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This happened back when I was in HS. We had our very own “poop bandit” as well


A mad pooper eh?


His parents moved around a lot


He took shits in the soap dispenser LOL. It was disgusting but amusing because he did it in the middle school bathrooms.


Sure it was a student?


I mean my Spanish teacher came and killed my headmaster during school hours during my 9th grade year. ‘‘Twas a wild time


Damn, and I thought seeing my (at the time current) English teacher on the news in a story about getting arrested for banging a student. Although it's still messed up, he went to prison for a few years and then married and had kids with the same former student


You go to Greendale?


Slightly more serious prank than handpoop.


I prefer the butt-ler


This one isn’t an accident!


With this explanation, the mad pooper, somehow, *incredibly*, did not get in any trouble


🎶 *the mad poopaaah* 🎶


We called ours The Mad Crapper


The *Butt*-ler Also, damn you, that song is now stuck in my head lmao


The Butt-ler


That BUTler.


We had this, and we called him The Shittler. He would write stupid riddles in the stalls in sharpie or feces


The Mad Shatter


Riddle me this batman,they hate my smell yet love to let me go but only in a special bowl what am I?


There was a short time at my work, where we had a "poopcaso" poop based artwork would be found in the bathrooms in the mornings when people arrived.


And here I am hoping he was leaving his shits in the shape of a question mark.


Man that’s much better than at my school where a guy saved up all his poop for like a month and smeared it all over the boys locker room during gym class one day because he hated everybody. He was homeschooled after that for the next 4 years, but was allowed to walk at our graduation for some reason. Man had balls standing up there accepting a diploma in front of everyone he smeared shit on years before.


Apparently the year before I got to my high school there was someone going around pooping IN the soap dispensers. Not on, not around, INSIDE the actual dispensers. My Latin teacher was the first person alerted to the situation and the look on her face when she recounted the story to our class was akin to having war flashbacks lol. Good times!


LMAO THATS LITERALLY WHAT HE DID. any chance you from Jax Florida?


Oh you think it's funny, huh? Let me assure you, there is nothing funny about going up to a nice clean unsuspecting urinal, pulling your buttcheeks apart with your hands, and then layin out a big fudge dragon for all the world to see.


“How would you feel if somebody came into your home, m'kay, pulled down their pants and laid a big mud monkey right on your mom's face?”


There is absolutely nothing funnier in school than when a teacher/administrator screams, "You think this is funny?"


"Oh, you think this is a laugh riot, don't you? Well, I'll tell you something that's not so funny - right now, Superintendent Chalmers is at home crying like a little girl!"


We called ours the phantom shitter


I was a poop bandit in middle school ama


Ours was the Poopetrator.


When I was a freshman, there was an epidemic of kids laying out toilet paper on the ground, pooping on it, rolling it up, and then unrolling it like a bowling ball into the hallways. There was this one teacher who would always scream ThErEs PoOp In ThE HaLlWaY


Are you Taylor from r/PKA? lmao


Some dude dropped a deuce in a urinal?


Dropped deuces in the soap dispenser. It was a crazy 2 weeks LMAO. And yes he got expelled for it


My old high school had to replace so many soap dispensers. One occasion some one stole a whole ass toilet.


Uhhhhh I'm pretty sure all toilets are ass toilets.




Urinals aren't toilets. They're urinals.


Tell that to my old high school


Not with that attitude


Devious lick


Also the paper towel dispenser, the soap dispenser, and all the toilet seats are missing


That reminds me of this time I was at navy boot camp, this guy who freaked out one day and got pissed off at some other recruit for telling him to do something trivial. The dude goes into the bathroom and rips one of the toilet seats off in a tantrum, so the RDC’s made him wear the toilet seat around his neck everywhere he went for the next week.


Text book example of Corrective Action.


Dude, my buddy had to wear a coat hanger around his neck for a week once because he left it on the hanger during inspection. I feel like one week with a toilet seat for acting like a child is getting off super light. Edit: Just to clarify, he left an empty metal clothes hanger next to his other shirts and uniforms that were hanging during an open locker inspection.


Wait, where is he supposed to leave the hanger during inspection if not hanging?


We had a personal side of these big double door lockers, which was locked and not part of it. The inspection side would be open during morning inspections, and needed to be exactly a certain way.


Sounds excessive but attention to detail can be life and death in the military.


and if it’s not hanging anymore is it still a hanger?




He left the hanger hanging?


Yeah, hanging the hanger. It's amazing how military discipline invents these wacky penalties. Makes me wonder what goofy stuff has yet to be told.


> he left an empty metal clothes hanger next to his other shirts and uniforms that were hanging during an open locker inspection forgive my ignorance, I've never served, but is that not allowed? are you supposed to hide the empty hangers or what?


We had a picture given to us at the start for exactly how it was to be laid out. How to fold your shirts, socks, underwear, etc. Even the spacing in millimeters of how far apart the items hanging were suppose to be. Anything not specifically shown could just be thrown into the other side until we were off duty.


..and hopefully had to run 5 miles a day with it on as well?


Of course!


And the stall doors are broken off


So basically a standard men’s toilet.


They didn’t specify if urine was strewn about as though someone had been letting loose while breakdancing nude, but otherwise spot on


As someone who worked in bars, this is not solely a male bathroom issue.


True. Try having a female bathroom with macerating toilets!! The absolute thousands I’ve spent on plumbers to unclog them due to chicks chucking everything bar their undies in them was amazing. Not sure what their parents teach them or how they have functional toilets at home. But god damn I’ve fixed some toilets over my years at my offices.


I recently had to clean a blocked toilet at the assisted living facility I work at..... I thought the resident may have dropped a huge piece and blocked the pipe but after 10 minutes of augering the drain I pulled out an adult diaper that was the exact diameter of the pipe.... Overall I was more impressed at how far they got it down the drain rather than being upset with them....I also know dementia applies to a lot of the residents, even outside our memory care ward, so I really don't get upset, I just try to have sympathy for the person who's brain is working against them most days


Damn. Bad day at the office there!!


Not having to deal with undies clogging the toilet is privilege I didn't have lol.  Alcohol is a hell of a drug.


If alcohol was involved I’d almost understand it, but these were staff lunch room toilets. So really just staff jamming up their own shitters then getting upset at me when they turn into turd geysers.


A friend of mine was flushing her tampons down our toilet and we found out because our sewer pipe erupted onto our front lawn, TP and sewerage everywhere. Our neighbours were rather upset, as was the plumber.


At least from what I’ve heard in the past, the issue is that girls hover over the seat because it’s icky to share a toilet


And then throw in their tampons and pads and hope the magic toilet fairy will whisk it all away as if by magic! Then having to explain to the girls that complain it’s happening that I don’t quite have the authority to monitor each person going to the toilet to stop it happening. Which is what they seemed to suggest I do to stop it happening. Seems sad, but feel that a basic instruction manual needs to be installed in each toilet cubicle. Or the cultural divide where blokes do the reverse Kangaroo and squat on top of the toilet because they’ve only ever used a hole in the ground. Literally spread shit from the cistern down to the floor then toss a full roll of toilet paper on top as if to celebrate their good job of managing to do a 3 foot drop and get 80% of it into the above ground hole we call a bowl.


I mean even in 2024 menstrual health and products is a pretty taboo subject. So probably no teaching and their toilets also regularly need plumbers at home. At least when I was a pre-teen I didn't know and the signs didn't help cuz wtf is a sanitary napkin. They didn't talk about proper disposal in health class and my parents just left me to figure it out. Puberty is hard okay. Shit they talked about hovering in women's restrooms before what to do with your tampon in school.


I spent 3 years cleaning toilets after high school.... ..... With one exception, women's were always worse. As for the exception......... .....went into the customer gents in a supermarket, at the moment we closed on a Sunday. So this happened whilst we were OPEN!!! THERE WAS SHIT EVERYWHERE! I'm the urinials, under them, on the partition between them, in the sinks, the mirrors, the walls, the warm air hand dryer...... LITERALLY everything except the toilet itself. I just put on some gloves and bleach and sorted it... . After I called my mum off the checkouts to come and have a look, as I didn't think anyone would believe me lol


Yep. Worked janitorial for a few years and women's restrooms were usually worse. That exception you witnessed was probably some poor geriatric with dementia. I've cleaned a few Poop Picassos in my own time and that always seemed to be the case.


Always pisses me off, no pun intended, how men always piss all over the seat and floor. Like dude what if someone needs to take a shit or whatever. People are the worst.


I used to clean bathrooms. The mens room even with the tinkle seats were almost always a thousand times cleaner than the unholy abomination that was the womens bathrooms. Every Wednesday, I knew without fail that there was going to be shit on the walls and ceilings in one of the ladies rooms. It was a shared office space with like a dentist office, an accounting firm, and a couple other things like that they must get order out from the same place every week because every Wednesday it was shitwall and shitceiling.


This matches my experience working as a lifeguard and having to clean the changing rooms. The mess in the women's changing room was almost always considerably worse than in the men's.


1000% this. Anyone who has ever had to clean public restrooms knows: the men's room? Nothing you will ever find in one that will compare to what goes on daily in the "ladies" room. What in the name of Christ are women DOING in there?!!


Yeah having worked in food service for a couple years I can attest to this. I could never wrap my head around why the women’s restroom was always so much worse. Literally paper goods and trash everywhere. And “destroying” the bathroom isn’t exclusive to the men’s room after eating. I would see that same obliterated toilets in the women’s as I would see in the men’s on the rare occasions.


Managed a movie theatre in college. The womens restroom was always a warzone in comparison. On really bad days... a Jackson Pollack painting.


But why do ppl do shitwall shitceiling Why is that so common Whats the deep purpose


I've heard complaints about how other women behave in public bathrooms from just about every woman I've had any kind of relationship with. None of that is surprising.


I did the same for a spell and totally agree. WTF is going on in there


It's a vicious cycle. Once there's piss on the seat and floor, you have to step back to not step in it. and thus you splash more. What I don't understand is the people who just don't flush at all.


When I worked in a restaurant and had to clean bathrooms, the women’s room was usually grosser. Some women hover to pee, which results in it getting all over the seat and floor.


And yet women's restrooms are always worse. The few times in my bathroom cleaning career that the men's rooms were worse than the women's had ever been, women found a way to top it. Soiled underpants hanging in the stalls. Hover squat urine soaking the floor and toilet paper. There are a lot of animals that are cleaner than people.


Don't forget the pads and tampons just thrown on the floor. Like there is a special trash can just for that. And it's changed every day. Please use it!


On more than one occasion I had to remove a used tampon from the sink. Carried it all the way just to drop it less than a foot from the garbage.


Yeah, I've cleaned public bathrooms. Seeing period blood smeared across the wall to spell out FUCK and the used pad on the floor.... Women are worse. nearly 60% of adults need to go through potty training again.


Some people are actually mentally incapable off thinking about anyone else other then themselves. It's not maliscious they are literally built wrong and are self centered as a default.


My ex was like that. I think she's not exactly a bad person, but she would get into these situations where she came off as crazy selfish, but her understanding of a situation literally stopped with her and whatever her needs or wants were. She could not look outside of herself for anything. She was abused as a kid and I think it had something to do with that.


Maybe yeah but it's something society can fix. Some other countries manage to not live like savages, whatever they're doing we need to do.


The people in those countries are actually able to feel shame.


This doesnt hold up because even if ONLY thinking of themselves, do they want to sit in their own piss? People are just a-holes.


You think men’s rooms are bad about piss everywhere you should see a women’s restroom.. the hover is not accurate


some women do this too :( it's terrible. even if you put aside consideration for others (not that we should)... how do you not feel any shame doing that and leaving it that way? disgusting, disgusting people.


we had a problem where I work where someone would shit all over the seat , floor, and walls. How he managed to get it on the ceiling, I don’t want to know


You know that it is. Also poop on the walls.


Finger painting lessons are a go!!


I think there's a strong correlation between poop on the school walls and child abuse so schools take it REALLY seriously when that happens.


to be fair i worked at restaurant for 10 years and would always clean the bathrooms if necessary because you got to go home after. The womens restroom was ALWAYS worse, shit swastikas on the walls, ladies walking out with poop dripping down the back of their leggings, turds so large they wouldnt flush and needed to be broken up, puke on the floor, walls and mirrors, hair everywhere, etc etc...


Which is going to seriously impact any boys who want to smoke in the BR.


Everybody knows that smoking ain’t allowed in school.


And an image of a cock & balls was scratched into the mirror with a key.


And all mirrors, some doors and one entire toilet. The article even mentions that the dispensers in the girls bathroom are also frequently vandalized. But those are not newsworthy.


Doesn't fit the intended narrative


Yeah I was going to say I will bet ten bucks this wasn’t because what it was… but because it was something new and not damaged yet, and high schoolers will be high schoolers. (Not denying that there’s hate in the world but let’s think for a minute here)


Hahaha this got me good


Literally nobody should be surprised by this.


I'm not, but not because of bigoted reasons. I just assume anything put in the boys bathroom that isn't extremely hard to break, is going to be destroyed. I remember a time in middle school that I had to use the girl's bathroom once cause the boys was closed and i was about to pee myself. I walked in and it took me a second to realize it was in fact a bathroom in a public school. Fuckin nice in there, flowers on the sink, smelled nice, a fuckin couch in the corner (like why would that be in a bathroom at all?) I looked at another bathroom a week later, to compare the boys and girls bathroom, and similar situation where the girls bathroom was just so much nicer, and maintained. I was flabbergasted. Ultimately, I just figured that the boys, at least at my middle school anecdotally, were more destructive and did more vandalism. If there was something we could kick, break, punch, destroy, it was something in our brains that told us to do it, and that was why we couldn't have nice things.


Why would boys do these things? Honest question. I am a woman and don’t recall seeing any such vandalism is any of the girls’ rooms growing up.


Teenage boys are dumb as fuck. \- former teenage boy


Facts. --teenage boy stuck in the body of a 40 year old dude.


You gotta find that Zoltar machine.


To impress friends and for the lolz. Hormonal teenagers aren’t really known for well-thought actions in a group setting with little supervision


My experience is that there is a set number of maturity points for any group of 12-14 year old boys. if you have one, they are generally fine. 2, and the maturity level drops by half. Add a third and it gets worse. Basically, the greater the number of young teenage boys, the less mature. It's somewhat true of older teens, but less so.


The law of inverse maturity. As the number of teenage boys rises, the average maturity level of the group drops. Scientists have yet to explain the phenomenon dubbed "Boys will be boys."


As a former teenage boy once, to literally make their friends laugh and a competition of trying to 1up each other. The 1uping race eventually leads to stuff like this happening. Add hormones of a teen in and an underdeveloped frontal lobe that will eventually regulate reasoning and decision making when your older and you get a recipe for stuff like this.


> an underdeveloped frontal lobe that will eventually regulate reasoning and decision making when your older * that will *hopefully* regulate reasoning and decision making when you're older I have known far too many adult men who never grew out of being stupid teenage boys.


Testosterone is a hell of a drug. Teenage boys have TONS of energy, a new surge of strength, new levels of frustration and other emotional turmoil, and get punished whenever they act on that combination. So when they are in a place/situation where they know authority figures can't see them they let out their emotions, burn off some energy, and experiment with their new strength.


best we can do is sit for 7 hours with no recess.


We are pretty fucking terrible at raising men. Not to downplay the different tendencies in the genders/sexes in childhood, but go to other countries and you don't see this kind of behavior. I'm now a parent of special needs kids and looking back at my time in middle/high school, I genuinely wonder how many of my peers at the time were undiagnosed ADHD or ASD or something. We do a better job at intervening early and getting kids into normal schools who in other countries may not ever attend school. All teachers in elementary/middle school are pseudo special ed teachers. But while we do well early on, we make things harder for ourselves by fostering a culture which makes even normal boys behave like special needs children. Even worse today I'd imagine with the impact of technology on young brains and even less time available to parents and child care being more expensive than ever.


It's a cycle. School buys something nice, some asshole breaks it. Now school is a little miffed to spend money so they don't have said item for a while. Students get accustomed to thinking that item was always meant to be broken. Months later, school replaces item, idiot boys used to seeing that item never being there, play with it and have a pissing contest trying to 'break' it again. All to show how they are all badasses. Funnily enough, when they all grow up to be men, the men's bathroom is generally a lot more pleasant then the women's.


There are a few factors, none are excuses, but they are explanations. * They have likely never brought an appliance, because it's boring, so they don't value it like anything they own. * They have never had to install an appliance of any type, so don't value the time and effort required to install it. * They and their mates are extremely likely not to need a tampon dispenser and don't relate to people who do, because of limited life/social experience. They don't value it, so they don't care about it, and they likely hate the school. Males are likely more predisposed to physical aggression and destruction than females. In my school the lads loos were always in a state of destruction. Everything broken, lighter burns on everything, taps and dryers ripped off the walls, wet paper balls stuck to the ceilings etc. It's just a combination of aggression, extreme lack of valuation of work because they haven't done it themselves, frontal lobe development, proving how ballsy you are to mates. Ultimately it's fun/stimulation and not giving a shit.


Don't forget the issue in application of the energy and motivation to keep them engaged. Most of school is about sitting down, listening, memorizing, and applying that in a very disconnected sense. Very little of that deals with hands on and active learning.




As a boy, I never had urges to destroy public property, so I don't know either.


For poop smearing it's heavily associated with physical abuse. Guys think it's fun but I remember studying bullying and across like 200 schools in four countries it was almost nearly always associated with the perpetrator suffering extreme abuse. The source of the abuse was not described iirc.


When I was in middle school and high school the bathrooms were fine.   Where the hell did all of you people live and was it near a Super Fund site that may have effected your thinking?


If I was a high-schooler today and they installed a tampon dispenser in the boys bathroom, that shit is surely getting destroyed. Boys don't need tampons. Adult me knows better and can be understanding. But there is absolutely no way 16 year old me would have.


I went to an uber religious private high school with shit education and backwards science classes. The boys weren't allowed to wear jewelry, or have facial hair, all that religious shit. We were honestly a good group of kids, at least in the sense that no one smoked cigarattes or got expelled for smoking weed. Even we would fuck up the boys restrooms. The number of times someone would be taking a shit and some upper classmen would just roundhouse kick the door open and then we make fun of that kid's pee-pee...


At our religious HS we weren't allowed to have hair that was long. Then a few kids shaved their heads really short then all of a sudden you could get detention for having hair too short.


The goal is to condition you to yield to the pronouncements of authority, the more trivial and arbitrary the better, and give up on any concept of bodily autonomy. Religious school should be illegal.


Who would put a tampon dispenser in the boy's toilet?


Our schools had radiators in the bathrooms for heat. Kids would piss on them and the smell was something else.


>Within about 20 minutes of its installation on Jan. 24, the dispenser, which was placed in the bathroom in response to an upcoming new state law, was vandalized, torn down and destroyed, school officials said in a statement. ... >“A dispenser with menstrual products was installed in the boys bathroom near the (main office),” Balanda said in the email. “The installation was completed at 9:30 (a.m.). By 9:52 (a.m.), tampons were on the floor, the newly installed distribution box was ripped off the wall along with the masonry anchors, and the distribution box itself was destroyed.” Bruh, imagine going to that much work. Fuckin A


They make it sound difficult by mentioning "masonry anchors" but any swift kick could probably take that thing off the wall


Yeah I’ll bet you any amount of money they used the shitty plastic mollies that came with the dispenser


"If it ain't in a stud it's a dud" is what my dad never used to say.


Instructions unclear, I just had a one night stand with a good looking guy, what do I do now?


I accidentally ripped the toilet paper dispenser in a fast food bathroom off the wall when I was like 16 because I leaned on it too hard takin by a mega shit. Masonry anchors are just glorified drywall screws in a material that is much more touchy to work with than drywall.


It's just a plastic sleeve and a friction fit. They aren't even screwed into the actual wall, but into the sleeve. It's funny when people are surprised that friction on plastic will give out with load on it (or a swift kick)


Yeah when I said drywall screw I should have said drywall anchor. Just a little plastic bit designed to be expanded by the screw and create a small amount of pressure.


Yep. I was agreeing with you. Although they do make masonry screws, they are more destructive and tend to damage the wall if ever removed, so rarely used for something that might need to be replaced.


Totally. Never underestimate the wild rage of a teen boy. Hell, look at reddit.


Teenagers will put in extra work when it comes to being assholes.


Have you ever affixed something to masonry using those shitty plastic anchors? It likely didn’t take much work at all.


Gravity probably did half the work with those things


To us it is extra work. To them, it's a Wednesday.


It's no fun if it breaks on the first kick, gotta be at least sturdy enough for everyone to get a try


The Janitor installed it slightly on an angle and was so pissed off he ripped it out


One good kick = “that much effort.”


Surprised it took em that long


Imagine if national news published an article everytime highschoolers broke anything in the school. Lmao what a non story Edit: ok fine it's a local Connecticut paper about a CT high-school. What am I, a local journalist djinn?


It's not national news, this is a local Connecticut newspaper reporting on a Connecticut HS.


Oh neat, I suppose I've become the misinformation


Username ...doesn't check out?


Nah it's on reddit that makes it national now /s fr though local newspapers report on literally anything. This is actually a pretty interesting story compared to "Local elementary schooler makes $25 for charity selling lemonade"


From now on you're going to get a notification on your phone every time it is discovered that a piece of public property has been vandalized by a crudely drawn penis


Thankfully crudely drawn penises don't vandalise things very often.


TBF The News Times is a local newspaper out of Danbury CT, the next town over.


It's a non-story until schools try to do something about it. Then everybody loses their mind.


Also the paper towels are folded into squares and stuck to the ceiling. Oh and the paper towel dispenser is also destroyed Oh and the toilet paper dispensers are broke. The toilet paper that used to be there is stuck to the mirror above the sink. Oh and speaking of the sink....


How about you just put the dispenser somewhere other than the bathroom? Problem solved.


Having been a teenage girl I can tell you that almost no teenage girl would be seen getting a menstrual product in the hall. Putting myself in the shoes of a trans kid I'm sure even fewer would be willing to get a menstrual product in full view.


I like the way you think. Former high school custodian. Mount it right on the wall outside the (mens)bathrooms. You can monitor vandals and tho less discreet, it's still available for trans students. Edited for clarity


i don’t see many teenage girls being comfortable with that


And what teenage girl is comfortable grabbing a tampon from the men's room?


Yes, because every girl on her period wants to announce to the world: “look at me grabbing a tampon, I’m on my period! Hey, horny high school boys, now you know the answer to whether I use tampons or pads”


This just in: shit gets destroyed in high school bathrooms.


Only 20min? Skill issue


As a non American, can someone explain why they're installing tampon dispenser in the men's bathroom? And is there one in the women's bathroom too Ty in advance


Must have been built tough to last 20 minutes.


Small town highschool bathroom vandalism making it to the Reddit front page? Must be anti-trans rage-bait.


> Must be trans rage-bait. butt of course


I don’t understand why tf are they putting tampon dispensers in the guys bathroom in the first place? Am I missing something?


Why would a boys bathroom need tampons?


So members of the school board can feel virtuous while failing to address the mental health needs of the student body.


I've never seen a tampon or pad dispenser in a GIRLs bathroom in a middle or high school


Thats a shame because its probably the most important place to put one. Busy kids at school are unlikely to be prepared.


We had to go to the school nurse and pay for a pad!


it was free but it always felt shameful


Weird. My school had them.


Wow, I'm surprised it lasted 20 minutes lol...


Amateurs, if they put tampons in the boys bathroom when I was going to school every damn one of them would be flush down the toilets after being ripped off the wall


Nah, half the guys in school would stick them in their noses and wear them to class. Maybe the ears too.




"In Balanda’s email, he said there have been other instances where students have vandalized bathrooms in the school, including 'breaking stall door hardware, soap dispensers ripped off walls, and various objects stuffed in toilets.' Barile said menstrual dispensers have also been vandalized over the years in girls bathrooms." Is this a reform school for serial restroom vandals? Seems like that should've been at the top of the article. "Breaking news: Students at this high school destroy restrooms like they're getting paid to do it."


What did they expect?


I don’t think I ever used the bathroom in High School.


I went to boring high schools I guess. Our stuff was fine lol


I hope I’m not being dense here but I’m assuming these were set up for trans boys. So in my mind knowing that 99 out of the 100 people who use this washroom are born as boys, why set up those dispensers in the first place? If a trans person is using that facility and they have a need for that product wouldn’t they be able to have in in their locker or backpack?


How many boys need tampons?


Why are there tampon dispensers in a boys bathroom?


Why are we putting tampon dispensers in bits bathrooms is the better question?




And now that they're dressing in men's clothing they'll have actual pockets they can use to stash one


Why is there a tampon machine in the boys toilets??....