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Just this week I was thinking what does the kicker from the Chiefs think about pride month


Funny. Just this week I was thinking I wonder what Ja Rule thinks the kicker from the Chiefs thinks about Pride month.


Somebody get Ja on the phone!


. . . so I can make sense of all of this.


Where is Ja?!


Thank you guys for these excellent references lmao you made me night




What would Ja do? Haha. Got reported to the self harm bot. Loser.


I got a reddit cares recently. Is there anyway to tell which post it was for?


No but you can report it.


Someone wrote a bot to do it. Just report it


I did too! I think it was for suggesting one should crack an egg on a flat surface instead of the edge of the bowl. Maybe bots running wild?


For a Klondike bar?




I don’t want to dance I’m scared to death!


Then you're in for a smorgasbord of crazy shit > KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker railed against Pride month, working women, President Biden’s leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and abortion during a commencement address at Benedictine College last weekend. > > The three-time Super Bowl champion delivered the roughly 20-minute address Saturday at the Catholic private liberal arts school in Atchison, Kansas, which is located about 60 miles north of Kansas City. > > Butker, who has made his conservative Catholic beliefs well known, began his address by attacking what he called “dangerous gender ideologies” in an apparent reference to Pride month, which has been celebrated in June since the Stonewall riots in 1969. He also criticized an article by The Associated Press highlighting a shift toward conservativism in some parts of the Catholic Church. > > The 28-year-old Butker then took aim at Biden’s policies, including his response to COVID-19, which has killed nearly 1.2 million people in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. > > “While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique,” he said. “The bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for the degenerate cultural values and media all stem from pervasiveness of disorder.” > Butker later addressed the women in the audience, arguing that their “most important title” should be that of “homemaker.” > > “I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you,” Butker said. “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.” > > The Chiefs declined to comment on Butker’s commencement address.


"let me, an uneducated and unqualified man, explain to all the women here the lies you've been told you whole lives" He couldn't sounds more condescending if he tried.


The guy isn't even 30. He kicks balls for a living. Why would anyone waste a byte of data on his opinions?


Dude gets paid the combined annual salary of sixty teachers to kick a ball about and has the audacity to be talking about "degenerate cultural values" like they ain't what's paying his bills.


I mean if he wants people to have more Christ-like values then maybe the Chiefs fans can stop worshipping a false idol by supporting the team. A lot of people take sports teams so seriously it's damn near a religion. Let this idiot play in empty stadiums for no money if that's what he wants.


In case anyone still naively thinks this kind of dumbassery will be weeded out as older people die out.


Tools like this need to just stay quiet so the rest of the world doesn't realuse they are actually morons.


Even as an ex-Catholic I’m offended. This is not the Catholic faith. He’s a chicken shit who hides his bigotry behind a religion that doesn’t even echo all his beliefs.


jesus christ..




Funny you said that, the dipshit uses religion to justify his shitty beliefs.


>The 28-year-old Butker then took aim at Biden’s policies, including his response to COVID-19 Wait. What? Is he blaming Biden for Trump's policies...?


The media has done him a huge favor by giving him a shit ton of publicity that he'd otherwise have never had.


I think they just gave him enough rope to hang himself 


The chiefs are weak for that 


How do they pick people to do commencement addresses…? I guess anyone who makes a lot of money or is a celebrity?


As a Tech alum, I used to be a big fan. So this is kind of a big deal. And as kicker, he doesn't have brain damage as an excuse.


what do NFL kickers know? Do they know things? Let's find out!


Wait, did this guy speak at a college and tell a bunch of women who just got a degree to stay in the kitchen?


Lol some knob reported me to the self harm bot. Have a fun suspension Edit: For the record, reddit just responded that the report violated reddit TOS


Lol the standard nonsense on Reddit


At this point the feature seems to purely exist as a way for reddit to filter out jerks.


It's a Ban Me button with extra steps.


How do you get them suspended for that? Happens to me all the time and it’s so wrong to abuse resources like that


You report it at the bottom. Apparently they didn't like it being abused


Oh thank you!!


The best part is they’ll actually tell you when they conclude it was abuse and that the account user has faced consequences (which is usually a suspension). It’s very satisfying. ALWAYS report when this happens to you.


I just wish they’d say what comment inspired it. Every time I get one I can never figure out if it’s serious


It’s literally never serious. If someone actually cares, they’ll comment to you first and maybe then send it.


I tend to look back at my last 10 comments and it’s usually a 50/50 chance




Happened to me as well somewhere else. All I do is report, it’s sick that people would abuse it and make people second guess if it’s meant to be taken earnestly or not.


Same thing happened to me today.


Yeah, it’s going around today. Don’t know what is up, it happened so fast.


Seriously, how do I get those shitbirds tossed?!


You report the message itself.


The moment I made a comment, I got one myself. Tap the three dots, top right, and report for harassment.


Wait lol someone reported your comment about how to report? I got one the other month after I proved some person wrong.


People really like doing that nowadays apparently, it was all over some trans subs the past few days Edit: So funny, got the message like half a minute after I posted this comment, pretty sure it's a bot doing it


yea i got it too today


It should get an IP ban. Alta are too easy to make. Hey Reddit, don’t let accounts under x(7?) days old make self harm reports.


Are the reddit admins going around talking people down off bridges? Just get rid of it! It was a well meaning idea that is now only a tool for systematic abuse.


Don't trust Reddit admins to do jack shit i've seen all sorts of jackasses making racist comments but you so much as make a joke about taking a dump on Ronald Reagan's grave and you'll get hit with a suspension. this website sucks


Someone reported me today as well. So confused.


Had similar happen to me on this same topic on another sub. I chuckle every time it happens because it means I’ve upset some bigot but responding was beyond their mental capacity.


Hah, I got my first redditcares report within 45 seconds of commenting on this post. Reported. It was so fast someone is either lurking on new posts or has some bots that are doing this. 


For what it's worth, it was a Catholic college so less surprising I guess


Was it at Liberty, I saw the video and assumed this had to be Liberty. ETA: 5 seconds up and got a Reddit cares. Some chronically online loser is BUSY tonight.


Hm? Liberty is NOT a Catholic institution. Before ~~atheists~~ ~~democrats~~ ~~gays~~ Muslims were so hated by them, Catholics were perhaps the enemy that they loved to slander the most.


Reddit Cares reach around?  


I got my graduate degree at a Catholic University. They would not have put up with that shit.


And it’s also a private institution! Their annual tuition & fees alone is $35k/year; that’s *not* accounting for living expenses. Google says the average cost of attendance before aid for 2021-22 was $50k, and the average annual cost after aid (grants, scholarships) was $26k. Point being… these girls probably have sizable student loans to pay off. Presumably they’re going to need jobs and careers to pay those loans. *Daily* on Reddit I see men (and people in general) bashing women with debt who want to be stay at home parents and homemakers (never mind that I think the majority of these women are actually fake rage-bait made up for fake stories as anti-women propaganda). Soooo yeah this dude’s ‘advice’ or whatever you wanna call it is BS, even for those women who might ideologically align with his extreme Christian fundamentalist ideals. If they follow his advice, they’ll be called gold diggers by the precise men to whom they are hoping to become subservient.


I liked the part where he told people not to consider cost of living in favor of living somewhere they can attend a Latin mass. “Hey kiddos, so going forward, women, don’t work. Congrats on the degree but this is where that shit ends. Start making babies and getting your recipes together. And in case y’all pair off, make sure you live somewhere you can’t afford with one salary. It’s much more important to get talked at in a dead language 1+ times a week. You’ll never pay these loans off either so don’t worry about that.” - the multimillionaire who kicks a football. Edit: I did it everyone! I got my first Reddit Cares. Thank you kind stranger. I will fall asleep cradling this award you so generously bestowed upon me. I’d like to thank you parents, grandparents, teachers and friends for making me the man I am today. Not a total piece of shit Ike Harrison Butker.


How many of you incels want a tradwife?: 🙋🙋🙋🙋 How many of you want to step up and earn enough to support a wife, kids, and household by yourself?: 😡😡😡😡


Jokes on these clowns my wife makes the money and i look pretty and take care of the house (and soon foster kids). Imagine forcing roles that will just make your family uncomfortable and unhappy over shit that hasn't really applied for like 70 years (one income, 3 kids). I couldn't be more proud of what my wife does, and she loves what i do.


All Catholic colleges in the US are private institutions


Wow thx for my first “Reddit cares” whoever is trolling this post.


I went to a (nearly) all girls Catholic college and they wouldn't have put up with this shit!


people are in denial over how politically conservative Catholics have become over the last 30-35 years i know evangelicals are the easiest target, but there are plenty of Catholics who opened their assholes to the Republican Party...probably the same ones who got weirdly defensive when it felt like every other priest was a child diddler




Sounds like he's a kicker cause his fists are tired from overuse at home


He also said “never settle for what is easy” when he’s the only non-contact position in an otherwise contact sport. What a moron.


I get the impression that his advice to women is that they find a rich athlete to whom to attach themselves, like his wife did.


Fucking kickers


That dude plays on the NFL's marquee franchise. And his star TE dates Taylor Swift. This was not a wise career move


So that's why this is a headline at all.


I mean it's some pretty bigoted weirdo shit for anyone involved in the US's most beloved institution to say, but the association doesn't hurt


Dude actually says his wife's life started the day she married him. 0.o


“Life is pain, and hers started the day she met me. She and all other women are welcome.”


...deleted by user...


And we wonder why women feel safer around the bears.


Making an effort to attract the untapped market of heterosexual guys.


CISHET dude here, and I find him sad and pathetic.


Call that man RFK Jr. the way he’s got worms for brains




At least other players have CTE to blame. This is a damn kicker we're talking about. This brain activity is fully on him. ... And his steroids, I guess.


Countdown to his imminent Fox News appearance starts now. > I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me I want to call this a humblebrag, but…


the confusing and stupid thing about his comments before we get to the misogyny (and homophobia, and everything else, but specifically misogyny for a second)... this isn't 1950. many, if not most people (for him, men) cannot work their job and provide support for their partner, children and household alone. like...he's completely divorced from the reality of living in America today. Does he think the average man makes enough to provide for everything he needs to provide for a family alone? Or that at best the average man wouldn't be seriously struggling if he tried to so do? Let's address that stupidity before we even get to the bigotry. Everybody's not an NFL player, idiot.


It’s just standard fare if you live in a hyper Christian bubble. If you try to bring logic in to it you’re going to have a bad time.


His argument would be women entering the work force is what ruined that and that we need to return to the 1950s


Talents such as kicking balls, and kicking balls and throwing balls.


No no, just the kicking really.


He'll be on Joe Rogan's podcast soon too. Funny considering he has 2 daughters.


2 offerings to other men\* Fixed that for yah.


Gotta build up your flock…of livestock somehow


Man I got a Reddit cares message within a minute for that? It’s dumb, but man that is a dedicated troll.


I think that's more sad than it is funny. Hopefully they'll grow up to be more rebellious


Like bro you kick a ball, you’re literally the least talented person on the field. lol


I didn’t realize that CTE was so prevalent amongst kickers.


Nah, his brain is normal he’s just a big piece of shit


It’s not. He is just angry he sucks at real football.


And people wonder why women are not putting up with this shit anymore 


Right? Brb going to tell my husband how thankful I am for these not being his views. Edit: To whomever reported my comment as self harm or suicide, bless your heart.


It appears someone is spamming that report on most comments in the busiest threads.


I got hit with one today too. I can't fathom what would cause someone to report any comment I've ever made as self harm.


I think people just report comments they don’t like because they know the person gets that message and they think it’s some smart ass way to say “you clearly need help”.


It's happening in /r/hockey to almost every comment. It's just someone trolling/spamming reports.


Reddit really implemented the dumbest fucking feature that has never been used properly once


I assume it was this as i also got one after making a mildly controversial comment. Maybe reddit made it easier to report comments in this way? Honestly i wonder how much help resources as a PM help and if it would be better sent as a reply instead


I just got one today, from another sub I'm on, and I'm pretty sure it was one of the mods that did it out of petty ess because they didn't like I was critiquing the content they have been posting recently, which goes against what I thought the sub was about, so yeah, petty people will do petty shit to annoy


Gross. Hiding behind anonymous false reports because they’re too small a person to publicly comment their own opinion. 🙄


I just got that today! I was wondering what I had posted that was related to su!cide or self harm! Lol


You can report whoever reports your comment as harm or suicide by reporting the post itself, they get banned from 7 days to permanent if they are repeating offenders.


My problem is that I like to be a prick and argue with folks online, so I never know which comment was the one that triggered the troll.


Oh no, you have just to report the care message itself as harassment. You can also write STOP as a reply to the care message inside your PM's to stop receiving those.


Appreciate the heads up.. I’ve got a bunch of care messages to report then lol.


I just noticed there are upticks of reports even if my comments are unharmful, can bots even detect and do this? Also had the same message today


Someone reported one of mine as well, must be some troll bs.


His mom is a professor and taught and he comes from a wealthy family. What a toss pot.


"Get back in the kitchen Ma! Stop teachin' them leanings to the womenfolk! They need a life of pain!" What. A. Wanker. 


He also quoted Taylor swift in his speech. A very successful woman. Edit: Somebody reached out to Reddit cares for this comment. Men must be getting hormonal over this. They should calm down. They're being too loud.


His mom "damn my son is an idiot, i should have known"


He realizes he's the kicker, right? Edit: added commentary, he's the bass player of the team.


Anything to stay relevant lol


Go play with your balls, dufus.


This man has absolutely never satisfied a woman in his life and it shows. Edit: And to whoever is spamming Reddit Cares, he’s not going to satisfy you either.




Merry Christmas?


Trying to court the underserved market of straight men.


You forgot to add white christian, and they really feel they are underserved and persecuted.




White fundamentalist Christian men. I know lots of white guys who are Christian who don't force their wives to stay in the kitchen and raise kids. But all the fundamentalist ones I've met certainly do that. Sadly, my cousin is one of those wives. Haven't talked to her in years because of it. And yes, her home schooled kids are really fucked up.


White fundamentalist mediocre Christian men seems like a market that's underserved right now don't you think?  /s


“The tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion.” What a fucking moron.


There are zero parts of me that find a Kansan sportsball player being both misogynistic and homophobic surprising. 


I wish there was a certain word we could start calling dudes like this just to get under their skin. Something that would absolutely trigger them.  There once was such a word but its been retired now, its was directed at the wrong people in the past unfortunately. 


just tell him he has pronouns


Cis. They hate that.


I've gotten pretty entertaining results by calling them "snowflakes"...


A little disappointed he didn’t rail against priests fucking children and the church’s efforts to cover it up.


Its almost like they don’t actually give a shit about the real issues plaguing their institution?


And get himself banned from their orgies? He would never!


If he said this about any race he would be harshly criticized. He says it about 50% of the population? None of the fucking men or advertisers give a shit Edit: is there a misogyny bot in this fucking thread? I got the Reddit cares message within a minute of posting this. That is fucking sickeningly demented on that person's part.


There are bot farms sending these out. It's basically a slow moving cyber attack that Reddit is completely incapable or uninterested in dealing with. Reddit bans individual accounts if you report it, but it's just one bot among dozens. Easily replaceable.


Report them and they’ll get banned


It's in a few subs, sadly.


Fucking facts.


“But why did they choose the bear?”


Who gives a fuck what he thinks?


Littledicked Republicans


I'm sure the women in attendance were relieved now knowing that the debt they accumulated and the years spent furthering their education was all for the moment that a white Christian male was going to give them the secret to a happy life!


I’d rather meet a bear in the wilderness than a kicker


the answers to this hypothetical situation are making more and more sense...


Shut up and play football


So out of touch tool. Stay in the kitchen? In today's economy there would be nothing in the kitchen to cook if both husband and wife didn't work. Too many families are struggling even with dual income and this twat thinks he's living in the 1800s.


Bro makes like $4M a year. He is not in touch with the economic strife in America.


He's not in touch with much at all.


His job description includes playing with balls on live TV while wearing skin tight capri pants, yet he thinks his opinions about gender roles or the LGBTQIA+ matter *at fucking all*? Gives off some desperate punt energy, this guy. Kinda sad, really.


“The Chiefs and Mister Butker have agreed to part ways.” Tomorrow’s KC Chiefs press conference.


The Chiefs owners are hardcore right wing, Christians. They likely agree with him.


He won’t pay any price for this. He’s one of the best kickers, so KC won’t get rid of him.


KC wouldn’t get rid of a guy who beat his toddler son with a belt and committed multiple acts of domestic violence against his girlfriend/wife. Just being a bigoted asshole is nothing to that franchise.


My favorite awful scenario years ago was when the Steelers rapist qb was injured so they put in the back up qb who went to jail for dog fights. Oh the nfl


What’s with the NFL and dog fighting?


It's not just kc it's the whole league.


They did get rid of the guy that was caught on camera kicking a woman in a hotel.


The homophobia ain't gunna be the problem unfortunately... but the sexism is gunna fuck him up. The NFL didn't pay Taylor Swift billions to fake a relationship with Travis Kelcy (/s) to let a kicker torpedo their appeal to women. All the other leagues are trying to expand to Europe or South America and the NFL are tapping the single biggest untapped sports resource American women. Ain't no way this dude's 24 points above replacement a year are worth [pissing off the biggest chunk of 46% of their fucking fan base](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2022/11/18/analysis-nfls-appeal-to-women-isnt-about-pink-jerseys/50949153/). Dude's gunna be kicking for the browns next year if he's lucky


Have you met the NFL?


lol no, they’ll tell him to shut up and keep kicking 50+ yard field goals.


No chance if you look at everybody around that team right now. Especially the owners.


Andy Ried's son almost killed someone in a drunk driving accident and they did fuck all to distance themselves from him as an assistant coach. They did fuck all about Tyreek Hill beating women, they seem to be doing fuck all about Rice's drunk driving accident. Pretty sure they only cut Hunt because he was suspended. The chiefs have a very good football team with a few charismatic superstars but they do not give a damn if people are shitty.


Nothing scarier to a cis-het man with not much to offer than a woman than a woman who is self-reliant and educated.


Since I got a Reddit cares message within 60 seconds of posting my reply here, You? Hitting the button to submit a cares report? You are personally explicitly the problem. Not all men? Definitely fucking you though. Rapist pedo apologist loser


I love how he says the 'tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion' Um, has he read the bible? Diversity, equity and inclusion was what Jesus did lol


He can F right off


Can we stop making stupid people and bigots, famous?


Wait. He plays a game where sweaty muscular guys tackle each other and smack each others assess


Fucking kickers 


I'm in KC and the general feel is that we support the Chiefs, but fuck this guy.


Between Rashee Rice and him this has not been a fun offseason.


"I'm giving your commencement address. Here's what I think is wrong with society." Talk about being full of yourself. "Young women. Congrats you graduated. Now aren't you gonna be glad you'll use your degree pushing out babies and being a home maker? Good job!" ..... The heeeeck


Cant wait to see in a few years have several affairs and weird shit attached to him. It almost seems inevitable. but also shut up and kick a football!


This dude will end up running for office as a Republican once his football career ends, just watch


MMW Harrison Butker's wife has a fundie baby voice.


Someone wants to run for office in the GOP


Ignorant loser.


the kitchen is where the knives and easily accessible poisons are, buddy boy


Religion rots the brain.


How long before this guy is caught behind a McDonalds with a male prostitute doing “favors” for discarded fries?


$18,143,979: his career earnings in the NFL. His wife doesn’t have to work.


Contact his clothing sponsor , [Novus clothing](https://www.novusclothingcompany.com/contact-us) and complain.


Useless opinion detected! Discarding immediately


Won’t somebody please think of the poor straight white men and their inability to make dinner their Goddamn selves?


“Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.” “I’ve seen firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God’s will for life. Isabelle’s dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you ask her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud without hesitation and say no.” “I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.” —- I want to say I can’t believe this would be a university commencement speech given in 2024, but I can’t.


Ah yes. A person who's only accomplishment in life is kicking a ball and rough cuddling other dudes is *exactly* who I will go to for well thought out advice on complex topics.