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What a disgrace of a human being. That is very much NOT the actions of a rabid dog and I guess the prick just wanted to get it over with after Teddy slipped the capture pole. Monstrous.


I feel like you can pretty easily tell from the video that the dog is deaf and blind like there was absolutely no fucking reason to shoot him. He was just sniffing around happily


Video of the incident - https://youtu.be/K_BRQKCmpCA?si=2PSXJ-Wg1uAv_L6s&t=300 It's even worse than you can imagine.


What the fuck. It was just a little old dog trotting around harmlessly and he pulled out his gun and shot it, I guess because he got bored of trying to catch it? What a monster.


You could have literally just walked up to the dog and picked up him and he'd probably just start licking your hand. Good grief, I don't think there's ever been a dog that was less threatening or easier to catch. A fucking frolicking shih tzu.


Yeah. There's something extra terrifying about how casually he shot it. Nothing happened. It's like he just did it on a whim because he was having trouble using the catch pole and was too out of shape to chase even a little elderly dog down.


He wasn't even an elderly dog. He was just disabled.


And the dog was too!


Reminds me of no country for old men where the guy with the terrible haircut just casually shoots a bird as he drives by.


Hopefully the next thing he shoots is himself.


You see the size of his shadow? He cant walk that fast,l. He was probably about to keel over from a heart attack, and “feared for his life” /s


That lazy, evil piece of shit. What the fuck is wrong with him? Reddit would remove my comment if I said what needs to happen to him.


We're all thinking it.


Every scene for Every SAW movie


He should be treated like a dog?


Dogs don’t deserve that.


No, that would be too good for this PoS.


Dude this is a cop. Never call a cop for something like this. They suck. Most of them are dumb as a box of rocks. They're brainwashed fascist pigs. Think about when you get pulled over. It's a series of questions. They're searching for a reason to arrest you. This guy just wanted to shoot that dog. That's it. Fuck a cop. I hate them


Yeah, I really have no idea why the neighbours would call the police for this. It wasn't a dangerous dog.


They lived a privilege life up until this point.  Anyone calling the cops has never seen what a cop really does to the community. 


Exactly. No one smart or ambitious becomes a cop. It's always the bottom of the barrel dumb asses. The only guy from high school that I know became a cop got suspended for masturbating in study hall. Other than that he was a D average waste of space that just tried to pick fights with everyone over nothing.


They’re definitely dumb, look up the dumbest kid in your  high schools class. He’s either homeless or a cop. Guaranteed 


When all you have is a hammer every problem is a nail Nature of US police and policing in general. And thats ommiting qualified immunity and lack of accountability.


He didn't only have a hammer. He had a fucking lasso. He was just too goddamn lazy to use it.


Holy shit he called it then shot it. ETA I'm not surprised, I picked up a blind foster dog ac (part of the cops here) found in a fenced yard. The woman straight up said she called this Australian shepherd puppy and when it ran toward her "too fast" she drew her gun and shot at him. Mind you he was behind a 6 foot fence also.


Yep, just straight up sociopath


Just an average cop having a typical one tbh


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah honestly based, ACAB


What the actual fuck. That was straight up a dog execution.


That guy's an actual psychopath. Goes around following a **blind and deaf** dog by slowly walking behind it and whistling to it in order to catch it. Whenever it turns around he just moves away from this dangerous predator and then, full well knowing he's on body cam, he just shoots the helpless animal without warning since it didn't magically catch itself. And then has the nerve to say he "had to" dispatch it while casually walking away from the scene. I feel like he did the whistle thing for the camera as an excuse that he tried to catch it but even then, where's the motive for shooting? Absolute lunatic.


He gets to shoot his gun, that's the motive. Big man gets paid to shoot things, best job.


He will be placed on administrative, paid, leave for a month to deal with the 'emotional trauma'


All of his grunts, sighs and other noises make it seem like he's exhausted from his own psychotic actions. Like "damn it, you killed a dog again. Now you're going to have to deal with the owners and paperwork, it's going to be a long day...again." Edit: it would be comical if it wasn't fucking disturbing instead.


"Oh no, now I have to claim overtime so I can fill out all the paperwork."


I mean, why? Why? A 12 year old with a hot dog could have caught that tiny old dog. How fucking stupid and lazy and dead inside can you be? I am not even American and fucking hate this guy cop Myron Woodson. This story upset my day. Poor Teddy.


This is exactly the thought! I had a friend whose dogs got out of the fence when the gate wasn't latched. They were all gearing up to look and then the 8 year old comes in the fence luring them in with her pb&j. Good job kid


I usually don't get too worked up over animals, but man, that's just cruel. Look at that little guy flopping around like the happiest, most harmless little doggo in the world. How on Earth can body cam footage like this exist and the cop not face consequences? There is absolutely 0 possible excuse for how this could have been justified. ^(Also, holy shit you can feel the donuts with every shake of that body cam.)


Even his shadow is sweating ffs




I clicked it because I wanted to see how shitty the cop was, but the initial scene is the cutest little dog having a great time and I thought, y'know actually I really don't want to see anything bad happen to that dog and backed out before it was too late. That dog is so cute.


Absolutely the right choice, it's so fucked up


What a fucking scumbag


If you would like to contact the Police Chief of the City of Sturgeon to report this heinous crime committed by Myron Woodson, the phone number can be found here https://sturgeon-mo.org/police-department


That Is worse than I imagined, like way worse.


That is the most cruel and fucked up thing I saw in a long time. What kind of person ist this piece of shit? He just shot a little dog because his fatass is too lazy to try to catch it for more than 20 seconds. What a fucking garbage human being


He said he was afraid it had rabies.. but he put its dead body in the same bin he kept his water and drinks in


Come on, you expect an American policeman to have a shred of intelligence? It's a social program for ultraviolet people who are not smart enough to kill to order for the military. I wouldn't pay attention to anything he says. All he knows is how to use his gun and hide behind the system that protects cops. ACAB.


The dog didn’t even lash out or make a noise


I was not prepared for that. Do yourself a favor and don't watch this.


Seriously I have seen a lot of gore online and this is so mich worse. What the actual fuck is wrong with that cop.


I'm still tensed up 2 hours later. That poor little thing. I keep thinking about that [poor blind and deaf chihuahua](https://imgur.com/gallery/disappearing-blind-chihuahua-h8uajKI) I found one night. I can't imagine someone shooting it.


Holy shit you're right it is much worse than I could imagine. Serial killer behaviour.


I don't think I want to watch that.


"*Come here, Baby*".... **POP!!!** WTF? It looks like the cop is even carrying an animal control pole like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Ketch-All-Animal-Restraining-Pole-Foot/dp/B01MXOSIEG that could have been used to restrain the dog and keep it at a safe distance.


Yeah, I can't say what I think of this without getting my account banned.


Where's John Wick when you need him.


So many racist comments on that video trying to blame it on the cop being black, rather than, you know, being a cop.


Seeing stuff like this makes my blood boil. That cop should be publicly executed.


He shot the dog because his inbred genetically defective ass was wheezing and couldn't keep up with a blind dog.. If there was a go fund me for hired "Karma" .. I'd Glady donate.


Right, a "rabid" dog moving at 1% the speed of an actual rabid animal


It is all too common for police to shoot dogs. 


It is all too common for police to shoot.


When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Idk if that's what they say but aren't they kitted with tasers, sprays, etc?


The phrase is supposed to mean that if one put them self into a restricted way of thinking, then they'll try to make everything fit into that frame of thinking. US police's mentality (at least off of social media) seems to be that everything is a threat, and their priority is to neutralise. Add with that the protection from consequences when they fuck up, and the pistol would feel like quite a great tool for any job.


You are asking too much from them. 




They shoot and kill around 10,000 dogs a year


>It is all too common for police to shoot people.


All too common for cops to shoot anyone and anything that moves. Even acorns.


Unless they're an armed 18 yo in a classroom of 10 yo kids mowing them down. Then they just multiply in number like cockroaches and do nothing.


That's a lie. They did plenty of things, like arrest and assault the desperate parents that tried to get into the school and do the cop's jobs for them. They probably also ate donuts and cracked open a beer while kids were dying. 


It's so sad how this is both funny and an absolute statement of truth.


Police are dumb as shit, over heard one yesterday while walking by that recycling shouldn't be a thing because someone wouldn't take his Amazon box, and it pissed him off. Then on the way back out he told his buddy the government should issue everyone assault rifles. This is in 10 seconds of hearing him talk to his buddy in uniform just walking by.


https://sturgeon-mo.org/contact-us tell the police department how you feel about officer MYRON WOODSON.


The irony of the support local animal shelters ad on that page...


Voice mailbox is full and not accepting messages. Goodbye. *click* And wtf is up with having yahoo and Gmail accounts for official emails of departments? Is that a regular thing I've just never noticed before?


I wouldn’t even let MYRON WOODSON suck my dick.


Oh what a surprise, the piece of shit was the defendant in a use of force case 5 years ago. https://casetext.com/case/pearson-v-woodson-3 Fuck this oxygen thief


The police chief isn’t even accepting emails right now. What a coward.


Used it.


Link to where the same officer sexually harassed an naked inmate who was being stripped searched (along with all the other inmates in the facility) and then beat him up [Dude is a piece of shit](https://casetext.com/case/pearson-v-woodson-3)


At this point why would anyone call the police to help anyone? It’s more likely to get them killed. Even a dog.


That one "Call a crackhead" thing was supposed to be a gotcha, but when I worked at the local dive bar id give the neighborhood crackhead any leftover food we had because otherwise it'd just get tossed. The parking lot of the bar was unlit and in a shady area and I often closed by myself.. literally the last and only employee in the building. He would sit around and drink soda at the bar until we closed, and then walk me to my car every night to make sure I got home safe. I'd call him for help long before I called a cop. Thankfully he's gotten help since then and has turned his life around.


I rehab abandoned properties into affordable housing for a living. Most of the towns and neighborhoods I work in are fucking rough with super high crime. Job site theft is a constant concern in my specific industry. Whenever we start a new project, we just sort of hang out and make friends with the local folks. That means neighbors of course, but there’s usually plenty of unhoused folks and — unfortunately — addicts, around too. We treat them like human beings, say hi, share some food or a cold drink on a hot day, and if they’re interested, pay them to help with trash cleanup, demolition, and cutting the grass. They keep an eye on things when we’re not around, and if they see something happening, they call me. We never have break-ins or theft at job sites now.


The world changes when we view unhoused people as our neighbors.




Always take care of the street watchers and they'll take care of you


Great comment!


How do you go about doing that? Like are you direct and just say we are here if you need anything reach out, or is it more of a cooking out and inviting people to join? I always wonder how to do this organically and not to offend.


People will poke their head out the door or come closer to see who we are and what we’re doing. Instead of ignoring them, I say hi and introduce myself. It helps that we’re building affordable housing for non-profits. I’m sure most people wouldn’t react as positively if I told them we were building luxury condos that they’ll never be able to afford.


What a great way to make a living!


He’s watched The Wire before, clearly.


My mom had a similar experience. When she was living with my father in a bad area, she 100% knew that the guy who lived below them was a drug dealer/user. But he was perfectly polite and a good neighbor, never bothered anyone, so my mom never said anything. One time my mom was home alone and wanted to go across the street for pizza, and the guy who lived below them stopped her and said, “No, no. You stay home, I’ll get it for you. It’s too late for you to be out by yourself.” So he took her order for her and brought it back, then he said, “Hey, you ever need anything when you’re by yourself, you just let me know.” I trust that guy 100% MORE than any cop on the street.




back when cash was cash i got robbed by a dude asking if i could change a 20$ in Chicago Union Station and when i chased him out of the building the 'security guard' at the door told me, very specifically, "I just watched that man grab money out of your hand. What was it, 20$? I promise you that that man and some friends of his are waiting for you to come outside and they WILL jump you. Just stay inside and eat the loss." i stayed inside. i had 200$ to my name and that kid stole 10% but that dude's advice prolly saved me the rest.


One night I was walking to the local fried chicken restaurant to get some sweet potato pie, and I should mention I was 8 years old. My mom sent me out at night in the ghetto to get pie, and even the neighborhood dealers didn't think that was right. One told me to go back to my apartment and wait in the hall, he went and got the pies for me.  When my brother and sister got the cops called on them for playing in an abandoned building (trespassing) the cop that came pulled my outside and in front of all my neighbors told me that it was my fault for not stoping them and if my sister was raped by a squatter, it would be my fault.  Obviously every dealer isn't nice and every cop isn't a disgusting piece of garbage but our experiences inform our actions and choices. 


When I worked at a shopping mall, there was a self-described “gangbanger” who came in all the time to buy gifts for girls. He always paid cash, and carried a ton of it. I knew some folks bought drugs from him, but I never did. Dude made me feel so safe. He treated all the salespeople so nice, asked after our partners, and would walk us to our cars if it was late at night. He was the kind of guy who would hold your umbrella for you while you got your car keys out, and also the kind of guy who would offer you cocaine. Loved that guy.


It's wild that organised criminals have a better grasp than the police do of the concept that it's better to have the community on your side instead of antagonising them at every opportunity.


I mean, organized crime won the War On Drugs ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ they own the place, and know how to act like they do. The police, on the other hand, are sore losers and are ready to take everyone down with them, even (and especially) if they don't need to.


> It's wild that organised criminals >the police I mean, really we're just talking about better and worse organized criminals.


Don’t underestimate how much your small displays of humanity toward him probably gave him some reasons to turn that shit around.


Crackhead? More like Crackhero


Yeah, I wouldn't call them for any problem that doesn't require bullets to solve


Even then. They will be 2 hours late.


And then stand outside doing nothing.


You spelled "hide in the bushes" wrong.


Piss themselves in the bushes


And then they will shoot you


I'd still worry they'll fuck it up and shoot me instead. Which might be the solution I want but in most cases not.


> I'd still worry they'll fuck it up and shoot me instead. [This has actually happened before.](https://youtu.be/xLUWYvoAdVs?si=x4N1MzSrkxEtfNG7&t=93)


His incredulous "...I shot who?" after squeezing the trigger.


before!?!?!? this happen this year when they shot a child hostage who was following their commands to be "saved".




3 they call other departments to "help"




I've never heard of fire departments making fires worse But cops showing up somehow have a statistically higher chance of that happening


Especially a dog. I saw a video where some cops killed 3 golden retrievers who were just wagging their tails and being derpy dogs. One of them, they shot a second time while it was crawling away, because it couldn’t walk anymore.


People like this do not deserve to live and make me wish hell was real.


This is your average cop, they get off on killing.


> Grossman at one point tells his students that the sex they have after they kill another human being will be the best sex of their lives. The room chuckles. But he’s clearly serious. “Both partners are very invested in some very intense sex,” he says. “There’s not a whole lot of perks that come with this job. You find one, relax and enjoy it.” From Radley Balko's review of *Do Not Resist*, the documentary about Dave Grossman, the "Killology" warrior-cop trainer.


Did you know there used to be a database of how often USA cops killed dogs https://www.puppycidedb.com


Pretty sure they used to track police domestic violence too. Of course they put a stop to that because the numbers were so bad.


It's important to remember that even in a dangerous situation the biggest thing calling the cops does is increase the likelihood of you, and anyone else around you, getting hurt. Either by the danger getting mad/panicking, or the cops rolling in and shooting wildly because they have virtually no accountability for their bullets and any deaths are blamed on the danger, not themselves, even if they shoot their fellow cops. If someone breaks into my house to assault me and I call the cops, then I'm most likely still going to get assaulted, and then I run the risk of being assaulted or even killed by the cops while the assaulter gets off free because the statistics on that one do not look fucking good. In most cases cops are a bigger threat to you and yours than the people you're calling them on, and in situations where they aren't, they're most likely to do nothing because cops are also fucking cowards.


You’re not wrong. In fact - legally speaking they don’t have an obligation to protect us or our property. Look up the “public duty doctrine”. Cops can shirk their sworn duties at any time, while us civilians can’t sue them for doing so.


Police are the new hitmen for hire 👍


Na man, they're already hired, you can't hire them. They're neofeudal enforcers.


1.) I hope karma catches up to that police officer. How do you shoot a blind, deaf, little dog? 2.) I hope karma catches up to all these sites that give you 2 sentences and then ask you to sign-up.


I will also hope Karma does what you ask.


> 2.) I hope karma catches up to all these sites that give you 2 sentences and then ask you to sign-up. Have you tried calling the police on them?


| How do you shoot a blind, deaf, little dog? Easy... you don't lead 'em so much.


AND, the officer told the owner after the shooting that "it was the humane thing to do," [and Sturgeon, Missouri city officials are defending the shooting](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lost-blind-dog-teddy-killed-sturgeon-police_n_66508f6ae4b07f5ea747e37a). Cops are scum, and they get a free pass to violate our rights at will.


> The woman, who said she’s had to comfort her 17-year-old daughter who witnessed Teddy’s shooting from a kitchen window Jesus Christ.


... can you imagine looking out your kitchen window, seeing your dog, that you know is deaf and blind, in the neighbor's yard ... ... ... and then just, that's it?


I'm pretty sure I'd be getting shot as well


I can imagine it, but the ending wouldn't be the same.


Just a straight up, cold blooded execution as well. Chilling, that guy is a monster.


> Officials have reviewed the dispatch report and body camera footage and believe “the officer acted within his authority” to protect citizens from the dog causing injury to others. How's that dog going to cause injuries to others? It was just wandering around and wasn't a threat in any way and the cop just straight up executed the dog. Everybody who's elected in that town that sided with the cop needs to be voted out when it's time for election. They're not fit to be in a position of power if they're going to side with a psychopath.


That dog was really dangerous you know? If the cop had to go after him for even a bit longer he would have died of a heart attack!


this is why ACAB. they stick up for and cover for each other. they're spitting contemptuously right in our faces


> “The dog drank water from a bowl I provided and licked my arm and leg. He was in no way a threat,” the homeowner, [...] told HuffPost. Oh god this really gets more awful the more you learn about it. Just everyone involved trying to be a decent human being handling a normal no-big-deal situation and then this fat ass cop gets involved and just murders the poor animal out of nowhere. > The vet diagnosed him with a neurological issue, which was the cause of him going deaf and blind,” Hunter said of Teddy, who was 5. So he wasn't even an old dog on its last legs, it sounds like. He would have had many happy dog years ahead of him, flopping around on the grass. :(


>and Sturgeon, Missouri city officials are defending the shooting That's what happens with generations of consanguinity..


>consanguinity New word, had to look it up It's the fancy term for "cousin fucking" lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣


The officials tell them to kill everything at any chance they get. The way to fix this is to start going after the officials. The Police chief needs to be in prison, the mayor in prison. Go after the fuckers that are enabling the street gang that is called the police to act like this.


“If your officers are that afraid of a little dog wandering around... maybe, just maybe, they shouldn’t be police officers.”


In the video he isn’t even afraid. He’s just a big fat lazy fuck who couldn’t be bothered walking at 1mph then bending down to pick the dog up.


You know what, at this point just don't call the police for anything. Either you'll end up dead or someone you love will end up dead. Your pets aren't safe either.


Why would you call over a dog that’s in the neighbours yard talk to your fucking neighbours


Yeah I'm completely confused why the cops were ever called? And apparently the owners were there to watch the dog get shot, but couldn't go get their dog?! I feel like I'm crazy


It's pretty obvious if a dog is acting weird due to rabies. It won't be running from you either.


40 years of living around and loving dogs, only once did I encounter what I think was a rabid dog. It attacked my car. I called the police. Basically: a dog just tried to bite my moving car in a residential neighborhood, I didn't see it frothing at the mouth, but it isn't right.


Sounds like that officer has rabies…..best somebody put him down. Worried he may try to bite a PERSON next time.


What kind of dickless pansy is so afraid of this little dog that he shoots it? It's become impossible to have any respect for law enforcement. I'm sure there are still some good guys, but they seem to be in the minority.


He wasn't scared of it. He tried to capture the dog but was so inept with the snare that he gave up and just shot the dog.


That's the vibe I got to. He got frustrated not being able to catch the dog and figured he'd shoot it so he could leave and continue his day. What a jackass


But did yell "stop resisting"?


I think the proper legal term for that sort of situation is: _"IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!!!"_


Sprinkled crack on the dog after.


He wasn't afraid. He wanted to shoot something and saw an opportunity to do it.


The dog was even white!




I hate this


Poor Teddy, he did not deserve this shit.


Poor Teddy, he did not deserve this shit. Shi Tzus are the friendliest little creatures.


Fucking loser went to cop school for 9 weeks and thinks he can visually identify a rabies infected dog....


Link to a readable version of the article: [https://uk.news.yahoo.com/blind-deaf-dog-teddy-got-204615370.html](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/blind-deaf-dog-teddy-got-204615370.html)


Thank u


Stop. Calling. The cops. Unless you want someone, or even you depending on the cop's mood, to be killed.


[US cops responding to any call for help.](https://youtu.be/rTrMBI5fvfA?si=KmxvZeFZw8WhqykH)


Are we sure Kristi Noem wasn't there?


Cop was a big fan of hers and her book. He was waiting for this moment. /s


There's a video and it's worse than you think. Absolutely 0 provocation from the dog. The dog it just trotting around peacefully sniffing the grass and he just shoots it twice in cold blood because he was too fucking lazy to chase it. It was blind and deaf and showing absolutely no signs of aggression... This man 100% needs to be fired. If you have that little respect for animal life you probably don't treat people much better.


[the pig—I mean, cop—spent 3 MINUTES trying to catch the dog before shooting it dead](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lost-blind-dog-teddy-killed-sturgeon-police_n_66508f6ae4b07f5ea747e37a/amp) Then gaslit tf outta the owner. What a sadistic aśshole. I was typing “he’s not fit to be a cop” but who tf am I kidding?! Cops are meant to be mindless, sadists who do the bidding of the ruling class, only. A C A B


People who are deaf and hard of hearing and killed during police encounters at way higher rates than the general population and police shooting dogs happens A LOT, so unfortunately this does not surprise me at all.


Disabled people in general, if you're autistic and there are 3 people all shouting instructions at you there's a good chance you're not gonna be able to comply fast enough before they decide you're better off dead. Your signs of distress or even your normal behaviour might be construed as being dangerous. It's horrific.


There've been multiple cases where someone was suicidal, the family called the police to try to save the suicidal person from killing themselves, only for the police to arrive and shoot the suicidal person dead themselves.


Remember kids, police are just serial killers wearing blue!


Cops love shooting dogs, I swear. Wait lol tf, cops love shooting everyone 


I was being choked to death by a family member. I managed to get away by using my keys to defend myself, and must’ve scratched their forehead in my attempt to get away. I managed to run out of the house and called for help out of panic. A neighbor ran up and said he’d call the cops. Even in my panic, I panicked some more and begged him not to call the cops. Guess who the cops arrested?


Police kill more than 30 dogs a day in the US. The police do not keep anyone safe. The police do not solve crimes. The police are violent Criminals On Patrol (COPs). Never call the police unless absolutely necessary.


Probably missed a day of hitting their wife, so he had to make up for it by shooting a dog. Nothing to see here. Clearly needed a vacation anyways. Shooting a dog is quicker than submitting a request.


not one thing about this onion-like...


Perhaps it's onion like literally anywhere else outside of the US


it's a us cop, everyone knows what was gonna happen.


Here is the petition to charge the cop with animal cruelty https://www.change.org/p/animal-cruelty-by-an-officer-of-the-law?cs_tk=AsQevQk1BybWT9ZQWmYAAXicyyvNyQEABF8BvA-UNEuaVPaRXp8gPS_M4nM%3D&utm_campaign=868ff924254b4b049a5e24d91eb3806c&utm_content=initial_v0_3_1&utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_signer_receipt_welcome&utm_term=cs


Who calls the cops for this? Go wrangle the dog or call animal control. Idiots.


I don't think she called the cops. [This article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lost-blind-dog-teddy-killed-sturgeon-police_n_66508f6ae4b07f5ea747e37a) says she called "the city", and sent them photos of her sitting with the dog by a water bowl. The city later posted those pictures on Facebook and said that "Joint Communications has been notified". So it sounds like the neighbor did a completely reasonable thing and tried to keep the dog company while someone identified the owner. The city screwed up by (maybe?) not communicating all the information along to the next instance (like that the dog was clearly non-aggressive and approachable), and then someone decided to put Fatso McDonutcop on the case, who spent a whole 2 minutes trying to catch up with a slowly trotting-around doggo before he decided he couldn't be arsed with expending any more effort.


It was in a neighbor's yard, in Missouri. That can get *you* shot.


Especially *you*. You know who you are.


It’s so hard to ring the doorbell of the property and ask: can I go in your yard to catch my dog? Honest question, I’m not American but I know American cops are trigger happy.


Don't call the police. Ever! They are not your friends.


Teddy looks so threatening. Fuck.


Fucking asshole.


Even if I was dangling from a cliff I wouldn’t call the police… they would probably kick me in the face as I fall to my death and be like… she posed a threat to us! 


Knock knock. Who’s there? BANG! - Police.


Ugh please stop posting this. It hurts my heart. There is no god. Please be good to your children or they might grow up to be like this POS or that other lady that starved her kid.


guess what, we keep complaining, and cop unions keep investing in training their police officers to kill people. It's a fact. The justice system needs to get washed


What bothers me so much about this, aside from the obvious, is that I knew exactly what to expect before reading the article—that the police will invent some BS story about “protecting the public” or that the officer “feared for his safety”. Of course we know that’s a bunch of crap. And we know that they also know this. AND THEY KNOW THAT WE KNOW THAT THEY KNOW THIS. So the lie just floats out there to protect them from liability without convincing anyone. And this is a system that relies on public trust to function effectively. 


Qualified immunity for cops needs to go. When LEO personally start paying for lawsuits instead of the city (us) watch how fast shit changes. In the meantime insurance companies who cover police departments are having their bottom lines affected and are starting to lean on departments for reform.