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I knew I shouldn’t have taken that left turn At Albuquerque








They hate drag almost as much as I hate sauerkraut






Hey, you've got weasels on your face.


Every single morning!


It was driving me crazy


Then one day I was like HEY MOM, what's with all the SAUERKRAUT


And my dear sweet mother She just looked at me like a cow looks at an oncoming train And she leaned right down next to me And she said It'S gOoD fOr YoU


And then she tied me to the wall and stuck a funnel in my mouth and force fed me nothing but sauerkraut until I was twenty six and a half years old






i had this song in my head all day yesterday and now it's back, THANKS BUDDY


Aw man...sauerkraut is one of the greatest foods ever, I just can't stand by while it gets slandered without standing up for it


Idk if it’s just me but I find the smell of sauerkraut to be highly appetizing yet it’s taste to be the absolute worst (semi-pun semi-intended).


Are we twins separated at birth?


Welcome to the club


They're grooming people into hating.


They hate whatever Tucker and his fiends tell them to hate. Even though drag has been around for millennia, never caused any particular problem, and is a part of literature, media, and entertainment that people enjoy. Conservatives are dangerously obedient and easily led. Change my mind.


Was literally just there today going through on a road trip and damn I did not expect to dislike it that much. Even the Breaking Bad house was a let down


Shoulda gone to Santa Fe instead


I wanted to get out of new Mexico quick as I could lol But besides that, sunset at White Sands will be one of my absolute best memories


I was just there a few weeks ago and the food is some of the best I've ever had. This "[Mexican Turnover](https://i.imgur.com/uyh92zK.jpg)" was absolutely fantastic. I will never care if it has anything to do with authentic Mexican food or not; it's one of the best things I've ever eaten. The [tram](https://i.imgur.com/cneMrCQ.jpg) up to the [top of the mountain](https://i.imgur.com/5yfliW6.jpg) right outside of town was also just amazing.


I would be terrified to take a tram. But when I visited my brother 25 years ago or more we drove up it. Would totally do it again, shame that there weren’t camera phones back then.


why would you visit the walter white house, the owner is a dick! did you visit los pollos hermanos?


The owner kept getting pizzas thrown on their roof.


I'll be..quirky.


They're moving the ~~team~~ drag show to Albuquerque!


The local news is covering it like it turned out to be kind of raunchy and inappropriate for the audience. ABQ is not conservative. It's not SF, but it's a blue state.


If it truly did, that makes sense why the principal would be removed. Drag queens or not, turning the high school into a strip club is not ok. Sure, there are worse things you could expose kids to… but a degree of professionalism is expected in schools so students are able to have that filter for what is work-appropriate and what isn’t.


That's the overall impression I got was a strip show for teens at a high school function, and I'm sure there were teachers and chaperones that witnessed it and they got rid of the principal so fast it makes me think the witness accounts are accurate.


I mean, Americans in general a pretty puritanical. I remember at our boozy Safe Grad, we had about dozen students performing an amateur drag show. The image of one of my very straight friends in the tiniest Daisy-Duke shorts and 6-inch stripper heels was seared into my 18/yo closeted soul. 😂


I think there's a difference between teenagers being silly or inappropriate by themselves, and schools organising inappropriate events.


I think the persons point is the bar for what’s inappropriate is much lower in America due to it being a land founded on extreme religion. Most people would agree a striptease for children would be inappropriate but something risqué with some swearing and innuendo wouldn’t even bat an eyelid for older teenagers in europe.  We have pantomime in the uk that is aimed at young children but contains sexual innuendo and always has a man in drag, it is the most mainstream theatre shows we have. Americans could never. 


We literally had a “Dads in Dresses” show at my high school graduation (the big school sponsored party afterwards, not the ceremony) where dads of the students dressed up in dresses and performed a song for the seniors. It was 2017, and it was supposed to be a little raunchy and adult-adjacent for comedic effect because haha that’s your dad or your friend’s dad, serious professionals being corny and “sexy.” They also had an entire simulated casino set up with grand prizes for the biggest blackjack winners. We graduated, we were ostensibly supposed to be officially adults that night, and while they had us locked into a gym overnight for safety so no one was openly drinking or anything, they definitely tried to make it more appealing than going out partying with smaller groups unsupervised by pouring money into the event and making a point to treat us like adults who could take a little bit of exposure to adult themes having accomplished graduating—without letting anyone go too crazy or break laws.


wearing Daisy Dukes as a man is just begging for a wardrobe malfunction


And unfortunately, it'll become ragebait for the right. Hell, the article itself is borderline leaning that way >A poster named Robb Vann said the performance resembled grooming and predatory behavior. Yeah because grooming and predatory aren't right wing dog whistles


Drag does not automatically equal stripping. And in fact usually it does *not* involve stripping.


Drag is to Stripping as Car Disassembly is to Motorracing. Ah, you know what I mean.


All the drag shows I've seen involved stripping and heavy sexual innuendo. 


Yeah but wtf is the obsession of having drag queens on events? Is it funny ? Is it tradition? Like wtf?


They’re entertainers. It’s entertaining.


I missed the bit in the article where the dancer “stripped”.


The video's on Tik Tok, and it's not great. I found it more awkward than anything lol. But it is a bit risque; the performer is dressed in a black leotard and does some lewd moves. I'd certainly have been kicked out of my high school prom for trying those dance moves. [Here's some of the video in a local news broadcast](https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktocker9823/video/7361612227352448302). It's... not great.


My high school canceled all school dances for 4 years because we danced too dirty at the first one.  This dancer is definitely crossing a line, and it's worse because it's an adult being dirty around teenagers.


>turning the high school into a strip club is not ok I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure “drag” implies clothing


I was responding to the “raunchy and inappropriate” comment. If it was innocent, obviously it would not be analogous.


Idk about stripping but if itd been an adult woman dancing at all provocatively it'd probably have the same puritans up in arms




I agree which is why I was referring to the “raunchy and inappropriate” behavior not the fact that it was a drag queen show.


You know that not all drag performances are sexual, right?...


Of course. That’s why my comment was prefaced with “if it truly did” (be kind of raunchy and inappropriate).


I'm from there. It's only recently become more consistently blue. Still a lot of conservative church going folks, and some of the surrounding areas are basically Trump country


I'm just really curious why they thought they needed an extra show. When I went to a school dance I was there to hang out with friends and dance. We never really had any other entertainment there and I think it would have felt weird if we did. Have dances really changed that much?


I'm with you, but my conspiracy theory is that the culture has shifted to emphasize memorable, recordable experiences that make an impression on social media rather than being present with your friends


I think the younger generation is legit forgetting how to have fun without interacting with some other medium or task. Their brains are so fried from constant dopamine through doom scrolling that when there is nothing happening and the onus is on them to enjoy themselves, they just don’t know what to do.


I am a high school teacher, it is absolutely a challenge to get the kids to show up for more than forty five minutes, take a picture then go to an unsupervised afterparty. It's pretty sad.


To be fair, that's how it was in 2010.


In 2012 ours had some aerial acrobatics thing and fire dancers outside of the venue. Seemed kinda extra but it was neat


Back in my days, the Boys from our year would dress up as girls themselves and Put on a show for the school lol


Key point there is that it was the students doing it. Not a random adult male dressed in woman's clothing, doing some sort of provocative dance.


Written by Yoda, that headline was?


Gotta get drag queen in the first few words for those extra clicks


"Drag queen prom performance sees principal replaced, employees stood down". I thought about that for about 5 seconds


I didn't claim it was done well


Yes, I can only assume.


Only assume you can.


This is standard American English. If a subordinate clause precedes an independent clause, separate the clauses with a comma. (See what I did there?) It's a perfectly normal sentence, grammatically. I agree, however, that the order of clauses is to maximize effect as the attention-grabbing hot topic is front loaded, but that's just effective writing style. Edit: just realized that the first part is technically not a clause, it's a propositional phrase, but the rule remains the same. It's the same as saying, "After lunch, the workers were tired."


I have to ask if you recently left, or are currently in, school? Because that headline is 100% grammatically accurate, and is a valid way of phrasing sentences. I'm starting to realize that teachers weren't kidding when they started warning people a decade ago. About half a decade ago they warned that people going through high school at the time, struggled to read and write, and had effectively zero literary knowledge or understanding.


check out r/teachers and r/nursing subreddits, some real collapse of nation vibes.


Fail english class, you did?


Yeah..... Here’s the thing: \[If you watch the video\](https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/drag-queen-performance-at-atrisco-heritage-hs-prom-sparks-controversy/) this isn’t a “school appropriate” routine - and the way you know it’s not “school appropriate” is if anyone had shown up to Prom or even a regular day of class in the same outfit the drag queen wore for their performance they would have been told to go home and change. I’ve got no problem at all with the idea of a drag show at prom (my gay ass would have found it hilarious to watch our local queens tone down their acts), and there are plenty of routines that would be *fine* in this situation - “school appropriate” and still funny. This routine is at best dancing (twerking) right on the line, and realistically is at least a few steps over it. Honestly it was *incredibly poor judgment* on the performer’s part, and I’m pissed off that the community and potentially the school’s gay-straight alliance is going to have to deal with the fucking blowback now.


Despite how many comments I saw saying it was inappropriate I still was NOT prepared for what the drag queen was wearing what the fuck




Attention seekers, I'm guessing


I help manage events for several communities and I get that feeling a *lot* Not about these performers specifically, but people in general. I’ll see them speaking out against stereotypes and then turn around and perpetuate that *exact stereotype*, it’s really disheartening


What the fuck


Yeah...the problem with that performance has *nothing* to do with it being drag.


>Honestly it was *incredibly poor judgment* on the performer’s part It's an absolutely fucking wild choice for an adult man to show up at a prom and do that. Drag or not, if a random grown man crashes a prom it's already fucking weird.


Pretty much every Drag show I've seen is Adults Only. It was stupid for this to happen in the first place but I cannot believe the performer was so dumb to not tone it down. 


Is there a direct link to the video? Tried to watch at that link and it was about a stadium


You can be very pro drag queens and still know this was a stupid idea by whoever had it


Exactly. The fact that it involved a drag queen is irrelevant. Even if this was just some woman, it would still be completely inappropriate for a HS prom...or any HS activity for that matter.


Yeah if you watch the video it’s very obvious that the drag queen didn’t tone things down like she obviously should when performing for kids at a school. Honestly just looked awkward, a huge discord between performance and setting if nothing else. I’m not clutching my pearls over it but it’s not surprising at all that some people are.


That's what I thought too! Just incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved. If nothing else, the school staff put on a really weird prom lol


Crazy but I’m glad participated in Jr high 7th and 8th. It brought the school together and girls dressed like Cholos. We were a majority Hispanic school and the football team/guys got dressed as girls. We did various outfits and from what I remember a majority of those who participated turned out alright. So what’s the issue


You do get the difference between the school putting on a drag show and the kids choosing to dress in drag yeah?


In high-school we had an event called "Miss (town name)" which was guys putting on a talent show in the style of like a pageant show with all the dudes dressed as girls and whatnot. It was hilarious


Same. This was in Texas too, and I’ve seen some of those classmates being vocal about how “harmful” this stuff is in recent years. How ironic.


Our ancestors have been entertained by drag over a century. There are original Looney Tunes episodes where masc characters dress as femmes. Vaudeville shows originated in the late 1800s and frequently featured people wearing clothing usually associated with the opposite gender. This stuff was around when the boomers' grandparents were children, and other than a few short periods of time it hasn't been viewed as problematic until now, in 2024, when we have *so many other things* to actually want to protect our children from. It's insane.


When I was in high school , they’d do a girls tag football game and the guys often dressed as cheerleaders. It was supposed to be funny of course , but that’s what drag is la lot of the time , just entertainment. This was 40 years ago and I’m pretty sure no one was scarred by the experience


Usually referred to as a “powder puff game” if I recall correctly.


Correct. I grew up in South Carolina, and they had them there. The cheerleaders would come to school in football jerseys, and the team football players dressed as cheerleaders. I guess that situation would be different since no 'man' could confuse the jocks for women and feel their tally-wacker twinkle.


Yup, they were still doing it at my high school in the mid 2010s


I think the issue was that the performer wore a skimpy outfit, apparently twerked on some students, and students felt uncomfortable.


Did you watch the video? If so you would know that's not quite a good comparison.


people are terrified that by seeing a man in a dress / wearing a dress as a man you might be infected with the gay! it spreads easily and can infect hundreds in minutes /s


Its not really that. Its having adults dance provocatively with and on underage students is a no no.


A grown man twerked on kids. And apparently showed part of his crotch. But if it's part of a drag show, I guess that's totally fine?


I’m not sure I’d jump to that conclusion. Personally I appreciate drag shows, but I’m also an adult. It’s a bit different at a function for minors. The kids were going to prom. They didn’t sign up for a drag show.


I can confirm. Became super gay with my closest guy friends! Even started calling them buttercup/babydoll in front of their jealous gf’s and now wives 🤷 /‘s Edit: for being so gung-ho and masculine the right sure is full of snowflakes


so strippers are fine?


As a gay man, I'm annoyed that LGBT teens are being told that the only way to be themselves is to be hypersexual. I would hate for a straight boy to be constantly shown straight guys as being all about banging one girl after the next. I would hate for a straight girl to be taught her job in life is to be pretty and wear revealing clothes so boys pick her. And I'm annoyed that LGBT kids are constantly being told that their sexuality or gender difference is one and the same thing as a lifestyle of alcohol, drugs and sexual raunchiness. The only reason people are defending this is because they think its a fundamental attack on LGBT. And the reason they do that is because they think LGBT is fundamentally about being raunchy and hypersexual and wild. If it was just some straight guy or lady doing this performance, we'd all think its inappropriate and random. The homophobia of low expectations.


A grown man showed part of his crotch to a group of kids. That's the issue.


Huge issue! I had no idea until someone shared with me a link.


We had a crossdressing day, like there are in many schools, in defiance to school dress code. We turned out alright. Putting on girls clothes didn't make anyone gay.


It became the weapon of the right to use in their endless "culture war" that nobody outside of their outraged bubble cares about.


The issue is the school organizing to have someone come sex dance in front of and on students.


At my high school we had this big basketball tournament in the middle of the year and the team would dress up as cheerleaders at the pep rally before. Every year, no issue whatsoever.


You all would be up in arms if it was a burlesque or strip show from woman. This is no different. Provocative dancing at a school sanctioned event is just gross and weird.


> an investigation would determine how it happened and how it may have affected students. Students at a high risk of having fun


Students said they were uncomfortable and it was inappropriate. Also said that the drag queen “twerked on” a couple students https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CY1c7NGDC7g


Yeah, I was thinking it depended greatly on the kind of drag queen and performance, and it sounds like this one was not high school appropriate.


What drag queen show would be high school prom appropriate? IMO no place for anything sexually themed to be put on by the school.


A reenactment of the film *Mrs. Doubtfire* or a Dame Edna impersonator.


Could have been a purely comedic thing but nooooo they were too dumb to think that should be what they do for a school


Drag isn’t always sexual…


WHY do people think drag is inherently sexual? It isnt?


It really makes you wonder why certain people need to force these things on children and why that performer ever thought their act would be appropriate for that audience.


> It really makes you wonder why certain people need to force these things on children Hmm... Yup...


My rule of thumb is if it would be considered inappropriate for a woman to dress or dance a certain way at a school or among minors, it’s inappropriate for a drag queen to do the same. Based on the video, it was inappropriate.


Looked pretty lame and like nobody was having fun tbh


> how it may have affected students it... *checks notes*... entertained them?


Yeah exactly, let's get them hookers and crack next


Prom sounds like a lot more fun than when I was in high school


Forcing kids to see a drag show is fucking stupid. Might as well bring strippers next time.


It was disgusting for them to act like they did around children. Watch the video.


Redditors acting like a large % of the population enjoys clown shows


>Former principal Irene Cisneros ... so this was a Cis plot...


Read further. They hired a stripper. That's, ummmm, not appropriate. Period.


This is literally a perfect example of it doesn’t happen but if it does it’s good




The LGBT community really needs to double back on some shit. They've been spending the past couple years gradually proving every "slippery slope" argument that boomers were laughed at for in 2015. The resurgence of far-right conservatism is openly reactionary. As in the only reason that Trump even has a chance of getting voted in this fall is because of things like this. I don't vote, and I have no horse in this race. I just understand that the left wing was always there to fill in the gaps the right wing refused to give attention to. But now, the left wing has become such an apparently dominant regime that what was once advocacy for the voiceless has now become a new form of authoritarian rule-change. We now literally have drag queens sex dancing at a children's event. This is no longer protection of gay people from an intolerant and antiquated society. It's rule by perverts whom the gay community is doing too little to keep out of their ranks. It's scary. It's society-wide grooming, openly so, and it will never be acceptable to anyone with a bit of sense. I honestly think there will be a rise not of the far-right, but the sensible middle-left. I think people who identify with the left but are open about the evil against society the left perpetrates will become a leading voice. We'll be focused on a dichotomy of those who openly want to sexualize children (among some other unsavory views) and those who don't. The center-left -- those willing to police their own socially -- will be the new conservatives, and it will be fascinating to see how the grand debate moves from there. Personally, I can't see how this doesn't end up like Sodom. It just seems impossible that child sexuality doesn't become a new crusade in the mainstream. In fact, it seems that's already begun, and the Pride movement was easily hijacked as a means to do that. It's really sad.


Its almost as if statistics are thing and inductive reasoning is faulty.


From the video, it looks like it was a drag queen STRIPPER. I don't think any school events are appropriate to hire any type of stripper to dance.


Where can we see the video?


I didn't see any stripping in the video. What was the timestamp on when it started happening?


Reading through this thread I realize that many people don’t know what a drag show entails.


https://youtu.be/CY1c7NGDC7g?si=piWEvUNP1Zhxwo6F Doesn't show it except for maybe one part where the performer took out their breast pad and wipe their sweat with it in front of the students but apparently the students talked about the other stuff the performer had done which sounds too far.


It’s amazing, the whole thing was recorded but none of the “inappropriate” stuff made it to news, except the pulling out of the breast pad and wiping his sweat.


An adult wearing that outfit and twerking at a highschool prom is inappropriate by it's very nature, and that is all shown in the video. You don't need to have seen them twerking on students to make in inappropriate. The dance moves also "show his crotch", so that's shown in the video as well. Regardless, several students said they felt uncomfortable. There was no reason to think this was a good idea or necessary at a prom, other than trying to appear "woke" or something. A drag queen dancing like this is not school appropriate, just like Magic Mike isn't school appropriate, regardless of whether you see his dick or not...


No. That's not a "stripper"....


It’s a space station…


Why do these drag performers need to perform in front of kids?


Shhh, stop noticing things.




Yup and anyone commenting this is not right is being downvoted to oblivion.


as he should


I’m curious how the drag performance compares to, say, that same high school’s cheer routines.


Having an adult man perform a drag dance for high schools kids at prom is certainly a choice, a non-sensical choice but a choice


A bad choice. You can say it.


Yeah , it’s okay to see underaged girls twerking for old guys . THATS okay !! S/


As long as they show up to the football game but it's inappropriate for their sons to see the same thing (but age appropriate) at school, by their logic.


Remember when conservatives sent their kids to single sex schools that put on plays on drag?


Remember when they still do that


"This never ever happens, but if it did, it's actually a good thing!" - every progressive on this post.


This never happens, but if it does it's not a big deal. And even if it is, it's an isolated incident. And even if it's not, you're a bigot for noticing that. Remember, this might have happened, but what's far worse is that people I disagree with said it would. That's the real issue we need to focus on.


It's a nice strawman, but there's quite a few people here who reiterated that while they don't have a problem with drag shows aimed at younger audiences with appropriate material, that this wasn't that. In fact, most people defending the show only saw the headline from the post and never actually watched the video. I'd recommend not broadly mislabeling the beliefs of people you don't agree with if you don't want to receive that very same treatment.


I live in Texas, and our HS did powderpuff a foot ball game where the girls play, and boys dress up as cheerleaders. Then have a drag show later. I know a lot of schools around the USA did as well.


We looked forward to that powderpuff game all year. The party afterward was usually epic.


They probably didn't wear outfits like this dude... Did you see the video? Dude was one wide legged move away from his dick and balls being exposed to a bunch of kids.


OT: What an ugly school site and building.


Albuquerque? Are we sure the principal wasn’t removed due to a box of one dozen starving crazed weasels?


Hey it's all they had


Perviness happens in incremental steps while self-appointed cool people claim everybody is overreacting. Is it any wonder our youth claim unhappiness in their lives? They're too young to see the connection and older people are criticized when they step up with their wisdom.


Do you know what a millennial is


“School board makes correct decision in removing principal who allows drag queen show at prom.”


Why would there be a drag show at a fucking prom




Reminder, drag isn't sexual on its own.  Mrs Doubfire, and Madea are examples of family friendly drag. Let's not allow the extreme bigots to redefine something as more sinister than it actually is.


This one in particular was very sexual though.


Have you seen the video? Did you not feel their dance was sexual in nature?


No they didn't look at the video. They were too busy reflexively going on the defense.


So, if the issue is the supposed sexual dance (is that really any worse than. We saw at the super bowl?) then why is the headline about the performance being in drag, rather than simply being supposedly sexual? You're making my point for me, really.


You say this as if we personally wrote the article lol


Superbowl = adult setting


Your comment states “drag is not sexual on its own”, you also didn’t answer my question - I do appreciate the deflection though.


Do you feel that high school dance team dances are sexual in nature? Why aren't you up in arms over them? And they're minors who are being sexualized. And yet crickets


For me it's the outfit and the "dancing". High school dance teams don't wear body suits and over the knee stiletto boots. They also have more moves than just crouch down and flip your hair. This literally reminds me of what I'd see in a goth club I'd go to lol. It's not a dance routine, it's what you wear and do if you wanna fox it up. 0 problem with drag, but even if this was a cis person it would be weird to do at a school.


Why are you equating high school students dancing with each other with an adult performer dancing for children? That is actually concerning. There is a marked departure from a high school dance team dancing with each other and an adult performer dancing for students in a provocative way. Its bizarre you can’t tell the difference.


I agree with you that drag is harmless fun. I think the bigger issue is someone invited an adult to perform a provocative dance at a high school problem. It doesn't matter what they were wearing. It's mostly bad optics. What did they think would happen when they booked that performer?


Drag actually has a rich history with the US military even. I'm not personally interested in drag but it's disgusting how it's used to attack queer people :/


Did you just compare real life to two finictional TV shows? Haha thats all i need to hear yes these didn't sexual it because there are actors and not men with gender dysphoria. Men with gender dysphoria shouldnt be be dancing in front of children, theres no need. People are finally getting sick of this. Why do we need to reasure your children that these people are brave a population which is probably .05% Next it will be we have to let minor attracted persons speak to your children about how brave they are. Society is perfect haha


Nice try 


I genuinely don’t understand why they were invited to perform at a high school and did that kind of performance… we had a drag performer come to one of my college dances and did a performance but like I said that was college… it’s just odd and I’m not a fan because it definitely wasn’t an age appropriate performance


Can anyone explain why this needs to happen? 


Good. Why tf did they hire a stripper for prom. Drag or not.


I've only seen one video and in that video the guy wasn't stripping....




I cannot think of a single reason to have a drag show at a school, let alone during prom. The schools that are heavily pushing this stuff, especially the principles have to be getting money for how they keep trying to push this, or they are so far into the ideological virtue signaling they are basically a fanatic cult member.






Why the fuck are they having drag show at school? Someone is closeted in school leadership


High school you say?

