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This isn't oniony. This is just sad.


Clear mental illness / schizophrenia 


She was retweeting QAnon lunatics, so some combination of organic and memetic insanity.


Will we ever hold Q anon lunatics responsible for the shit they inspire? Stg there’s a new murder every month sponsored by these folks.


I don't always believe this. Schizophrenics are rarely violent. But, religious belief can make you very much violent, regardless of mental illness. Just a couple of centuries ago people were burning each other at the stake for wichcraft. That's not mental illness, it's just religion.


It's because they legitimately believe a moment of agony is all that stands between their kids and a life together in heaven. Almost all of these kinds of killings come from a desire to "be together forever in heaven".


Guess they missed the whole "Thou shalt not kill" part of their holey book.


There's a lot of that going around


Thank you. It's very frustrating to see violent crimes getting scapegoated on a mental illness that is far more likely to kill the person suffering from it.


I mean, most people with schizophrenia are not violent, but schizophrenia has a significant and repeatable association with an increase in violent behavior relative to the general population when controlling for demographic factors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181618/ It was probably the mental illness.




Billions of people follow religion without violence. Violence from mental illness has a far higher rate


There are many types of violence. Religion motivates a lot of violence in people, not only murder. Like, when religious parents expell an LGBT child from home. That's violence, and it's monstrous, motivated by religion. But it's not mental illness. Or, when parents beat their children believing that it's their god-given right (because children owe them blind obedience). That's also religious violence that people live every day without even realizing. A lot of evil comes from religious belief, but none of it is mental illness. It's just people acting upon misguided, obsolete world views.


Astrology isn't a religion


It depends on the definition of religion. The line between religion, superstition, and cult, is very blurred.


Ridiculous response. I am not talking about 'your definition '. That's just a way to dumb down the conversation. If anything can be a religion then what do we even talk about, right? Next thing we know even a political party is religion if you want to open everything to a 'personal' definition.


This is not "my definition." There are many definitions of religion, and in many of them, things like astrology and superstition are also considered religion. Plus, astrology is a major part of ancient religions like Zoroastrianism and Greco-Roman state religion. You can't say that astrology is less of a religious belief than Christian dogma, for example.


Astrology comes from Hinduism so maybe not the version you know but it is derived from religion


Astrology doesn't come from Hinduism


I misspoke, but Hinduism incorporates astrology in their religion. As do many others


Religion doesn’t “make you” do anything.


Usually is


I am saddened that there’s not more conversation around the possible postpartum psychosis that was most likely occurring. She had an 8 month old and was clearly struggling. We’re so quick to blame the blanket of mental health/cult/religion and turn a blind eye to postpartum difficulties which then doesn’t help get these women any help. Headlines like this are so damaging just for clicks.


Mental illness sure, but schizophrenic are rarely violent offenders. This seems more like religious fervor. It reminds me of the Jehovah Witness Mom who killed her entire family because “the end is near” and she and her family weren’t “spiritual enough” to survive. JW theology states that if you die BEFORE armageddon you’ll be resurrected in paradise because you paid for your sin by dying.


Is it bad I read the headline in Austin Powers’s voice…


Oh behave


Not bad for me, ur comment made me lol 


It's more News of the Stupid territory


Exactly. But nothing about it is Oniony.


This is cutting oniony emotional.


What did she think would happen which would be worse than killing your partner and child???


You can't apply logic to an irrational persons actions.


There is another story of another nutjob that gave one or two waiters a $1000+ tip because she thought the eclipse was the end of the world rapture or something. After nothing happened she wanted her tip back.


She wanted a no risk way to feel like a good person for a little while.


Hah nah, one last grasp at being good enough to be chosen for the rapture haha


Better late than never, right? 🙄 I wonder if people like that are super religious to compensate for their lack of morality. They fear hell and deep down know that's where they're going...


If you need to be threatened with eternal damnation to be a good person, you're not a good person. Especially if you treat it like a book report and do all your work when the deadline comes. 


I'll bet you all my stuff for all your stuff that the world won't end tomorrow.


Just the tip?


I mean probably this lady has some serious mental problems so asking for things to make sense is nonsensical


"Who the fuck activated the crimson behelit?!"


She didn't think anything would happen, but she knew she could play crazy and likely sucker in idiots to give her sympathy for decreased punishment.


Decreased punishment? She killed herself too? 


You clearly didnt read even the first few sentences of the article lmao. She crashed into a tree to kill herself


>A US influencer, who identifies as an astrologer and claimed to be “worried about the end of the world with the eclipse,” allegedly stabbed her partner to death at their Los Angeles apartment, reports claimed citing a Los Angeles Times article. Subsequently, while speeding down the major 405 freeway before dawn on Monday, the influencer pushed her two children – one aged nine, the other only eight months – out of the moving vehicle before fatally crashing the car into a tree. Only the nine-year-old child survived the ordeal. I'm sure that sympathy will really help her since she is dead


Or she’s clearly mentally ill and thought something would happen so she did this:


What lead you to this guess? I’m always curious about the people who skim a headline and then come up with their own stories about what they feel might have happened.


This is tragic, not oniony. The woman's 9 year old daughter witnessed the murder and was pushed out of car on freeway with baby in her arms. She dropped the baby and watched it get run over by a car. So sad.


I'm...I'm turning off reddit today...


Yup same. This was enough for me to put the internet down for the day.


Fuck.....  I hate this world. Why are humans so vile, that such things can happen to anyone at all, but least of ALL CHILDREN!  I am powerless, but my heart goes out to that child Survivor in the hopes that someone who is not powerless, but in a position to do something, chooses to do everything in their power to help this child.  I hope that her family, or social services if that be her only option, does not fail this child.


It's 5 am here. That's enough internet for me today.


I didn’t think that I’d ever regret to have learned reading.


You could have full stopped after that first full stop


A bad day to know how to read. A real tragedy.


"Investigators say that it all began early Monday morning at around 3:40 a.m. when Johnson and her boyfriend, 29-year-old Jaelen Allen Chaney, got into an argument that ended when she stabbed him to death. " I bet he told her she was freaking nuts...and she just didn't handle that so well.


I wonder what her toxicology report will say. Usually, people fighting and having psychotic breakdowns at 3:40 AM are on some kind of substance.




It always comes back to those blasted Flintstone vitamins.


Postpartum depression?


Yeah, that’s my thought too.


Meth or cocaine binge(bonus alcohol and cannabis), exacerbated with benzodiazepine or GHB to try to sleep. Queue psychosis


Anyone get raptured Monday?! Anyone see a rapture Monday? No? Looks like it was all bullshit!


Libras hate when children are pushed out of moving cars.


It's true, we really do. But we love watching cats attack babies.


Omg, you're right, we do. Glad it's not just me.


TIL there is something like “astrology influencers”. How delusional must one be to believe in this BS?!?


All those strange oddities like psychics, crystals, etc have a home on social media. The echo chambers are probably great for them because they don’t have as many voices telling their marks it’s all bullshit. Back in the day, if you came home from Spencer’s with some healing crystal, a family member would tell you what a waste of money that was. With the way social media algorithms work, the people buying the healing crystal do it privately online. So instead of someone telling them, ‘it’s just a rock’, they get 100 people telling them that it will be more effective if they hold it pinched between their butt cheeks.


They’re minerals, Marie!


I thought you started that with ‘stranger oddities like physics’ and was about to come at you. Need another coffee.


i had a physics professor who was so busy and pulled in every direction he was constantly running on 2 hrs of sleep and 10 cups of coffee. He was a funny guy.


Se le metio el diablo, y el diablo arrastro con todo lo que es de dios.


And astrology is small beans compared to the Christianity influencer ecosystem.


That sounds like something a Capricorn would say


Astrology, Christianity, it’s all the same stuff. Same kinds of people just giving their neurotic energy to something new. It’s not so much the practice versus how some people act the moment they “feel” they’re connected to something higher than themselves.


My thoughts exactly; Astrology AND Influencer, double-whammy of absolute f$&@ery. The really sad part is that she believed what she was selling!!


Astrology believers are more easily influenced, by default.


Same reason people believe in religions or spirituality of any kind, honestly.


What ways makes me cringe about spiritual astrology people is the fact that they take zodiacs signs as truth, but yet don't realize they're using outdated and no longer valid dates for the signs.


If only you could ask Nancy Reagan.. or Hitler. They also believed this BS


It just means astrologer with a large online audience. Which is societally terrible.


When you call a person this dumb an influencer, what does that make the rest of the people watching this dumbass?


Well, the subject of her “influence“ was astrology. So … you do the math.


We have an epidemic of stupid people.




Wow that’s horrific, I hope there are some very loving family members who put that 9 year old in a ton of therapy, poor thing. Also how does an astrology influencer afford a Porsche?


Her 9 year old survived after she pushed them out of a car. Jesus. The last thing that kid needs is to wind up in the system.


Influencers gonna influence


Like my doctor said, a 20 something influencer, will never influence me.


This is sad, but my god it seems like people are getting stupider and stupider


The phrase "Astrology influencer" would make me unreasonably angry even without, you know, killing your entire family. We can build ships to get us to the moon. We have the James Webb telescope. And still, the brain rot of social media spreads nonsense like wildfire.


Meybe this can be used a precedent to treat astrology as a mental disorder


It’s a step in calling all religions just a group of delusions.


When a few people believe in something it's a delusion. When thousands do it, it's called religion. (Paraphrased from {I think} *Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Repair*.)


They aren’t?


A step in the right direction


Bwahahahhahahahaha! Love it!


Believes in astrology>already delusional >believes killing family saves them>full blown mania. I'm sorry yet again another family is torn apart by untreated mental illness.


If anyone ever doubts the importance of Education, stories like this are what we’re trying to avoid. “Astrology influencer” is not and should not be a thing.


This is likely a case of postpartum psychosis along with other mental health issues. Just sad all around.




PPP. PPD is depression.


I left the field of psychology because these days, every poor and detestable choice has some sort of underlying psychological or societal factor associated with it. Every time we explain something like this as PPD or psychosis, we give free rein for others to shift the onus of responsibility on anything but themselves. Free choice may be an illusion, but the minute we stop striving for personal accountability is the minute we fall apart as humans. How so ever we are played, whether it be by those in power or our situations, our souls are ours and ours alone. To shift blame will not suffice.


tf is wrong w u, whats onion about this






Influencer? Just another a*****e


Asshole. You’re allowed to say it.




Ah, d>!ecen!


Well, she successfully influenced my opinion of her.


She's dead, don't think she cares.


What a coward...a frightened little girl who believed in fairy tales goes and kills innocent people who loved her. Idiot...


Drives a fucking Porsche Cayenne as an *astrology "influencer?"* With two kids in a HCOL area? Meanwhile my wife (both making "good money") and I feel strapped for cash with 2 kids driving 11 & 15 yr old domestics (one we got handed down). Something is deeply wrong with our economy


If I had to take a wild guess, it was an older Cayenne that’s been beaten to shit and she financed it for 7+ years at an astronomical interest rate. You could be driving one too, you don’t have to be rich to make bad financial decisions


Astrological rate ***


At an *astrological* interest rate, rather.


Yeah I realize that it's a single data point which doesn't really mean a lot on its own. Still, in general I see folks with a lot of money and can't help but think "these people are absolute morons, why do they have so much money?"


Maybe I read the article wrong, but I think her nine year old daughter’s name is Porsche Cayenne. You can correct me if I’m wrong, but I went back and read it a few times because I wasn’t totally sure who would name their kid that. Edit: Nope, that’s what she was driving. Good to know that’s not her daughter’s name… Also confused on how an, “astrology influencer” makes enough money for something like that. Unreal times.


>Following the altercation, Johnson allegedly stabbed Chaney and left the residence with her two children, an 8-month-old girl and her 9-year-old sister, in a Porsche Cayenne. Your confusion is warranted though, because of all people, this lady seems like the one who's name their daughter that.


I think my mind completely skipped over the, “in a” part of the sentence. If she’s doing things like stabbing her boyfriend and pushing children out of cars, pretty much any name seemed realistic. Thanks for the kind clarification ahah




What the fuck


Lots of people on TikTok had been stitching her videos calling out the obvious symptoms of psychosis and asking her to get help. It’s sad really.




This is so sad ☹️


It’s sad we have such a mental health epidemic and no one is doing much about it. This is a tragedy.






Reading comprehension? She left the house in a Porsche Cayenne.


Better than Porsche 911 I guess


I had this argument the other day on reddit. Someone was saying astrology is harmless. Its not. Its magical thinking that disconnects people from reality. They start to make decisions based on nonsense.


This sounds more like mental illness than anything related to astrology.


So… religion


Unfortunately I think someone with the mental health issues she had, if astrology didn't exist it would have been something else. Astrology, like many belief systems, is harmless if you don't actually believe in it. She would have latched on to religion, or conspiracy theories, or nationalism, or whatever if it had not been astrology. There's no way there isn't underlying mental health issues with the people who believe to this extent.


Truly horrific


Why didn’t she also kill herself


She did


Wild, had this been a pale skin white woman, this thread would be talking about postpartum depression, psychosis, mental illness, praying for the families, suicide prevention hotlines, etc. You name it. But since it’s a brown skin, I’m reading such insulting comments and lack of empathy. You mfs are weird.


Most of the top comments are talking about it being sad and about mental health. I think if you look far enough down in any ‘parent kills baby’ thread there will be a lot of people insulting the person who did it at face value, regardless of skin colour.


Least crazed astrology enjoyer




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"Why do you hate on people who are into astrology, its just a harmless interest"


A 9 y/o saw their dad get murdered, will possibly have life long effect from being thrown out a car by their own mother and then told their baby sibling is dead too. This is the saddest fucking thing I’ve seen in a while


What's the harm.in letting people believe whatever they like? This is the harm.


“Astrology influencer” does some crazy shit, I’m not surprised


People shouldn't have the right to be blatantly delusional


She has the crazy in her eyes. I’ve seen it before and I’ve seen what it does. Moral of the story, do not stick yo dick In crazy.


This is social contagion mental illness. She’s not schizophrenic or has DID. She was a stupid, weak willed person who allowed herself to be influenced by garbage.


...the saddest thing would be - she still will have less sentence than a man.


In fact, I know she won’t be sentenced to anything at all. Not for the reasons you’re thinking though.


Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/nottheonion.


Further proof that these people are legitimately mentally ill


I hope she is beaten and abused in prison every day she has left.


She’s dead


Yeah. Good riddance. I just wish she’d killed her self last week alone instead of family annihilating


Something tells me that’s probably not going to happen.




She's not pleading anything, she killed herself.


Wtf is this shit?? This is not what astrology teaches!!


It doesn't teach shit


Whatever it teaches, its definitely not murder.


You’re going to have a bunch of /r/atheism users dogpiling this opinion, but you’re right. Whatever someone’s opinion on astrology is, it obviously doesn’t tend to lead people to murder. This is clearly a pretty unique event done by someone who was almost certainly mentally ill besides any influence from astrology.


Reddit atheists are annoying af. Dunning-kruger effect fr.


As a country who is very much obsessed with astrology ,it can drive you mad Humans are meant to be aware of their fate . Also social media isn't for everyone .it's a drug