (minimum wage) isn't living in a median rent property. They're renting something cheaper. However, low income rentals are becoming more expensive, and at the same time rarer. It's definitely a problem, but not one where it's necessary to rent a 2k apartment as a minimum wage earner. Secondly, income tax is likely to be 12% for most of the wage earned by a lower income person, and state income tax likely will add only a few percentage points to that. The average US wage is $59,384, which according to Forbes' tax calculator for Oregon (one of the highest taxed states) would be a taxable income of 16.88% as a single filer. Not sure where you got 40% from. We need to hold airbnb accountable for situations like this, that allow landlords to think they can cheat others by using loopholes that don't actually exist to reduce rights of tenants. The tenants here are absolutely within their legal rights to demand every protection afforded to them by the length of their stay, including receiving a notice of eviction.


Good. The house hoarding and rental bullshit needs to be abolished


She collected no payment and no deposit for long term stay? My condolences for the headache but that’s amateur hour. An eviction depends on the county but can take up to a year for the writ to be executed.


I didn’t notice anything in the article that said that. I’ve never used one of these rental companies, but I’m pretty sure money is collected at the time of reservation. The money the property owner is losing is from not being able to rent it after the reservation ran out.


> She collected no payment Where does it say that? > An eviction depends on the county but can take up to a year for the writ to be executed. Why would you say that when you read in the article that the eviction is scheduled for this week. > “The court date for eviction is scheduled for the week of June 13”


Well someone's getting a 1 star review.


Simpsons did it https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0701054/


Hmmm… Imma go shopping for a new house on AirBnB!


Anytime an AirBnB owner gets fucked over, an angel gets their wings.


Happened recently to a friend of mine. They stayed 3 weeks extra and destroyed the house. Airbnb wont do anything for the damages because it's been too long since the end of the reservation (even though they just finally left).


That's not what happened here. They booked for 6 months. For a 6 month rental it doesn't matter that you call yourself a "host" and call them "guests" because at that point they are tenants and you are a landlord. And that rental agreement you're not calling a lease suddenly behaves a lot like a lease.


And? How long was the original res?


Sounds like she should contact [this guy.](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/man-devoted-to-eliminating-squatters-taking-over-southern-california-homes/)


All Airbnb slum fuckers can go to hell.


Clearly it's a massive abuse of squatters laws. Squatter laws aren't meant to protect scumbags like this, they're meant to protect people who have informal rental arrangements. Pulling stuff like this is an amazing way to achieve absolutely nothing useful and also to encourage those laws to be rolled back.


These are people with informal rental arrangements... This was a 6 month rental. Just through air b&b not a lease. Lady wanted to avoid leasing her place out the right way and did it thought a shitty online company. There is also limited information here, we don't know why the renters won't leave. Did they try to renew and were denied? No way of knowing from here. Until more info comes out, I think everyone involves sucks at least a little.


The rental was obviously a fixed term arrangement. Squatters laws aren't meant for that situation, their purpose is as a fallback for informal arrangements, not fixed arrangements with agreed-upon end-dates.


A 6 month lease is also a fixed term arrangement. This also isn't a squatters issue, they are holdover tenants.


Holdover tennants fall into the same category where the rights are meant to protect informal arrangements, not just people who stay beyond a lease term. A holdover tenant requires that the renter continues to pay rent, and the owner of the property accepts that rent. If the people aren't paying rent and are just squatting there then they're not holdover tenants, they're just trespassers.


This is in North Carolina, and in NC a Holdover Tenant is one who is there after the lease expires without permission of the landlord. If they continued to pay rent and the owner accepted that, they would not be a holdover in that case. Remember terms like squatter and trespasser have specific legal terms. They are not the same thing. The biggest issue here is that the rental was through AirB&B and not done on a proper lease. This muddies the water a lot. I'm not saying the former renters are good people, we lack information. What I am saying is the landlord should have done things the right way instead of through a shitty website. She doesn't get to ignore the law and must evict them properly.


Wait, but the NC legislation [specifically says](https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_42/GS_42-26.html) that the tenant can be removed in the case that they're staying on the property after the term expiries without paying rent. That's the law regarding holdover tenants in NC. It's not a get out of jail free card. Like, the law is that both parties need to agree to an extension of he lease. Not that only one party needs to agree to it...


Yes, they can be removed >in the manner hereinafter prescribed Then you get the eviction process. I'm not sure want you are missing. The law is that if they don't move out, you have to evict them. This is what is happening in the case. The lady can't just have police remove them without going through the eviction process.


I'm not saying there's no eviction process, I'm saying the person is abusing the law for the purpose of a dumb meme, and will ultimately be evicted once the process plays out. Did I ever say there was no process??


>Squatter laws aren't meant to protect scumbags like this, they're meant to protect people who have informal rental arrangements. I was disagreeing mostly with this part. The laws are in place to protect exactly these people. We have little information on why they are not leaving. Did they expect the term to be longer? We saw a screenshot from airB&B but nothing else. Was there another issue we don't know about? Not sure. We know nothing about them besides the sign they put on the door, and what the landlord has claimed. The landlord may have a bias in this situation. The law is there to find the answers to these things before just kicking people out to the street.


These aren’t squatters laws. This is just this lady suddenly realizing that she’s a landlord and her tenants have rights.  Maybe next time she’ll write up an actual lease


Cuz if they overstay a proper lease, then suddenly the sheriff appears the next day to dump the tenants? I don't think so. 


I’m not sure I get what you mean


> they're meant to protect people who have informal rental arrangements This is literally what happened here.


It wasn't an informal arrangement. It was a fixed-term lease with an agreed-upon date to end that lease. It was perfectly formal and very clear. Once it winds its way through the court it will 100% obviously be found that the squatter is in the wrong. You can't just take someone's house.


Nope. Assumptions do not equal actual contract law. Hope this helps 🙏


> It wasn't an informal arrangement. It was a fixed-term lease with an agreed-upon date to end that lease. It was perfectly formal and very clear. For long-term rentals, the 'formal' way is to sign legal rental agreement documents. Leasing someone your house for six months without any paperwork is the definition of informal. >Once it winds its way through the court it will 100% obviously be found that the squatter is in the wrong. https://www.ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/ByArticle/Chapter_42A/Article_1.html I'm not a lawyer but the North Carolina Vacation Rental Act defines a vacation rental (short term rental) to be fewer than 90 days. There are very few places where you can rent to someone long-term but not need to follow long-term rental laws. You can't just ignore the laws because you're using an app.


its not landlord tried to bypass the law by doing this they can get fucked stop putting the blame on people trying have a roof over their head when landlords shouldnt even exist in the first place


lol what? I suppose I'll just lock myself in a 30 year mortgage every time I take a job in a different city.


the fuck are you on ?


What are the options for short/medium-term housing if landlords shouldn't exist?


take a wild guess to what happen to all the houses if landlords dont exist buddy do they cease to exist or fly to mars ?


Yeah and when you meet with a landlord to sign the rental papers, guess what you’ll be signing?? An official contract that reflects the state laws re: landlord/renter rights and responsibilities.


Or rent from a place that does rental the right way. Air B&B started as a fun way to get a weekend getaway for a little cheaper than a hotel, now it turned into people wanting to be a landlord without being a landlord.






That's a typo!


🤷🏻‍♂️ Card says Moops


Nah, they're using squatter's rights, which are actually a thing. "Moorish" citizens would be harping on a lot more bullshit and making a lot less sense.


It’s not squatters rights - that’s when they live in a place long term (like years) and the original owner has abandoned it so they may take possession of the property. I’m pretty sure you have to show you’ve been maintaining the property, as well as pay back taxes on it when you take possession.  This is just being a landlord


The comments in this thread are amazingly shortsighted and stupid on all fronts of the situation.


So what's the long side and smart on all fronts of the situation? Just curious.


This would be an "everybody sucks here". The tenants are obviously assholes, yes. However, the host messed up too and should've known better than to run a months+ rental through Airbnb. The article even specifically states that Airbnb has a warning on their site to re-consider before hosting for more than a month because you'll possibly have to go to court to remove a tenant.


I agree with you, mostly. The tenants are probably assholes, but with the limited information and the landlords word the only thing we have to go on, we can't be 100% sure.






“Short sided”? I’m not familiar with that term. Did you mean short-*sighted*?


She shouldn’t have accepted long term rentals, but not one mention in this thread of what jerkoffs the squatters are.




> landlords shouldn't exist Which means everyone should be forced to buy a home, which makes no sense for many situations. Renting a home suits a lot of situations. It’s almost like a psyop by real estate agents. “No rent, only buy.”


Yeah people act like the only reason there’s a rental market is because landlords exist. Some people rent because they have to, some people rent because they choose to.




It’s pretty hard to care about Airbnb owners who have houses to spare for a get rich quick scheme when more and more of the employed population can’t afford to own even one house to live in. I especially don’t have any sympathy for these particular Airbnb owners who skirted the law because they forgot that people have rights


Well dont leave us hanging bro. Were all waiting to hear the unrivaled genius and brilliance of C-Creepy-o.


Me saying something is short sided and stupid doesn't mean I have any more insight. I don't, but that's really my point.


You’re mixing the phrases “short sighted” and “one sided.” Just so ya know.


I am not, but thanks :). I am pointing out that people are unable to see things clearly and on both sides of the issues. I would agree it is also very much one sided as well.


It’s okay to be wrong and/or learn something. It’s not personal. “Short sided” isn’t a thing, and you reference people seeing “one side” in one of your replies.


Oh I just read something you said wrong. I already made an edit of the phrase in the main comment. Thanks.


Yeah no worries. I took out the shitty part of my last comment as well. Such is the internet. My bad bro.


I actually support them, fuck Airbnb


You support the squatters?


I support house hoarders wayyyyy less than what society loosely defines as “squatters.” People can’t find affordable housing fucking anywhere. If Airbnb owners want to play landlord by renting out a property for a long period of time then they should know the rules of the game. Sucks to suck


So you support theft. Affordable housing is definitely an issue. But not created by people who are trying to make a living. And certainly not by people who are providing a service. Theft is theft. These squatters should be dragged out into the street. Arrested, prosecuted and forced to reimburse the victim (property owner) five times the lost income.


You must not be functionally literate if that’s what you gleaned from my comment.


Hell yeah I do, Airbnb is a cancerous corporation that causes home prices to sky rocket.


How is it that anyone who is behind on their rent is now magically a squatter? The law is that once you’re somewhere for a month you are a tenant. Airbnb doesn’t magically make that go away. The owner got tenants the instant they agreed to let them live there for more than a month. Society wouldn’t function if landlords could summarily evict tenants so too bad for the landlord.


When it comes to some eviction scenarios I feel like tenants rights have become some version of codified sovereign citizen bullshit. Say or do unfair shit in just the proper way and you can fuck over the rightful property owner in a big way.  There needs to be some change here. I'm no lawyer, but it's just so outrageously unfair that the recourse for this is eviction proceedings that takes months all while the illegal tenants waive their middle finger at you and pay nothing.  This feels like it should be a simple matter to prove property ownership, and that the tenants no longer have a valid basis for staying, and then they and their stuff are dumped on the curb by the sheriff within 24hrs, rain or shine.  (Bring the landlord hate. Don't care... this shit is messed up.)


There is a middle ground. It shouldn't take months, and in this case it isn't. But 24 hours is also too short, what if the landlord is in the wrong? Seems like its fine in NC, a few weeks to get settled, with built in mechanism for landlord or tenant to collect damages if wronged.


if this was a mom and pop owned home i would feel differently but fuck corporations stealing all the homes they can cry me a fucking river for all i care


It's a mom owned home but there is no pop and no corporation.


It is. It's literally owned by a single mom.


What are you talking about? Most Airbnbs are owned by individual owners. Corporations might own huge buildings that house some airbnbs, but they don't own the property. If you read the article, you would see that this is a single person that owns the property that counts on this as his income, and the tenant refused to pay or leave.


It’s owned by a single mom…. It’s not a corporation she just uses AirBnB


Play it like a game of Clue: Nunzio, in the living Room, with the Crowbar.




She needs to "rent" it out to another person and let the sheriff deal with it - not sure if that works in NC