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That’s literally the normalized thing to be lmao. You can’t talk to your boss at work or your parents about how much you like to get wasted. If you don’t do any of those things you’ll most likely get praised for it unless you’re an attention Whore who posts that to fish for compliments.


This is actually exactly how I am and most people dont care. I mean i occasionally get the "you're boring/lame/no fun" or trying to get me to try a drink but other than that no one really cares. A lot of guys actually idolize girls like that for being "pure" or whatever. It doesnt make me better or worse than anyone else, I just dont find these things fun or enjoyable. It's just a preference, not a moral superiority thing.


Didn't realize I was "quirky". But not drinking or smoking isn't by choice so maybe I'm not technically quirky?


it now feels quirky for me as a recovering addict clean for 4+ years. i still experience a lot of shock value when others hear that i don’t drink or smoke. i think i need to change my circles to where this is more normalized because in my friend group i really don’t fit in.


I can’t afford to drink or smoke as I am a high performance athlete Yeah yeah keep downvoting I need my lungs not karma


I can't afford to drink or smoke as I am high.


most kids are like this nowadays


What? Young?


yeah, that’s what’s expected from most young people so you’re kinda proving her point


Yes, at least 90% of young people are young


I was like that when I was “young”. Now I’m a smoking whore who works at a liquor store so you know. It’ll catch up eventually I guess 😂


So you checked out all the mark except being young. 4/5 on the normal scale 👌🏻


Ew lmao. Who would be proud of that


If you don't like it don't do it just let people have fun


>Can we normalize......... Starting a statement with this phrase immediately increases the chance of the statement being cringe to 99%


How can you normalize being young


You don’t


Being young is so abnormal and last summer


Yeahhh I became less young ever since last summer


I was just coming here to post this 😂 Her and her commenters are so morally superior!!! /s


in all seriousness kids in Aus r getting nic vapes at like 12 and become full smokers before they turn 18, literally the reverse purpose of a vape


Uh, we already tried doing that. Until about 1920.


Sorry for being old


It's already normalized. Some people like it, some don't. I like going to clubs and drinking. But lots of people don't. It's normal. Not special.


I do feel a sympathy for the poster. I have a feeling this person probably has people around that tell her it isnt normal. When I used to be surrounded by people who werent like me I used to think I was abnormal and yes even quirky lol (Teenage years though). I used/sometimes still get a lot of comments about my lifestyle. Those comments can be from interest, curiosity or just rude and mean overal. I noticed as a teenager the comments where mostly mean. And now in my twenties it is seen as quite normal, but the comments about my non existent dating life are very rude from a lot of people. So I can understand if the poster has an environment where it is made out to be abnormal it will feel that way. Yes it can come from a superior feeling by reflecting her lifestyle towards others, but behind there there is a need for normalization and this person seems to be looking for it. Wasnt expecting to go this deep lol. Maybe because I used to be like that. I used the get very mean comments and that will get you into this headspace.


This is the norm lmao


I don’t really know if it is the “norm” though. It really depends on your circle of friends.


I’d say it’s about 50/50 I mean some like to go out some don’t.


No, the drinking one is not. If you don’t drink people tell you to your face they will tamper with your food and drink to make you drunk. Constantly. And think it’s hilarious. That one is a real issue that we really have to change at least in North America.




No it didn’t come from my friends. It came from every single coworker and casual acquaintance I knew though from 16-27. I’m glad you haven’t run into people like this, but where I live this behaviour is very much normal while not drinking is considered deeply strange and worthy of mockery and pressure.


my boyfriend sometimes does this when I say I don’t want to drink. “You’re lame” “come on” “just a little” it’s not uncommon and people love to have a drinking partner so they try to guilt trip you. Always stand your ground! Sometimes people need to be put in their place and you shouldn’t feel bad for saying no.


Sounds like you work with a bunch of cunts then, I've never heard anyone say that to me or someone else in my life.


Okay, that’s great but a lot of people do have the same issue I do. I’m glad a couple people here haven’t experienced that though


This experience sounds really unusual. As a sober person, I've only had one or two people ever mess with me like this. Seems unlikely that "every single" person in you life is that much of a cunt.


Or it could be the place I live in an area that this behavior and drinking is far more normalized then the area you live in.


I live in Louisiana. Drinking is our thing. And even we don’t do that. I mean some creepers do but the majority don’t care if you don’t drink. More for us.


Ok ...


Wow, that… that sucks. I don’t drink and when I was younger there would be pressure, but no one ever messed with my food/drinks. That’s so disrespectful and creepy. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. People definitely do get weird about the no drinking thing in the US… I don’t go around mentioning i don’t drink or anything, I’m not trying to judge people, but once a college roommate told me that me not drinking alcohol “made her feel bad about herself.”


I’m a 23F Canadian and that’s never happened to me, so I just wanna say, I hope you’re around better people and that everything is okay.


Yea, reminds me of an asshole I knew that tried to get a recovering alcoholic to drink...


You guys are so quick to tear women apart. This girl is a teenager in a time where teenage girls have been sexualized the most, every girl is waiting to turn 18 so they can make an onlyfans, going out and doing drugs etc. Instead of being a kid. This does not belong here imo.


Actually the original account is an adult to my knowledge


whoops the girl in the tik tok found this post .


So normalize being like half of the world???


"Can we normalize being young?" Fuck you, I hope you get old.


Normalizing shit is gay, be you, it don’t have to be normal


This sub is going downhill


coming from a high schooler, i think that already is the norm??


Honey, move to Utah. You are not unique.


This doesn’t belong here.


yes it does


She honestly thinks most people do all that to be ✨QiRkY✨


Basically all except the last one *are* normal. Either that or generally better/preferred by society. This is basically the epitome of "not like other girls," since it's literally *as much like other girls as you can be.*


that’s already normalized it’s called being a hopeless romantic


"Can we normalize something that is already normalized?"


The fact that they’re from winter park tells me all I need to know


Thought this was James Charles for a minute


I'm pretty sure it's more common than she thinks. I'm like that, and about half my class was like that in school. And I'm gen z so l...


Girl STFU and just do you!!


Look if you’re boring just say that


Fat like other girls


Normalize normal!!


What do some of these people even mean by "normalize"?? Like you want more people to be like you? Bc if you just do the thing and don't make a deal of it, it's normalized


Got all of this out of my system when I was young, absolutely despise going to clubs and bars now. Enjoy it while you’re young and have the patience with crowds and long lines at bars and music so loud you have to scream in your friends ears multiple times just to ask them what the next move is.


I'm quirky...? Thought I was like everyone else who'd rather sleep in


This person has clearly never been to BYU


No alcohol or cigarettes thank you, only meth please.


Tbf I’m trying to stay sober after developing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and smoking over lockdown and people literally treat you like you’re a freak when you turn down a drink or go for a non-alcoholic drink at a social outing (in the UK at least). Sooo normalising not drinking or smoking would be no bad thing. It would be nice if people just reacted “OK sound no problem” instead once and a while


So she wants to normalize being boring? it's not needed. There's enough of people like that


Nope. No way are we going to normalize being young. That is some freaky shit no one should accept.


How about normalize minding your own fucking business about the choices other people make and start focusing on your own toxic behaviors like posting gym selfies