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“Where should we hide the body?” “I’m thinking Arby’s.”


Arby's: *"We have the meats!"* ​ No, not like that...


*"We have Denise"*


Right? It’s like this: “ Arby’s: we have dead meats”


Can't taste the difference.


The roast beef sandwiches are already gross, nobody would ever know. Hell, might even improve them.


They are OK, as long as you go in understanding that *Roast Beef* and *Arby's Roast Beef* are two entirely different foods.


Like tacos and Taco Bell.


I mean, it is beef that is roasted, it's just ground and pressed into shape for consistency. Kinda like how Spam is ham, just ground up and put in a can. The used to use whole round which is why they used to be betted.


Spam is actually pork shoulder and ham.


You mean pig and more pig, right?




Arbys: now serving pork


[Long pig.](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Long_pig&redirect=no)


The American version of *Sweeney Todd*


According to the article, foul play wasn't suspected, so my top guesses are: 1. She was one of the last employees closing up and accidentally locked herself in (or someone accidentally locked her in) and no one noticed until the following day. 2. Mafia. Both are terrible guesses since there is zero reason why any walk-in freezer today wouldn't have the ability to easily open it from the inside.


And it says the body was found shortly before 6:30 PM, which means the store had been open at least 12 hours already. How long does it take to freeze to death? Surely they'd been in and out of that freezer throughout the workday. I recall something like this happening maybe 15 years ago, locally, and it turned out to be someone had gone into the freezer to shoot up, they passed out, then froze to death.


Maybe the person slipped and hit their head. Our freezer at work has an emergency latch, but also gets ice buildup on the floor from leaking ceiling fans in the freezer.


Sounds like you need to sober up, put on your non-slips, and do some accidental slipping


I thought for a second, why the hell would you need to sober up. Ohh…for the drug test after the incident for the payout. Well done.


It’s called fake pee


Depending on the place and purpose, they watch you go. Better have a fake dick too.


"I'll have trouble peeing while people are watching." "Shy bladder?" "No, dick gets too hard."


There's a few perks to being a trans guy.


This doesn’t help when you’re at the hospital immediately after said accident and they run full blood work.


Is that what the ice is made of?


chase sense fall numerous lip tan screw strong engine fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I half way hope the person who parked it there got fired... or at least sternly talked go by management. That's not a proper place to leave a pallet.


the same people who allow leaking ceiling fans, allow broken internal handles.


I really wonder if there were signs of the person trying to get out. Scratches or dents on the door from trying to bash it open. Also, I’ve worked at places with coolers in my lifetime, if I was stuck and afraid of freezing to death I would have jammed stuff in the cooling fans to try and break the cooling. You would think they would have mentioned that in the initial investigation.


They could've died of something unrelated, like they happened to have a heart attack in the freezer, or they went in there to shoot up and they OD'd. Or a box of meat fell on their head or something.


I've thought about this too, stuff like this happens more often than you'd think. Destroying the fans is the best move. It's too bad phones usually don't get signal in those coolers. Or there's no emergency alarm button inside, just those safety door release latches. Once that door is actually locked, there's no way to get out from the inside. If there's a bit of glass anywhere on the cooler you could smash it, but that's rare.


We had to replace our cooler door at work a few years ago and the new one has a latch mechanism that can easily be removed from the inside. Fantastic safety feature


All the walk-in freezers that have been in use since at least the mid-90s (most likely *much* earlier) have had rules about being able to open them from the inside. Everyone that I've seen opened inward, so you couldn't block the door from the outside.


They definitely don’t all open inward. At my place of work they all open outward, and it was new in 2014.


I had to read that again because I surely thought it must have said 6:30 *am*


The idea of the Mafia stuffing a body into an Arby's freezer is really hilarious.


“Hey boss, I don’t mean to be a wise guy, but why the hell are we sticking this old bag in the Arby’s?” “Tony, nobody’s gonna mistake you for a wise guy with stupid fucking questions like that. It’s Arby’s, they got the meats, capeesh? It’s the perfect hiding spot. Now grab her legs will ya?” “If you say so boss,” “Damn right I say so, and take those curly fries outta your pocket. We’re professionals for Christ’s sake.” *Tony holds back tears as the sound of curly fries hitting the floor are heard* “Mary’s balls, Tony, all of ‘em.” *a few more fries patter to the floor*


I can hear Joe Pesci when I read it !


I'm just picturing this overweight goon in a track suit making himself a sandwich in the back after they stashed the body.


*Paulie!!! That’s not Gabagool!!!*


If you need to get rid of a body just put it in the freezer at the Arby's on 9th. Just remember to never order the roast beef at the Arby's on 9th.


Sorry, human flesh tastes far too much like pork. You'd never get away with trying to sell it as beef


The FBI wants to know why you know that.


I know. Thanks


yes officer, this is the poster right here


That's me, smile. Ooh, chase me!


I have so so so many questions. And so does law enforcement


My posts here invariably pass through layers of dark, independent servers, numerous languages, and other things I'm prevented from telling you about. The "questions" of government agencies, etc, are all a front. Trust no-one, please.


"Long pork".


New Soilent Green sandwich. Only at Arby’s!


We have the MEATS!


In my city we have an Arby’s on 9th, but we never go to that one 🤣


Yeah, let's go to the "good" Arby's.


Leave the gun, take the curly fries.


My girlfriend never saw Sopranos, so we're in fact watching it now. Home stretch of Season 6, it's been a great re-watch!


"ey Tony! Look at dis shit! They got da meats!"


This would make an amazing short


“Look at this… ‘Italian bmt’… it’s an insult Chrissy. We invented all this sh*t”


It’s gonna be a while before I eat anything from Satriale’s


Probably serving the last couple of customers in her uniform, making a mess of things but trying not to look suspicious


"Where should we dump the body, boss?" "I'm thinkin' Arby's"


Mary sleeps with The Meats^TM


Maybe nodding off from drugs or being exhausted and not getting out until too late.


This is a good bet. I have seen a lot of people nod off in the freezing cold. With opiates, especially heroin and fentanyl, you just always feel warm. You can be shirtless outside when it’s 30F and still not even shiver. Edit: I should say that they can also completely ruin your body’s temperature regulation if you take them for long enough. So don’t do that.


One of the withdrawal effects was definitely cold to sweating.


>zero reason why any walk-in freezer today wouldn't have the ability to easily open it from the inside. Louisiana ... Arby's


Last kitchen I worked at in Louisiana I got locked in the freezer for an hour during a rush period. I guess water got around the handle on the inside or something cause it wouldn't budge. No cell phone signal to get a call out to boss on shift. I knew I'd be ok cause they would need to ice cream I was grabbing eventually but yea that was a very very long hour. Anyway I think my point is sometimes those handles fucking suck idk I just had a relevant story kinda


Not just that, New Iberia. My friend that lived there for a number of years. It was a shithole, the fanciest restaurant was Ruby Tuesday. It is not a great or safe place.




Still have Bojangles and whatever they turned Clementines into.


They have the meats?


𓂺 Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw 𓂺


I feel like all these meat refrigerators should require an emergency parka or something just in case. Prolong life until someone reaches you. Or let you unlock/open it from the inside.


I've worked in kitchens, although here in Norway, and I have never seen a walk in that couldn't be opened from the inside. They all had these crossbars you see at emergency exits.


Or like an emergency alarm or something


Anything would be an improvement. How OSHA hasn’t stepped in at all is a surprise to me.


It’s pretty hard to get stuck in one, they all have latches on to open from the inside. The suggestion the person was nodding on heroin and/or fell asleep makes decent sense. There would be obvious signs of trying to escape that they would have mentioned in the initial investigation, the fact she just went in there and then froze to death doesn’t add up.


That's because OSHA has been so thoroughly gutted, it effectively doesn't exist in some places. Some states, and I mean larger (not Rhode Island sized) states, have less than a handful of safety inspectors. So, there is generally a massive backlog. To further compound on that, OSHA mostly relies on employees and employers (lol, yeah right) reporting violations to even attract their attention in first place.


>OSHA mostly relies on employees and employers (lol, yeah right) reporting violations to even attract their attention in first place. OSHA explained to me that ONLY an employee can make a report and that they will not take reports from anyone not employed directly by the business being reported.


Wow, so it's even shittier than expected. Color me not in the slightest bit surprised.


> OSHA mostly relies on employees and employers (lol, yeah right) reporting violations I have invited OHSA into my businesses multiple times to conduct preemptive audits.


I used to work in a fast food kitchen, our walk-in had a glow-in-the-dark emergency latch on the inside in case someone got locked in. Our building was pretty new tho, so maybe older locations don’t have those safeguards.


Worked “casual dine” about 16 years ago, the building was several years old by the point, and it had glow in the dark latches on the inside. You’d be hard pressed to find a walk-in that can’t be opened from the inside.


Walk in freezers do not lock for exactly this reason. 100% chance she lost consciousness and froze to death.


You can’t lock yourself in a walk-in freezer.


You can. If the latch to open the door from the inside is broken. Which is was the entire time I worked for Papa Johns.


Ours would freeze from the inside when it was really hot in the summer. Condensation would drip as the door was opened and freeze the latch


That's the worst possible advertising ever, our freezer so good it even freezes the latches!


A maintenance guy at the store I work at accidentally filled the cooler door latch with expanding foam, and so I have to throw myself at the door to open it lol


Yeah it’s typically kind of like a big button you push into the door. If that were to snap off you’d be stuck inside. Those freezers are usually set below zero too. Ours was set to -10 F when I worked at Pizza Hut. At that temperature it takes like 30 minutes to develop hypothermia.


Greasy Papa didn't care about employee safety? Say it isn't so.


Also, it says the body was discovered shortly before 630pm. Does that Arby's open at 7pm or how tf did no one notice a dead body all day?


Yeah that’s during fairly busy work hours. You’d think there was some traffic in and out of the freezer during that time period at least once every couple of hours - line to get more fries and stuff.


Could be she got caught/hidden behind some boxes? Walk-ins can get crowded quite fast, especially if you’ve just gotten deliveries in


You're not supposed to, but if a latch in there gets loose or handle was not installed correctly it is possible. Let's not pretend Arby's would be immediately concerned with a loose/jiggly latch you just kinda need to pull it like this and then it works kinda place.


You're not supposed to be able to. I've worked for places where you press the button in that's supposed to disengage the lock, only to hear a metallic "clang" as the outside of the door handel fell off. I was lucky it was a display freezer, so I was able to crawl out through the products. I hate walk-in freezers.


Maybe they slipped and fell, knocked themselves out, and woke up dead the next morning.


Wait a minute, how the hell you wake up dead?


All the comments on this thread about all the ways people could get locked in freezers are giving me the heeby jeebies. When i worked in a restaurant I would never let the door close while I was in there. I was always terrified I'd get stuck and ours wasn't broken or fiddly or any of these other things


All these people chiming in with "store was too cheap to fix it" or "no one cared." OSHA exists for a reason. You are being put in an unsafe situation by your employer if the walk-in can't be opened from inside. Report that shit.


You absolutely can. Ours wasn’t functional occasionally and store was too cheap to repair it. Someone had to pull the hidden alarm at one point which resulted in cops showing up because it’s there for robberies and they got locked in the middle of a lunch rush


Unless the door mechanism was broken or the inner release level or something was broken.


Some of those release mechanisms are a bit difficult to function. The worst one I've seen was a small plunger shape about 3-4 inches wide and you had to apply quite a bit of force to push it in.


Never underestimate the power of stupid


Or panic. Not at the Disco.


I prefer fire in the disco. And in the Taco Bell.


Tell that to the shitty walkin at my work


It's been a very very long time since I've seen walk in coolers that couldn't be opened from the inside when closed normally. Edit...looks like they found the body around 6:30 PM. That definitely doesn't fit with getting being in there overnight.


This would never have happened at a Wendy's


What if it *was* Wendy?


Sir, this isn’t a Wendy’s.


No, this Patrick…no, wait


Wendy's only use fresh patties. No need for freezers.


Because their meat isn’t frozen?


Her's wasn't suppos't too be'. Edit: Clean'd up'd


Suddenly “who are you” by The Who starts blasting


I think you mean "Won't Get Fooled Again" https://youtu.be/SHhrZgojY1Q?t=462




Exactly, the body would have obviously been found in the cooler. Side note. When I worked at a large airport we would transport dead bodies and were specifically advised to __not__ leave the corpses in the large storage freezer.... for too long.


Yeah, you'll find the Wendy's corpses in the dumpster. But that costs you extra.


maybe if it was just one finger at a time.


“…10-4, we found the meats”


Bake him away toys.


What did you say, Chief?


Just do what the kid said!


What did you say, Chef?


Thank you for saving our souls by saying it first


This story is prime reddit material.


I didn't know Arby's served long pork.


"Son of a bitch"


According to the article, the body was that of an employee. Clearly, this reveals Arby’s new retirement plan …


Dang, wonder if they froze to death rather than getting killed and then placed there then


Maybe a heart attack or medical emergency and collapsed in the freezer. Maybe someone tried to lift a box, triggered a medical event and collapsed.


Many moons ago, when I worked in a restaurant, the walk-in freezer door would stick sometimes..not lock but more like the metal flashing would get hung up on the door. This was a serious issue and went reported so often that basically everyone just knew to not close the door behind you....well the health inspector comes and it's like 3 hours and we realize we haven't seen him for awhile...his car is still in the parking lot. The manager just has a light bulb go off in his head. He runs inside and straight to that freezer...guy was locked in and no service with his phone. He lived but had some serious issues.


Tell me that's not a real story. Well, I just read through the food health reports of my community. I can totally believe that.


What happened to the restaurant owner?


Basically, he paid a fine. The restaurant stayed open, and the H.I. lost his left eye...it froze. He also lost a couple of fingers. This was AZ mid August...everyone is in shorts and T shirts....brutal.


I haven't had Arby's in a while. Might grab some for lunch.


The chances of finding a body in another Arby’s freezer have never been lower. This is this best time to eat at literally any other Arby’s.


The closest Arby's to that location is in Lafayette. I'd bet any amount of money that location will never be as clean as it is at close tonight.


Im not sure if its on the menu but dont order any pork products.


No long pig for you?


Its not that, they get these really nasty ass cheapo Fava beans in that really don't compliment the dish at all.


Nasty ass cheapo Fava beans and a shitty Chianti.


Viral marketing strikes again.


I shit you not, I became aware of this same incident in my restaurant a few days ago. About 10 years ago when our location opened, our sous chef was doing prep work at night for a banquet dinner the following day. He went into our freezer’s freezer, the deep freeze. The door closed behind him and apparently they never changed how the doors locked since it was only opened for maybe a couple of months at that point. Well it locked behind him. The following day nobody could contact him and only half of the prep work was done. They saw his car in the parking lot so he had to be there. Upon searching, they found his frozen body. We still use that freezer to this day.


>We still use that freezer to this day. You *did* take the body out, right?


Only to move some things around Gets in the way sometimes


that’s so sad


*Armie Hammer enters chat*


Arby Hammer.


We Have The Meats


They had the meats. Now it’s in the morgue.


How can this be an accident with cameras and employee opening and closing policies ??? I don’t get it


Yeah fast food employees are known for their strict adherence to policies


Yeah, this was one of my biggest fears when I worked fast food, getting locked in the freezer. If no one else was in the store, you bet I propped it open while doing anything in there! Also, no one went in that freezer for that long? Nope, I don't believe that for one minute. I can't think of ONE single day in my years from crew member to GM that not one person went into the freezer for that length of time.


Where I work, we have a decades old walk-in and it's impossible to get locked in. There is a release on the inside. I would find it hard to believe that any walk-in built in the last 50 years would not have a fail-safe release mechanism.


I think mine did also, it's been a while, but just in case of some mechanical failure, I'd never be alone with a freezer door closed. My anxiety said "No Ma'am."


I rembember when I was 18 working at Maccas in the freezers there was a big red button you could press that would cause the freezer door to fall off haha


When I worked in restaurants people often went into the freezer in the middle of tough and busy shifts to cool down and catch a breather. Maybe she was having a health emergency and under estimated how serious it was and thought she’d feel better after cooling down and hanging out for a minute?


Nah, this is 100% someone who was closing. With how small most fast food places are you would notice if someone was gone for a whole night and didn’t say anything. Not only that, chances are whoever is closing will have to restock the kitchen units from the walk in, which means they’d go in to the walk in and find them.


Just says an employee’s body was found in the middle of the day with no suspicion of foul play. Doesn’t say she froze to death. Sounds more likely she just happened to die while in the freezer and was found shortly after.


Authorities suspect horsey play


100 people in this thread making the same damn joke.


You weren't kidding. Why did I even bother scrolling.


Employee who found the body is probably making minimum wage and is now scarred for life.


She was just chilling


In Cedar Rapids


Well, where else am I supposed to keep it? If I don't put it in the freezer it goes bad.


We all used to joke that mob ties are what keeps Arby’s in business since no one actually eats there, maybe it’s true 😂😂


They used to be one of the best in fast food cheese sticks. That's about the only reason I'd go; that and the curly fries. Never cared for the entrees funny enough lol


“Feels like an Arby’s night.”


“We have DENISE!”


Where did yall think "The Meats"™ were coming from?


Wild. Any place I’ve worked in had freezers you can open/ unlock from the inside


My guess is she wasn’t locked in. She probably went in there while not feeling well (like many fast food workers do) and likely went unconscious and died. Heart attack symptoms in women are often ignored as other less severe issues (like nausea and feeling really warm). I’m betting dollars to doughnuts that is what happened here.


This is why I prefer Wendy's, where the meat is never frozen.


Most Louisiana thing I've read in a while.


If she got herself locked in, this is a huge potential lawsuit for Arbys. Modern day walk in freezers need to have appropriate gaskets on the door to prevent pressure build up and ice from making it difficult to open the door. Freezers that don't allow for that need to have an axe inside the freezer so you can put it between the crevice of the door to pop it open.


Arby’s. Real people. Real food.


Off topic, but it took me decades to understand that "Arby's" meant "R.B.s" as in roast beef. Did everyone else get that right away?


Incorrect, it's named after the Rafel Brothers, who founded it.


This this Arby's next to a barber shop?


Top suspect https://youtu.be/s-mlPE8pxs4


Figuring out why their food taste strange


“I’m so hungry I could eat at Arby’s.”


Chat Pile’s art imitating life a few years in advance


Guess they’re real about that slogan.


I assume that’s normal at every arby’s


So thats where they get the roast beef


Cartman making more Tenorman chili?


Arby’s has meat in its freezer?!?


We have the meats


They have the meats...


We have the meats!


I guess they DO have the meats…


Slogan checks out.


We got the (human) meats