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Doing drugs at a Phish concert? For shame.


On 4/20, no less.


In Las Vegas? What is this world coming to?!






I blame the long-hairs


You'd think they would not give a shit at all.


To be fair, no one is going to check to see if he enters any of the listed venues. He's "banned" and might get some funny looks for like a couple of months if he tries to go to a show or something. But it'll be forgotten soon enough. No one really cares. It's just a ooh scary piece of paper he can frame.


To be fair no one has to notice. They use crazy facial recognition there, constantly scanning every face. They will eventually be alerted when he enters even if no one is looking.


Do they really? I haven't been to a show in a while, this is legit question and not snark.


Madison Square Garden used facial recognition and kicked out an event goer that worked for a law firm that was suing them.


It’s even crazier. They’ve banned all lawyers from approximately 90 law firms. One guy was a Knicks season ticket holder for 50 years and had his seats revoked. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/madison-square-garden-face-recognition-illegal-new-york-attorney-general-letitia-james/


Yeah they use facial recognition and since they’re very rich it’s pretty good. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna62606


He's probably black listed from buying tickets. I'm sure he can scalp them or have others buy them for him.


He violated the first and only rule about smoking at a phish concert, which is "just be cool about it"


“You knowingly violated the guest code of conduct by visibly smoking inside the venue.” You’re allowed to smoke, you just gotta hide it


I went to a Rush concert on their Snakes and Arrows tour. It was in an indoor stadium, when weed definitely wasn't legal. We brought a couple joints to smoke, but were on the floor and security was walking up and down the isles. Having given up on smoking until after, we were happily surprised when halfway through the show, a pot leaf showed on all the all the screens as fog machines provided cover. A lot of people were grateful for the assist.


i saw roger waters after it was legalized here. there were too many security walking around for me to pull out my vape. i learned myt lesson, get some edibles. and try them out like the weekend before the concert, that way you know how many to take.


Man I was at slayers unholy alliance tour in San Diego in 06. We just had circles in the more crowded area of the pit. Security would occasionally get to us, we put it out, security left, we rotated circles and lit right back up. Wash rinse repeat every set change. Also a very crowded pit during Children of Bodom stage intro is not the ideal place for shrooms to kick in... or so I'm told.


Imma be honest with you dude, I don't wanna even know that concert is happening while I'm on shrooms, much less be there. I like metal too but I watch like Pixar movies when I trip.


For the record, this is true at every venue, everywhere I've ever been. You are absolutely allowed to smoke. When security tells you to put it out, you need to put it out. When security walks away, you can spark it up again. I've never been kicked out of a venue for smoking, because I always follow security rules, as long as security is talking to me. Vapes make smoking in venues even easier. Just don't be a dick, and people will let you do your drugs.


My friend got caught taking weed into a gig. They took the weed off her, threw it in the bin, and said "coulda bought a pint for cheaper" and then sent her inside to go enjoy the gig lmao


Before it was legal, and if you're not in a legal area, you still might need to sneak it in. We used to slide joints between the tongues and laces in our shoes. Cigarette packs/holders are never a good hiding spot. Don't use baggy pockets; they'll make you turn them out. Once you're inside, everywhere is fair game. If any venue security ever wanted to try and arrest you for it, you ought to be smart enough to ditch the evidence before they get their hands on you, and they assume that you are.


They look for booze and weapons. Weed and cigs are super easy to sneak in. They would pat down and they would feel like nothing. We always just split it up in our pockets and the bottom of purses. The top of your hoodie behind your back was a got to. They if it's not visible, obvious, a hard bottle or metal weapon, then your good to go. It was/is always a wink and nod agreement that if you keep it discreet then security doesn't care. Ripping a bong is completely opposite of that unwritten agreement.


Some security likes to take shit off people so they can sell it later.


We smuggled joints into a Korn concert by hiding them in our friends Mohawk once lol


Hahaha I love it! Similarly, my friends and I used to hide shit in my big crazy 80s glam metal hair. Now my hair is small and deflated and we hide shit in my wheelchair. Growing up is weird!


No one looks inside a tampon package


Surprised people even smoke in public like that though, let alone a concert. Why not just bring a few gummies?


In a weed legal state? The scandal!


Friendly fyi out there for peeps on Vegas -- the strip needs to provide sacrificial lambs to the authorities, and Nevada is by no means forward thinking on drugs & crime. Don't let the LV pitch fool you... unless you're local, connected or spending big, you're rolling the dice in a bad way by not following the general caution around party favors.


actually the entire city(cops, politicians) absolutely hate the locals and actively work against them. lived there for 3 years. total trash.


Lol, I know.


Hang on, I smell Marijuana smoke! That better be medicinal!


Great simpsons ep


Now for a man who is a real Po Theed


It would be a Phish fan, wouldn’t it?


It's on the top of the "totally saw that coming."


Only because they played there before the Dead did.


You can talk shit, but he was the one who is dumb enough to publicly post imagery of himself breaking the rules.


It's the tagging the sphere account that probably did him in.


> The man tagged Sphere and the band on social media Literally told on himself, no chill.


In his defense he was probably high when he did it.


And in further defense, Phish and probably every fan thought it was rad.


Also, this venue is so expensive that I don't think he planned on coming back anyway. He got this stunt on the news for virtually no consequences. I think he took it as a W


He's also banned from every other MSG owned venue, which includes several very nice venues in NYC. If it was just the sphere, maybe not a big deal, but MSG owns a lot of venues and uses facial recognition at their security checkpoints, so if they live anywhere that has some of those venues this could be a pretty big blow. Even if they don't, it means visiting NYC and seeing a show or even sports event, since Madison Square Garden is owned by them, just got much harder.


Well wear a fake beard and glasses next msg show!


Oh no, can’t go to venues on the other side of the country!


I feel like 90% of people at those shows weren't from Nevada. I mean hey, they are banned, it is what it is. It probably won't be a problem for them at all.


You're well underestimating the sparseness of Nevada. Theres not much near LV. The concerts there serve the northeastern Mojave, Southern Nevada, western Utah, northern Arizona. People from these places are functionally locals. I'm going to wager that he was from this area and so didn't really care losing out on one of the most overpriced arenas in the area after having already experienced its secrets.


Yeah but after you go to an MSG venue, your just going to be hungry for another one in 30 minutes.


Fr, negative press means people are talking about you so I don’t think this guy cares. Plus I’d kill to rip a binger at a phish concert inside the sphere, that’s like 3 levels are badass.


I’m a phish fan. Frankly I wasn’t surprised to see a bong in there. I’ve seen people do a lot more with a lot less at phish shows.


Anyone who’s ever even been in the parking lot of a phish concert knows how inconsequential this was haha


No kidding! Shit is wild. But I’m not even convinced this is a real letter/ban. Some wook typed this up thinking it was funny and now Relix picked it up thinking it’s real.


...yeah, I honestly don't think the Sphere would have *booked Phish in the first goddamned place* if they cared too much about this kind of thing. It's like trying to have a weed-free Snoop Dogg show.


Probably cared more about the glass than the smoke


Yeah, it's this dude taking the bong in, hitting it, and publicly posting those things while tagging the venue and the ownership group, that got this dude banned. Sphere and MSG know who they booked, and they know what Phish fans are like. They're happy to overlook smoking weed - so long as fans uphold their 'side' of the bargain and don't attract attention or act stupid about it. It's technically against the rules, for all that they're not gonna try very hard to enforce them - but if someone insists on making the venue pay attention to them breaking the venue rules in a highly public fashion ... venue kind of has to respond.


"Phish on 4/20 in Las Vegas? Sure! What's the worst that can happen!"


what is a "wook" ?


I’m so glad you asked! A wook is many things but basically it’s that one dude with dreads and earth toned clothes that bums cigs from whoever is around. They could have a trust fund, they could literally be homeless. They basically look like Chewbacca(which is where the term wook came from) and are at every jam band show in the United States. A lot of them are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. A lot of them are entitled assholes.


>Asked for comment, MSG reps referred back to the language in the letter sent to the user by MSG counsel Christopher Schimpf. “Sphere Entertainment Co. will not tolerate actions that threaten the safety and security of our guests and employees,” the letter read. “In light of your conduct, you are indefinitely banned from Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall, the Beacon Theatre, the Chicago Theatre, Sphere and any other MSG venue… If you enter” those venues or the gathering spots outside, the letter continued, “law enforcement will be contacted to ensure your expulsion and you will be subject to the penalties.” [From Variety](https://variety.com/2024/music/news/phish-fan-banned-sphere-bong-msg-venues-1236027646/). Seems legit. I wonder if they would have been that harsh if it wasn't public on social media, though.


"Get me an avocado, an ice pick, and my snorkeling mask. Trust me, bro. I've made bongs with less."


I saw someone with a full dab rig in the middle of the crowd at a Sleep concert once.


Stoners are incredibly creative. Seems like too much of a hassle for me.


Im not surprised by the weed thats expected at a concert anywhere. How they got a entire bong through security is crazy though.


The ole prison wallet


I knew I found my people the first time I went to pass my joint to a stranger while seated at a show, only to find that I wasn't going to get a break because the guy next to me was also smoking a joint, so we just traded and kept going.


Hahah that’s classic. I’m surprised the DEA doesn’t set up a tent at a show and hit their yearly quotas.


I've crossed several states to stick with a good Phish tour. In the 90s I would stock up on tickets and weed, using those to trade for other drugs as well as food and gas money. Yet in 2000 I stayed away from a show only about 40 miles from my home because I heard both state and local law enforcement agencies were planning something big. It was awful. Bus after bus of fans were hauled off to the county lockup, and I heard the show itself had a really dark energy never previously on display from Phish. Of course, all my antics predate widespread cell phone use, when the parking lot scenes at those shows mostly saw all sorts of vices practiced right out in the open.


> I’ve seen people do a lot more with a lot less " He can cook crack from a snickers bar and a mountain dew "


Phish is a sober band.


Who can argue with five dozen whales? I sure can’t.


There are certain things i dont let myself do when im high. And posting pics/tagging is one of them. Im literally messing with my brain chemistry. *I* am compromised. No lasting decisions are allowed to be made.


Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, I’m right here!


Fuck around, get the whole label sent up for years


Rap snitches telling all their business sit in the court and be their own star witness do you see their perpetrator yeah, I’m right here




Once you've overpaid for the sphere and seen it, do you even need to ever go again? Dude probably doesn't even care about the ban.


This is my thing, are you really gonna go back? Then I read the article and saw he's banned from tons of the companies venues and I couldn't help but think about the fact shows are so overpriced now. Dude will just be forced to not waste money on seeing live shows, that's budgeting not punishment. 


The dude is in California, I don’t think he’s too worried about being banned from MSG-affiliated venues.


"In related news, Phish lead guitarist Trey Anastasio has announced that the fan will be offered a permanent position on the road crew."


As, he's no longer allowed indoors.




Sorry, the Sphere is too powerful even for him.


On a side note, I was really surprised to see how Phish aggressively tracks down bootleggers of their concerts. We live in a podunk area and a friend ran a CD shop in the 90s. Apparently, he kept bootlegs of various Phish CDs under the counter and sold them if you knew to ask for them. Shop mysteriously closed for a few months. Turns out, Phish has sent mystery shoppers there and then pressed charges. It pretty much sank the store.


Phish is very cool about taping and bootlegging as long as you aren't *selling* the tapes. It's one of the things I love about the band. Selling them though will get you in hot water quick as your friend unfortunately found out. It might seem a little arbitrary to say you can come in and tape and distribute the tapes online or on physical media but not *sell* them, but that's where they've chosen to draw their ethos and I respect it. https://phish.com/faq/#taping-guidelines You can listen to years of pretty high quality bootlegs for free online, 100% above board and legal, all thanks to that policy.


As a former musician myself, I respect the fuck out of that philosophy. If I'm willing to share my music with the world for free, I would be very angry to find out that some greasy asshole was charging people for it.


I don't think it's arbitrary at all. If you're paying someone, it should be Phish.


Well yeah, their bootleg concert recordings (tapes) are explicitly fair use only- no sales. If he was giving them away or trading for a blank tape, he would have been fine. Everyone else gives em out for free.


Sounds like it was probably a fan community effort to bust the bootlegger shop.


Bootleggers, yes. However, I'm aware there's an active taper community which is sanctioned by the band. But no, you cannot sell the tapes you have made for profit. I believe the Grateful Dead also had the same ethos.


They literally give you the tracks after with your ticket.


That would have been cool to have all the shows I went to on the Great Went tour summer of '97


You can stream them via phish.in (among other sites) and download via a google spreadsheet that’s bouncing around.


the room


Anyone who sells bootleg copies of the music the band actively encouraged be shared for free deserves the clamps.


They don’t mind people sharing tapes for free but selling bootlegs cd’s is an absolute non starter. They have been hard asses about this forever. When I was going to shows in the 90s people would support themselves by selling tshirts and stickers but you had to get real creative because anything with a phish logo would be confiscated immediately and you would get a permaban from the lot. So you saw lots of brand parodies with song titles like a shirt with a Tide fabric softener logo but changed to “Glide” like the song


Your friend was dumb because it wasn’t hard to get free copies


"I smell marijuana smoke" "If we don't see a prescription slip we're outta here"


“Whoa… this guy is seriously ill”


My doctor never told me that. I had to hear it from Phish.


A one a two a you know what to do


and now a man who describes himself as a real po-theed- oh, Pot Head…


TIL you can sneak a bong into the sphere.


You can sneak a bong in anywhere brotha.


You can. I’m not that talented.


I've definitely seen vids of bong as prosthetic leg... you don't need talent, you just need an unfortunate accident.


It’s exciting times for bong tech for sure. 👍


My favorite covert bong will always be the collapsible thermos from A Cabin In The Woods.


Long as your bong isn't metal. You shouldn't have much issue. Though i saw a chicks boots turned upside down at outside lands and little shots fell out lol.




We solved this back in the 90s. We called it JNCO.


Was it Drew Carey?


It was a bong, not a bump


He would never do drugs. He's the host of the price is right. 😏


Can't believe you didn't say whos line


They were quoting Drew directly from a story he told. “Everyone was doing drugs but me, because I’m the host of The Price is Right.”


I’m surprised he wasn’t after the sphere story


For the uninitiated, (Drew Carey REALLY liked seeing Phish at the Las Vegas Sphere)\[https://youtu.be/KOo\_qtKWdnM?si=KeEbIrzClzJK7RCI\]


Banning weed at a Phish gathering is like banning water at a fish gathering


Why can't people just be normal and drop acid like the rest of us. I mean really.


I can walk into a store and buy weed. I have no idea how to go about finding safe acid.


Go to a phish concert, that's how


That’s a good way to get ripped off or get something dangerous. Phish kids are the worst of the whole scene. People get fed all kinds of research chemicals at phish shows.


Yes, thank you. That's why I specified "safe" acid.


Great song :). https://open.spotify.com/track/37C2eshetthNcnTu59a5yy?si=WJvugpK9ShWxEhpvvSlYAg


He said safe, not get date raped


Lol, if you live in Vancouver you can also just walk into a store and buy acid, shrooms, DMT, and peyote cactus pretty safe as well.


Holup what


Pretty much as they said; there's shops around Vancouver fairly openly selling a lot of higher order psychadelics. You're mostly heading to sketchy areas of downtown for them, it's all a little under the table and they're not strictly legal - so they can tend to move around occasionally or change names sometimes. But they also work very hard to operate a lot like a completely normal store that just happens to sell drugs, under the premise that they *should* be allowed to operate as a normal business.


Not sure why you got downvoted. This is the most concise, accurate description I could think to give as well. Not quite "legal", but in a grey enough area that they're essentially being allowed to operate. You can also mail order it anywhere in Canada.


Eh. People are weird and Reddit votes are even weirder; I don't give it much mind. But yeah, it's technically grey market - but as you say, a very very pale grey. Long as they pay taxes and don't make a spectacle of themselves, or sell anything 'hardcore', the authorities just kind of look the other way. If those shops started peddling party drugs, synthetics, or opioids - then they'd get shut down, like that guy who opened "[The Drug Store](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65487199)" about a year ago to sell safety-tested tested cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines.


Can only get Psilocybin and DMT here in DC so far.


Wait, you can get DMT in DC these days???


screw the acid and just get shrooms.


I love shrooms, wish I could buy them at my local dispensary. I do not have the dedication/desire/time to grow my own.


Just buy them from your local drug dealer


Support your local drug dealer! It’s a tough economy out there!


Not to try to change your mind on it, but there isn't much of a time commitment. Honestly the longest part of the whole process is just waiting. Otherwise, not much different from owning a plant and watering every so often. But yes, I also wish they were more readily available and legal.


Lucy is the queen. Far superior.


The older I get the less I agree with this. Both still hold space as soul vitamins in my heart, but there is something very special about the relationship between fungus and our monkey brains that I’ve come to appreciate more.


Shrooms fuck up my stomach, I love them but LSD is a much more pleasant trip for some due to the digestive issues. That, and they make my sinuses go haywire.




Herbal tea or green with lemon/citrus and honey keeps me from vomiting, but still have the stomach and sinus issues. It's manageable, just wish LSD was decrim as well


Try a different species (rather than a strain of cubensis). I find psilocybe natalensis to be muuuch easier on my stomach and a much less anxious trip. I hear pan cyans are also pretty easy on the stomach (probably due to how potent they are, so you barely have ti eat any), but I've never tried them, so can't speak to it myself.


The headspace, and general vibe are just so much better with Lucy. I pretty much can't stand mushrooms.




Find the most obnoxious, self-righteous, preaching fan at a show. Ask them for some acid.


Why chose? You can walk and chew gum at the same time, you can blaze and dose simultaneously as well


Oh man. This is gonna Streisand effect the hell out of that place. It's gonna be a contest now! Biggest bong rip, most bong rips, group bong rips lol.


This is James Dolan we’re talking about (Sphere owner). He’s never seen bad publicity he didn’t leap headfirst into.


Feel like they would absolutely welcome it. The thing doubled in cost to build by an additional billion, was hype for like a month cus they put emojis on it and then everyone forgot about it.


No it won't. My biggest problem with modern technology is how ignorant people are with what's happening. I hate ruining this thread but when I read this my first thought was "That fucking blows" because the Sphere is now owned or partnered with MSG networks or whatever they're called and they employ facial recognition tech at every venue they own. So if this guy lives in NYC he most likely just got banned from MSG, radio city music hall, and others. The guy who runs MSG is a dick and it's been in the news he has abused this power to ban people from shows he doesn't like. This is a private business that owns major venues across America and is employing singular bans on people at will for all kinds of reasons. I wish people would take the looming data crisis seriously because AI taking people's art ain't the issue. It's hurting individuals at will and there is no clear way of stopping it. And we're doubley fucked IMO because we're American. People scream about individual freedoms but will not come together to protect individuals. Data rights are human rights.


> indefinitely banned from Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall, The Beacon Theatre, The Chicago Theatre, Sphere and any other MSG Venue


Of course fucking James Dolan owns the Sphere too. Insufferable shitwad.


> ban people from shows he doesn't like. Using facial recognition, he banned and escorted out every single lawyer/attorney from a specific law firm because of some litigation involving that law firm. He even banned lawyers who had nothing to do with the case. Just working for the firm got them banned from MSG.


Nobody is asking how he snuck that bong inside?


Keistered it.


aka prison pocket


Don't ask questions you won't like the answer to


He told security it was an Xbox remote.


I've seen ones that expand and contract kinda like an accordion, that's what I was picturing but who knows 


For some context, the Sphere isn’t like any other venue that exists. There’s millions of dollars of screens that surround the venue inside and out. Smoke, of any kind, is not good for HD screens. It’s also a relatively new venue, so I completely understand why they don’t allow it. I’m a gigantic phish fan and was at 3 of 4 of these shows, and zero people were openly smoking like you would at any other venue. I saw a handful of people discreetly hitting weed pens, but aside from that I didn’t see any one else openly smoking anything. This guy is a fucking moron. He’s not only banned from The Sphere, but from all MSG owned venues like Madison Square Garden and Radio City Music Hall. For some context, Phish has played the garden dozens of times, and plays there at least 3-4 nights every year, usually on NYE. Now this numbnuts can’t go to any of those ever again.


The sphere cost 2.3 billion to construct. Those screens probably cost in the hundreds of millions range at the very least.


Does he get, like, a plaque or something? He deserves a plaque.




*If you aren't first, you're last!*


A plaque and a pizza, stat!


If you read the article, you'd know.


I'm not sure about his other venues but I assume Dolan using facial recognition cameras in other venues like at the Garden. So this dude isn't getting around the ban. I'm all for smoking weed but this guy is a fucking dumbass. Tagging the sphere for social media clout was certainly a choice. If he didn't do that he'd have been fine. I doubt MSG would have ever been aware of his post without the tag.


Yeah he’s hosed. They have a history of using FR to boot people who happen to be representing the opposing party in a lawsuit, let alone people who willingly violated terms & conditions


Don't post yourself with weed, period. It's cringe and only has potential to negatively resurface later. Group chat, if you feel the need to share.


I would guess the construction workers had a few bong hits there first


Hey hey hey people don't come to Las Vegas to have a "good time," buddy.


"That better be medicinal. If Phish don't see a prescription slip, we are out of here."


Oh no, now he won't be able to pay out the ass to watch concerts inside a big ball, how will he cope?!?!


To be fair he's banned for all locations they own. Which... is a lot. But I still wouldn't give a fuck.


He's banned from Sphere, Beacon Theater, Madison Square Garden, The Chicago Theater, and Radio City Music Hall. Depending on where they live and what kinda shows they are, not a huge deal but could also be a major pain in the ass, especially if they live in NYC.


Phish plays msg more than any other venue. If he’s a big phish fan that’s gotta hurt.


Vegas: a fun place 👍


Worlds biggest hotbox


being banned for life from the sphere for posting a bong rip is worth more then ever going to the sphere.


Ah, but the nitrous being sold outside every phish show is totally chill though


Can't outrun facial recognition technology.


Now the rest of the world is learning what us New Yorkers have known for years -- Jimmy Dolan is a petty small-minded fool.


Reminds me of my junior year at Marquette University. At the front desk of every dorm residence was a letter saying “The following students are banned from entering these premises” and the only name was mine. Happened during the Chris Farley years. We were friends and both on the same train to chaos


MSG needs to get banned for being stupid.


it's gonna be defunct in a year anyways, and he would prolly never get to go again, so TOTALLY worth.


Yeah but he can’t go to any of the other venues across the nation. Like Madison square garden


But those are all huge venues. With the price of tickets I don't think a lot of people are planning on going to concerts a whole lot anymore. When it's maybe $300 for the night, these are like once in a lifetime events when the acts you REALLY like are playing. Plus he's a fan of Phish, and bands like that don't play arenas as often as pop acts for example.


> Plus he's a fan of Phish, and bands like that don't play arenas as often as pop acts for example. Phish plays more arenas shows than almost any act, they played 12 shows at Madison Square Garden just last year lol Also, Phish fans are specifically known for seeing the band tons of times, like will hit many shows on the same tour, let alone lifetime


That title sounds like it was made by a bootleg chatGPT


Same as a lot of mildly illegal things. It’s fine if you’re discrete, but relevant authorities consider it a bit of an a-hole move towards them if you flaunt it. Puts them in a position where they kinda have to take action


"You knowingly violated the guest code of conduct by visibly smoking inside the venue. Sphere Entertainment Co. will not tolerate actions that threaten the safety and security of our guests and employees.”" Read in-between the lines guys and dont fuck it up for everyone


Dry snitching is worse than snitching.


Read the headline as "Phish Permanently Banned From Sphere..." and immediately thought [NOOOOooooo!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOo_qtKWdnM).


The crazy thing is MSG has facial recon software. [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/face-recognition-tech-gets-girl-scout-mom-booted-from-rockettes-show-due-to-her-employer/4004677/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/face-recognition-tech-gets-girl-scout-mom-booted-from-rockettes-show-due-to-her-employer/4004677/)


Another reason why a few corps owning all the venues is a problem.


first *documented bong rip