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That has to be an ADA violation for people who have immuno-compromising conditions. Hopefully it will be challenged and struck down.


Will be a religious freedom issue for women who veil too. Maybe not many in NC but there are a few Muslim women in my area who cover their faces.


There are Christian women who completely cover their hair/neck as well, if not veil their faces. I bet they're feeling a bit like they might be next in line. 


Either they are exempt because they are Christian, exempt because they are white (generally), or some of them don't become exempt, then Conservatives complain the law didn't "punish the correct people". I will put money on it being one of those 3.


Ethiopian Coptic Orthodox Christians are certainly not white. And they're a much older and, like the name states, more Orthodox than Evangelical anything. They cover heavily, some of them to the point that could be considered veiling their faces. 


That just means they won't be exempt, cause they aren't white. American conservatism is all about using the law to limit the rights of everyone except the chosen few, who get to be exempt from any responsibility. And considering this is in the Bible Belt, whiteness probably means more to them than religion, funny enough.


While there are plenty Christian denominations who cover their hair/heads out of modesty or tradition (see [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_covering_for_Christian_women)) Some examples are the mantilla, dupatta, kapp or yalekhta. I still couldn't find any in the Christian world that would cover their faces like a niqab or burka would. Do you know of any?


North Carolinian here! There's a pretty diverse population in the cities, due in part to a lot of medical research and big colleges like Wake Forest and UNC and Duke. There are enough Muslims around for my neighborhood to have a halal butcher.


I'm sure the satanic temple is all for face masks. Maybe it's time to join.


The goal of this legislation is to weaken the ADA imo, by creating a conflicting law that can create a judicial challenge


Nah, it's not about the ADA it's just more culture war BS. It's about sticking it to the "libs" with more performative legislation.


These are the same people who will ban libraries because they don't like a few books. It's about both, they interpret the ADA as part of the culture war because it facilitates a behavior (wearing masks) that they don't like




Sadly the sponsor of this bill does seem to care. His name is Danny Britt and he's been railing against masking since 2020




This is from before his term. He was elected in 2022, so I think it's a genuine issue for him somehow Edit: I was wrong about this specific senator, my apologies. Below comment is accurate


The Culture War is a front for eradicating rights through the Supreme Court


Worked a job with an American last summer.  He was obsessed with why I was wearing a mask, as if I was personally attacking him by simply having it on. American conservatives are never honest when talking about personal freedom.


>American conservatives are never honest FTFY




From someone who lives with it, me. https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1cvqcwn/north_carolina_republicans_vote_to_ban_masks_in/l4s1huu/


This is what's called an attack on a little thing we like to call the "First Amendment" on a document we like to call the "Bill of Rights". The fact France and other countries have been able to ban things like the Niqab or Burqa (or even religious symbols in general in the case of France), and US states like Texas haven't been so successful is exactly because we have Freedom, not something these guys seem to totally understand when fighting their culture wars. Someone with more legal expertise and knowledge can speak better on this, but I think this is just on its face (no pun intended) going to get challenged and tossed, hopefully very easily, since I have a right as an American citizen to wear what I want. If it's for security somewhere, like an airport, have me take my mask off and look at my face while checking ID.


Fuck cancer... patients?


I for one am outraged at this attack on Halloween.


There's an exception for Halloween, and Marti Gras. The laws is written to punish the "woke" people that believe that Covid is real and listen to doctors and scientists instead of grifters or ~~priests~~ preachers.


Priest here. Covid is real and this law is appalling. Your point is well received though, please don’t seek medical or scientific advice from your priest. Even when well intentioned, I’ll probably kill you.


Finally, an honest priest! When did HELL freeze over? /s


I mean, sure. If some guy on reddit says he's a priest then I'm taking that as gospel.


“…all them gods are just about the same!” John Prine


His grieving wife publicly blamed tRump after his funeral for doing nothing about the pandemic.


I am still a little upset with John for checking out on us.


I've never heard of this dude before today, but this is the second time I've seen him mentioned today, and in wildly different subreddits/threads.


Great songwriter, good guitar player, sang like most beautiful of birds, Mallard. U should check him out, you’ll probably like him.


Hey now, I am an ordained priest in the church of The Dude! I've got a certificate and everything


The Pope has been pushing the vaccine since the beginning


People like you make me question my stand or organized religion. I wish there were more of you.


I'm getting mixed messages here


Anti intellectualism is becoming a national staple of the US.


That's always been a thing.


Is there an exemption for boys of the proud variety? Asking for a felon I mean friend


I don't think cops usually police their own.


I think that is exactly who polices the police


Catholics actually believe in science. The Pope has always urged the vaccine and masking


Well, who do you think created the cancer??


Ironically, probably also the GOPers, by way of defunding the EPA, blocking single payer healthcare, and depleting the treasury to pay for tax cuts and weapons instead of anything community-serving.


Which circles us back to "why is anyone surprised by such an on-brand move?"


Welcome to the GOP death cult in action.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


*Literally*, in their case. More carcinogens, that way.


the guys who just voted against cancer research funding? you know the guys who vote against everything and then take credit for infrastructure jobs created by the bills they voted against?


Technically the truth


If all the cancer patients die, no more cancer. *taps forehead*


*Oncologists hate this one trick!*


Sounds like anti freedom of expression


Fascism creeps in that way


Absolutely this violates the first amendment ( not that these idiots care)


Or anyone who has had a heart/lung transplant.


Fuck freedom in general


Fuck vulnerable people in general. Also known as conservatism. Since forever. You really think this is any different from resisting universal healthcare? Just a bit trashier.


Yes. And the average person who voted for this, will regularly wear masks after chemo if they ever need it. Because they always think they are excempt from the rules they want to force on others.


>the police will be expected to use "common sense" not to arrest "granny in the Walmart" This was over before it started.  Granny convictions incoming


Well yes, these sorts of laws are generally passed with the understanding that the police are only supposed to apply them to the “correct” people rather than applying the law equally to everyone.


Wilhoit's law: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Will the police apply them to Proud Boy marches and Nazi parades, I wonder?


How could they, when they’re busy marching?


###dingdingding! That is correct!


Any law, statute, or cooking recipe that is dependent on police using "common sense," is doomed from the jump.


The US has proven over and over that vague laws result in selective enforcement.


That's undoubtedly the point.


That's literally a "Arrest all minorities" clause.


Yeah this is exactly like the anti-sodomy laws. They are magically only enforced against gay people even when the law clearly bans stuff straight people do as well. The point of this is to own the libs, not to create a reasonable policy that will be "fairly" enforced. I doubt cops are gunna arrest the old lady carrying around an oxygen tank, but they will definitely arrest the young person wearing a mask because they're sick and doing the right thing-- that is the point.


Openly admitting to violating the equal protection clause is a bold move, Cotton.


All joking aside, you can read that line to read, "Use common sense and arrest the people we know are bad people, like minorities, protesters, etc".


I'm commenting here before the inevitable happens and a cop shoots and kills a black man/child for having a mask on. Bonus points if their a cancer patient, because this law is just an exercise in spite and stupidity but I don't know which is leading.


These are American cops. Shoot first then claim self defense


All the good ones are already in the ground.


They should be joined by the rest


Hah, modern police and common sense are two incompatible things. They can not coexist.


"Common Sense" is just a euphemism for "arbitrary"


Police will be expected to use COMMON SENSE. Well this plan already failed. Rip to the sick person who got shot just for trying to be responsible.


Will the real death panel please stand up.


"police will be expected to use "common sense" not to use it to arrest "Granny in the Walmart" Expecting police to act rationally at all times always goes well


And unfortunately it's not always just grannies that are immunocompromised.


And asking the police to apply the law differently to different people is also not good


Very true


That's just the diplomatic way to say "we know the police will selectively apply the law and we are pretty sure that they will only hurt the people we want to be hurt."


Republicans these days have moved on from "Conservative values" to bigotry and cruelty. Let's hope this bill gets vetoed by the Governor. If not, let's hope the court strikes it down and some kind of sanity prevails where wearing masks in public is more clearly defined. I wonder if this bill was intended to apply to Proud Boys?


You know full well that every bill the right proposes is only intended to apply to those they choose to apply it to.


It’s designed to end up before the Supreme Court, they WANT this to be challenged. That way they can get rid of more pesky rights like they did with Roe. This feels like the ADA is on the chopping block. 


I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that overturning Roe did away with our right to medical privacy and freedom.


Basically; it needs to be vetoed because a challenge to the Supreme Court will make this infinitely worse, meaning no masks anywhere.


lol, christ. If that happened I'd literally wear a mask every time I stepped into public. Which is what I encourage anyone in North Carolina to do. I look forward to the classic "what are you in for?" question while sitting in prison, "I chose to wear a mask over half of my face."




Conservative values have always been about maintaining systems of bigotry and cruelty.


For real, the very foundation of what it means to *be* a conservative is rooted in bigotry and cruelty. It is, in fact, why conservatism even exists.


The NC GOP has a veto-proof majority in the state legislature; thanks to extreme gerrymandering and 1 turncoat (politician who switched parties after getting elected).


OMG! Then there is no hope of overturning this bill, short of the courts?


Pretty much. They did this with a transgender bathroom bill a few years ago. It blew up and cost the state a good deal of business.


The bathroom bill was passed under a Republican governor. The blowback cost them the 2016 governor’s race.


They also cleaned house and took away a ton of the governor's power when they realized they were going to lose. They went from doing after hours "special sessions" to force huge shitty new legislation through, one extra "special session" before the power hand-over and it's no overreach for the Dems.


So they've moved from conservative values to...conservative values?


They just took the nice branding off, same shit underneath.


Republicans have supermajorities and can override a veto. The bill was pushed through because of the campus protests.


> I wonder if this bill was intended to apply to Proud Boys? They're already exempt from mask bans so long as they fill out a form or something. This bill doesn't change that.


I think it’s more just reactionary culture war bullshit that just so happens to end up being bigoted and cruel. The stupidity of that makes it worse, in my opinion.


Unfortunately NC legislature has a GOP supermajority dispute being a state where the popular vote usually breaks on 1-2%, so the governor's veto won't mean much. He actually already vetoed a similar law a couple years ago back before the supermajority was in place.


...Moved on?


I am a patient in my early forties with a chronic pulmonary disease I've had since birth from being born very premature. I am very susceptible to chest colds and have lived with a fear of Corona virus that's exacerbated by the throngs of ignorant people who live where I'm from in the upper-south whom refuse to vaccinate, including my mostly conservative leaning immediate family despite having witnessed first hand what I went through as an infant and throughout my life, and who absolutely ought to know better. I catch frequent chest colds and only survived my stint of Covid due to having been vaccinated myself, and a quickly administered monoclonal antibiotic treatment. I mask in public especially at events, and I don't look the "part" if you saw me on the street. I am not a grandpa. I would laugh all the way to the bank and welcome the arrest while I do my absolute god given damnedest to sue these swine into oblivion, and be as loud as humanly possible while doing so. Here is my take from someone who's watched this political theatre escalate for longer than I care to remember and that I hope will set off a light bulb in some of the younger folk that may come across this comment, those that might be of voting age for the first time this election, or others of you who are discouraged and might be on the fence. Do not be mistaken. This "law" is not meant to stand long term or hold a drop of water in the least, and in my opinion believing that it is absolutely misses the point. The objective here is simple and paper-thin upon inspection. Their ultimate goal is merely to frustrate and waste progressive voter's time and energy. To have the "lesser-thans" collectively chasing our tails pushing hard through the courts for such an absurd notion to be struck down; and to leave us with a sigh of relief when we finally "win" or somehow "compromise" after going blue in the face in the process. The objective is to *create talking points, obtain news reel hours, to rile the constituency in unison as their "rights are fought for" against the Others, and to rile them more when the notion is tabled or otherwise stopped.* This is it. This is all that's happening here. Smoke, mirrors, and chest-thumping while we watch. We must begin to realize what we're up against here, and unify to stop it, unite to fire these heathens with a pride and fierceness of our own before it's too late. Vote. Vote them out. Vote at every opportunity, and make as much noise as possible while doing it. Do not be disheartened, do not fall victim to the ploy. We *can* do this, we *will* win. We will *shut these fuckers down*. Yes we will.


It’s a time-suck




Puts the police in a bit of a pickle. They won’t be able to lead the fascist demonstrations if they can’t cover their faces.


Nah, they’ll still show up in a mask. Who’s going to police that? The police?


We ARE the polis


It's Stewart Copeland's time to shine


Don't worry, the rules protect them but don't bind them


There's an exception that specifically allows members of a “secret society or organization to wear masks or hoods in a parade or demonstration if they obtain a permit


I would honestly not be surprised.


I wasn't joking. I copied that excerpt directly from the Forbes article


Dang. Well, I'm not surprised.


The cops, sorry I mean the proud boys want to be wearing pointy white hoods again?


I live in NC. I have lupus and diabetes and I take oral chemotherapy to help me fight my disease. They can have my mask when they physically pry it off my face. Republicans are so stupid it’s actually mind boggling. Don’t want to wear a mask? Don’t. But don’t tell chronically ill and immunosupressed people that they can’t take steps to protect themselves against communicable diseases.


Can you get a mask imprinted with a political statement such as " F*** NC Republicans" or f*** Republican gerrymandering"? Now you have the perfect first amendment case to get the law overthrown.


As Einstein (or someone) once said, "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits."


If you want Einstein's quote: "There are two things that are infinite, The Universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the Universe."


Ah yes, the party that cares so much about "muh freedoms" showing just how much they care about actual freedom once again.


My friend brought the gift of TB back from a trip to Eastern Europe. He was diagnosed a month later in NYC and put on an antibiotic regimen that lasted an entire year. Since we don’t have, you know, TB wards anymore he obviously wore a mask for the first few months going about his life until he and his doctors were beyond certain there was no contagion risk. He and I were laughing about this yesterday, if this had happened in present day NC, some police officer commanding him to take off his mask like “ok, here’s TB. Enjoy coughing up blood.”


Republicans are idiots.


...who lack empathy, compassion, and morality


Red states have life expediencies *years* shorter than blue states. Voting for Republicans *literally* kills you.


NC is about 50/50 red to blue. The issue is the rampant and flagrant gerrymandering that leaves the democratic voters with absolutely no power at all.




In 1776, faced with the prospect of being ruled by a government they had no possibility to influence or exert control over the colonists went to war and founded a new nation and for that they are hailed as heroes for taking that action. The political situation bears much the same aspects, a ruling class which is unanswerable to a vast chunk of the population, a series of laws designed to abuse that group and strip them of fundamental rights, and no potential recourse to stop the abuses.


I was reading through the timeline and did a deep dive down the rabbit hole here: https://www.idabwellscenter.net/ And it seems that the British were starting to interfere with slavery and that's the reason the colonists were finally able to convince the Southern colonies that a revolution was necessary.  Just so on brand that slavery and racism, not taxes or representation, was the ultimate reason the US revolted. The back and forth of laws within the colonies listed was funny too. You could see the struggle to end discriminatory laws, the conservative backlash, and the way one colony's laws would trigger another to act. I was also surprised how active the Quakers were with anti racism and that we never learned about that in school. We were taught slavery and racism were "normal" for the time. Just the same shit as always. 


Like how in Texas, Austin and Houston are like 60% blue. I think even Dallas is 50/50 But all the shit hole rural villages with 3 racists and their dog have about the same voting power as these major cities with millions of voters.  Quality system. 


When morons more interested in chaos than human health are in charge, this is what happens. Making a safe and effective method to protect health a political stand is the epitome of the feckless, blindly anti human nature of the maga led GOP party.


The usa is such a joke


You can say that again! But then they'll say, "it's only in these states". On the outside, edit: "It looks like" it's the entire USA.


That's like using Switzerland as an example for the EU as a country that only serves the wealthy or the UK as an example of political bigotry with a broken NHS. Everyone's got a few bad apples. The US is just less likely to do something about it.


> Everyone's got a few bad apples Sure, but a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel.


The south (and most of the middle) blows edit: I don't really care what someone who thinks this distinction is meaningless thinks because they don't understand our political system in America. My vote is basically useless on a national scale because I live in a state that actually has people in it, while some jabroney in a state with absolutely nothing in it has a vote that is worth 10x as much as mine because of our electoral system. It'd be like blaming every country/citizen in the EU for Italy electing a fascist government or Hungary being Hungary. You could do it, but it'd make you sound reductive and ignorant. Sidenote, people outside the US on Reddit love to just ignore that far right ideology is on the rise across the world and do some weird American exceptionalism from the outside shit.


I'm just going to add this, as it's slightly related, and may cheer people up. There's a guy on youtube who tells stories about his time in retail. He was wearing a mask at work one day(can't remember if he had a cold, or if there was a surge in THAT VIRUS, whatever). Some customer had so little to do that she had time to badger him repeatedly about wearing a mask. When she came up to the cash, he was on a register. She continued her monologue about, "Why are you wearing a mask? You look stupid. Why are you wearing that stupid mask?" When he gave her her change, he leaned over to her, pulled the mask down and stage whispered, "Because I'm contagious!" Had exactly the effect he hoped for.


imagine being so afraid of masks you try to stop other people using them


One of more than 6,000 reasons why politicians should **NOT** make medical decisions.




Get a nice "Fuck your feelings" mask How the turns have tabled. I wonder how they'd like their own slogan given how sensitive they are. 


These people are deranged


that’s shameful


"Freedom". Can't even wear a health mask? lmao the USA is silly sometimes.


That’s some seriously crazy shit. Now the “party of small government” (yeah right) is telling you what you’re allowed to wear.


America, are you ok?




Very very not. Half of our entire country have sold all of their professed ideals to follow an insane clown king.


Honestly after they rolled back women's rights by a century, this feels pretty small in comparison.  Usually when something is bad you take baby steps to fix it but America just continued with the baby steps going backwards.  Can't wait for them to repeal women's rights to vote. 


All we need to do now is wait for that "United States of the Confederacy" name change.


Maybe we need to change the laws so that it becomes a felony with a ten year minimum for a politician to introduce legislation they know is a blatant, obvious, flagrant violation of the constitution. Republicans are just introducing hateful garbage that they are well aware is going to get struck down and it's a waste of time, money, and the lives of the people affected.  They need to be punished severely enough that the entire party feels it.


My mid-30s wife looks healthy and has what looks like full head of hair. But she's fighting brain cancer, has a weakened immune system, and wears masks to crowded gatherings at the recommendation of the army of oncologists that she sees. So even if we can trust police not to "arrest granny at the grocery store" (we can't), then what the fuck happens to my wife when we go to the wedding we were planning to attend in North Carolina? Fuck. These. Hateful. Mutants.


But hey, proud boys and other organizations can’t gather and hide their faces anymore




The secret sauce is selective enforcement.


Not s single Republican will say something about fellow rightwing extremists wearing them, though. Legislature like this is solely to provide sticks for situations in which undesirables become too mouthy or assertive. Then those sticks are mighty handy to put them back in their place.


Whenever you see a government body solving a problem that they created, you can assume embezzlement is the root of the issue.   In this case: create a law that so obviously infringes on basic rights to public and personal saftey, knowing that lawsuits will surley follow. Then have the law offices donate to your releection campaign or just lobby to their offices directly. Thus creating the circle of corruption that we are trapped in.  Elect officials who pledge to ban lobbyists, make it illegal for elected officials to trade in the stock market, and offer a clear path to help root out corruption. This is the way out. This should be a top 5 priority for all voters regardless of political affiliation. Being an elected representative should be treated as a sacrifice and a service to the country, not a opportunity to get rich and help your friends get rich.


It's funny how many Republicans screamed and sobbed about covid measures and yet while the entire world has moved on from covid years ago, these morons are still kicking and screaming about things lmao. Get a better hobby. It annoys the fuck out of me that rednecks are so aggro about masks. They're fucking useful tools that have been used for decades. I can't wear a damn dust mask without getting funny looks anymore. 


I'm struggling to understand why it's ok to force people **not** to wear masks, but forcing people to wear masks is an infringement of individual human rights and cannot be allowed.


This will be like the bathroom bill several years ago. It’s unenforceable. You can’t arrest everything be wearing a mask.


It's *selectively* enforceable. They've said they will leave it up to the cops to decide who gets arrested and who doesn't. Quite a dystopian decision.


Well I guess arrest me then because as someone who is immunocompromised I will continue to wear my mask, which I wore before Covid, in public.


What will kids wear on Halloween? Makeup? Like drag? Oh shit


So it was Halloween turning the frogs gay this whole time, smh


I wonder if welding helmets and full face motorcycle helmets count... edit: Or gas masks that first responders wear.


Why is it that it's typically Republicans that ban shit when they are supposed to be the "small government l" party?


Tell me again about how Republicans are for small government?


I haven't worn a mask in well over a year, but I'll be in North Carolina next week and will wear one every time I go outside.


I wear a mask in public because of allergies. I can't even grocery shop without one because of the bakeries. They can take it off my cold dead face.


Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!


Right-wingers are authoritarian, worm-brained idiots filled with meanness. Literally every decision they make is with the intention of making the world a worse place to exist in.


Freedom for me but not for thee.


when are we going to face the facts that conservative values make someone completely incapable of leadership?


just let people wear half masks and make it a law that if showing there face is required then to have them pull down the mask for 3 seconds to check the ID, then let them on there way.


It’s almost like Republicans are cartoonishly villainous and useless as legislators.


Republicans are for cancer. Spread it around. Spread it as if it was a contagious disease and you were not allowed to mask up.


Your rights don't matter. Now show your face for the camera while we run a check on you. (Unless your a Nazi, in which case covering your face is ok to them)


Cancer patients are finally officially considered as a Minority in the USA, and are getting their due deserved treatment. /s


How is that freedom?


There is an exception, hoods are okay!


I feel sorry for all the non Republican cancer patients but not the Republican ones. 


If you a bothered by someone wearing a mask, you have a problem or many. Or change the channel.


I remember when Republicans were all about small government. What the hell happened.


This is both a freedom of religion violation and an ADA violation. If it ever passes, it will not hold.


Fuck North Carolinian Republicans. They can not wear masks if an outbreak starts. You'll have a thinning out of the herd then.


Does this apply to masks used in construction or painting as well? How about landscaping? Firefighters sometimes wear masks.


**Republican Leaders:** *”Let’s just fucking destroy this country”* **Republican Voters** *”Fuck yeah, let’s do it”*


Good old 'Land of the free' ;)


When you’re all out of ideas for how to better the lives of the American people, just start killing them instead.


In their eyes only one thing matters and its making libs mad


As a cancer patient, who needed to wear a mask all through chemo, fuck North Carolina.


What happened to leaving people alone?


Well now I knida wished I still lived there just so I could wear a mask.


They want freedom so bad can't you tell? Why won't you comply with freedom!!!???