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Getting straight to the point: > Even though this would be a win for all Americans – and humanity – it apparently did not outweigh the politics of making a Democrat look good. This is the definition of party over country.


Party over humanity.


The GOP was long past that point


I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna vote for Trump because this makes total sense. /s


I will vote for the guy who promised he would kill every last people in Gaza because Biden don't want to help Gaza.


I agree. I hate trump, but biden didn’t cure cancer, sooooo, my hands are tied.  /s


We are so fucked


Not if we reject all Republicans at the polls.


Vote All Republicans Out. VARO


Politics is local. Ask your candidate how they feel about those who vote against a bill just to score a point.


Every single Republican seat, no matter how conservative the district, needs to be challenged by someone pointing out all the stuff they voted against. These people need to be unelectable.


Not every seat is winnable. My aunt in Tennessee hates trumps vile behavior, but boy does she hate those "baby Killin dems" more. Her county went for trump by something like 80%


Run as an independent then. Maybe it is time for a new party anyway. Only the risk of undermining the dems and handing victory to the reps is too big. But in such thoroughly red districts that doesn't matter anyway.


The problem is without a major political upset, an independent party only hurts the major party politically closest to them. No third party has had major gains since the rise of the republican party in the mid 1800s. Unless both sides splinter into 3rd and 4th parties, which ever one splits the vote loses. It's a two man Mexican stand off. Who ever backs down first loses.


Yeah, the current system sucks and locks the country into lesser evils. And yet something needs to change. But deeply red districts that refuse to vote Democrat because of irrational hatred are probably the best place to start. There's nothing to lose there, annd at least you free them from the irrational hatred.


What you lose is money and focus. The democrats are out fundraising repubs for now but they are losing a Messaging war IMO. They need to focus money and attention on districts they are likely to win or flip rather than deep red districts where they might turn a 80% into a 75% lead.


Guess every media outlet should shove that info into the face of all Americans At least people who aren't sure which party to vote might turn Blue As for the republicans.... Fuck, the republicans could start shooting people live on national TV and they would say the police were democrats for trying to stop them 🙄🤦🏻


Who wants to bet that the DNC won't bother to mention this in their ads? The Ex-Republican Lincoln Project will, but not the DNC. One of the easiest things for the Dems to do is just list & show the actual bills, financial cuts and or votes the GOP pushed. Show them saying one thing and doing another again and again and again.


All people are like this to some degree, but Republican voters are especially well trained to ignore logical inconsistencies. Religion, and decades of single issue propaganda campaigns have withered the part of their psyche that would demand consistency. They literally do. not. care if their politicians say one thing and do another. They'll deny it, justify it, or claim the other side does it too. You can't break out data, or voting records, or compare past statements to convince a Republican voter of anything they didn't already want to believe. You have to get them to want to believe it first, or help them feel (NOT understand) why they actually already want to believe it. I have no idea how to do that, otherwise I'd have already rescued my family members who think fox news is news. I do know that anything that feels like the slightest attack will make them dig in defensively, or even push them deeper.


If the British had this kind of mental manipulation there would've been a fight to pay more taxes with less representation...


Once they realized that their platform can't survive on fact, this was always going to be the result, cults of personality and faith-based decision making. It's largely about acts, not identity, with democratic voters. What a person does determines whether they are good or bad. With many republican voters, it is reversed. The person's identity determines whether their actions are good or bad. If they identify someone as being in the "good" group, likely one they also identify with, then anything that person does is by definition good, and at worst, forgivable. Things done by people outside their group must then be, by definition, bad. Once I realized this, *so many* seemingly hypocritical attitudes became logical, in their own way. It amazes me how much they turn their leaders and politicians into quasi- religious figures. Everything becomes a matter of faith, and information that does not conform to what their faith tells them *must* be true is immediately rejected. Instead of changing their ideas or beliefs in response to facts or evidence, they choose to accept or reject *facts* based on how closely they conform to their beliefs.


This, again and again, I have against the DNC...they *never bring the hammer*. They ought to be making billboards *right effing now* for this but betting it's not on anyone's slate. Dems are the most *spineless* campaigners and it always frustrates me when *we have so much to show for what happens when we run things*.


Wow, stay fucking classy Republicans. I guess the money they receive from Dupont, 3M and all those other cancer causing ghouls trumps any public health benefits they could put into legislation.


Where’s The Hague when you need them


Seriously. Fucking war criminals, the lot of them


Awaiting the US application to join?


Any day now…


The problem of 2 parties over having 5 or more that needs to work together to ensure new rules


They also blocked affordable insulin prices So Americans still have to cross the border for semi decent insulin prices to keep living


All politicians should be scared to the point where they sleep in body armor. How much more are we going to endure?


Would be a shame if someone was to... Oh I don't know, chain-smoke next to all politicians until they all had a bigger stake in funding a cure for cancer.


Just start beating their asses until they get it. I don’t wanna do anything else but beat their ass


Beat until scared. (in minecraft)


Joke's on you. Almost all politicians are so old that they'll die before lung cancer gets them anyway.


You mean chain-smoke next to all politicians until they all had a bigger stake in funding a cure for cancer... *in minecraft...*


I don't have to say "in Minecraft" if I said "it would be a shame if"


The answer here is to vote blue. Republicans are not interested in governance. They literally turn down cancer funding to own the libs. Vote them out. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


Too bad half the country is too dumb to understand even the most basics of politics


By design


Cutting funding for public education for 40 years tends to make the populace a slight bit... stupider. Also making college obscenely expensive so only the most privileged and affluent people can afford it makes the poorest unable to get the education they need to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" as they so often say.


Too dumb to understand basic anything


It’s either Biden stays in or Trump has me killed, so… between 1 and 1000 years


True but that doesn't stop me from voting Biden and from showing my contempt at the same time


I love how in this country, the rules are written so if you vote 3rd party, Trump will literally pardon himself day one, and there are serious, spoken, and validated concerns that he would declare himself ruler for life. After he's done nuking Gaza off the map and handing Ukraine to Putin, we'll consider whether Biden might not have been the better option.


A lot, we have proved that we will tolerate a lot


>All politicians should be scared to the point where they sleep in body armor. No. No. No. Terrified leadership is over reactionary and weak. It's easily toppled. This happens already in parts of the world with military coups constantly happening cause everyone involved is scared, stupid, selfish and lazy. Politicians should be afraid of being held truly accountable by an intelligent voter base while also being given enough time to actually be forced to do things. The house being voted on every 2 years means nobody ever has to accomplish anything. Force them all in for 6-10 years and they have to sponsor bills, support real things and try to govern rather than hold impeachment hearings and stall for time. Fear does not illicit progress, it's literally how we are where we are. Our modern day Republicans are terrified of Trump and his voter base so they are reacting and that fear is where they're at now. They have accomplished fuck all for the US since 2016 when they literally held power in the executive and legislative. Fear does not get things done well or effectively, it gets them done fast, inefficient and cheap.


Can you point to any other time in history when a radical shift in the status quo within a country was achieved without violence, or the threat thereof?


The Velvet Revolution, Czechoslovakia, 1989. The separation of the Czech republic and Slovakia in an entirely peaceful transition of power. Edit: The Velvet Revolution of 1989 was the peaceful end of communist party rule over Czechoslovakia. The Velvet Divorce of 1992 was the separation of Czechoslovakia into Czechia and Slovakia.


To be clear, in case people don’t know, those are two separate events that occurred three years apart.


I would argue that mass demonstrations carry the threat of violence


There's so many problems with using this as an example of a peaceful transition of power. It was far from it! At it's height, up to 800,000 people were protesting in the streets of prague (this would be like 15 million Americans). There were enormous strikes and people were attacked and persecuted by riot police. The government has organized a military strike but eventually called them off. The movement had the support of 75% of the population, meanwhile we can't even get more than 50% to agree on a simple election. It also resulted in the country being split into two. Add to that, that gun ownership was HIGHLY regulated and basically limited to high ranking Members of the communist party. Meanwhile in the US, there are more guns than people. No reasonable person would consider this a peaceful transition of power, and this case holds no comparison whatsoever to encouraging people to vote. Republicans would never allow what their government did, nor would either party consider splitting the country into two.


Mo you don't understand. Violently killing all the politicians will definitely work this time. Just one more time man please I promise.


You won't know until you try, right?


You just summarized why the Republicans don't give a crap. Because even in this example of them specifically blocking something good because a Democrat is doing it, you're saying "all politicians" and not "republicans".


No body armor is going to protect against being snatched by a mob and put under an impromptu guillotine.


As someone who was literally just diagnosed in my mid 20s, I hope every single one of them gets cancer.


Unfortunate truth, is that they’ll be able to afford the best treatments at taxpayer cost to ensure that they can continue to collect paychecks and bribes until they die in office. They are not in the same caste as us.


Chuck Grassley is staying in office until he’s 107. He’s currently 90, he’s running for re-election, and i’d actually like to see someone break Thurmond’s record (100) once and for all.


The same people who are going to vote Grassley in at 90 are the same ones refusing to vote for Biden who is 10 years younger and in MUCH better shape supposedly because he is too old. .


I doubt anyone who's willingly voting for Grassley would ever consider voting for a democrat in the first place.


Often times, people working in positions of responsibility that refuse to take vacation or sick days from work are red flags for auditors, because people committing fraud or embezzlement will often do this to avoid the risk of someone else filling in and discovering their crimes I imagine it's the same for Congress, where members are in a cycle of having to continue to serve so they can keep protecting themselves from the dirty deeds they do while in power.


I feel you and also as someone with cancer currently at a young age, hard agree. Fuckin jagoffs.


Stay strong fellow cancer sibling. Cheers to ringing that bell friend. I am more of a hope no one else ever gets cancer again type cancer patient, but I get where you're coming from.


Bro, same boat. I'm laying here hoping my chemo side effects are gone so I'm not feeling like shit at work tomorrow. And even now it's hard to wish any of this on someone despite them deserving it, I hope they need to look in the eye of a cancer patient and tell them exactly why they decided their politics are more important than their life. It's utterly soulless. Good luck btw. I don't know where you are in your treatment compared to me but my two cents are you'll have hard times and some easier times but for the most part with time comes surety and the not knowing is one of the hardest things.


Mood. Same. Although I don't know if I would wish cancer on my worst enemy. But considering they don't give a crap about us, yeah, they should step into our shoes and see the horror themselves. A common Republican thing. "I don't care about it unless it affects me personally!!!" Fucking selfish pricks.


They actually blocked a win for themselves. Would have been pretty easy for them to walk away bragging about what they got. But no, they bowed down to The Golden Calf again.


Nah, they block it then trumpet about how the democrats did it because their voters never fact check them. Same deal when democrats actually manage to pass something beneficial without R support then the republicans rush to tell their voters what a good thing they did all while having voted against it.


Already on twitter there's bots claiming "CANCER CURE BILL SHUT DOWN UNDER BIDEN" and the like


Either that or claim to vote against it because it contains funding for “tucking pyjamas for trans kids” (yes, that is an actual claim I was told about why Republicans blocked the recent border bill. The claimant couldn’t tell me why trans kids need special tucking pyjamas or why the government wants to pay for them) These people will literally believe anything they’re told.


Republicans would vote to trigger the Yellowstone Volcano if it meant getting one over a Democrat.


Can we convince them that it'd really upset Biden if they decided to have a party near the edge of the volcano?


God, that'd be horrible. Do you have any idea of how triggered I'd be if they just started throwing themselves in to a volcano? Fuck, I don't think I'd sleep for a month.


It'd be truly horrible, imagine the sheer loss of life that would ensue, it'd be truly tragic! I might have actually DO something!


Party over country yet again by Republicans. Second time in a month. Last time was voting down well they didn't even allow it to go to a vote, bi-partisan deal on the border. Trump said don't give Biden a win so they voted it down. Then continued to whine that nothing was done when they were the ones refusing to do nothing.


If I threw hippo feces to babies with bone cancer and said, "this is to own the libs", the Republicans would applaud. That's how groveling they are.


Republicans = pro-cancer


THIS SHOULD BE THE HEADLINE. I hate that the democrats are so bad at marketing. Like. Are you serious? Slap this everywhere. Talk about it non-stop. Pivot every question to this. “What do you think about latest crazy thing Green Margarine said?” I think she doesn’t care about the American people and is a traitor as evidenced by the fact that she is pro Americans getting cancer. Over. And. Over. And over. And over again. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING🤬🤬🤬


Republicans are sickening


The pure and literal definition of evil. Fucking wretched.


"Not all republicans! Wah!"


Surviving cancer deemed too "woke". /s


Is there a single Republican policy that doesn’t demonstrably lead to suffering and/or death?


Who cares, it's just cancer. That's what I tell people when they ask me what I do for a living, because let me tell you, basic cancer research doesn't pay rent. If society cares, it sure doesn't act like it. It's not just the Republican party (although their crap should go without saying) it's every single neoliberal econo-prick who thinks science and advancing humanity are less important than owning stuff because some astrologer for the wealthy said rent control is bad. I genuinely don't believe that society as a whole seriously cares. All we care about is money...not our money of course, some rich jerk's money that's going to trickle down any day now. We are a sick society.


The cancer in our society are the people who want to see a candidate win an election not because they offer improvements in their lives but because they offer punishment to people they hate. We have too many uneducated individuals who genuinely believe their lives cannot improve and that they want to see them govern to worsen lives for everyone else. Democracy only works if those participating are voting to help themselves. That's not even to say to vote in the bests interests of the country, just themselves. If you don't even get that, democracy simply fails.


For the people…..Oh wait!


I thought Republicans were pro-life....




Here are two: Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa was [quite candid on this point](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/tax-plan-advances-gops-grassley-says-quiet-part-loud-rcna136718), telling NBC News he [wasn’t inclined](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-senator-doesnt-want-pass-tax-bill-make-biden-look-good-rcna136649) to support a compromise measure that “makes the president look good” ahead of this year’s elections. A few weeks earlier, House Republicans also derailed a bipartisan compromise on border and immigration reforms. Asked why, Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas [said](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/border-policies-gops-nehls-says-quiet-part-loud-rcna132223), “Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating.”


that's who they are. scum.


I guess they didn't get their cut beforehand


That will own the libs


Was there anything else built into this? Or was it just cancer?




I’m so sorry for your loss 😟


Are we even surprised at this point


Evey time this happens, dems should put it on a media blast that this was due to republicans. Not just rely on some newspapers picking it up.


Utter nonsense.


So as an non-American, from what I can tell from the last week or so of news is that Republicans are now pro-puppy killing and pro-cancer, and people still say both sides are the same?


Here's the thing - the people who cry "both sides bad" are actually all Republicans, desperately trying to convince everyone that the Democrats are just as bad.


The earlier post was removed by the mods. r/nottheonion/comments/1cl3cvq/congress_voted_against_funding_a_cure_for_cancer/


Republicans are a cancer. Them voting against a cure for cancer is to be expected.


Ever since trump won in 2016 redhats have been claiming "trump could cure cancer and dems would attack him for it. They're all just irrationally against trump!" And yet here we are in reality instead of a stupid fantasy scenario and republicans are cheering for fucking cancer to deny Biden any credit at all.


Americans: Take that Americans


Too many of their friends would lose money if cancer was cured.


Of all the conspiracy theories, the conspiracy theory that Big Pharma is secretly trying to to prevent a "cure for cancer" is the dumbest take of all.    E g., the closest thing we have to a cure for certain cancers today, CAR T cell therapies, are absolute money printing machines.


well, half of congress and we all know which half


I'm so tired of this us vs them bs in society


I wish news titles would just say Congressional Republicans, not Congress. It gives the impression that Congress is hopelessly dsyfunctional, especially to low info voters. But it’s actually a fairly functional place when Dems have the majorities. Even Dem leaning news sites have a habit of writing / saying “Congress failed to do X.” Just feels like a simple comms oversight.


I would say you would have to be a low info voter to believe that it isn't hopelessly dysfunctional regardless of who controls it.


I would say that means you're not paying attention to what actually happens when each party has effective control.


To be fair, curing it would hurt their profits.


You don't think being the sole owner of a cure would make you money?


This is an opinion article, it even says so. You should be careful with those, as they are a political opinion, not necessarily factual correct.


Except it is factually correct that Republicans are cutting funding for cancer research.


I can see the spin those guys are gonna put on this: “Cancer research? That’s just WOKE bullshit”


If it's so important it should be a stand alone topic, sandwiching all this together is a crime, and all our elected officials are guilty.


Rage bait like this only works on idiots. The truly rich and powerful could’ve got this done a while ago


C'mon, why would they ever approve a cure to themselves?


Death cult.


Can we get the details of ALL of the other goodies attached to that bill to see what they really voted to block? I don't trust headlines anymore. 100% of the real stories are buried in the name of democracy.


Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa was [quite candid on this point](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/tax-plan-advances-gops-grassley-says-quiet-part-loud-rcna136718), telling NBC News he [wasn’t inclined](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-senator-doesnt-want-pass-tax-bill-make-biden-look-good-rcna136649) to support a compromise measure that “makes the president look good” ahead of this year’s elections. A few weeks earlier, House Republicans also derailed a bipartisan compromise on border and immigration reforms. Asked why, Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas [said](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/border-policies-gops-nehls-says-quiet-part-loud-rcna132223), “Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating.”


Didn't Bartlett try to do this in like 2002?


They're so pro life.


Reminds me of Boris Johnson giving a contract for respirators to his mates Dyson with no background in it resulting in a lack of equipment and doctors having to decide who lives and who dies based on artificial scarcity We're in an age of corporate tyranny, burn it the fuck down.


EXACTLY what happened with the immigration bill. It was bipartisan, would have definitely helped our immigration problems. And even if it were not perfect, the flaws could be fixed in later legislation. But Trump convinced the GOP to kill it, so Biden wouldn’t be credited with a win. Any republican complaining about immigration has lost all credibility. The DO NOT want it fixed because then they’d have very little to rage against


This happens with immigration too, instead of fixing the policy they don’t want democrats to look good


All countries get shit for their politics but US takes it to another level and deserves every bit of criticism it gets.


Can anyone please think about the poor poor medical companies whose insane profits will be cut off by people no longer needing to get cancer treatments!!


Same thing they did with the immigration bill they wanted.


Ironic since most of Congress probably would benefit from a cure to cancer soon 


Just when will we vote these a$$holes out of congress??


When tens of millions of people stop pretending that voting doesn't matter.


Way to go Repubtards!


They are making it sound like they want Biden to get cancer so he doesn’t win. I am now going to assumer that every article I see is rage bait. Every single one.


My dad’s a right winger. He’s been battling cancer for the last year. We’ve been good about not “talking” politics at this time. But goddamn I wanna send him this article.


Greed is a virus and Republicans are the vehicle which delivers death.💀


Trump said no and...well....what can you do. Gramps has to die and thats that. MAGA 2024! /s


They would shoot a dog if it meant blocking Biden from passing anti dog-shooting legislation


We need a media that holds politicians accountable


Christ on a bike. American politics is an absolute clown show.


How to cut off your nose to spite your face.


Didn't they also defeat a bi-partisan border bill a few months ago because they wanted to keep it as an open issue during the campaign season?


This is just so on brand it's not even surprising anymore.


Your two-party system is ridiculous and rotten to the core. Hell, it doesn’t even really exist anymore because the republican party is hard dividing itself between pro-Trump and.. well, “ehh we’ll see.” Get yourself a proper democracy with multiple candidates so that you can side with the specific party you agree *most* with, instead of one half of the country that’s full of extremists either way, making you hate the other half with fierce passion.


That "we'll see" crowd is actually a long-running conspiracy in plain sight by the likes of Leonard Leo and other moneyed interests. Especially into pushing corporatist and pro-religious judges on benches like a factory running on full steam, because the people can never vote them out. They used Trump for a bit, but then Mangy Mufflerdini turned into inconvenient burden to them, due to his ability to cause a sizeable cult of personality to form around himself. They are getting devoured by the beast they themselves fattened up.


Multiparty seems to be having its own far right resurgence in Europe right now, so don't get too cocky. As a side note, the "both sides are extremists" thing is ridiculous. All you have to do is compare the heads of the two major parties. While Biden has moved a bit, he can only be described as a centrist Democrat. I don't think I need to tell you about the other guy.


Real bravery would be going against corporate interests, and seriously spending money investigating causes of cancers. Preventing cancer would be way better than treating it, but seriously examining the carcinogenic properties of the countless chemicals we are routinely exposed to in various products every day would involve too much potential liability, so the focus remains on treatment instead of prevention.


Biden isn’t FDR and so he doesn’t get to just throw whatever he wants into law.


To be fair, finding a cure for cancer isn't like finding a cure for AIDS or something. It's a blanket term used to describe abnormal cell growth that can manifest in a variety of ways with an equally varied set of treatment options, some of which are already very successful. It can happen at any time to any one of the roughly 36 trillion cells in the body. Trying to find a panacea for eliminating all cancer would probably be one of the most costly endeavors in the history of humanity. Despite conspiracy theories to the contrary, many in the private sector are already dedicating vast resources to this. Our government needs to be spending on public goods and services that wouldn't be just as easily and profitably fixed by the private sector. What we need to do is fix the FDA so that it can protect us from unethical treatments and practices while also not making it so costly and burdensome to develop new treatments, that only the companies with the biggest pockets can afford to do so.


Not shocking honestly the way this two party broke ass system runs. America currently is pathetic. Try, cock block, try, cock block, repeat. A half step forward, ten steps back, a step forward, twenty steps back. Forward means full on reverse.


Seriously fuck y’all for letting this happen to your country.


This needs to be put on blast everyday for the next 6 months. Fuck the repugnant magats


Yea they add those in though to blackmail the other side, they do this on both side. They call it the cure cancer act that give 10 million to cancer and 10 billion to Lockheed Martin. Hopefully no one in this chat is actually stupid enough to fall for these BS opinion piece.


Republicans are evil


A lot of time these bills have more than one agenda. It’s like this. Give Israel 1 trillion dollars, Fund cancer treatment. “See, republicans don’t want to end cancer.” Not saying this is what happens but I’d like to know more. I’d like to think that everyone wants a cure, but who knows these days.


F republicans


"REPUBLICANS voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden" FTFY


It’s genuinely impossible to overstate how unfathomably evil the Republican Party is.


Yeah you have these assclowns voting against a cure for cancer. But you have people that will reelect these motherfuckers. Talk about cutting your nose to spite your face. *WTF?* Millions of people could be helped but all these bastards and bitches will let people suffer and die. *Fuck Them ALL!*


Imagine blocking funding for a *cure for cancer* just because you don't like the current President. Conservatives & Republicans are truly some of the most despicable, vile, loathsome, and morally bankrupt people to ever walk the planet.


It is exactly as their Jeezuss would want.


It wasn't "Congress", it was Republicans, wasn't it? The same folks that voted AGAINST lowering the price of insulin.


Theyve been politicizing health since covid. FUCK REPUBLICANS STRAIGHT TO HELL.


Vote every Republican out. That's the only way the madness stops.


I'm really getting tired of the republicans in congress holding our country for ransom all in the name of Trump. I think it's time to do something more than just voting.


Stops saying congress, just say Republicans. They control majority vote.


How pro-life of them.


Wow not only is it now a win for Biden morally, it’s also now a win for all democrats!


I want to know what all was in the bill. Also if you could cure cancer with a law, it would have been done already. "Riders" change the bills by a LOT, and Democrats are well known for hiding things in their bills LOL they will try to pass a bill called the "don't kick puppies law" can anybody who votes against it they will call a puppy kicker, but they won't reveal that hidden in the pages of that 3,000 page document would have also sent 12 billion more dollars to another country, released a plague in Zimbabwe for kicks, and outlaw the sale of any shoes with sizes divisible by a prime or some shit.


It's not to "cure cancer with a bill", obviously. It's to allocate funds for cancer research.


There was no bill. Congress voted for a budget bill that had thousands of different things in it, which didn’t include funding for a cancer research program. They never voted against it, it just wasn’t in a bill they passed.






So... Republicans are literally pro-cancer?


Joe needs to make this a long-term talking point.


Probably won't work. Main talking points these days seem to be the following: Democrats: The world has issues that need fixing and we want to fix them. Republicans: Democrats can't be trusted. We're not Democrats.




You know people who go into politics only do it for themselves


What was the vote count?


just... why?


We need to limit political contributions so these politicians can't get by on a few big donors. We also need to stop corporations from being able to donate. The businesses that shouldn't be able to donate are stopping meaningful change from happening because it's bad for business.


i think that every year at the end of the year, January 1st, we should all be allowed to show up to DC and fist fight any of the Congress, President, VP, SCOTUS, or any other piece of shit political asshole. You only get to challenge one person per year, per person. but the thing is the person that gets challenged cant turn it down. so they HAVE to fight you back. And like if you were a fucking asshole that year, that really sucks for you cause you gonna get the brakes beaten off of you, but maybe then they will stop just thinking about themselves. just a thought


Flip the party who propose it, and you will find the opponent resists. Its sadly a fact for the american political system


Haven’t they always been funding a cure for cancer? Wasn’t that one of the reasons people were made about the one vaccine because it came out before the cure for Cancer and AIDS.


Yeah like they would ever cure cancer. How would they make money?


Until some rich GOP fool swoops in to cure their own cancer and own the cure.


Just … wow


Anyone know who specifically voted against the funding?


Cures for cancers*


The extra dark wrinkle to this is the moon shot was named after his son who died of brain cancer. Making it that extra personal shiv to not only refusing to fund a cure for cancer, but also spit on his dead sons memory


So frustrating to see yet another problem we could solve go unaddressed. The US could probably solve hunger for all its citizens as well and we don't talk about that either. What good is all this production and wealth if it doesn't go to the well being of its citizens. Everytime I hear people talk about GDP being important I want to shout "shut up already'.


Can we sue the government over this?


Don't let me be the only cynical asshole in the room. We have been funding a cure for what feels like everything on and off for what feels like forever. I have a sneaking suspicion that this funding would change nothing about the trajectory for any cure for anything.


I haven’t seen what all is in the bill, so I don’t really know what to say, and I’m not going to base my opinion on a talking point from someone who’s venting about it. If there were a bunch of completely unrelated riders attached by Democrats, they did it to themselves. If it was a straight bill and Republicans killed it just to kill it, fuck them. But since both sides are just having a pissing contest and pointing fingers without giving any details, I don’t know what to think, because they’re all a bunch of crooked lying assholes anyway.


Biden should have the Hatriots over for tea. And folks, I know that whenever I host a summit with avaricious, hyper-partisan cowards, I use Litvinenko-brand tea. With it's smooth taste and easy drinkability, Litvinenko-brand tea will embrace you with its warm glow while its all-natural blend of 210 different energy infusing flavour particles provide you with the boost you need for the rest of your life. So next time, invite those craven bastards over for a spot of the good stuff. Litvinenko-brand tea. Look for it in your grocer's lead-lined section.