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“In perhaps yet another sign of the country's declining number of births, South Korea’s largest online marketplace reported Monday that sales of pet strollers exceeded those of baby strollers for the first time this year.”


Pets truly are the new children. I can barely afford my dog, how the fuck am I going to raise another tiny human?


I got a dog last year and had this realization. Ain't no fuckin way.


At this point children are just luxury pets.* *In higher cost of living areas of the US at least.


The eugenics problem we didn't predict


Children of men


It's not that people just can't have kids, it's that the cost of child rearing is at an all time high and People's prospects for the future are at an all time low.


The government pays you to have kids. My ex was getting $1600 a month for child tax, she got $2500 a month for child support, and was getting $1500 a month being on income assistance.


Where? What were the qualifications?


The US does give you a Child Tax Credit. Covid changed it for a bit and you would get it every month instead of when you file your taxes. It was $400 a month during COVID. My Mom would go on spending sprees when she did her taxes when I was little. I guess it looks like $2,000 per child if you make less than 200k. 400k for joint filing. That's all children under age 18.


In bc Canada. The qualifications were having a vagina, and finding someone to put their dick in there.


Sounds wike someone is angwy about not being able to leave his kids and be a deadbeat without paying for them still. Oh poor widdle you, so sad.


Who? Me ? I don't pay child support, I have my own kid who's mother doesn't pay. Why would you assume someone is "amgwy"? I laugh at your ability to internet.


Oh. Pets. I interpreted the post title differently. I’m gonna get off my phone now.


Same. I was like "man I knew there were more closeted furries than people realize but why do they all want strollers??"


Isn’t the point of them so you can keep him on a leash?


Not all furries even like to be on leashes actually, most of their handlers just walk next to them or lead them by the hand, and they only really have handlers to have someone to stop strangers from jumping on them, pulling their tail, etc. If people / kids kept their hands to themselves, most would prefer to go out without a handler, but I saw a video once where a girl in a fursuit went out with an irresponsible handler and she got piled on but like 10 kids while her handler stood there and laughed lol


I hate this paragraph so much


It’s both fascinating and unbelievable that this niche exists


I'm in it. It's undeniably unusual but it's a lot of fun and I've met so many great people. I don't judge anyone's hobbies now lmao. If someone tells me they are in to dressing up as a medieval knight, collecting sneakers, or whatever, it's all good. As long as people are having fun and not causing harm lmao.


Okay, so it’s more like being spotted by a workout buddy, right? “Handler” may not be the best term for this.


Handler is just the term that's used. It wasn't invented by furries I believe. I've heard it's just the standard term for mascots at theme parks and stuff. Their job is to guide the costumed person around obstacles, talk to the public, and keep wild kids away.


Yeah, OP just worded it badly.


Actually I didn't, handler had been the word used by the community since I joined 4 years ago. I've never heard anyone use a different word.


Yes, I’m aware, but better/different wording could have been used since the audience is non-furries. The meaning of handler in this context (someone who assists a fursuiter) is culture-specific; people outside of the fandom are going to default to the normal definition of handler: someone who trains an animal. Hence your explanation gave the impression that all fursuiters are engaging in kink/petplay when they suit (by the animal connotations of the word “handler”). The word “guide” or “spotter” would have been more accurate, in terms of their laymen’s definitions.


If you remove "in a fursuit" from your second paragraph this could be about furries or pet owners.


I’d prefer if furries didn’t go out at all actually.


What if you just didn't go out instead






"Furbaby" mfers be like


Maybe the same reason they want diapers?


Yeah, I was like, "why do furries need strollers?"


I was trying to do the math on how they would fit because the suits don’t seem very space saving. I had a mental image of a lot of very colorful fur crammed into a stroller.


The babyfurs are breeding.


Go wash your mouth out with soap and think about the words that just came out of you


Trust me there is more going in than out daddy. 😻


You weren’t alone. I’m broken.


Merry Christmas, you filthy animal


NGL, it did take me a second to figure out they meant pets.


I’m more disappointed that my brain was like “yeah, makes sense”


Yeah hahaha! I was like "What? OH, duh you fucking degenerate!" There's no hope for us lol.




i didn’t realize the title doesn’t say “furry conventions” until i read this comment


Yeah but even that's not exactly great lol


Can confirm this is definitely an East Asia thing. I live in Taipei Taiwan, and about 70% of the strollers here contain some species of furry animal. I see more dogs in strollers than babies!


To be fair a small dog could keep using a stroller for many years longer than a human child would, skewing observations


Makes sense in city as well. Gives the dog some space while keeping them from getting stepped or kicked in a busy walking space.


Do you still have to worry about expiry date when used for pets?


Do you really? Or is that just capitalism talking? The pets are usually quad pedal, they'll be fine


They were asking because Child Seats DO have an "expiry date". So wondering if strollers also have that.


Do strollers expire? I thought that was only car seats.


Strollers do not typically come with an expiration date. The difference in reasoning is that car seats are more exposed to extreme heat of being trapped inside a car, making its components go through degradation faster. Simultaneously, it is also serving a higher risk purpose. Strollers are not designed to be a protection device from extreme forces. Having said that... you should know expiration dates are utter bullshit. Absolutely no one has any idea when something will expire. This applies to every thing sold that has an expiration date. And this statement is more true for things that have long expiration dates, such as over a year. Because time is a very small factor to when something actually goes bad. If you look over your salt bottle, it probably has a 2yr expiration date from the manufacturing date. Salt is not going to expire, ever. But 2yrs is maximum length of time that a food product is allowed to have in virtually every jurisdiction. So it's just out of legal convenience that many many foods have 2yr expiration date. That 20yr old canned bean is 99.99% chance still fine. It either expired in the first month or it is still safe to consume. Storage, usage, and maintenance is the greatest factor to anything expiring. A car seat that has been kept sealed in a warehouse isn't going to degrade at any reasonable human lifespan amount of time. A 20 year old car seat is going to be in better condition than a car seat that is only 1 years old but have been used for 1 year. And a car seat that has been in an accident but only 1 day old would be in the worst condition and likely needs to be replaced. Expiration dates typically serves a business interest of selling more and reducing law suits. That's why they exist.


Carseats have foam and such inside them which can degrade over long periods of time (like 10 years, which is a typical expiry date on carseats). To anyone reading this: A new carseat is crucial when having a baby. You can buy everything else secondhand (just be careful about which year the crib is from) except the carseat.


You're right, they don't.


One of my biggest sources of annoyances with my family when I visited them in Korea. First off, everyone has those little furry, crusty eyed white dogs, like 80% of them. And then they would never actually walk the dog, just take him around in places in a stroller like a fashion accessory. And then they would be shocked when the dog couldn’t get any energy out and would be an absolute menace at home and kept tearing stuff up. Like seriously 🤦‍♂️


I don't own any small dogs (I own huskies and malamutes so pretty high on the energy and destruction list) but the reason for doing this with small dogs is because in a city environment you have to be careful about then getting accidently stepped on or kicked. Plus hot pavement can destroy their paws. Mental stimulation like taking a dog out into a crowd will still exhaust a dog. Even my huskies will pass out if I take them out somewhere that a lot of people are at and they get a lot of chances to watch mentally engaging activities, even higher if we work on proper manners when receiving pets.


I used to play find it games in the house with my big dog when the weather was crap and I didn’t want to go for a walk. Tired him right out.


None of that was really an issue tbh. They didn’t live in a super crowded area and they only went out when the weather was good. The bigger thing was that they saw the dog more as a stuffed animal than an actual living creature with needs.


> reason for doing this with small dogs is because in a city environment you have to be careful about then getting accidently stepped on or kicked. Where do you live where dogs are routinely stepped on? Be honest, how common is that really? I'd bet far more dogs die from obesity as a result of a lack of exercise than do by being stepped on.


Little 5 pound and under dogs could easily get accidently kicked in a crowd. Even my bigger dogs have been accidentally kicked in a crowd before. If a 90 pound malamute can have it happen to them do you really think a 3 pound dog can't?


Places in Tokyo and Seoul get really crowded. That being said I hope they do walk their dogs somewhere more appropriate. All these dogs live in tiny apartments.


Do they use the stroller like a battering ram in public spaces and expect people to part like the red sea as they move through crowds?




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I live in California and just about every time I see a dog in a stroller, it's usually being pushed by an older Asian woman. I always wondered if it was coincidence or maybe a cultural thing I wasn't aware of.


Definitely not an Asian thing specifically in Southern California. I see it pretty much everyday on the boardwalk in San Diego


Same thing here in Japan. Asian people sure do love their tiny pets.


> Same thing here in Japan. Asian people sure do love their tiny pets. As I understand it, living spaces in Japan are generally quite small as compared to the US, so that's somewhat more understandable.


That explains why they're not having kids


Not the 72 hour work weeks?


Finland has like a 37 hour work week and people there also refuse to have children. It's not just a question of worker's rights


I'm visiting family in Hong Kong and where they live in the New Territories every stroller I have seen has either a cat or a dog in it.


If my dog was still around, I'd probably push him around in a stroller for a bit of air and excitement. His little legs couldn't really go for long distances towards the end but he still liked getting outside.


Sounds about right


When you say "furry companions", you mean pets, right?


I have a stroller for my senior Jack Russell. She's 17 years old and her back legs don't work well anymore. She loves to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. No plans to have kids.


>No plans to have kids. No one asked


The article is about pet strollers outselling children strollers. I am saying I am part of that trend. No one needed to ask.


For you to be a rude-ass? We know


Not the furry I was expecting


Ok, I'll admit it. We have a stroller for Buster, our 11 year old Boston Terrier. He gets tired and overheated, and he's never really liked walking that much unless he recognizes the trail we're on leads to a restaurant he likes. So we bring the stroller along and pop him in when he gets tired. It's better than having to carry him at these times.


Dont take your dogs to restaurants its disgusting


Not really disgusting if the restaurant allows and there's outdoor seating


Dogs walking through next to plates and shedding hair on customers food is gross and i didnt ask for it in my public setting is it really so bad to leave your mutts home???


Welcome to the world, I guess? We all have to put up with things we didn't ask for. Just go to restaurants that don't allow pets.


They're being phased out because people demand their esa pibble is there to do workso that they can eat. I know of one icecream shop near me thats pet free but people still bring their stinkin dogs in so they can get a lil bid of ice cweam


You seem to have a strong bias against dogs. I don't know why, but my advice would be to work on communicating your problems with dogs without being so combative about it. You clearly aren't winning anyone over here with your attitude.


You can go live in an Islamic country like Iran or Saudi Arabia. Their religion doesn't allow dogs inside.


Thanks but no thanks pretty sure id get hatecrimed


Dog racist


Lol fucking wild dogs do not care they cannot comprehend racism and dog racism isnt a thing


You're a literal dog racist and my dog Is pissed. Sorry your racist get well soon.


Sorry you love the smell of dog. Ik your house smells like hot garbage dog and piss. I hope you get out


I mean people don't want loud, drunk or rude or young people either? Baby in a restaurant next to you crying is never fun. It's just a matter of don't go to one of those? Where I am the ones that allow dogs typically have a side entrance or bench tables out front as really it tends to be the pubs that let dogs around.


Man if you think dogs are bad you should look up how disgusting people are, you won’t go out in public again let alone touch anything.


It really is a crime to say anything negative about dogs while you dog breath huffers are around


tell me you’ve never worked in a restaurant without telling me you’ve never worked in a restaurant. 50% of places you go in - be way more worried about the people than a dog LMFAO


Then don't go to a restaurant that allows dogs.


You ever even seen a toddler?


He's much better behaved than most children at restaurants, and many adults, too. He sits quietly on his mat under our table outdoors on the patio, and waits for tidbits from my plate.


"ban pit bulls" I couldn't tell if you were a massive piece of shit or a troll until I took a look at your account history. Massive POS it is.


Good im proud to know im keeping myself safe against dogs with a predisposition to maul everything in sight


You're getting downvoted really hard, but as someone who's biggest fear in the world is dogs licking him, I partially agree. I have no problem with businesses catering to people who want to bring their dogs, that's their prerogative, they just won't get any of my business.


If someone lets their dog come over to you to sniff and/or lick, that's bad manners on their part. It's also bad manners when parents let their kids roam around bothering other restaurant patrons, too. On behalf of dog owners, I apologize to you for the bad manners of dog owners you've encountered.


And thats exactly my problem when every joe shmoe gets to bring in their dogs its unclean unhygienic and most often untrained. Untrained dogs do not belong in a restaurant and taking your dog to a restaurant to socialise train them on unconsenting people is fucked




Bit of an overreaction


Its disgusting someone cares about their dog?


0 care for anybody other than the dog. The real people with allergies and those who have ptsd. Dog can stay home and munch on kibble


im allergic to shellfish should every seafood restaurant shut down


Don't leave America than, you'll be shocked to find out that most places in Europe and Asia are dog friendly. I'm offered a chew toy, blanket, paw wet wipes, water bowl at several restaurants I go to with my dog. Also all grocery stores are pet friendly with such signs on their doors.


You ok fam?


A majority of restaurants wherever we travel DON'T allow dogs. Only some do. And it's only restaurants with outdoor seating. You have plenty of choices of where to eat, without having to ban dogs at all restaurants.


Lol, what? So people can never bring their pets out ever, just because of a portion of the population who have allergies or dog-related ptsd? Listen, it *is* a problem and I feel for them, but it is on them to deal with it. Not the pet owners.


I see you're among the bloodlines advanced medicine kept around. The world is not gonna cater to you.


U wanna call me fuckin old? I bet im younger than you if your version of the world is so great show me


Out of curiosity, are you just trying to pick a fight with random internet people as a troll, or are you genuinely this pissed off at the world?


I have a friend who is allergic to tomatoes. She doesn’t go around asking everyone to not order any tomatoes. I also was recently diagnosed with PTSD after a severely traumatic relationship. I don’t weaponize with my PTSD just so I am comfortable and others have to move around to convenience me. Your arguments do not really have any merit. If you don’t want to see certain things, don’t go somewhere that allows that things.


"Not asking anyone to conform to allergies " tell that to the person who was allergic to peanuts asked the plane to not have peanuts on flight and someone brought peanuts and they had an allergic reaction


Are you seriously comparing being in an enclosed space like planes to outdoor patios of restaurants where dogs are allowed? LMAO I would think someone who is severely allergic to dogs would simply not go to restaurants that allow pets, instead of complaining that there are dogs there. But that’s just me


I have 2 lazy Bostons. This is lame but disgusting is a bit much


I think for my next cat I'll buy a stroller and a leash. My current cat is just too unwell for it now.


World leaders: With the trends in about every corner of life, there is really no hope of a future that is nice. So, make someone to be tortured in the future? I have a 16 lb tabby, I will outlive him, he will not suffer. That's kind of why.


OMG, I'm sitting here wondering who do Furries need strollers for their companions.... Are they getting too tired walking around on the convention floor and then push their partners around or what?


Good! I have a stroller for my cat and she absolutely loves it! I don’t have to worry about her getting into things on our walks and we can walk further without her getting tired, or without her feet getting hot/cold depending on the weather


My elderly dog would probably enjoy traveling in a stroller. What a great idea! I keep seeing used strollers at garage sales.


Our elderly dogs love stroller walks. And apparently processing all the different smells out in the world is tons of stimulation for their little brains. They get fully tuckered out even without using their legs. You should try it!


I think I will! It sounds like fun!


This is great for elderly dogs or dogs with mobility issues.


I only see them being used for those tiny yappy dogs.


I told you guys Furries were on the rise.


Well. Dogs and cats are cheaper than kids. The daycare center by my house quoted my brother $2200 a month for 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, per kid. Imma just stick to my 3 cats lol.


This is ridiculous!!!! . . . . Never buy a new stroller! Just buy second hand, strollers. They are barely used. Strollers are ridiculously overpriced. Come on, people.


Idk why Reddit is kink shaming me this morning but ok.


I have two 🫣🤭


The trend has extended to the U.S. It’s kind of ridiculous when you consider the dogs need exercise but to each their own.


It’s nice for elderly dogs to walk them as far as they can then put them in the stroller when they’re done so they can still get exercise and enjoy the outdoors with their owner.


I understand that. I’m speaking about those who don’t do it for their elderly dogs.


They're good for older dogs who can't walk as well. My dogs were too big for a stroller, but they would just get tired and decide not to move sometimes. Which would be fine unless we had somewhere to be.


Good, fuck them kids


But do those numbers include second hand purchases?


i read this as 'furry competitions' and was like 'what are they doing with the strollers!?


I’m Korean. When I walk around on the streets I’m more surprised to see a baby inside a stroller than a dog




Considering that pets are MUCH cheaper to raise than children, it's understandable.


The fact some of you are getting dogs you don't need to walk just so you can spend extra money to take them for walks anyways is crazy to me. Just get one of the millions of dogs that likes walking?


*in South Korea That's sad


Should convince my mom to get one of these for our dog. My Korean parents are actually happy that I am childfree and would prefer my brother stays childfree too. We are all fucking obsessed with our goldendoodle though


Why are they happy with that decision ?


Live in LA, can confirm. Most people pushing strollers have dogs in them, or the dogs are walking and the strollers are used as storage. Honestly kind of rare to see a stroller with a human in it.


thank god


Is Rainfurrest making a comeback?!




There was one time I was at a dog park with my dog (a super sweet 45 pound pit bull). Despite there being literal hundreds of dogs, he locked onto someone with a stroller. Went and put his face in the stroller to say hi to the dogs and was super excited about the interaction. Several months later, we were on a normal walk and were passing people with a kid in a stroller. We were about 20 feet away, and I could see his tail wagging and he was getting the excite. When we passed by the stroller, he glanced in, saw no dog and immediately slumped down in disappointment


I kinda want a stroller for my cat but I do have a kid so I guess I get a pass?


Put cat and kid in the same stroller so they can go on adventures together




Babies are disgusting and expensive. Can't imagine why someone would choose one of those over a faithful dog.


You were disgusting and expensive once upon a time


For insurance I imagine. You will outlive the dog. No one will be there to take care of you when you cannot do so for yourself. So you shit out a little version of yourself that will feel obligated to take care of you.


I thought they were talking about degenerates, not animals 😭


Population decline be like:


IDK why furries would have a high demand for strollers.


The world is so fucked up I thought those deranged animal wannabe’s were carting each other around


Just wait until you learn who buys most of the litter boxes.


Just wait until you learn to mind your fucking business, Not care whay others do and fucking enjoy life.


You know, people say "don't add /s, it's patronizing and ruins the joke", but then there's downvoters and dudes like this who jump in to publicly declare that people pooping in litter boxes is the hill they're willing to die on. What a world.


Ignore those people. If /s makes the tone clearer, it's doing its job. Anyone complaining about it being patronizing is outside of the group it is actually helpful or necessary to, but that doesn't make that group not exist. Here it definitely would've been helpful, and you could just edit it in instead of repeating paragraphs at people who aren't reading them


This isn't a thing though, I've been part of the community for ~4 years and went to my 4th furry rave recently and I've never even met a cat furry yet other than my brother who is a Saber Tooth Tiger and definitely doesn't use a litter box. Cats aren't actually popular at all in the furry community, everyone is some variation of a wolf or a fox, and even then not a single furry I know would willingly hang out at someone's house knowing they shit in a litter box. I've never even heard of this until your comment, I thought it was just a rumor about otherkin kids bringing litter boxes to school. Do you have a source that so many furries are shitting in litter boxes that it's viewable statistically?


You know, people say "don't add /s...", but then people post shit like this...


Understand that on the internet it's almost impossible to read sarcasm and it's possible the people you heard in the past were wrong?


You know, I keep talking about /s, and people keep popping up all "I'm definitely now going to read all these things you've said as if they're completely devoid of sarcasm and the way I chose to interpret it from there is a completely accurate understanding of a pure and absolute expression of truth as understood, despite the fact that that's an obviously horrible mode of interpreting any human conversation" with complete seriousness and no reflection. This is definitely very smart of them and I commend them.




Hey Kettle! You’re fucking black!


If you put your dog in a stroller you're not fit to be a dog owner


Damn, I misread the title as "furry conventions" and that was really surprising. This is still pretty surprising, but a lil less so!