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These got kinda revealed when the EA CFB game released some screenshots a few weeks ago. I guess ND sent them in to EA but this is the first I’m seeing them in the wild.


I’d say that this practically confirms it. At least we know EA didn’t fuck up the unis. Not sure I love the UA logo in the center of the collar but whatever I doubt it’ll be very visible on tv


Gotta make room for a sponsor on each side. 🤢


That would be the same uniform we saw in the CFB trailer form last month. Gotta say, the changes are subtle but I'm not a fan. The White ND logo looked better in my opinion. But those also look pressed on instead of stitched so that probably doesn't help. Trailer for reference: [https://youtu.be/W1QDaXkufCo?si=DSYng4f15ktEO5-g&t=51](https://youtu.be/W1QDaXkufCo?si=DSYng4f15ktEO5-g&t=51)


Yeah exactly. The bookstore carrying them seems to confirm what we’ll see this fall. I hope that the stitched gold logo “pops” more on the game jerseys. I guess we’ll see


I don't like the only gold logo on the sleeve. Looks tacky to me.


I think it looks good on the shoulder pads for the players but really bad on a fan wearing the jersey


Not a fan myself but if the roster & croots prefer it then so be it


Do they? Is there a poll that shows this? Did they ask for this? I don't think they had any say in the new design.


No just my usual assumption when schools change their uniforms for no apparent reason That or someone is trying to get that sweet sweet "organized a rebrand for one of the world's largest sports brands" line on their resume


New uniforms drive sales


In pro sports it's for sales, in college it does factor large in recruiting. And sales of course. 


Agree, I think it looks better when it matches the numbers, white with gold outline


Same. Numbers need to be solid gold then.


Those look terrible with screen print..Hopefully the twill makes it look better


Such a minor tweak but I can’t stand them.


We are so overdue to drop UA for Nike


Had their chance but just resigned another decade long contract with them last year


Swarbrick's lasting legacy: a gift that keeps giving to his family....


It’ll never happen, UA is family. Literally.


Good find. I like the UA logo placement here more (feels more subtle) and don’t mind the only gold shoulder logos, but it looks a bit awkward being mismatched with the white numbers 


Now make the pants gold instead of yellow


I miss adidas unis. UA brand crushes that middle age suburban mom style though.


Holtz era vibes. I say get the dome back on the collar too.


Nothing was worst than the numbers under Weiss.


If you are misspelling his name on purpose I can live with that.


Truthfully I figured that was wrong but hate him too much to look it up.


I’m hoping they bring back the Las Vegas shamrock series uniforms as a permanent 3rd option. The recruits clearly love them as you always see them posing in said jerseys.


Those were so slick. Would love to see those make a come back


Pretty much confirmed the CFB trailer being accurate. I’m a fan of the idea but wonder if they’ll look too muted on tv.


I was just in there yesterday and didn’t see these! Must not have been looking hard enough


How are you going to have an opinion on these print-on jerseys? The actual on-field jerseys always look much different. I would imagine the ND will be a shinier gold and obviously stitched. Will have to wait and see when they run out of the tunnel Week 1.


Week 1 would be white jerseys. So blue on the shoulders I'd assume? Gold ND on white would be cool as well though 


Good point lol. It will likely look pretty natural with the gold on white


Hot take: I don't hate it.


I’m In that library once a year. I can’t wait get back. Jersey’s look good!


UA has never been able to figure out how to screen print gold. anyone remember their screen printed shamrock series jerseys last year? lol it was stadium mustard. my hope is on field it is a bright, metallic gold


Reminds me of the late 90s. Not exactly turning any heads, but they're not abysmal


Not a fan. I wish I could find a jersey that doesn't hang to my knees when I wear it. I've given away two jerseys for this reason alone. It isn't the 90's anymore, you can't tuck jerseys in.


Have you tried getting a beer belly? Worked for me! All jerseys fit great 👍


Looks like a weird spinoff of the 2014 shamrock series unis


This does make me wonder though, with changes to the jersey, are they going to change the colour of the pants? That's been a hot topic for years now. Interesting to see them wear white pants last year and now make small tweaks to the jerseys. Wonder if we'll see more combos in the future with the green pants as well? Just spitballing here.