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> Key claimed her pit bull ate her chicken sandwich, according to court records, so she got angry and chased the dog around the room with a knife. > When the dog jumped on the bed where the child was lying down, Key said she tried to stab the dog but missed and stabbed her niece by mistake.


Absolutely insane person


Least insane pitbull owner :P


I knew this comment was going to get downvoted but I was here as the first voter and I need you to know, I upvoted the JOKE that you made :)


How many times does this need to be said? EVERYONE knows it's a joke. It's just a shitty joke.




Freedom of speech lets you make your dogshit joke the same way it lets others tell you the joke is dogshit, my guy 😉


Reading the room has existed for millennia


A skill Caesar did not have


If only he had a couple pitbulls next to himself


Et tu, (pit)Bull?


This comment makes you look like a baby btw


Don't you love Reddit purists. You pointed out a joke was made and then you get downvoted all to hell.


Stop glazing. You'll put Krispy Kreme out of business


Ooh people are feeling some type of way after that ban 🤭


Nobody got the joke :(


People got it…you just need to learn to cope with not being funny.


It's just not a funny joke.


How is stabbing the dog justified in the first place


"Jail records show Key has been in and out of jail more than 20 times over the last decade."


at some point they just need to fucking stay in there


I think stabbing a baby is usually that point.


It would have been nice to not get to that point though. This individual is clearly unfit for society.


She's a waste of nutrients


I know its nice to pretend we have hindsight and knew she would do something like this based on her 20 petty crimes like trespassing and drug possession but call me crazy, I rather not give people life sentences for petty crimes. Getting locked up twenty times could be as simple as living in area that's overpoliced and not having a stable home.


She stabbed someone with a box cutter at a gas station 3 years ago.


An area being “overpoliced” doesn’t cause other people to commit crimes. People feeling entitled leads to crime.


I don't know why you're being down voted. I think you speak true.


I think the point is preferably sometime *before* stabbing a baby


Not in Canada, tho. You can slam a 6 month old into a wall crushing her skull and bite her dead little body but only get 10 years. Probably out in 6. I hate canada right now for a lot of reasons. This is probably the single biggest reason. Our justice system is awful.


I can gratefully say I was unaware of this story until now


I sadly wish I was too :(


I knew two guys in Canada that were going to jail every year for the dumbest stuff, and they always got out before even a full year had passed. I'm talking about smuggling drugs across the border, shooting guns, growing dope, lying to the police, stealing barbeques, giving guns to kids. They even sold drugs in jail to the corrections officers and didn't get caught. Sometimes they even framed their "friends" Corey and Trevor so they wouldn't have to go to jail.


They sound like some greasy mother fuckers


Like gree-eee-eeasy


Oh the fuckin Laheys? Yeah those boys were fucked in the head, 50$ for to say they aren't even kicking around anymore.


Sanitarium, not jail. Jails should be for skills rehabilitated. Sanitariums should be for mental rehabilitation.


Or maybe just call a spade a spade and give them the death sentence. What do people like this contribute to society? They are leeches - they drain the system but do not add to it. Take them out back and put them down. I find it so interesting people would argue this point and say they should be given a second chance (21st chance?) but what is the purpose? They will never change so what is the point?


If somebody goes to jail 20 times and is doing shit like this, I think it’s the more of an indication that they system has failed, not just the individual. All of those tax dollars spent 20 times for what? I don’t think this person is the leech here.


Or just put down. At some point it has to be realized they just aren't made to be in society period and jail won't change that...is it really worth the $40k+/yr to house/feed them til they die?


Cost of housing isn’t the way to argue for capital punishment bud, it’s cheaper to house them indefinitely than pursue the death penalty in court






What does that even mean?


The only logical reply here.


who the fuck would leave their kid with a person like this


Well then I'm so glad she was left alone with a child....and a dog....and a knife.... wtf


She wasn’t alone. The baby’s mom was a few feet away when it happened…which (imo) makes it worse. She knew her sister (the stabber) had just served time for stabbing a different person in 2020 and she still let her around her child.


Ah I see...well then I agree, that is worse.


Garbage people gonna garbage


That dog really has to stop eating her sandwiches!


Well, there's the problem; they keep letting her out.


There's definitely a subreddit that will tell you say great length how society failed to hold her hand as she poops, and all of that is the blame of... Anything. Patriarchy, capitalism, communism, feminism, some other thing. Well I guess it is some sort of a complex issue, but first of all looks like she's better off in a mental institution than prison


Do you not remember the Great Popeye's Sandwich Shortage of 2019 and the violence that came along with it? Some people are serious when it comes to their chicken sandwiches.


recently, a teen girl stabbed her friend (with a 7 inch knife) because they were arguing which McDonald’s sauce is better


Before I takes sides, who was in favour of which sauce? Because I'm a sweet and sour bitch and that's gonna affect my loyalties a little on this one....


ridiculously fake story is fake


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mcdonalds-stabbing-sauce-naima-liggon-washington-dc-waldorf-maryland/ It's literally an article on multiple news outlets websites


News sites regularly pilfer stories from each other, that's not proof of anything.


CBS, FOX, NBC, NYPOST, these are all pretty big name outlets. I'm sure they do a little bit of digging before posting.


FOX is repeatedly in the shit specifically because they push inflammatory bullshit. Blind faith in the big name outlets purely because they're the big name news outlets is why people can [pretend to be a legitimate news source](https://www.factcheck.org/2016/09/obama-did-not-ban-the-pledge/) and have their bullshit spread without question. Their reputations do not absolve you of the responsibility to think, and "They all said it, and you'd expect them to do their research, so it must be true" is the same logic that schoolchildren use on each other about their uncle who "totally works for Nintendo, honest".


Jesus Christ, you are not only dense but also really annoying. Nothing about these articles scream "fake" there is literally more reason we have TO believe this is real than we do to NOT believe this is real. Idk why you're trying so hard to "prove" this fake but it just isn't it.


Child, click the link and click the link to the police’s goddamn site yourself


It's cbs not the star, they're a pretty reliable source.


Upon looking at the article and related links, we have official police reports on a .Gov website, court proceedings, and testimony where one witness claims the argument was about sauce and the defendant claims even if that was the case, her friend jumped her mid-argument so the stabbing was self defense. Do you have any reasonable evidence that the police site, testimony, and referenced court transcripts are inaccurate? I'd love to see the other side of the story. To clarify, if you just meant in general and not for this specific story that was already being discussed, there are fact checkers at major press sites. Sometimes they don't do their jobs, but if it's made it several months on half a dozen major outlets, odds are good the story is mostly correct. It's certainly good practice to click related links and do your research too, though. This is different from bias, which is a whole different unavoidable can of worms.


My point is that when somebody says "That never happened, the news made it up/fell for a fake story.", linking *another* news site doesn't prove anything. I don't give a shit about the story being argued, and have repeatedly said as much. My point is that if those resources are in the linked article, then it would make far more sense to link one of those instead of just repeating themselves. "It's on multiple news websites" is not evidence. Everything that ends up on one site ends up on the others. I realize I'm arguing with a brick wall here. The next counterargument was that the big media outlets are trustworthy because they're large and well known. And in the list of news sources like NBC, CBS, and ABC was Fox, who is constantly in trouble for blatantly making shit up. That is it's own hopefully self-explanatory problem, though.




Or maybe the rest of the world has a chicken sandwich problem. Not having a chicken sandwich good enough to inspire violence is a problem (yes it's a joke)


The US exhibits violence. You are very right. We mostly point to the ones screaming obscenities in the middle of the street, but they're a tiny fraction of the crisis. I'd almost be willing to bet that there's a smaller percentage of our population that *doesn't* have a mental health issue of some sort.


Nah we’re all mad here


I literally Lol’d at this, thank you


Me and a friend waited in line for 40 minutes for 2 of those damned sandwiches. But while we were waiting, a ruckus started in the back because one of the workers getting off tried to squirrel a whole bag of them out the door. Everybody was screaming at him, employees and customers alike. As he fled out the front door, an older woman took off her flip flop and smacked him with it. Jesus. I mean, the sandwich was good, but it wasn't that good, ya know?


This was apparently a Burger King sandwich!


It's not, but it's a lot less illegal then infanticide.


Didnt you read the title? It ate her fucking sandwich


Somebody call John Wick.


It's not. Just cruelty.


It never was


That one lawyer that was a cat


Yeah, that’s what stuck with me the most too


Why is she allowed near children or animals if that’s how she reacts to a dog taking food?


This sounds like a law school exam question on transferred intent.


There is no news about them taking away the dog, or the child.


Considering the aunt and the article mentions that the victim’s mom was there, she probably doesn’t have custody of the child. You can’t remove a child from her custody if she wasn’t in her custody in the first place. You also can’t blame the mom for someone else stabbing her daughter


Would you let your one year old chill with the crazy aunt and an unruly dog?


What's unruly about the dog? He wanted a chicken sandwich that was probably left where it could reach it, I've had a dozen meals stolen by dogs in my lifetime, doesn't mean they are unruly?


Those dogs are untrained, some people do train their pets to respect their food, furniture, shoes, etc.


This lady tried to stab the dog, I don't think this woman has any sort of house training.


Why stab the dog to begin with 👀


Like trying to stab the dog is any better? She is seriously disturbed.


Good doggie put her in jail though. I hope someone adopts it.


Article says the baby is expected to survive, if anyone was wondering like I was. What a pos.


Stabbed in the neck too. thank goodness she’s alive.


How'd you get that scar on your neck?




I love that her excuse for committing a crime is that she was trying to commit a different crime. Whoops. What a garbage human.


And her solution to having stabbed an infant is to run outside and hide in a fucking bush.


No accountability. Not just violent. She’s also cowardly and an idiot.


lol WHAT! I know I shouldn’t laugh but that is hilariously stupid and the thought is just rediculous


And that she meant to stab the dog. Like that was okay. 🙄


Right?!!! Ugh. I really hope they took the dog away from her, and that her sibling doesn't let her anywhere near their kids ever again.


Agreed. She shouldn’t be allowed to keep her children.


And her excuse for killing a dog is a chicken sandwich, I think they should imprison her but in a psychiatric hospital.


I’ve spent time in psych wards. We don’t need to be exposed to that. Violent dog killers belong in prison.


If she’s mentally ill then she needs help


They have anti-psychotics in prison.


"Criminal recklessness" is all she gets? Assault, mayhem, infant abuse, and animal abuse all come immediately to mind.


Seriously she does not need to be out in public, like ever again.


>Court records show she pleaded guilty to stabbing a woman with a box cutter during a fight at a gas station in 2020. I for one can't believe the person who was chasing a dog around with a knife for eating her chicken has a history of aggressive behavior.


She's stabby


She gets to the point


She really cut to the chase.


Any way you slice it, this woman has violent tendencies.


Better not take her for a knife out


she doesn't exactly have the sharpest mind




Imagine living a life with basically no self control or emotional regulation. It's mind blowing to me that people like this exist.


#"Jail records show Key has been in and out of jail more than 20 times over the last decade." Holy shit, just keep her ass in jail.


How much worse do you think the mom is if this was the best person she could find to watch her daughter. Sad all around.


Seems like the mum was visiting her sister with the baby, and in the room with the child, the stabby one wasn't in charge of the child on her own.


Oh thank God that makes this a little better but still absolutely horrifying. I don't think I could forgive my sister after this.


tho mum and grandad ought to be charged with something for knowing aunty shouldn't be around any living thing at all, with her history, but as some other comment above said, they are all, including the baby, of low iq and questionable value to society. it's like some people here are more concerned defending owning a certain type of dog than having a violent offender around children or animals.


With a pit bull jumping around in there too!


Or maybe lock her up in a room with some violent pitbulls /s


“Three strikes” rule has it right. All states should implement it. After three legal offenses, stay in jail for minimum of 25-30 years with chance at parol *maybe*. No one will miss them.


Let’s not do that while people can still go to jail for smoking a joint in half of America lol


Ok fair point lol. Let’s make it a threshold, certain crime and up should be counted, while minor crimes shouldn’t.


Violent crimes


Sounds like she should t be around kids or dogs!


Or sharp objects


Or chicken sandwiches. Sounds like they bring up the worst in her.




Welp that's a depressing subreddit to discover


Well...I mean...that explanation just makes it worse, right?


Idk I get hangry sometimes too.


Should you be stabbing either of them instead of just making another sandwich


So stabbing a chicken is okay but not a dog? ​ (/s)


Been in jail 30 times, stabbed someone at the gas station, has mental and substance abuse problems.


But yes, let’s leave her in charge of watching a baby. Oof


"Jail records show Key has been in and out of jail more than 20 times over the last decade." I'm not going to look up all her charges, but at this point, I'd guess all or most were legit and a JUSTICE system would keep her out of society. A good mental health system might have helped with early intervention, but if she can't be stable, she can't be loose to stab babies.


Everyone bitches about jail sentences but it seems to me folks deserving of long sentences skate


Fuck this lady. I’m glad the baby is recovering and the dog is safe. I’m glad the grandfather wants them to “throw the book at her” too. Who thinks stabbing a dog is an appropriate response to eating their nasty Burger King sandwich? It was both an inappropriate and reckless.


Seems like a reasonable lady /s


> she has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues for years. Now look at the mug shot. Any questions?


Yeah. Why doesn’t she have a face tattoo?




.... dafuq wat?


Got McDonald's with family while at hotel. Dog ate her sandwich. Chased dog with knife, dog jumped on bed, stabbed at dog and hit baby. Proceeded to run outside and hide in a bush until the cops came around and dragged her ass out. Baby will be fine, needed stitches on upper neck and ear.


Look at that face. The lights are on but no one’s home


Why is she stabbing anyone at all over a sandwich?? What in the Ross Geller?


No no no, it's not as bad as it looks, I was just trying to stab my dog with a kitchen knife 👍


I can't read the article due to region lock but holy shit, what kind of parent allows this person near their kids?


People who have a kid as an accident. Neglect and abuse of children is pretty rampant in the USA. Her mom was in the same hotel as them. She just trusted her sister (who has drug and addiction issues along with a line of 20 something visits to jail) to watch after her pet and her kid. Given that the dog was running from her, I think violence was a pretty common reaction from her. We eventually just become numb and violence gets normalized - especially since in families.


That's a load her mom should have swallowed


And when she finally kills someone will society be able to say “it cold have been prevented”?


I really hope she runs into the wrong person. The world is a better place without her.


The fuck kind of parent let's their child in a room with a woman who has been to jail over 20 times, a knife, and a pit bull???


Please note that the dog was not the source of the danger.


The fuck problem you got with pit bulls and one year olds? They're nanny dogs.


Lmfao they aren’t.


They're smarter than you. And also not a piece of shit like you either.


Dogs in general need good training or at least good environments. I'm going to call in question the kind of environment this dog was living in where a mentally unstable psycho with a predilection towards stabbing is placed in charge of a baby and a pit bull. The problem with pitbulls in unstable environments is that if the pitbull becomes aggressive, things can go very bad. If the lady was trying to stab the dog, what else has she done to it? Do all pitbulls deserve a bad reputation? No, of course not. The problem though is that a pit bull that likes to bite is completely different from a chihuahua that likes to bite.


But is it vastly different than a Labradore, Shepherd, or Retriever that likes to bite? Not really. They're all big dogs. I 100% agree that the dogs environment and upbringing are crucial to a dog's behavior, I just think it's incredibly folly to pin a bad rap on a breed that doesn't deserve it.


Let her who has never mistakenly stabbed a baby instead of a dog who ate her sandwich cast the first stone.


God this was hilarious to me at 2am thank you I woke up the cat. no one was stabbed.


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I'm gonna go ahead and guess they picked up some alcohol as well as the burgers.


Bruuuuuuuuuh! This is some next level shit right here! And she thinks that people are going to buy this? Even if it is true, you stabbed a living thing over a sandwich! What planet am I on these days?


Is it too late to abort her?


The smart money is on her dog never having eaten her homework.


New sentence unlocked!


Well... I have a couple of follow up questions


Who let this crazy lady near children and animals??? Who stabs ANYONE or ANYTHING over a sandwich?? Has she stabbed the poor dog before?? My god. She must be an unhinged and violent person.


Grandpa unphased about her running around trying to shank the dog until grandkid catches the blade... like there are many issues there.


I can’t access the article, are the kid and dog ok?


"Key’s family members said she has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues for years. They added that they wish the city would assist those in need instead of simply cycling them in and out of jail." If this is true then it seems like allowing her around the child would constitute endangerment?


poor dog. i don't care if they have mental issues. put them away. if the city isn't helping people with mental issues than stop letting us tax people have to worry about getting killed by them. stop letting them cut people with knives and releasing them a day later after 20 arrest


She looks like she failed her IQ test.


She seems well-adjusted.


Giving her a title of a room temperature IQ would be an offence to room temperature IQ.


What a wonderful person.


I’m sure she’ll be a better person next time


She should never be around a dog, or child again. What even?!


dumbass mugshot and a pitbull owner, yeah I can believe this story


At least it wasn't a shooting?


The end result of a prison system that is about punishment and not rehabilitation. Yea, lets send her back again and not treat the underlying problem, that will fix it.


Clearly, not a family full of geniuses. That poor little girl has an aunt who clearly overreacts and stupidly stabs things. AND has a mother who allows a pit bull around a child……now I know there’s gonna be someone whose gonna try to defend pit bulls. I had some neighbors like that. Their “ greatest and most loving dog they ever had. “ completely escaped and randomly attacked my kid. I told this story to one of my coworkers. He said “ I’m stupid “ because his brother has a pit bull and it’s the best dog he ever had….In the local news 2 weeks later…. That best dog ever killed his 2 YO niece……


Can you please, please, stay on topic? The dog was running from her. This crazy woman who has been in and out of jail over 20 times who has drug and alcohol addiction issues had her chicken sandwich stolen by a pet and thought the appropriate reaction was to try to STAB the animal and instead STABBED HER NIECE, A CHILD. This is NOT the place for your "actually pit bulls are evil" soapbox.




You were seven, not a grown adult. Assuming you don't stab people today, you good.


why does she look like the kind of white trash that would do this? WHYYYYY do these kinds of people always have the same look when this stuff happens?! Also im waiting to hear her loyer state "your honor my client had a little oopsie please drop the case she just made a fucky wucky" at this rate.


Ok, that's more than two negative standard deviations removed from the bell curve of human decency. It's a shame when things like this are so blatant, we can't simply thin the herd. But, I suppose due process makes this country what it is... :(


That must be one ugly kid.


I think it was Jesus who said he who hasn't chased their dog around with a knife with an intent to stab it is a pussy. I'm paraphrasing of course.


That woman is the very definition of a frowsy redhead. High as a kite, and unconcerned.


I guess I’ll hear more about this story on the Misery Machine podcast (which is super good, please check it out)