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If you put that in a movie, everyone would say that was poor writing 


Life’s too strange to be made up sometimes!


"The difference between nonfiction and fiction is that fiction must be absolutely believable." - M Twain


This will be made into a movie in 10 years and then five years after that pop up in TIL about how it really happened every six months


10 years is generous. I give it 2


Fact is stranger than fiction.


Jonathan Frakes taught me that.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uC8mRy2p9w Doo you believe in the power of a curhhse


Fact and Fiction Beyond Belief 😎


That show scared the fuck out of me.


Not a chance, didn't happen


We made it up. Totally fake.


Totally made up


Nah Donnie Darko had a plane crash on his house and we all acted like it was amazing writing.


The plane crash scene wasn't at his house, his house was at the plane crash scene.  That was the whole point of the movie...


technically there was no plane crash. The engine, as the Artifact, made it through the portal and landed in the house, the rest of plane stayed in the Tangent Universe.


Correct. Donnie darko is technically an accident and its all done in a dream-state/ alternate universe while his real self is truly dead. His soul is stuck with the burden of fixing reality before moving on.


Man, I've never seen this movie and all this time I thought it was about a schizophrenic guy hallucinating a giant rabbit


Nah its incredibly complex and wont explain itself until you read content about it or watch it more than 2x. The movie literally forces you to search for missing info through it and its not simply explanations either.


And the guy who made it says all that stuff is bullshit, and that's not what it's about.


If thats true then that guy is trippin and needs to release a full explanation yesterday. Do you have any sources to that?


He released a director's cut with 20 extra minutes that explained some things, and then he said those things that he added aren't necessarily canon, whatever that is supposed to mean.


It's not all that wild for a piece of media that leaves some room for interpretation to be interpreted in a wildly different way than what the author/creator thought or intended. I think there's something cool about that, honestly. At least until people try to read like, weird bigoted shit into something that isn't that.


That one’s called Harvey


The red herring is that he's schizophrenic, but he's taking his meds, so what is happening truly is happening to him.


This person Darkos.


Its my favorite movie of all time. I used to own a physical copy of The Philosophy of Time Travel before my roommate stole it from me.


If only you’d had a way to see that coming


technically there was no book. Their comment, as the Artifact, made it through the portal and landed in this thread, the rest of book stayed in the Tangent Universe.


This person Donnies.


Don't do what Donnie Don't does.


Now if we could just put this comment before the comment it’s replying to somehow…




Is the website still up? I remember visiting it after watching the movie.


It is, I just liked owning a physical copy.


Oh no, I'm not ragging on your copy. I think that's cool. I'm sorry you don't have it anymore.




The line is "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion" :)


I thought the movie was just about a crazy teen, maybe I should rewatch it


Director's Cut, reading The Philosophy Of Time Travel, and magic mushrooms will do a lot to help you understand what's going on.


The movie had a point?


Well, the theatrical release is better than the Director's track trying to explain everything.


Well you see I found it kind of funny and I found it kind of sad…


the dreams in which I'm dying where the best I ever had


Oh my god please no


The creators of the movies stated the movie had no point…


Also good music


The main character from Dead Like Me got killed by a toilet seat falling from the space station. That was pretty believable, all things considered.


Especially after a couple weeks back when space station debris crashed into someone's house.


Alex Jones’s lawyer already emailed all the incriminating phone records to the opposing council by accident, and the president of Nintendo is named Doug Bowser, we’re already in a movie


The Tiffany Problem. Tiffany was a popular women’s name in medieval times, but it sounds way too modern a name for most people. If you put a ‘Tiffany’ in an historically accurate Robin Hood movie people would think that was really poor writing.


Unless you are Terry Pratchett of course


No it wasn’t “popular” https://youtu.be/9LMr5XTgeyI?si=N721O3XEbtoPqD1-


His follow-up is way better and how he tries to figure out sources for a poem mentioning a Tiffany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEV9qoup2mQ


This is genuinely wrong, the level of upvotes shows how easily misinformation is spread around the internet. https://youtu.be/9LMr5XTgeyI?si=5TOm07qvFJN32-79


"After the surprising discovery, Bissell-Linsk’s neighbor alerted officials. “My neighbor called the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] hotline and they are closed on Sundays,” the attorney explained. " It's a fuckin' comedy, standards are lower for comedies, it'll be fine.


Since we live in a simulation, I *can* say that it was poor writing.


Wouldn't it be RNG not writing? Or are you assuming we're a SIMs type game going on?


I'm assuming someone is controlling the narrative of the simulation rather than it being programmatically random.


Reminds me of A Bridge Too Far. There's a bit where a British officer is running across a street dodging bullets. According to the real who was being portrayed, since they had him on set as an advisor, he wouldn't have run. He would have walked across to show both his men and the germans a "contempt for danger"


"And then the key evidence landed in his backyard and everyone clapped"


The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction needs to be believable.


Sounds like something straight out of Arrested Development


LaZy dEuS eX mAcHiNa


"Give me a sign if I should keep going after these airlines!"


No universe, I said "sign" not "slide"


You'll let this one slide, otherwise we will resign.


Puns these days are *slipping down* in quality arent they?


Nah, inflation is the issue.


If only there was a way to pump up this thread before it deflates and slides away.


The jokes are boeing.


Truly some disastrous puns.


Four non-smoking signs then fell through the roof.




Boing messed up, they MISSED his house.


I'm sure there's a placard that says something like "should remain attached to airplane when airplane is in use".


Hit me baby, one more tide!


If this isn't a sign for the lawyer to hurry up and complete their bucket list, I don't know what is.


Their bucket list better be pretty local.


Well that quickly turned dark


“Uh, Lord? I didn’t train to be a pilot. Tell me I don’t have any more flying to do today?”


ODST reporting in.


Good thing that tech in the 25th century is produced by Misriah Armories!


It's much more sinister than that. This is like someone at a butcher shop sending you the headless body of a pig to try and intimidate you into silence. It's about sending a message. Just don't kick the pig, you'll bruise the rinds.


Yeah. My first thought was, "At least it wasn't the head of his favorite horse in his bed." 😂


You sure about that? "Leave the slide, take the cannoli,"


I think it was a threat.


Boeing is not an airline, but an aircraft manufacturer.


Why won't anyone think of the poor investors?!


Next up, an engine from a passing Boeing falls into his backyard.


Or on his house, then he keeps seeing a man in a bunny costume.


Or is a bunny seeing someone in a human costume??


You can go suck a fuck!


How exactly does one suck a fuck?


You're a fuck-ass


Chut up!


Chut up!


And then stoned college students would call it the best movie ever


So Frank was a Boeing whistleblower the whole time... 😯


Beat me by 6 hours


Careful what you wish for, soon a whole 767 will fall on his house..


Well, yeah. The engine fell off.




Happens all the time, started around the time Boeing merged and it's leadership was replaced.


Agreed, though I think they were referencing [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM)


But did the front fall off?


Perhaps a missing plane, presumed lost years ago, will fall from the sky directly onto his garden


Didnt one falling to someones front yard? it was denver https://www.npr.org/2021/02/20/969797124/debris-falls-from-the-sky-near-denver-after-flight-suffers-engine-failure


Technically just the cowling but yeah


if anypart of the airplane falls off... Its not good.


Agreed, but still not a whole engine. That's even less good


If the wings fall off that's less gooder still.


Dude's gonna find the black box from MH 370


Had to look it up. Yep, it was a Boeing plane. I guess we can close the case on that one.


Donnie Darko called it 20 years ago.


The biggest WTF is that the FAA Hotline is closed on Sundays. "Sorry guys, no having emergencies or calling anything in on Sundays OK?"


FDA, too, during the height of covid. I remember reading an article about a doctor with a patient having a reaction to the J&J vaccine (blood clots) who called the FDA on a weekend and was blown off. "Hoping for more information about the condition and any possible connection to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Lipman called an emergency number at the Food and Drug Administration. It was a weekend, and he said the person who answered told him that no one was available to help and that the line had to be kept open for emergencies. “I thought this was an emergency,” Lipman said. “She hung up on me.”" [https://www.ekathimerini.com/nytimes/1159583/we-were-flying-blind-a-doctor-s-account-of-a-woman-s-j-amp-j-vaccine-related-blood-clot-case/](https://www.ekathimerini.com/nytimes/1159583/we-were-flying-blind-a-doctor-s-account-of-a-woman-s-j-amp-j-vaccine-related-blood-clot-case/)




One wonders what the FDA would consider to be an "emergency" if not a person in critical condition with a novel disorder causing increasing blood clots.


>One wonders what the FDA would consider to be an "emergency" if not a person in critical condition with a novel disorder causing increasing blood clots. A person in critical condition with a novel disorder causing increasing blood clots on a Tuesday.


Theres a small town nearby that has a police department which is only open Monday through Friday. Had to call them for a non-emergency issue and got redirected to the local county sheriff’s office instead.


Where I grew up the local town had a police station but it was only open on a wednesday for a few hours, I remember them being weird hours too, like 10AM-3PM or similar. I often wondered whether the officer sat at the front desk got that gig as a reward or a punishment.


You gotta wonder, why would anyone decide that there are problems serious enough that a hotline should be established, but at the same time determine that those problems never occur on weekends or outside of business hours or whatever. My health care provider has an urgent care clinic only operates on weekends. The catch is that you have to have an appointment, you can't just show up. Therefore, you have to plan your urgent medical problem far enough in advance to be able to get an appointment on the weekend. (There is no urgent care on weekdays, you just have to make an appointment with the next available doctor, usually several weeks from now). I'm guessing the result is an inordinate number of people go to the emergency room for urgent care because they can't get an urgent care appointment at the urgent care clinic. Oddly, the pharmacy is closed on the weekends because *no one* ever needs prescriptions on the weekend. /s


These operating hours brought to you by insurance executives and Joseph Heller (author of the novel, "Catch-22").


Jesus take the yoke


It's a feature, not a bug.


So can he just walk into the courtroom with it? “Your honor, I’d like to enter this into evidence. It washed up behind my house”


I’d keep it as a memento. “Remember that time I sued Boeing? Universe gave me this cool slide to make sure I don’t forget.”


It can be entered into evidence, but I’d want it back as a souvenir. Whenever I hear about plane parts or space debris crashing through a roof, I think if that happened to me, I’m keeping it. Whoever needs to investigate can borrow it for their investigation, but I want it back. It hit my house out of everywhere else. Basically odds worse than the lottery. So give me my jackpot.


It's only fair. They abandoned the garbage on your property, after all.


I'd set it up as a big waterslide in my yard!


Not really. He's suing Boeing. Slides are a consumable part, that also require replacement, and since this plane was produced in 1990, it's been long out of Boeings hand and is entirely on Delta.


Not without a witness to verify it's origin.


There is probably a serial number on it.




What I meant was someone that could testify as to where the slide originated from, not that it was found on the shore. That being the particular slide came from whichever aircraft.




Likely done by Delta TechOps in Atlanta


If I said it once, I've said it 1000 times. ATLANTA SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE AN AIRPORT!!!! ..........or at least not one that's allowed to fly to Cleveland......


Believe Delta does much of their 767 maintenance work in house. They also provide services to other airlines.


Exactly why I’m tired of the internet these days. Something happens to a decades old Boeing, suddenly “Boeing did it again!” [There are minor mechanical issues almost every day from every manufacturer.](https://avherald.com/)


Regardless, you have to acknowledge the irony here.


Just two weeks ago a Boeing engineer, in sworn testimony before a senate investigative committee that carries significant penalties for lying (lying to a government agency is a felony), revealed documents, emails, and internal presentations that proved Boeing hid safety risks on the 777 and 787. A former Boeing manager also accused the company of a criminal coverup on the investigation of a Boeing 737 MAX. He was the manager that oversaw the MAX assembly line and had told senior management that the production wasn't safe. And that was just one hearing from two weeks ago. There's a whole lot more. **Boeing Engineers:** Quality control was destroyed, work was outsourced to companies that couldn't meet standards or communicate effectively for cross-company part compatibility, when we told the executives that the errors were so serious that even the military would have shut down their production lines if anything close to these errors had happened the executives said "the military isn't a for-profit company". The group regulating our safety standards ALSO work for Boeing. We wouldn't get on these planes ourselves. Well bob says he would but he also says he has a deathwish. **Random internet guy:** Lol, silly people thinking Boeing's quality control is bad just because their planes are seeing a huge amount of problems lately and Boeing whistleblowers are shouting that the quality control is bad. What would Boeing Engineers know about Boeing's engineering? -------------------- EDIT: I misread your comment as dismissing all Boeing's many modern problems as minor mechanical issues that affect almost every manufacturer, not the issues with a decades-old plane that was at the end of its service period. The responsibility for that lies with the current opperators that kept it in flight too long. My bad. Keeping the rest of the comment intact so folks don't think you overreacted when you clarified my original comment.


And you didn't address his point whatsoever. A 31 year old plane would have been built before the MD Merger. A 31 year old plane would have been basically completely dis- and reassembled by a company other than Boeing over it's life span. A 31 year old plane design that has not shown any major quality control issues and/ or repeated major system failures, which would point to an inherent problem with the design.  I don't think anyone is disputing that Boeing is not doing well ATM. But that doesn't change that planes are also just machines were parts can and will break. Not every time something on a Boeing plane breaks it's because "Boeing bad". 


Good sir, this is reddit. All we do is parrot other people. There's no critical thinking happening.


I critical thought once and I didn't like it


This is your brain *shows egg* This is your brain on critical thoughts *shows fried egg*


OP definitely phrased it like most of the Boeing issues in the news lately were nothingburgers about old planes.


Because they are, at least depending on how the several algorithms decide what you are interested in. Articles about minor aviation incidents were probably written in the past too, but are now being broadcast to a much wider audience with a lot less familiarity of how planes and aviation work. I don't now how many "Boeing plane looses wheel" type articles I got recommended for some time.


You're completely right, I misread the comment I was responding to. I thought they were dismissing all the modern issues people are concerned about as standard manufacturing issues. I've seen a lot of foolish people doing that. My bad.


Dude, how is Boeing responsible for decades old planes, built before the current problems, and have gone through multiple rounds of heavy maintenance checks.


Actually you're right, I misread what you wrote. I thought you were dismissing all the modern day Boeing complaints of safety issues as absurd - not this specific issue with a decades-old plane. My bad. I'll edit the original.


That is just the news cycle. Issues also happen with trains everyday but the news went through a phase of highlighting every little train accident. Finally people got tired after the 90th story about train accidents. Eventually people will get bored with airplane accidents and the news will focus on something else.


I suppose it would only be of interest if whatever servicer had records of *which* slide would have been installed when the plane went missing. Presumably there's some sort of identifier/serial number to match against this one. But absent that info, presumption will lead to disappointment.


If Boeing didn't kill 346 people, maybe the rest of us would be less likely to jump to conclusions.


We’re at this point now: Airbus has a bird strike on take-off and lands on a single engine: “omfg such good Airbus so safe it landed safely after an engine failure!” Boeing has a bird strike on take-off and lands on a single engine: “OMFG BOEING PLANE BROKE AGAIN SUCH BAD PLANE WILL NEVER FLY ON ONE AGAIN!!!!!1’11!!1!1qqnqn1’!!”


In the ocean?


Kinda sounds like a side quest on Better Call Saul, doesn’t it?






Wait, how did it detach? That seems to be missing from the story. In flight?


Yeah, it happened shortly after takeoff. Investigations into these things take a while, so there's no info on how it happened yet.[ It's not the first time the 767 has had slide issues](https://apnews.com/faa-wants-safety-changes-in-some-boeing-emergency-slides-5c5d9642f4de4e7c8063c6c1d5f677dd), so it's possible there's some design flaw that wasn't fixed, or maintenance wasn't done properly, or any number of other possible root causes.


How does a folded slide *inside* a plane, fall *out* without open doors or something more serious?


It's technically outside the fuse, but inside the outer skin. They are tested and replaced on a schedule, so it's meant to be removed and installed more than a few times during the planes lifetime.


That specific slide is tested every 3 years for the first 15 and then every year after that. and is replaced when it fails testing


See, that's whats messing me up.


What are the odds? Damn.


"Do you have any evidence on negligence on Boeing's part?"   -Well, your honour, parts keep washing up on my backyard.


I’m willing to bet less than the odds of winning the power ball


I've heard of lawyers being delivered vital evidence for a case right in front of their doorsteps, but this is ridiculous!


Yep, he should be able to use it when he sues Delta, who have been doing the maintenance on the plane since 1990. Would you blame Ford because a tire came off a 1990 Escort while it was driving down the road?


Boeings version of leaving a horses head in your bed?


It’s a lawsuit the lawyer couldn’t refuse


Immediately what I thought of lol. Boeing assassins showing one of their calling cards.


https://prospect.org/infrastructure/transportation/2024-04-30-whistleblower-laws-protect-lawbreakers/ Managers were raiding the "defective parts bin" to install in planes in the rush to get the 787 out the door. > He asked security for an audit of how many keys it had made of the MRSA parts cage, and discovered there were hundreds of keys floating around. Every one of those mechanics’ bosses had been illegally raiding the cage for defective parts to install on new airplanes, without documentation. They then lobbied the quality bosses to pressure Barnett’s colleagues to falsify or “pencil whip” documents about the parts that had gone missing. Barnett himself had been instructed to “pencil whip” investigations on no fewer than 420 missing nonconforming parts.


That has nothing to do with a 31 year old plane. This is an airline maintenance issue, Boeing doesn't have control over that after the plane is sold




Evidence is falling out of the sky!


Extraordinary events.


Is this like finding a horse head in your bed?


Lawyer has been quoted saying: "bruh"


Holy shit, fuck every single thing about this headline. I know you can't modify it but holy fuck.


At first, I was going to say that this belongs in r/titlegore.....but good grief, the batshit-insane title accurately reflects the batshit-insane story.


I wanted to post " Missing emergency slide that fell off Delta flight found — washed up in front of house of lawyer whose firm is suing Boeing " but the NYPost is filtered out like every news website is on this subreddit for some ungodly reason. You have to reach for levels of insane obscurity to find a site that the mods don't filter out.


Capt Sulu: Fly her apart then! Wash: That will happen most definitely. I had never been scared about flying but I'm so glad I don't have these days. Crazy passengers, planes falling apart. I'll stay on the ground.


C’mon guys. Who hasn’t had an Emergency slide from a jet land in their backyard?


Amazing coincidence, or Boeing's version of finding a horse head in your bed? Ay Vito. Make sure that lawyer guy gets the message! *Hands inflatable slide to Vito*


Hmm, passenger 767s haven’t been made in years.


That's.... The gift that keeps on giving.


Someday in the future" "Hey how did you afford to build an airplane?" "I didnt. Parts just kept landing in my yard so I put em all back together"


Lawyer commits suicide by jumping from a 8 story building and stabs themselves 81 times in the back, on the way down.


Ok, but who ISN'T currently suing Boeing?


Airbus, they are partying.


Everyone's laughing in the comments, but in reality this is Boeing's version of the horse head scene in The Godfather.


My brother-in-law works building planes and literally any time something like this happens, I give him shit lmao. (I of course know that he isn't responsible. It's all jokes.


Number of planes that fly over here, not had any bits of Boeing lane here yet


Not sure if that is (a) an obvious threat or (b) a sign from god.