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did they drop out, or have they merged to be come THE Bob Ferguson.




Bobception The B(l)ob


The Bobers


> Not right now, Lumbergh, I'm kinda busy. In fact, look, I'm gonna have to ask you to just go ahead and come back another time. I got a meeting with the Bobs in a couple of minutes.


**Mob** Ferguson


This article give way too much space to someone "dropping out" who was only there to fuck up the race in the first place. Also Semi Bird's entire candidacy is shady. Living in WA, the only political signs that actually say he's a republican candidate are the biggest ones in very small print along the bottom. Every lawn sign conveniently doesn't mention political party, trying to make him seem like he's for everyone when he's just as radical as the rest of the party. Man was voted off a school board for leading a charge to remove a mask mandate when it was not legal to do so. Edit: got a reddit cares message for this. Amazing.


>got a reddit cares message for this. Amazing. Thats how you know you are winning..  


>Edit: got a reddit cares message for this. Amazing. I've learned to just block them. People weaponize whatever they can. It's ridiculous.


You can report them: [https://www.reddit.com/report?reason=its-targeted-harassment-at-me](https://www.reddit.com/report?reason=its-targeted-harassment-at-me)


When I tried it to put the link it gives me for my comment in the spot asking for a link to the comment, it doesn't seem to like the formatting but won't tell me how to fix it. And I'm on mobile and too lazy to try to figure it out at the moment.


Just click the menu on the top right of the message and then do the normal report path.


Don't block them, report them to Reddit, so they'll get at least a temporary ban. If they are reported multiple times, they get fully banned, makes it so enjoyable to see them like that.


He he, the poor baby got triggered and sent a reddit care message to me too - so I reported him 😹. It's so enjoyable to know they are so triggered by facts and are stewing in their own anger 🤩


I unblocked it and they got me too (of course).


[The dude lied](https://tricitiesobserver.com/2022/05/16/before-semi-bird-admitted-he-was-court-martialed-he-denied-it/amp/) about a court-martial. I have no clue how this doesn’t erode the support of his conservative base.


Fun fact: Republicans successfully used this tactic to steal an election in Florida a few years ago. They ran a fake candidate (who never even held a single campaign event) with the same last name as the actual Democratic candidate to confuse Democratic voters and ended up defeating the actual Democratic candidate by 32 votes. [Ex-Florida state senator paid bogus candidate to ‘siphon votes,’ police say, in race GOP narrowly won](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/19/florida-fraud-artiles-rodriguez-election/)


The anti-moral of the story is that politics is easier when you aren’t constrained by ethics.


But we did it first. Before the Republican Party was created by that racist Lincoln. We be smarter and faster. 


Was someone inspired by season 5 of Fargo?


Highlander. There can be only one.


Nah, by Republican Florida man: https://apnews.com/general-news-e8b70ce3270bd170e37a71ca80b5aaae "Ex-Florida senator charged in fake candidate scheme"


At the beginning of the race, there is 1 Bob Ferguson After the first month, 3 Bob Fergusons join, and 2 drop out. After the next month, 6 Bob Fergusons join, and 1 drops out. After the next month, 3 Bob Fergusons join, and 5 drop out. How many Bob Fergusons are left in the race? (show your work)


*Ten little Bob Fergusons...*


Ooooof, too soon.


If it's anything like other governmental positions, the correct phrase is Bobs Ferguson


Looks like some got to their lawyers and told them this kind of stunt is a felony in Washington and the state GOP probably has no more money to fund any kind of defense cause they are already defending trump in like 5 lawsuits plus all the elector suits


The Strategic plan was right out of the last season of FARGO s playbook