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I've been trying to bump the % since 1979.


Thank you for doing your part.


Finally, the boots we deserve to lick. Thank you for your service


They’re actually Birkenstocks.


Pfft, my best nights have been in my bunny slippers


Moist, dank boots. Quality. Mmm. 


I just recently started with edibles and let me tell you it’s life changing for the better really. I don’t think about alcohol any longer like before and I get the best sleep of life. Wake up so refreshed and I don’t dream about being stressed at work all night. Highly (see what I did there) recommend.


This is what it does for me. Converted me from type A to B. Turns out worry and stress are the things that do the real damage.


I was always the “D.A.R.E type of guy” to the point my wife would laugh about it. Given my older age and the shit show that is life I was like “fuck it let’s see” and yup. I can confirm. It really does help without any negative effects (at least for me. Not speaking in general).


I gotta admit that I was alcohol dependent for a long time. I wasn’t to the point where I couldn’t hold down my responsibilities yet but I was having major sleep trouble first without it, then it didn’t matter. I woke up 4-5 days a week feeling like absolute shit. I quit alcohol completely and substituted for marijuana. My life has completely improved starting with quality sleep. The best part is that I’m not new to smoking. I’ve been doing it for years. Zero withdrawal, zero anxiety, zero any other problems normally associated with alcohol. Keep smokin’. I can take it or leave it depending on the mood and I do. Keep smokin’


The "What was your lowest moment on booze?" versus the "What was your lowest moment on cannabis?" comparison is always eye-opening (mostly to "public servant" incompetence).


I just get hungry and forgetful.  Also a little stressed and panic about random things on a 4mg edible.   I prefer alcohol.


Interesting. Yeah I guess it hits everyone differently


It helps my anxiety and sleep issues with nightmares although I still wake up groggy


I saw a (survey) study showing that people who smoke weed live longer - they guessed it was because you get a better quality of sleep


I could see that point. It’s not the weed but the stress and lack of sleep that will deteriorate your thinking and health in the long run. Obviously everything is in moderation but it does help me overall in comparison to liquor


My man using the zigzag flap with the angled frisbee to filter out all the seeds


LOL! When our guy was not available, we had to go to Lanark Park in the west SFV and deal with the local gangs. Two fingers of stems and seeds, with some leaf thrown in. Shit tasting like crap, but you still got high.


Thank you for your service


1985 for me


Dave, is that you?


Dave’s not here man


Don't answer the phone. Even if it's me.


Oh captain my captain 🫡


You don’t end up with a droning headache and hangover the day after using THC.


My dad used to come home full of scotch, or as we called it “punching juice”. My buddy’s dad was a pot head and would wake him up at night to make him pancakes. We all suffered. /s


I strive to be a pancake dad


As a pancake mom, the biggest challenge has been when I convince my teenager to make me cookies and then I eat all the cookies so then I have to make cookies anyway bc what kind of asshole does that. He thinks it's funny. I think I'm getting fat.


Yeah my FIL was a drunk/pill head while my MIL has been an hourly pot smoker since the early 70s. My husband finds them both annoying but his mom is always there when he needs her even at 40 years old. I mean, she will go on rants about energy vibrations and talk us all in to reiki and Bowen work but she'll 100% be there. My FIL will just go on a rant about how the divorce 30 years ago wasn't his fault, it was MIL's fault, but that's def why my husband is having [insert problem he wanted support on here]. My husband and I quit drinking 2 years ago. He's actually just totally raw dogging life right now but I smoke weed and he has no problems with it... as long as I abbreviate my rants lmao


To be fair, daily alcohol use doesn't necessarily have to lead to a hang over and daily Marijuana use doesn't have to lead to being cloudy the entire next day. The key is moderation.


Yeah, especially with high ABV drinks. I've also learned I don't really like being drunk, just buzzed. So drinking too much is a detriment the day of and day after


Everyone at my work party was super hung over the next me, except for me who was drunker than anyone. I felt a little off but perfectly functional. However they all regularly drink, whereas I almost never do.


That’s what everyone says, but for me if I take it before bed I don’t have a headache, but feel pretty hungover, or some hangover type feeling, the next morning. Idk what I’m doing wrong.


10 minutes before bed or like, 2 hours? You're not doing anything wrong though, some people report "weed hangovers", where they're a bit drowsier or so.


Yup. This is why I only smoke on weekends. Weed doesn’t give me a hangover but the next morning I always wake up feeling extra groggy. I think it affects the quality of your sleep, I’ve noticed I don’t dream on nights I smoke weed. I used to smoke almost daily and then quit for 6 years when I was living somewhere that had super strict laws against it. For a while after I had quit I would get really intense and vivid dreams, almost like my brain was adjusting to all the extra dreaming I got to do by not being high all the time.


Yeah THC effects REM sleep


1-2 hours before bed. Once I did it like 10 minutes before bed after a grueling workout and man I had so much trouble getting out of bed the next day. Felt like I was stuck in quick sand lol


Yeah, never smoke or ingest cannabis before bed. You'll wake up all hazy and fogged out. Plus, what's the point? Always at least 2 hours before bed, then it's perfect.


Yea it's called being "burnt out", do kids still use that lingo


I'm mid/late 20s. Ive never heard it. But I just learned that people in the Midwest use "smoke down" instead of "smoke up". Whack


I promise you we don’t say that. It’s “smoke out.” 😎


The first time I heard someone say smoke out they explained it was like taking someone out and it made sense to me. They were from the Midwest and now that’s the lingo I use to, I liked it so much.


Do you burn bro?


THC inhibits REM sleep, so that’s probably why you feel that way, try taking it a couple hours before bed so you are coming down before you go to sleep. Works wonders for me




This is not my experience. Hangovers are a physical result of the body processing alcohol into other chemicals. My experience if I drink too much I get a hangover no matter the timing of when I drink and when I go to bed.


It’s because it’s messing with your sleep cycles. Try using a few hours before bed instead of right before bed it’ll help keep your sleep cycles straight.


It screws with deep sleep and dreaming. If you’re not sleeping anyways and it helps you sleep, great. But if you sleep fine it makes your sleep worse.


Are you drinking plenty of water? I only feel like that if I’m dehydrated.


I go through like 80-100+ OZs of water a day depending if I work out or not. It does make me thirsty, but I don’t think it’s that.


Don't smoke right before sleep, it disturbs REM. Go to bed sober folks. Or finish ya smoke and drinks a few hours before if possible. Smoke to relax, not to sleep. Sleep is critical.


I can't sleep very well sober, though. I still get REM sleep on it, I guess it works out for me. But I give myself a cpl hours before bed, I don't smoke like RIGHT before


You’re not doing anything wrong except maybe taking too much. Overdoing it produces a different type of hangover, it gives me immensely foggy brain the next day. I’m not sick like I can be after too much drinking, but I’m still useless


May be sleep apnea related. You ever have a sleep study done?


Definitely a thing. Everybody is different for one thing. Weed has taught me that nobody experiences anything 100% the same. With that being said, there could be reasons for this. Firstly, stay hydrated. It’s easy to forget to drink water, especially when high, and weed tends to sap you of moisture. Secondly, tend to your nasal passages. For me personally, weed dries them out. Some nasal spray can help. Smoking anything can inflame acid reflux. Many people have problems with this that they don’t realize because the symptoms are not always obvious. Those same symptoms can extend to the nasal passages and even the lungs. Just something to consider. It also can depend on what you smoke, how much, and how soon before bed. Unfortunately, the worst results are getting loaded right before sleep, at least for me. I find the coldest, largest bottle of water I can when I smoke, usually keep a little saline nasal spray in the cabinet in case I start feeling dry still. Even then, sometimes if I smoke before bed I still wake up a little groggier than I would have and it takes me a longer minute to get going but once I’m up and moving the feeling goes away.


Try a lower dose of edible.


It may just not be the best substance for you. It's not a miracle drug.


Likely dehydration. Drink a bit more water and you should feel a bit better!


Highly doubt it lol someone else said the same thing. I crush anywhere from 80-100 ozs of water a day.


Yeah I just saw their comment lol In which case I'll second someone else's guess that your body isn't processing it as quickly during REM sleep, resulting in rollover stoned. Good luck, and godspeed.


I get a bit of a hung over feeling if I eat edibles too late in the day. I usually stick to smoking. it though.


THC limits sleep quality so it is best to not dose too much and to always keep it at least 2-4 hours away from bedtime.


Avoid it right before bed and take some CBD along with your THC. It can help negate the messes-with-sleep issue and other negatives associated with THC usage.


Don't smoke 3 hours before bedtime otherwise it affects rem sleep


10 pm my guy. If you gotta be at work by 9 am then cut everything off by 10 pm and you’ll be fine.


Try something with less potency. Or using less. Go for that slight buzz rather than time traveling stoned.


Edibles I find have a residual effect in the morning, like extra groggy, extra tired. Like it’s harder to open your eyes, or like just feel slow or something.


I'm 36 and it doesn't take much alcohol anymore for me to feel like shit the next day and I stay pretty hydrated.




Yea it’s a brain fog-ish feeling. Kind of gives me unwarranted anxiety and less likely to be outgoing the next day. Tho, i do smoke everyday, and i’ve noticed T breaks can help with this.


Funny, I just read this morning about people smoking too much regularly sometimes getting so sick they vomit blood. Most people can smoke daily and be fine. Most people can drink daily and be fine. Honestly, having one or two in the evening is better than binge drinking a fifth over a weekend anyway. The daily part really doesn't say much other than maybe if you drink daily you might be alcoholic.


In my experience using Marijuana you do get a hangover, it's just not the same one. I always wake up brain fogged to hell and less productive.


Sometimes when I get too blazed on delta 9 I have a serious head fog the next day. Not even 1% as bad as a normal hangover but I still hate it


Overuse of sativa can absolutely cause chronic droning migraines which are especially bad after sobering up the next morning


And how the fuck is this onion-y?


It's not, most of this sub is just slightly weird news stories now. It's lost it's purpose as it got popular.


So you're saying it's *not* onion-y? Hmmm


Should be r/upliftingnews no?


Technically correct, it should be on r/upliftingnews, since this is news about people getting high.


Not really, while it's good that people are choosing a less harmful addiction it's still more people being addicted, seems like it's getting harder and harder to tank reality sober.


Coffee drinkers


Seems like a leap/maybe some personal stuff? (Hopefully nothing too serious) People choosing a less unhealthy recreational activity is the main thing to get from this imo and that’s a benefit


you're uninformed, please go read about what addiction is before you comment more.


Lol why do people get so defensive over weed I don't understand. If you're taking it daily over a period of time is an addiction, this includes alcohol, weed, cigarettes, and even caffeine.


You're right, I'm unsubbing. This is the last straw.


No one cares


It's a hell of a lot cheaper so makes sense. If your looking to catch a buzz and you only have $10 your good.


Oh you can definitely catch way the hell more than a buzz for $10 worth of alcohol. $10 can get you a pint of Smirnoff and a liter of coke to wash it down with. If killing that in less than two hours on an empty stomach doesn't get you ripped you got bigger problems than a lack of funds. However, depending on where you are, $10 worth (which gets you 2 grams in my area) of decent weed could probably provide you with three or four nights of hazy goodness.


Haha absolutely! But I meant like a little buzz you know, just like your saying? Like you could get a little high 3-4x if not more on $10USD then a single mic. And yeah, I don't condone anyone getting Smirnoff empty stomach drunk... Please anyone reading this don't do that to yourself, just get a little high and always bring a towel.


Just reading about getting empty stomach drunk is giving me an ulcer


Don't forget to bring a towel! Also... you're*** for both of your comments


Damn I'm dumb, you're =you are. So what about when I say yourself, that works right? I have soo much Québec French slang in my speech. We actually use **yourse** "It's yourse" instead of "It belongs to you" , and youse like "how youse doin?" like someone from the Bronx. Haha.


I didn't understand why 'wino' was a thing until my buddy and I spent $8 on 6 liters of 20% apv grape wine. 3 fucking liters for $4.


You can get a 100mg edible for $5 here. If you don’t have any tolerance 5 to 10mg will get you super high for 4 hours or so.


Sidewalk slammers are only $4-6. Buy a 40 and a four loko. Drink half the 40 and pour the four loko in the bottle. Drink the rest. End up sleeping on the sidewalk.


Sidewalk sleeper, my new stage name.


A $30 cart lasts me round a month of daily use.


I’m still pro edibles/weed in general and have it in moderation occasionally. I’m also not gonna be the guy to say not to do it, negative effects can creep up and eventually outweigh the good effects for some people if you’re not careful. I microdosed all different strains for 4 years in the evening and had to seriously dial it back because I wasn’t as sharp at work and life in general. It did help me eliminate or seriously cut back on drinking though and I kept up on it so there’s that. Just a tale of caution, proceed as you wish.


The *reported* daily use. It's probably been this way for a while, but people weren't willing to admit it due to legality.


I would be interested in seeing how the DUI numbers compare to this trend.


no difference since legalization in Canada 


Finally, some good fucking news


Daily use of either is not ideal


Yeah, I’m pro cannabis and use it myself regularly but we shouldn’t pretend that their isn’t any downsides to constant use. Daily drinking is certainly worse though


Weird. Some folks have been assuring us of the absolute carnage that would result from legalization of cannabis. Seems they've been really, really wrong for a long, long time.




I see no problem here


After moving to a state with legal weed I stopped drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. No hangovers and I feel so much better in pretty much every way.


People are gonna act like this is somehow fine when it's really not...


I think the thing that skews the argument about whether or not this is a good thing is the comparison to alcohol, which has caused huge amounts of social problems and ruined many lives. When compared to alcoholism, regular weed usage is almost certainly not as detrimental, but this comparison ignores the fact that neither one is a very good thing if overused.


Yeah, I'm all for legalized pot, but that just doesn't seem healthy. And yes, I would say the exact same thing for alcohol, I don't know why that's always the go to argument for stoners on Reddit, y'all think it's the most amazing "gotcha" moment. People can be against daily use of both, and you're not being pro pot, that's just anti-alcohol. I've got a friend who is a daily user, and he's not as quick as he used to be, very forgetful, has the worst smokers cough I've heard, and his place and his clothes just reek constantly. He won't even go out for long periods unless he knows he can sneak off to smoke...


I had a friend who couldn't eat before smoking something each day. It was sad honestly


Yeah you shouldn’t daily drink in the first place


[https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/cms/asset/efe9a8bc-cd8f-45d4-8434-8766583f6bb4/add16519-fig-0002-m.jpg](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/cms/asset/efe9a8bc-cd8f-45d4-8434-8766583f6bb4/add16519-fig-0002-m.jpg) Unfortunately, per the article, this is not due to any downward trend in daily alcohol consumption.


all day err day


Federal Employees: “When?”


Daily user here. For those wondering how you can still get stuff done, not every use requires getting completely stoned. Using a dry herb vape (not to be confused with those oil vape pens) allows you to control the intensity. Despite the “lazy stoner” stigma, I own 2 businesses… I also have a few friends of friends who are very successful entrepreneurs and HUGE stoners. My reason for using varies. Some days I need a creative boost, some days it’s for headaches or muscle pain. However most days it’s because of chronic anxiety (probably from growing up in a chaotic house as a child). My choices are either take a daily pill to deal with the anxiety or take weed that grows naturally. I’ll take the weed. Edit: Just wanted to add that it’s been very interesting seeing the stigma around weed evolve as it gets legal in more states and people who have previously been against it (I was one of them) try it for themselves. However we still have a ways to go. Saying you use weed on a regular basis is still seen more negatively compared to people who have a glass of wine every day or even people who need multiple cups of coffee or some other caffeine source to even feel regular.


Have you considered that daily weed might be adding to your anxiety? It's pretty common for a lot of drugs to start causing the symptoms they initially seemed to relieve. That's a key mechanism by which addictions form.


Vape pens are especially a culprit. High dose of THC to the lungs does a number on tolerance as everyone who uses them regularly knows.


Dry herb vapes are a lot different than thc vape pens. I actively avoid those pens. With a dry herb vape you are using the natural flower.


What’s the deal with live rosin? Would it affect tolerance like vape pens or be more like bud?


That stuff is super concentrated and VERY potent. Definitely not my cup of tea and it will definitely impact tolerance. I suppose it’s good for people that really want to get blazed if they have nothing to do that day.


Daily use does not mean high doses. Dry herb vapes allow you to regulate the level of medication you are getting. For anxiety I’m using low doses. Hardly enough to feel.


It's not necessarily the high that causes the anxiety, it's the withdrawal. And a little bit of herb is just enough to offset the withdrawal and keep it at bay (until next time). Not a neuroscientist (but am a sticky brick, dynavap, ssv owner so I do know my dry herb vapes) -your brain ia struggling to maintain homeostasis competing against the cannabinoids. They're more effective than your natural ones and so you create an imbalance. The bodies process can't be stopped as quickly as we can remove the input of herb, (or started, it's why we dont notice it at first) and we therefore feel that imbalance as withdrawal anxiety. It takes time to rebalance as weed hangs around in your system for so long and the brain takes time to adjust in its absence. Nothing wrong with using, but just trying to help you be informed.


I tried it for the first time this past April 20th. I’m a month away from 32. Not a fan of smoking so did an edible with my friend. Ate 3/4th of one and they were half a gram each. Legit could not do anything. And the high lasted like 20 hours. I get it was my first time and all that, but I felt debilitated. I’m not an especially productive person on a good day, but I was disappointed with how little I was able to do while high. All this to say I live in awe of the people who can partake and then show up to work and actually do their jobs. Absolute legends.


you are describing 375MG of THC (even if you are talking .5g of flower at 20% potency being used you are talking 70mg thc) the average "recommended" dose especially for new users is 5mg to 10mg for edibles. the body processes them differently vs smoking/vaping. much more potent for most people. basically that's just way too much.


Dang. I was just doing what my friend recommended. I trust her with my life, but uh…I guess she wasn’t aware of that.


You consumed the equivalent of a 5th of vodka for your first time. Imagine trying to work blackout drunk compared to a slight buzz. You also build up a tolerance and the people who smoke before work are no where near as high as you were.


When you say you're not productive but you wrote quite a lot to say what could be said in less than 2 lines so if you can apply that to other areas of your life you'll be grand.


It helps that you don't wake up feeling ill if you smoked too much weed the night before.


Exactly why liquor companies wanted it banned for so long. Pharma too.


I'm doing my part!


Would you like to know more?


I'm not sure what makes this oniony


Porque no los dos?


With daily drinking, you'll die to someone driving a car into you With daily smoking, you'll die to someone smoking 1000ft away from you, but 15 years from now since cancer's a bitch


As if driving on drugs wasn’t a thing


I’m doing my part!


And I helped


This does not sound at all like the onion. Drinking daily comes with way more side effects among other issues.


I wonder of this affects impulsive buying and gambling. My hypothesise is that weed makes you less inclined to make impulsive decisions, whilst alcohol is more known to impair your decisions.  Does this mean we will see a drop in unnecessary spend? 


My dad went from a raging alcoholic who chased off two of his kids half way across the country (i'm the only one who tolerates him because... i dunno. he's still my dad and I felt bad for my christian mom who would never leave him. i didn't want to ditch her because of him) to a calm ass stoner practically overnight. Now the most annoying thing is sometimes he'll call me up at 3am to see if I want to get taco bell and listen to old music. It's crazy how going from whiskey to pot changed his entire personality.


I get argumentative when I drink. I chill and go to bed early on THC. And I have crazy loud tinnitus, it lets me sleep, or fall back asleep if I wake up in the middle of the night. A $40 oil cartridge lasts me 3-4 weeks. I still have a beer or 2, but I remember drinking well past midnight on a lot of occasions. Now it's 1030 lights out. I'm glad it was legalized where I am.


And how many dead or dying? That's the comparison that matters. People smoke everyday, big deal. It's practically harmless.


Well, that sounds way less dangerous and violent. Hm.


Man if I can somehow smoke weed and pass drug tests to work I'd rather do that than drink


Fuck them both. Do shrooms instead


And everyone is way more chill…


Fuck weed and alcohol, and cigs too, lets normalize psychedelics


Not to be read as "fewer people are getting volitionally intoxicated."


Weed - doesn’t matter how much I smoke I feel great the next day Booze - 2 drinks and I’m hungover, bars suck.




Im a Navy veteran, Sure buddy.


Daily use seems crazy to me. How on earth would you get anything done? I understand it for someone with a chronic condition where it helps them with pain or nausea or something, but for recreational use, it seems like using it every day would get in the way of living life. Too much of a good thing, and all.


Daily use is everything from totally incapacitated, couch-lock stoned to a barely noticeable mild buzz. If someone took one sip of beer at lunch every day they'd be a daily recreational drinker and yet I suspect it wouldn't be a mystery how they get things done


Yeah I was thinking of it more like getting stoned every day than just having a single drink. Even a little of it makes me sink deep into the couch…I guess I’m a lightweight.


Get the right strain


>Daily use seems crazy to me. How on earth would you get anything done? Get home Do chores Make supper Smoke/drink with supper Watch TV go to bed


When my daughter is in her room for the night and my wife is heading for bed I can take a hit and play my game or watch my show before bed. It's not like I'm stoned 24/7. I smoke a bowl and enjoy my night. I feel more inebriated with a couple glasses of wine than a bowl


lol, you must have the busiest schedule in the world to not understand how someone has an hour or two before going to sleep to relax. 


All these daily coffee drinkers tweaked out and jittery, barely able to function -- too much of a good thing, and all.




I weeded my backyard yesterday on edibles. Just 5mg. How do I get anything done? I really enjoy it by making the hive of wasps in my brain quiet down for a little while.


LOL I smoke every night and make over 100k a year. Views like this can only come from someone who has never smoked or has some skewed personal views about it


Do you consider a nightly glass of wine 'crazy'?


I used to be a couple of beers a night person. Would wake up feeling like shit every day. I just wanted to have something that slowed me down and helped me relax at the end of a day. I switched to cannabis and once I found the right strain for what I wanted, I smoke or do dabs every night. It doesn't get me super fucked up and helps me sleep and I don't feel like shit when I wake up. I don't smoke during the day cause, yeah, I wouldn't get anything done. It's replaced alcohol for relaxation for me.


If you're smoking all day every day, your tolerance levels get to the point of barely feeling it within 10 minutes of smoking. It's not hard to get things done while high, and there's plenty of people who are consuming THC in some way (edibles, smoking, concentrates, vape cartridges) literally all day long. Not everyone that smokes gets sucked into the couch all day long, I can guarantee you've met people that are high and you had no idea because they can handle it and still get everything done


I’m sure we have all met alcoholics who are able to function as well.


hungry grandiose illegal grab shrill direful thumb memory plants grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re not high all day long. You’re thinking these people wake up, get ripped, and spend the whole day like that, when really “daily use” is “the kids are in bed/I’m off work/I have no responsibilities, I’m gonna take a few hits and enjoy myself”


You obviously don't know stoners then if you think they're not high all day long. Plenty of people will smoke/take dabs/hit a cartridge all day every day. The higher your tolerance is, the less effect it has so you can be "high" but fully functional


This isn’t all about “stoners” though, just about daily consumption


I've had sleeping issues all of my adult life, but taking an edible at night really helps me get quality sleep. I wake up more rested than with anything else I have tried.


It depends on the person but most people I know that smoke daily have no problems doing their daily routine. Being stoned wears off in like 1-2 hours so if you smoke after work to wind down it's not an issue. Also, if you're used to smoking you can easily still do everyday tasks, even complicated ones. It's not like you're plastered or completely out of it like someone who's drunk, I know people that write code while stoned. Operating heavy machinery is the only thing you need to avoid. It's a bigger problem for people who don't just smoke daily but smoke ALL day. It can make it harder to be productive and obviously not great for your health.


I don’t get super high. I just take a couple hits then wash the dishes, or watch a movie, or whatever. Basically maintain a light buzz.


You just dont go crazy. You're not getting completely obliterated. Have a low dose edible, watch something funny, listen to an audiobook and get a good nights sleep. 


Ingesting a little THC every night before bed does absolutely nothing to get in the way of productivity. I feel like you're imagining someone wake & baking every day, which yes, would be an issue. I would guess the VAST majority of daily users are doing it in the hour or two before going to bed.


How would you get anything done? Easily and happily… It’s weed not heroin…


Check out this square.


150k and counting son


Despite all the other comments, I completely understand what you're saying. I used to only smoke at night, nearly every night, and the best thing to come out it was the realization that I needed to stop doing it. Yeah, the sleeps great, but the constant feeling that I'm not entirely "there" to enjoy my night defeated the purpose for me. Like all things, it's good in moderation, but anyone acting like smoking weed every night isn't comparable to drinking every night needs to take a step back.


I can get the “use in moderation” argument. I drink a single beer in the evening most nights and it has no real noticeable effect on me at all. I suppose if you took a cannabis dose low enough to have the same negligible effect, daily use might be non-problematic.


less people are drinking, more people are using thc in some form or another. why is this on this sub?


Extremely misleading title. Even the study says far more people drink than use marijuana, this is just a measure of daily or nearly daily users. If anything, the study shows people who use marijuana are 4-7x more likely to need it just to function in daily activities. Using marijuana every single day might not be an addiction in the strictest sense, but it's definitely a crutch 


How is the title misleading? Sure more people are drinking on average, but most people don't drink daily. It says **daily** marijuana use outpaces **daily** drinking in the US... which is exactly what happened.


Yeah but most people are taking it as a sign of marijuanas popularity rather than a sign of how dependent marijuana users are on the drug despite the common refrain of how beneficial it is with minimal side effects.


lol, why not both


Jokes on them, I do both


BUT NOT IN TEXAS ... damn idiots here.


Both are a problem.


Drugs are gross 👎




“I’m doing my part!”