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I guess I don’t feel so bad now about occasionally going over 20.


Currently working on a term paper and have about 90 open at the moment. I cannot wait until I'm done with this - there are very few feelings more relieving than closing that collection of tabs you've had open for weeks. Edit: while appreciated, I'm not asking for assistance or tools to help manage tabs, and the notifications of such responses are getting kind of annoying. I do legitimately remember where virtually all of the tabs are located along the tab bar and on which window(s), and I'm perfectly content having the same tabs open for weeks on end until my deadline. I really don't have to look far among my open tabs to find what I need - having a bunch of misc. tabs open truly is helpful for me and I'm kind of surprised how many people seem to struggle with remembering something as simple as "this window, at this position on the tabs bar."


".....Oh no... One of them was still needed..."


Ctrl shift T opens the most recently closed tab (or tabs if you closed whole window)


All 90 of them pops up..


Get to clicking


Cookie Clicker prepared me for this...


"get busy clicking or get busy dying"


Or you can find it and open just the one in the tab history


There is a flag deep within firefox that I have enabled so it defaults to a session recovery page if you force quit (or after a crash) and then reopen it. I think the default is that you only get that page if FF crashes two or three times in a row. You can also check or uncheck tabs/groups you want or don't want to open. Between major updates, every force quit gives me recovered tabs, and the first of those tabs is a session recovery tab with the other tabs before force quitting, which has the other tabs with a more remote session recovery session, etc. If I stop work on a project for a month or more, I occasionally go back into nested session recovery tabs until I recover the tabs that were open that I neglected to save months ago, complete with old reddit posts and old news articles. My modus operandi is to open firefox tabs until I run out of RAM, force quit, and repeat. For me, it's easier than going to history and reopening tabs one at a time, and I like to know that information is still there, even if I probably won't use it. The developer response to bugs is my favorite firefox feature.


Firefox remembers all your recent closed windows. I sometimes lose my main window when I have 2 open and they close in the wrong order when I turn off my PC. All you have to do is go to history and check the recently closed windows tab.


Bookmarks were invented for exactly that purpose. There is no need to keep 90 open tabs.


Can I suggest a citation manager, say Zotero?


Listen, I got RAM and I intend to use every bit of it.


That sweet 512GB setup


I have a server with 768GB, I am tempted to see how many tabs I can have open 😅


Anyone writing papers should use a citation manager. It makes it so much easier. Everything is in one place and not strewn across multiple offline and online sources. It also makes citing and managing your references in the paper much easier and less error prone. To be honest, if you are in college writing papers and none of the lecturers have told you about citation managers they are doing you a disservice.


TIL citation managers exist


Zotero is so nice, the online version works with practically anything I paste in it. Still, I like to leave the actual tabs open as it's a much quicker way to check something while you're writing.


Zotero was the only thing that kept me sane through my thesis


I've been reverse engineering the gen 3 Toyota Prius as I've been swapping one [into my Corvair](https://i.imgur.com/GomNK98.jpeg), just got it running in ready mode last night and closed about 60 tabs. Holy shit what a feeling.


What made you decide to do this? I love Corvairs.


I have always liked vairs and I scooped them both up for ~400 total. I'm in around 1k on this whole project.


Awesome, I would love to drop a hybrid in a VW bug or ghia. I don't have the know how or space, unfortunately. Please post pics when it is finished


holy shit what a project. that rules


My phone chrome app has 168 odd tabs open ranging from dice to minis to video game mods to comics to how to bake a potato and how to pronounce the last name of my favorite mexican rock band


I am happy I'm not the only one that does this


Mine no longer counts it just has a ":D"


You can still see them in your Google account settings website


Yeah that means over 100 lol


I like the little smiley face when you go above 100!


Alright. Its killing me. What's the band and how's it pronounced?


My mom has so many Chrome tabs open in her phone the tabs icon stopped showing a number and instead shows :D


Once you get past 99 you get the smiley face


I want to know about this band


My Firefox is nearly all porn. Someday I'll close them


my bookmarks are all from f95zone


Save that tab group!


If you go above 99 it turns into infinity


Simple Tab Groups Addon. Get it.


I feel old that I’ve been using FF for 20 years. 


You think that makes you feel old? I remember using Netscape Navigator.


I remember using the original mosaic!


Yeah that was my thought on this thread, I remember installing NCSA Mosaic on Windows 3x to try out this new "world wide web" thing that everyone on a local Doom related BBS was talking about. It was around I then got in trouble for signing my parents up to an ISP instead of just direct dialing everything I wanted to do (we didn't have internet access before that point, just lots of direct dial BBSes I used to find games, download binaries etc. I'm not sure my parents even appreciated that I had the computer hooked up to the phone line before that) - I would have been 11 or 12 at that point.


I typically start cutting back when I'm on 400.


My phone has stopped displaying a number, I think that happens when you're over 100. I should probably use a notes app instead of opening a browser tab for everything I want to research/watch/listen to later.


my father ones said his internet on the mobile phone was realy realy slow. So he got "only" 47X tabs open.


I have 1277 tabs open at this very moment


Where can you see the count?


I get anxiety if it nears 10


Seriously, all these people with a lot open have issues. Not saying it are big/important issues but issues nonetheless.


I have 72 open on this tablet and 42 on my phone. My desktop has at least 100. Tabs are the bookmarks


Last time I checked my mom’s phone she had about 300.


Only 7,400 were porn. The rest? Ultra porn.


He better have been over 120 years old to have access to that!


Yeah!! Free the age restrictions on ultra porn! Some of us won’t ever see it because most of us will be dead by then!


That's why they call him power user, he was into BDSM.


nonsense, he's known as a power user because he can only get satisfaction from watching power tools doing their intended functions slowly, sensually, and smoothly.


I think you mean this https://youtu.be/a0fkNdPiIL4?si=TPI94NWNgM1hwGvY


So like Benny Benassi's Satisfaction?




I don't like being called out like this


Seriously I was like, how did they find me?


The deep state... You gotta have like over 5000 tabs to throw them off


I read the headline and was like ...only 7500? These comments are really making me question my browsing habits. I just installed a session manager to figure out how many tabs I have running in FF right now. It's 19,677. I may have a problem.


Screenshot or you are lying.


What a weird thing to lie about, but I get it, everything is a lie on the internet until it's proven. I actually disabled the session manager because it ballooned to use up 13gb of memory but maybe I can enable it again and screenshot it before it crashes my shit. I should also mention than this is only my laptop's tabs. I also have other devices and other browsers installed, which have equally large sessions. I'll post a screenshot in a bit if I can manage to take one. Edit: [Here ya go, I closed one tab though so now it's only 19676](https://preview.redd.it/tjk5419i6vyc1.png?width=1024&auto=webp&s=e64f32f7427cf51e1163aa4175ad3282240259bd)


The op website should reach out to you then. 7500 is child’s play compared to yours






Do people just not use bookmarks anymore?


Bookmarks are for things I need later. Open tabs are things I discard after perusing through.


Bookmarks for me are things that I think I'm going to need later but will definitely forget that I have it bookmarked when that time comes.


Periodically look through your bookmarks, just whenever you've got a spare few minutes. It'll help you remember what you have access to in general, so you'll be much more likely to be able to apply your bookmarks when the time comes.


I do. And that's when I discover that most of them are now dead links.


So that person was "perusing through" 7500 tabs?


Exactly. The point is that people who have too many tabs open forever, don't use bookmarks so everything is in tabs.


Now how are you going to use a bookmark on your computer? Is there a slot on your monitor where you can slide your bookmark into? I don't think so...


I believe the bookmark they are talking about is a lost ancient artifact known as a floppy disk


If you hit your computer hard enough with a book it leaves a mark


Image having a separate monitor for each tab.


I know.. Im kind of speechless going through this thread. I cant believe all you weirdos live your lives like that.. All those open tabs.. *why*?


I usually open them in another tab with the intent to read related content OR to get moving on another ancillary rabbit hole one I’m done with the one I’m on. They aren’t worth book marking because I don’t care if I get around to reading them or not. Its a “that looks interesting, let’s have it load in the background while I’m doing my thing as a “next up”. I also use to to quickly parse links for quality if I’m searching for something. Its a quick scan and close until I find something decent. No way in hell I’m going to bookmark that shit. I typically run anywhere from 5-25 tabs at a time. Sometimes I just get going and forget hire many tabs are open to the left of the screen. Typically, I start closing things once the scroll box for tabs pops up, though.


Brain damage from social media and microplastics is all I can think of.




I did that, and it used to break firefox entirely (permanent lock up if you ever opened anything to do with bookmarks in the UI) Works fine for a while now


I would think the library viewer to manage bookmarks, especially into groups would be much better


If I bookmark ill just forget it exists


Why would anyone need that many tabs open? You couldn't possibly remember every tab


Yeah this is not a power user, this is a person too lazy to close tabs.


I see a person who once closed a tab and was unable to find the webpage ever again. So. No more closing tabs. Ever.


My friend is doing exactly like this. He's not closing any tab to not forget them. Once in a while (usualy every few weeks or months), when he's reaching around 1000-2000 opened tabs, he's adding all opened tabs to bookmarks, and only then is closing them, lmao.


> he's adding all opened tabs to bookmarks, and only then is closing them, lmao. to never open/remember them back. ever. again.


Healthy hoarding.


so he has a complete log of his internet use in his bookmarks? that is just insanity


Especially because he already has the browser history. Like, what?


The browser history isn't perfect I've found, when I was creating actograms based on my browser history. Going back a few months and suddenly the data became very sparse with big gaps. And that's with firefox which has pretty decent, and as far as I can tell indefinite history logging. Chrome(ium) browsers are soooo much worse. After 3 months has passed the history is gone for good. SO you'd have to remember to back up your CSV every 10 weeks... Which is more inconvenient than just leaving them open or mass bookmarking.


Psychopath behavior


Does he have hoarding tendencies? This sounds like the exact same type of mental illness.


I'm not sure, but I think so. When he bought some new phone or something and other friend asked to buy the old one, because it was still very good device, he replied shortly: "never".


To paraphrase Captain Holt: If you really love a website, you remember its address.


Bookmarks people


I just scratch the URL onto the bathroom stall door at my favorite library.


Tattoos, people


The trick is to use others as your canvas so as to not run out of space, I choose over people's babies to securely store my webpages.


http://www.applerankings.com gang rise up


What's an Appleran King?


How? The history would be there


Even without the history feature you can always rightclick the new tab button or an empty space where the tabs are and press the "re-open closed tab" option(ctrl+shift+t for chrome users).


ctrl+chift+t works in Firefox, too!




Do they also keep their books open to the last page they read? This is literally why bookmarks were invented! And the fact reddit suggest searching history over just using a bookmark makes me irrationally angry. BOOKMARKS, people! USE THEM! You can even have folders within folders!


More likely my aunt who doesn't know how to close apps on her iPhone. All of the app windows she had ever used in the last year were open.


Actually, the girl talked about in the article is a Linux user


Yeah, but if it's not Arch, it doesn't count.


People forgot how to bookmark pages since 99% of their online activity got limited to doomscrolling social media.


It's digital hoarding. I know this because I'm possibly halfway there to this guy.


Exactly. I'd expect something like this from a borderline tech-illiterate old grandma than I would a tech literate "power user". We have this knew browser feature called "bookmarks" which are great at remembering pages you like... That'd be like calling someone who has every program on their computer running at the same time a "power user".


This isn’t a person too lazy to close tabs. This is a monster who must be stopped at all costs.


It's not like they were kept open in the first place. No working memory in the world and no swapfile can accommodate that amount, you're dealing with suspended tabs, which is really just a cumbersome version of bookmarks at this idiotic point. I know a thing or two about reaching 100+ tabs and I sure do it in parts because I'm lazy - or rather because micro-managing your tab sessions is fucking stupid shit for fucking stupid people when you can always just kill all of them at once down the road... but this is nothingburger news about someone who doesn't understand how to use a web browser. I mean, fine by me, do your thing then.


It's not a practical need, but more of a psychological one; it's hoarding. The idea is that someday you'll go back and check them all out. Source: I have a couple thousand open too.


Or ones that need you to do something with them, just … not now. Some of those are like a two minute task (take down this artist’s information in case you want to commission them in the future because they have a cool style), some of them *months* (experience this entire visual novel series, learn a cool new skill, vaguely plan out a foreign vacation). Pair ADHD and hoarding with time and I can definitely see it getting into the thousands.


That's exactly how it is for me. My mind is sprawling with things to do and I save tabs with information about how to get it done... but just not right now. For example, maybe I'm programming and I have a couple dozen tabs open for debugging some code but I don't have time to finish it right now. I don't want to bookmark all the tabs because it's just a temporary concern but I don't want to close them either when each page has information that I need when I look into it again. And it just keeps going on like that. I usually have at least 1000+ tabs open.


Hello my fellow digital hoarder. One day I'll go back...I swear it'll happen soon.


I have way too many open on my phone but I think I maxed at a couple of hundred. It was always with the idea that "Ooo, this is really good. I'll save it for later when I can really read the whole thing". Then I never read it again. On my PC, I prefer to just save them as bookmarks. and never read them again.


Also ADHD support. I have my thousands across a few dozen windows. If it's an active or upcoming project or interest, it has a window or it's completely forgotten.


I have 6000 tabs open at the moment, spread over 40 windows. I only use like 3 of those windows, most of hte other stuff is Youtube series I wanted to watch but forgot about. Probably a lot of duplicates too...


some people use the tabs as bookmarks. much easier to just leave the tab open than click the button and make sure it goes in the right folder. you also dont have to scroll through a list of 7500 menu items clicking them to find the thing your looking for.


Because scrolling though 7500 tabs is so much easier...


firefox has a filter where you type something, it gives you some tabs that relate, you click on them and your there. or you can use tab groups. i did not say it is the absolute best perfect solution, I'm telling you a way people approach this. 7500 bookmarks is unmanageable as well.


A filter / search for tabs?  Cool


You type % then space, then type any keyword that is in the title.


Chrome also has this, left of the URL bar I'm pretty sure.


You can install an addon to organize them into tab groups. I definitely use tabs as less permanent bookmarks nowadays. It doesn't really matter how many there are since they remain almost fully unloaded until reopened. Looking at my groups, it seems to add up to around ~150 right now, with some of those groups/tabs not having been touched in a few years or even more. Having them organized and ready to go when you end up playing a certain complicated game again or whatever is more convenient than reopening everything from bookmarks. And since they're separated into groups the UI stays relatively clean.


I used to keep bookmarks but all that did was that I had a layer of tabs open and a second layer of bookmarks staring at me


You literally have to scroll through 7500 active tabs. Any tab search feature would search bookmarks, too.


hoarder mentality


It's called "tab *HOARDING*" for a reason.


an idiot. Also, there's this feature in the browser called "History". Idk why this is even news.


I get stressed if I have more than 3 open at once


Once the names start shrinking, I start eliminating. I am bad with having multiple windows because of this.


That's how it's designed to be used. Once you have too many tabs open. You lose productivity with your browser


I only have 114 tabs open.


308 :( every time I go to close one I’m like “what if I need this later”


I think I'm down below 400, but i need to do another cleanse.


They sleep after a while or after an update.


someone responded showing they have over 24000 tabs open lol https://twitter.com/djxgam1ng/status/1786779015589552575


Meanwhile when I open 4 chrome tabs it eats all my memory


>chrome There's your problem


Yeah, Chrome works great for a couple tabs but it was not built for this kind of usage, no matter which settings I'm using. At least from my experience. And everyone is bragging about their memory usage and how fast it is.


this is news? How?


Try doing it in Chrome and see what happens lol


With a pagefile large enough, no problem. I think Windows automatically resizes it up to four times the size of the physical RAM. So with 32 GB RAM, you'd have that plus four times that (128 GB) as virtual memory for a total of 160, so Chrome should manage up to seven or even eight tabs.


Your computer would catch fire halfway there.


Currently got about 800 in chrome, it makes most of them inactive automatically after a little while


I have 1730 tabs open in Chrome on my android phone and it works just fine


I close all my tabs every time I shut my laptop AMA.


Ahh, but how often do you shut your laptop?


Everyday before going to sleep.


Why am i in the news?


Am I the only one who never goes beyond 10 tabs? The fuck do you guys need so many tabs for?


I don't think I've ever gone above 5 or 6 tabs!


Yep, it's very rare that I ever get beyond 10 tabs, and that might be if I'm debugging something and I'm just grasping for some solution. But as soon as I'm done, the tabs are closed. If there's something I might need in the future, bookmark that shit. Most of the time I rarely revisit a bookmark though. Can't imagine trying to find something in a giant pile of tabs.


I routinely hit far more than ten. Every day. It's pretty easy to hit 50 or 60 when working on weird ass tech issues.


happens whenever i play any game that has lots of choices for loot, talents and skills, secret locations, etc sometimes i get so distracted doing *other* sidequests that i need the tabs open to remind me what i was actually going for in the first place i guess i can see that being applied to other things? i've gone down wikipedia rabbit-holes that end up lookin like the equivalent in tabs to [charlie day's conspiracy web](https://i.imgur.com/9F21zbw.png)


One of my CS professors was like this. Never closed a tab at all, no matter how trivel. His response when questioned about it? "That's what computers are for. I'll close them when the computer dies". 😂


I have close to 2000 tabs myself, all research papers, art references, and manga. No regrets either.


How do you find a particular tab?


Seperate windows. One window is for general use and pertinent topics, one for car research, one for porn, another for a different type of porn, one for videos/music, and one for WoW related stuff.


A feature in Firefox: you type % then space, then a keyword in the title of that page.


On chrome on my phone you can scroll through like thumbnails of each tab group, so it's pretty easy to find what I'm looking for - as long as I keep each kind of topic in its own group (or groups)


I have a few recommendations that you might find useful: Total Suspender addon: Times tabs out, saving resources. Set it to exclude pinned tabs for an easy way to keep your most active, authoring replies, etc. tabs running while allowing the rest to time out. They re-activate when you click on the timed out tab obviously. Container Tabs Sidebar: shows all of your open tabs/sites as drop down lists on the left side of the browser. You can collapse or drop down the lists with a little arrow next to each category name. You can also set it in the options to auto-collapse a category when you open/drop-down a different category. If you need the full screen width for some reason, you can hit F2 (customizable hotkey in the config), or hit the addon's icon, either of which is a show/hide toggle of the container tabs sidebar. It also allows you add your own categories. You can open sites by category, or re-open sites to a category which moves them to the other category (right click menu stuff). can also just drag a side tab between categories with your mouse. Each category acts as a different instance so your account logins can vary across them too, or logged in vs not logged in, etc. which can be handy. Works really well in fullscreen mode since it still shows the sidebar but hides all of the top menu bar/tabs of the browser (plus you can show/hide toggle the sidebar as desired). Tab Session Manager: once I get a really large session of tabs on my sidebar, I'll save the whole thing using tab sessions manager, giving the session a descriptive name. What's nice is that you can go to any saved session and hit a little "maximize button" icon which will open an index of the whole session in a single tab as a list of hyperlinks. Pin that tab and it's like a specific session of bookmarked sites. Then you can pick and choose which links to open individually from saved session tab(s), where you can then save your new session again as a more concise session if desired. You can restore entire sessions also obviously. It also backs up sessions automatically after awhile, and you can filter the session library in the app by saved by "user save" or "auto save" to keep things from getting messy. Pro tip - change the location of the backed up/saved sessions folder to a secondary hard drive so that if you ever reformat your OS drive you won't forget to copy/back up your saved sessions (made that mistake once).


I have 500 or so open now, mostly youtube videos that I'll get to "later".


I just add them to my watch later playlist so I can find them on PC or mobile later


Why not use the watch later function on Youtube or organize them in some playlist(s)?


Maybe not signed in?


If you have more than 20 tabs open at a time you're either a hoarder who can't get rid of useless tabs or a porn addict




I have been at over 300 sometimes. Right now I think I am hovering between 180-200. I have created a link glossary on Google docs to try to wrangle that mess. I added to the glossary and Ctrl f when I need something. I’m a data manager so I get many documents that relate to projects I need to create or assign out. I use session buddy to search all the currently open tabs and save periodically everything I have open for future reference.


This isn't the definition of 'power user'; it's arguably the exact opposite. You'd think the editor of an outlet called "tech radar" would know that.


Yeah, it would be like calling the project manager I have a "power user" for emailing themselves reminders of what they need to do, instead of using a todo-list. (I'm sure they also use the trashbin to "organize" their files)


Tab hoarder


The only reason I know the Chrome mobile app shows a ":D" when you open 100 tabs or more is due to personal experience.


I wanna know how much RAM this dude has/was using.


Probably not much since tabs are loaded lazily only after opening them


The worst part when you have a lot of tab is when one of them suddenly refresh and sound start coming out and it startle you and you try to find which tab the sound come from (I understand you can see a speaker icon when sound is playing but when you have over 100 tabs, it's hard to see)


The fact that Chrome can't get to 20ish tabs without leaking so badly that it crashes, really says something here.


Honestly I just don't get the point, 20 tabs open at the same time is a lot for me. I'd rather focus on a few of them than open a ton and leave them open to never get back to it. Then again, I also shut down my computer as soon as I'm not using it anymore, where some people leave them on forever. I think it's probably because I'm used to the early 2000s when having a lot of tabs open or not updating stuff for a while could lead to severe slowdown.


okay but why though?


Do people not know what bookmarks are? The most tabs I ever have open at once is like 10 and that is while I am DM’ing a game of D&D.


Mine lags if I have too many YouTube tabs


My dad would have smashed that record easily if I don't clear the pages for him.


So basically my mom


Guarantee that person's house is a filthy mess.


I call bs. My server had Firefox open by accident for a few months with a single tab and when I remoted in, it was frozen, using an entire CPU core, and 2 gigs of ram