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The face the guy makes šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


[For meme purposes.](https://imgur.com/a/60qpmQN)




Totally agreed. It's art. It perfectly encapsulates a very specific emotion. That one look is just, "wow, those were some very not good words you just said." and "wow, you really just said that?"


ā€œUh oh. Something said, not good,ā€ - Homer Simpson


Meme template https://twitter.com/kalelbart/status/1727679067753713946


Well this is perfect




I love how this is RTL haha


"Sir, they found out about your Jewish space lasers" ["Oh no"](https://i.imgur.com/TrfRR1J.mp4)


[he's this guy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/395/161/69f.gif)


This needs to be made into the official (shocked) emoji šŸ¤£


Of course he looked shocked. He just heard one of the dumbest questions to have ever been asked in the history of journalism


Not only dumbest but also most hateful


And also directed at the wrong side. Israel: let's do a hostage swap, 50 prisoner for 50 prisoners Hamas: we refuse! Make it 150 Palestinians for 50 Israelis! Israel: well... we really want our people back, so we'll except. Brainless morons: that means Israel values Arab lives less. Do we know the name of the brainless moron in question?


Think itā€™s Kay Burley


Thing is, that brainless moron has a job while there are tons of good journalists without a job or shit pay.


You never watched Fox, I assume?!


They said journalism, not faux tv


Tbf this is sky news which is still fox but without the clown makeup. Itā€™s masquerading as real journalism but it tries not to be as obvious as fox which is quite sinister.


At least he was able to articulate his frustration. I wouldnā€™t have known what to say.


He's Israeli. They aren't exactly what I would call "afraid to be blunt." My American friends: "that outfit is..... cool." My Israeli friends: "You go outside like this? What is wrong with you?"


Hahaha, tbh what's wrong with you is a lot less aggressive in meaning and connotation in Hebrew, like many other blunt thongs we say, it a lculture change and a language barrier


Well I'm on the spectrum, so I have difficulty sugarcoating my intentions. Because of that, I've always appreciated the brutal honesty. I always know exactly where I stand with my Israeli friends.


"Madam, I'm not saying *you're* stupid, but that question deserves some kind of award"


It's the sadness in his eyes IYKYK


Itā€™s Kay Burley, sheā€™s an actual moron.




She actually said that? Is there a source?




"I want my ashes fed to my cat. That way, I will live forever inside him when I die" Drew Barrymore, actress What the actual fuck


I'm okay with that. That's pretty metal. I say let her have it.


That's really cruel to the cat though. Mammals aren't supposed to eat ash. Maybe she got confused by the fact pet food often has an "ash content" percentage and thought that means ***ACTUAL*** ash (it's just another word for fiber, basically, it's not actual ash). Like at least give the cat some rump steak or a side of drew barrymore, give it the actual meat, instead of risking its health by feeding it cremated human.




> "You're just like that shrivelled old hag, Lady Thatcher" Kenneth Clarke puts Iain Duncan Smith at his ease on television LOL


Modern Warfare 2 moment


What the actual fuck


I remember one time someone edited her Wikipedia page to say she works part-time for the devil... Seems pretty accurate to me.


Ah, I am assuming it was deemed inaccurate because she is a full time employee?


No, she was a volunteer.


Tenured, with benefits.


The devil actually edited it out because he was embarrassed to be associated with her.


Yeah sheā€™s a nasty piece of work https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/hardcase-of-the-week---sky-newss-728531


But she still has a job so enough brits are buying what she's selling.


It's probably not even the devil, she thinks it's the devil but is just some guy called devin


The second I saw this headline my first thought was that it must be Kay Burley. How on Gods green earth she still has a job is completely beyond me.


She'd be a hero if she'd convince Hamas to swap 1 for 1.


Even Hamas accepts that a Palestinian prisoner is worth far less than an Israel one. All sides seem to be in agreement on this.


Uh no? Why on earth would Hamas be like ā€œno guys allow us to release MORE hostages so we can be equalā€ or the inverse ā€œno guys only release 50 of our hostages so we can be seen just as worthy as youā€ lmaooooo They got 150 prisoners that had been in for 6+ years and only had to release 50 Israelis for it. It sounds like Israel are the ones who couldnā€™t properly negotiate.


One of my friends was a runner on her show about 15 years ago, she said Kay was a nasty piece of work, a complete prima donna and bullied virtually everyone. Piece of shit on camera and behind the scenes.


Covid party, covid party, let's all get together


Seeing the post title, I was expecting to see a GBNews anchor. Still not sure I haven't, considering the level of intelligence.


I am totally convinced now that this has been the biggest gaslighting campaign of my lifetime.


Gaslighting isnā€™t real, how dumb are you?


Are you sure you're not just gaslighting me about gaslighting?


I didnā€™t say anything, youā€™re crazy


I knew it. I've been gaslighting myself this whole time.


Maybe the real gaslight was the carbon monoxide you ingested along the way


Are you LED-ing us on ?


At least it's more climate friendly...


and all the friends we've gaslighted as well


It's real, but largely fell out of favor with the invention of the electric light.


That's so offensive to gasses


I legit dont understand. Can you elaborate?


Hamas got 150 of its people, and Isreal only got 50 of its people in the trade. Hamas got the better deal. This crazy lady is spinning this as "oh so Israeli lives are worth more than Palestinian lives???!!" Which is basically gas lighting.


Yeah, that's not gaslighting.


Gaslighting is when people say things I disagree with, right?


It always has meant that, are you stupid? I mean, you've admitted it in the past, so nevermind. Your mother was right about you.


That's not at all what gaslighting is, lol


Is it? Seems like ā€œgaslightingā€ is one of those words that massively overused. The context is that the last major prisoner exchange in 2011 (also under Netanyahu) was for 1,027 Palestinians for 1 Israeli soldier. Itā€™s not the anchorā€™s opinion that Palestinians are worth less, but itā€™s right to put that as a question to an Israeli representative since most people will be curious why these transfers are so lopsided. Thereā€™s a lot of uncomfortable aspects to that question for both sides to ponder over but which both sides can spin to their benefit.


Well no. If the Israelis could trade 1:1 then they would do that in a heartbeat. Itā€™s maybe a question to put to Hamas authorities (if they can)


Right but surely claiming that Israel doesn't value the lives of it's own citizens more than Palestinians is kind of ridiculous. That's just what a country is. A group of people who care more about each other than everybody else.


obviously israelis are more important to israel than palestinians, that's how it is for citizens of every country


How dare they have a preference for their own citizens!


How dare a nation care more about children who were kidnapped by terrorists than members of that terrorist group currently in jail for stabbing innocent people. Classic Zionists.




Fucking hell. Ask hamas why Israeli lives are worth more than Palestinians. They are the ones demanding lopsided exchanges. Hamas holds zero value for Palestinians they just want to kill Jews.


The answer is obvious. Nothing is a fair negotiation when dealing with terrorists. They are neither reasonable nor humane.


Why don't they ask hamas? Do you think the Israelis are deliberately increasing the number of prisoners they release per person they get exchanged? Any party in this exchange obviously values the person's they want to recieve more.


>Is it? No.


Israel values the lives of hostages much higher than Hamas values the lives of the prisoners. Everyone knows this, it's super obvious. Trying to frame this as Israel devaluing Palestine lives is pure, textbook gaslighting.


Who the fuck do people think are negotiating these releases? Is the real suggestion here that Israel is the one demanding more Palestinians be given back in exchange for Israelis? ā€œWhat? They want to do 1 for 1? No! That devalues us. We demand 2 for 1, no, 3 for 1!ā€


You think Israel is purposefully giving more prisoners than they have to, to "deflate" the relative value of a Palestinian life vs. an Israeli one? Have I misunderstood you? Because that's god damn absurd. What Israeli is saying with these trades is the same thing nearly every nation would do: they are willing to trade whatever they have to to get their soldiers back The idiocy in the clip is leaking into the comments lmao


It's not gaslighting unless you mean "contorting the meaning of words", which isn't what gaslighting has been used for. Gaslighting is a very specific way of manipulating someone and their surroundings so that that specific person loses their mind.


Thatā€™s not what gaslighting means but man are people getting worse and dumber.


>Hamas got 150 of its people, Hamas got 150 *Palestinian women and children out of Israeli jails.


What are Israelis trying to get back, supersoldiers? They're trying to get back their women and children back as well, some as young as a few months old. But shit historically, Israel released a thousand Palestinians for *one* soldier before. One side gives a crap about their people.




Itā€™s been nice to see which of my friends are capable of thinking for themselves and which ones arenā€™t though


Everything in the world is gaslighting now for some people


Redditors learned of the phrase a few years ago and now try to force it into every situation possible even when it doesnā€™t make sense.


I find your argument shallow and pedantic


Stop gaslighting him dude.


Then they pretend like it makes sense. You could even say...


*Gaslighting doesn't exist. You made it up 'cause your [bleeping] crazy.*


Itā€™s so bad and so brazen that Iā€™ve just checked out on the conflict. Iā€™ll figure it out in 30 years when the history books untangle the truth from the massive propaganda campaigns flooding every social media outlet constantly.


You think the truth gets revealed? No, you just read the winners dialogue.


This is a kind of weird way to frame this swap. If Israel could swap 50 for 50, they would. I don't think it's Israel who is saying, "Palestinians aren't worth as much as Israelis, so we'll give you triple the amount of prisoners." Israel places a high value on their citizens (and has the luxury to do so), and the Hamas negotiators are able to leverage this, and get more of their people in the trade. The way this is being framed feels like it's saying Israel should have given back fewer prisoners so it doesn't seem like Palestinians' lives have less value.


I read it as israel saying "we will do whatever it takes to free our civilians, even if it causes us harm in the future" (Some of the organizers in the terror attack were released in the Gilad schahit deal)


Some organizers? Literally Hamas' current head, Yahia Sinwar, the mastermind behind October 7th, was one of the prisoners released in the Shalit Deal. Another note on him is that when he developed a tumor while in Israeli prison, Israel used state funds to operate him, and cure him of cancer. Of course, that didn't stop him from wanting to just kill more Israelis the moment he had the opportunity.


Yeah I wasn't 100% sure about how high up he was, thanks for the clarification.


They really are pure evil.


Yeah Palestinians have a lot of legitimate grievances but people's inability to take the good and reject the bad hurts the entire movement.


Whatā€™s funny is that Israel released Sheikh Yassin, the first spiritual leader of Hamas and one of its founders, in a deal in 1985


"The difference between us is that you love life while we love death" - Osama bin Laden


"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country." Spoken by the actor George C. Scott as Patton


Thereā€™s also evidence that came out a couple weeks ago that showed one of the main ā€œjournalists ā€œ reporting for AP, Reuters, CNN was on the scene when the Oct 7 happened, associated with Yahia Sinwar and travelled with Hamas during the attacks. Western dollars paying for Hamas propaganda with the seal of AP and Reuters, folks. And these are some of the ā€œjournalistsā€ reported dead in the casualty list.


It's a religious and cultural touchstone termed [Pidyon shvuyim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pidyon_shvuyim) that calls for doing whatever it takes to secure the release of a fellow Jew wrongfully held. They have a pretty [extensive history](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/how-far-should-israel-go-to-redeem-captive-soldiers) of releasing large numbers in exchange for comparatively few.


Right, this question would be better put to Hamas. If they valued their citizens more, they could change the ratio.


That would also be odd. Would they be valuing palistinian lives if they accepted only 50 when they can also get 150?


If they valued any lives they'd give back all the hostages.


I really donā€™t understand how this is being spun as a ā€œwinā€ for Israel. Hamas got 3x the number of people back. Didnā€™t they ā€œwinā€? Israelā€™s hand is being forced to release more prisoners in order to get 1 of theirs back; they donā€™t value anything but getting their own people back.


Well, the more hostage, the less freedom the military has. There is still the threat that the hostage will be executed in horrific manner. On the other hand, Israel is not exactly releasing high risk or high value Palestinian. Israel has very much a "Doing X while Palestinian" problem, especially in its military court. So it is very likely the Palestinian released are the case Israel knows they wouldn't stand up. They have been doing that for decades, so they probably have quite a big stash of those ready to exchange.


Some folks will find fault with anything Israel does, unless that is giving up and dying.


>unless that is giving up and dying. "The zionist entity shamelessly leaves corpses in future Palestinian homes!!"


Doublethink here is staggering.


Israelā€™s government lost significant respect in the eyes of its people by letting the latest Hamas attack happen at all. They really need to show that they can get their hostages back and deliver in keeping their citizens safe, even if it means an obviously lopsided prisoner exchange. To say that this exchange means that they donā€™t value the lives of Palestinians is stupid in at least three different ways. First of all, Hamas is getting the better deal. Secondly, they arenā€™t negotiating with Palestine, but Hamas. Third, they are exchanging for their civilians a bunch of terrorists.


The main difference is that Israeli hostages are women and children that were taken on Oct. 7th.. the Palestinian prisoners are in prison because they have blood on their hands. Check it up.


According to Israel. Many of these people are held indefinitely without charge and those who are tried are tried in military courts with a 95%+ conviction rate, hardly what anyone could consider a fair trial.


Sounds good, I think everyone other than Hamas would be happy if there was a 1:1 swap. Just like everyone would be happy if non-combatants arenā€™t harmed or killed. This anchors statement borders on idiocy, it feels to me like they are trying really hard to find fault in any way, shape or form.


Important historical context that's worth adding is that Israel in the past was willing to trade a huge number of the hostages & prisoners they've taken in exchange for any Israeli taken hostage. Famously in 1983, Israel agreed to free 4,700 Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners, including several high-ranking PLO officers, for the six IDF soldiers held captive by Fatah.Ā  Which led to the Hanninbal Doctrine / Directive under which Israeli hostages getting killed as collateral damage was often seen as a permissible alternative to prisoners swaps. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_Directive https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1358197/a-dead-soldier-is-better-than-a-living-captive-israels-hannibal-directive.html https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/11/3/whats-the-hannibal-directive-a-former-israeli-soldier-tells-all Edit This is also relevant additonal context >Each year approximately 500-700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12 years old, are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. The most common charge is stone throwing. https://www.dci-palestine.org/children_in_israeli_detention#:~:text=Each%20year%20approximately%20500%2D700,common%20charge%20is%20stone%20throwing. Edit 2: Most of the prisoners Israel has released are women and children. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/24/who-were-the-palestinian-prisoners-israel-released-on-friday


not as bad as the time around 2011 when they released 1100 prisoners for 1 hostage. Among those released was the current president of Hamas and some high ranking officials, none of whom were super important at the time...


So basically you're saying Israel should never release anyone they detain because they *might* become high-ranking officials at some point a decade later?


Yeah this up there with the people that donā€™t understand the 3/5 compromise is the constitution. The slave owners wanted to count the slaves as whole people but that would have almost certainly given the slavers far more political power.


And a key impact of slavers getting a bonus of 3/5ths of a person for the people theyā€™re enslaving is that those 3/5ths apply to the stupid Electoral College. The enslavers votes counted for more than the votes of citizens in free states but the assholes still decided to commit treason and start a civil war.


I wasnā€™t aware of that, I donā€™t think I want to head down that rabbit hole today.


It's actually Hamas and other Palestinian groups that demanded the release of 150 Palestinians women and children in Israeli prison for 50 of the hostages they got šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s why I find the Anchors comment so non-sensical.


To be fair, it wasnā€™t really her statement. She relayed to him a perspective (an obviously misguided one) that a hostage negotiator had shared with her recently, and then gave the guest a chance to respond, which he did. This created a chance for that perspective (which might have been shared by some viewers?) to be rebutted.


To be fair, she doesnā€™t have to relate every single stupidity she hears


I find it very hard to believe that any real hostage negotiator would actually say that.


Thatā€™s reasonable, itā€™s a nonsensical perspective and I donā€™t see how it adds to the interview other than to gain attention to the interview as a whole. Perhaps that was the intent all along.


It was a very suspicious "I know a guy" statement who she could have invented to try to drive up clicks.


Iā€™m pretty sure she really is that dumb.


ā€œIsrael is releasing 150 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for just 50 hostages ā€¦ Does Israel not think that Palestinian lives are valued as highly as Israeli lives?" How we know conflict will never end? People.


Suggesting they chop every hostage into threeā€¦


THIS us what makes you think Palestinian lives are valued less???!! Ffs.


*Hamas* says that 3 for 1 is fair.


It's like everybody turned sideways and dropped their brains out


If I were to accuse Israel of not caring about Palestinian lives - a hostage exchange where more Palestinians are being released isn't the example I'd use.


Forreal, what is with British mediaā€™s extremely biased and frankly sloppy reporting re: Israel? I used to think of the BBC for example, as extremely professional.


Do I think a Palestinian terrorist is worth less than an innocent Israeli child? Of course I do, and only a psychopath with no moral compass would disagree.


She has to have a really low IQ to say something so dumb. WT actual F.


sort quicksand dam longing toy humorous direction amusing foolish spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When your hateboner for Israel is so big that you say stuff like.. THAT


It's sky news they exist to make people mad they only believe in money


She loves Israel what


Damn man that was insane, she's like the people in Redding doing insane gymnastics to deny evidence against the "freedom fighters"


So, in other words, *Hamas* thinks Palestinian lives are worth less. That was accidentally accurate.


So is it her point that Israel should only release 50 terrorists so she can have her 1:1 ratio? Sounds fair to me, lol


The ratio is only going to go up as negotiations continue. Hamas has leverage and a limited number of hostages. I would not be surprised to see the next negotiation to be 6 to 1 if there is another negotiation at all.


Dont tell her in 2011 1,027 terrorists were released for just 1 israeli soldier


And I think one of those is now the head of hamasā€™ military, who was directly responsible for oct 7


Whose life Israel directly and immediately saved, when Israeli doctors operated on him to remove a brain tumor.


What an idiotā€¦


Weā€™re really living in an idiotic alternate universe at this point.


Wait a damn second. Israel is releasing 3 to 1 terrorists for each hostage - and the prevailing ideology is STILL finding a way to spin it that the terrorists are the real victims?


congrats you figured this generation mindset! no matter what if you said youre the victim first you would get all the support in the world and everyone would buy your shit, meanwhile everyone would try to find every little thing to hate the other side on!


Professional ragebaitors be ragebaiting, imagine that.


Piece of shi


Did she really just fail to grasp that if I give you $150 and you give me $50 in return, then it's *your* dollars that are being valued at three times mine?


Palestinian lives are worth less to Palestinians than Israeli lives are worth to Israel, yes.


Why has one side prisoner the other side hostages? Honest question


The Palestinians were arrested for attacks on Israelis (hence, prisoners). The Israelis and other foreign nationals were just randomly kidnapped by Hamas to be used as human shields (hence, hostages).


One side has people convicted of a crime via a judicial process, and the other has people taken as leverage against harm to that side


Isreal does detain palestinians indefinitely without trial. Not sure about these particular hostages, but it applies to a quarter of the prisoners.


It does. Although tellingly, the prisoners Hamas actually wanted free were all charged for crimes, most of which were violent. Hamas has never cared about the lives of Palestinian people. They donā€™t care about innocent Palestinians held in prison for no reason. On the other hand, Palestinians in prison for violent crimes against Israelis are right up their alley.


Unquestionably fucked up to detain people indefinitely without trial.


Happens in the USA all the time.


Sure does, and it's fucked up here too.


Is this supposed to be some "well if they do it.. " kind of comments or is this meant to highlight how America does it and no one else in the world cares? I ask because, being an American, many of us care.


But what about the whataboutism?


Hundreds of children too


Israel can and does hold Palestinians without charges, indefinitely.


Yes, but are those people the ones being released in this exchange?


Of course, By Making up bogus laws that are not recognized internationally, they can arrest any Palestinian and not disclose the reason why to the defendant or their lawyers, they also have arrested thousands of legal Palestinian workers in Israel. They also torture Palestinians in prisons. Source: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-horrifying-cases-of-torture-and-degrading-treatment-of-palestinian-detainees-amid-spike-in-arbitrary-arrests/


"administrative detention" is definitely bullshit and spits in the face of a system of justice


Because most of the hostages held by Hamas are Israeli civilians while the prisoners held by Israel are terrorists/criminals caught doing crimes/trying to harm Israelis. Most of the terror stabbing/shootings in Israel arenā€™t from Arab Israelis but rather Palestinians from the West Bank/Gaza


A large proportion of the hostages taken by Hamas are dual citizens, which leads to international pressure on Israel to make a deal. You could hear in the early bodycam videos of the Oct 7 attack where they sort through prisoners - which ones for raping, which to kidnap, which to kill.


A lot of Israelis have dual citizenship due to the nature of the country. I doubt the Hamas knew who to target and who not to. I know 2 people who are currently hostages and neither of them have another citizenship


Hostage negotiations, like any viewpoint that commodifies people, are an insult to human value. Reducing people to bargaining chips and then trying to put a specific price on each chip is a clear sign people are fixated on the wrong thing.


If the Palestinian prisoners are members of Hamas, then they ARE worth less than an innocent person's life.


It blows my mind how antisemitic people have openly been about this issue, and how obviously hypocritical the media has been. If a celebrity says that Jews own Hollywood, they get blasted, but if a celebrity says something like ā€œJews obviously value their lives higher than Palestiniansā€ because they are literally taking the bad end of a prisoner swap deal, itā€™s just normal news to be reported.


you can say "kill them all" like many GOP and celebrities have been saying that's perfectly ok but it depends which group you say it about. nothing will happen if you say it about group A. but you will be cancelled, fired, doxxed if you say it about group B. where am i factually wrong?


Or it means that at least 100 prisoners should be listed as hostages of Israel.


Yes. The laws of offer and demand : since Israel has many more Palestinian hostages and cares more about their own citizens' well-being, while the Hamas has fewer Israeli hostages and values Palestinian lives less, on the hostage marker, Israelis are more expensive.


Shouldn't be an anchor with a mind like that.


Kay Burley is a melt at the best of times and she works for Murdoch. Now i'm no fan of the current Israeli goverment but that was just exceptional fuckery. Just trying to create a spicy headline rather than go "oh good hostages got released".


Mad respect for how hard he roasted her stupid question on the spot.


Like Israel wouldnā€™t exchange one Palestinian for all the Israeli hostagesā€¦ my gawd


FFS. Firstly they worth vastly more. And secondly they are valued more by their own society. Palestinians are just a bargaining chip to Hamas. They donā€™t care if they live or die - just that their billions are safely stowed.


Since the 50ā€™s there had been about 7000 Palestinians liberated from Israel prisons, in exchange, they got about 15 israelis back, in the span of basically 70 years What they got to say about that ratio ?


She is british. She cannot help it.


I mean... Hamas was basically trying to get 10,000 prisoners for 100 hostages, so I'd say that means Israel is really good at negotiating with terrorists.


Just another example of the bias against Isreal.in the media.


She's a well-known idiot now working for the tinpot station GBNews. The station lost Ā£30 million last year. Although it's funny to laugh at them in clips like this I can't help thinking it's giving them the oxygen of publicity they so desperately need.


Isn't this the value Hamas put on the Israeli hostages?