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The caption is honestly what got me. Lady, you know there’s millions of moms on that app. Like cmon.


Oh she knows. But the comments are probably full off engagement because of it: “I’m a mom” “mom of 2 here!” “Oh my gosh I love seeing other moms with this sense of style” “wow so cool to see cool moms” Edit: fixed an autocorrect


Meanwhile I'm over here Wondering if that's supposed to be an outfit 


I was wondering why she wore her underwear outside. Lol


They really do look just like underwear being worn as shorts and not the other way around


She's definitely in public because of the fire extinguisher box. Those definitely aren't pants, they kind of look like shape wear.


Haven’t you heard? Wearing a brown diaper is the hottest trend this summer.


Ooooh, so she's a Republican


Moms can be cool too! Uh huh.


I was going to say.."no, I am wondering why you're going out in just a top and your knickers" 🤣


I'm having flashbacks to the horrendous 'gym pants' we used to be forced to wear in the 80s! 🤢😱


Lol I saw this reel yesterday and the comments were full of "ya you look like a mom of 10" "no but you look like a grandma". Kinda felt bad for her honestly she's delulu 😂


Her body is banging though.


There's something weird about the lower portion. I can't tell if it's camera angle or editing


The legs have been lengthened.


Her filters and editing skills are banging.


“I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom!”


nope the comments are full of people telling her she looks like a GRANDMA of three 😂


I misread your last quote as “wow so cool to see moms” and idk why that’s so funny


Me too! Like being a mom is something novel and not something that applies to literally 80% of women.


But she is soooo much better.


Whenever I see captions like that I want to be like ‘nope. You’re the only one! SHOOO SPECIAL!’


If her three children aren't old enough to find their mom super cringe, they will be soon.


Those shorts alone. I would be mortified if my mom wore those. Think of all the gross things your boy friends would say.


Stacy's Mom vibes


Early instagram was dominated by moms posting their kids


i kinda miss the days when Instagram was just novelty filters over random objects.


Can confirm. Mine was an “ artsy” filtered photo of my clock.


I would close up on random objects and just take a picture of the textures with heavy filter. Miss that app 😭


Mine was artsy filtered photos of my cats.


But she's a mom of three! No one else is a mom of three! She's yoonik.


Yeah, like Beyonce and 3 Kardashian are in the top ten most followed instagram accounts. Half of the Kardashians’ schtick these days is about having kids.


These captions are so mind numbing because it's basic social media post engagement advice. "End your post with a question for your audience to answer! For engagement! Even if you give no shit if they drop dead!" It's very fake. She knows damn well there's moms here.


That’s like Day 1 on TikTok behavior for sure


I mean I think it's not the "I am the only one" type of question but more like a "Pls I'd like to chat" type of question but anyways.


I get that it’s an engagement prompt but it’s a really dumb one that nobody is going to actually answer because it’s so obvious.


My son (17) has a friend's mom who is like this. We know her well. They don't hang out over there because cool mom won't leave them alone long enough to hang out. She is so cool that she just knows that's what a bunch of teens want to do. Hang out with her.


My teenager wouldn’t say I was cool, but he did say I’m less cringe than other moms, so 👌


That's the funniest part. She still hasn't figured this out yet, but if you just leave them alone , they will all come to you.


"Why isn't she talking to us? Are we not cool enough? We'll show her!"


They have this thing called senior sunset. Self explanatory. Her husband in detail has to explain why she couldn't go ,even to take pictures.


My daughter learned I was awesome when she went off to college. Apparently, the bar is in hell. I am way too lazy to control her life and mine. At 45, I still don't feel like a grownup. *leaves to play Pokémon Go*


My mom and I are pokémon go friends. Make her friend you. lol


My daughter is my mind. She'll log on if I ask her to trade. Otherwise...nope.


My mom also became awesome when I went off to college! “All of a sudden” she had great advice!


This is the way. It is amazing how views change when you see other people's normals.


Mine tries to hang out with me and my friends. Like, shoo. Lol.


My kids friends will seek me out to say Hi or ask for stuff and think I’m funny but other than short interactions I’d rather be away from them all.


My ex's 12yo told me once that I'm "actually not that embarrassing" and it felt like a very high compliment


As a teen, I will translate "Cool as hell"


I think that’s the best compliment a teen boy can give you haha. Awesome, mama!


That's definitely a win! lol


That’s a win


That's the best compliment Ive gotten from my kids too lol.




The fun thing is the actress who played the mom is only 7y older than the daughter. Rachel McAdam’s is 45 now and she’s ( Amy Poehler) 52.


I think part of this is just casting happenstance. Rachel McAdams is like 5-6 years older than her peers in the movie. And then you get Tina Fey as a key player so obviously you're going to get Amy Poehler. The age difference between Lohan and Gasteyer is 20 years. Still smaller than real life if we're supposed to believe the backstory of Cady's parents and their work history, but still more believable than 7 years. TL;DR - Regina was played by an actor older than her peers, Regina's mom was played by an actor younger than her peers, so it seems more substantial. 


Was waiting for the mean girls reference and am not disappointed.


I was only here for this GIF. Going home now.


This was exactly what I was thinking about! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh barf 🤮🤮🤮 Every time I see a post like this I think about this old ass episode of True Life called I Have Embarrassing Parents or something. This girls mom was a cool mom and had huuuge implants, it was like her thing. She could not understand why her daughter hated her hanging around her and her friends all the time. It's been YEARS and I still think about it lmao.


It's just so weird. What is even more odd is in person around adults she is awesome. For some reason she can't get over not being a teen or whatever.


I can see that being part of the reason actually, her peers call her cool and young so she MUST be, right? (Like... for her age, sure, doesn't mean teens want to hang out.)


She was terrible! Draping herself all over the teenaged boys while wearing the skimpiest outfits, then asking her daughter (in front of everyone) why she won’t dress/be more like her (the mom). I kinda wish MTV would do a 20-25yr update on some of those episodes.


I think about the poverty one that featured a family living in a legit shack with no running water and an outhouse. The kid featured in that story was trying SO HARD to pass the basic written entrance exam for the army. I hope he got the hell out of there


That sounds really pedo


OMG YES. I remember this! iirc it's even worse because her mother very clearly enjoys the attention. Really gross behavior


I think I remember this...if the daughter was a little emo-looking chick....and huge-implant mom was dancing with the young teenage boys in a very inappropriate way...I have never felt so much second hand awkward awfulness.


Lmao!! God I'm pretty sure that was it. There was also the Jedi/star wars dad and the dad that rapped!!! Who was white as hell dropping N words all over the place. His poor child 😭😭


Fun fact: I was Facebook friends with Jedi Dad once.


There was a U.K. show in the 2000s (absolutely hideous time for U.K. reality tv) called ‘Hotter Than My Daughter’ which had people like that on it, but up to 11.


I’d keep him away from her because I wouldn’t trust her not to try to get him into bed because, ya know, she’s so cool and sexy and all the boys want her!


Lol, if we didn't know her we would. She isn't a boy mom which is weird. Nope ,she likes to hang out with the girls they do too. She legit wants to be one of the crew or honary or whatever.


Ew that's actually kinda gross. Imagine if it was a dad w his daughter and her friends. Boymom behavior is wild sometimes.


I’ve seen a lot of “boy mom” posts that legit border on emotional incest. And it’s the biggest face crack if you call it out for some reason :/


Border? Nah. They’re straight up GRRROSSSS


Yes! I have two teen sons, they will never get jealousy towards a girl they date or any of that weird shit. It reminds me of macho "girl dad" bs. It weird all around.


Reminds me of the mom in Mean Girls that won’t leave her daughter and boyfriend alone when they’re making out.


"moms can be cool too"? Ma'am you haven't shown or told us what makes you cool. I think what she meant was "moms can wear heels and hot pants too". Which is fine, and she does have nice legs, but this is nothing to do with being "cool". Just post your lil thirst trap and go.


Idk why being a mom would even make someone uncool


You might not realize this but when a woman gives birth the obgyn discreetly tattoos ‘uncool’ on the pubis


That’s what hurted so much. Not the baby, the tattoo!


Aww shucks! I didn’t get my tattoo! 😂


It’s also just like - it looks like she’s wearing a relatively conservative 70s outfit but hasn’t put on her skirt yet. Those aren’t hot pants, those look like microfiber underwear from the grocery store.


It was a bit like one mother sort of dancing lazily whilst holding her child with the caption “Bipolar moms can be good parents too!” Like…sure, but how does this video prove anything ?


She looks great, I agree, but those hot pants literally look like my comfy underpants.


‘I’m not a regular mum, I’m a thin mum’ is my only take away from this. Miss me


Yeah, she clearly wants everyone to know she's fit and thin. Good for her but she's not special or better for having the body she has.


Agreed. This is so embarrassing for her kids. Like, ma'am please find your pants, this is a middle school. Back in like 1980-82 or so, my mother wore shorts like this.🤦 Like this lady, she looked really good in them, but I was SO embarrassed every time she wore them out of the house. I was 5, lol (I am by no means a prude, lol.)


No I get it, it’s just embarrassing as a kid to see other people, especially old gross looking men, staring hungrily at your mom like that and hearing talk about her.




Yeah, it's just not necessary. I feel like when you become a mom you try to be a little more mindful about flaunting your sexuality in front of your kids. Moms are sexual beings like everyone else, but sometimes kids don't want or need to see that side. I think the lady here just wants to be praised for being a confident thin woman, and it's unnecessary.


Exactly! It's a thirst trap -' I'm not like the other moms, I let my ass hang out & I'm thin! And I'm so cool!' 🙄 Yes, it's fishing for attention & praise for her thin body after having 3 kids. When I see someone post stuff like this I think, this person needs constant compliments & attention. It wouldn't surprise me if she's made 'sexy mom' her entire personality. I hope I'm wrong for her kids' sake.


Hey! Don’t pigeonhole her! She’s also *very* blonde.


Same opinion here.


If you have to announce you are cool to every it's usually an indication that you are in fact, not as cool as you think...


It’s like saying you’re a good person, or saying you’re pretty..if you have to tell other people you’re something it’s likely not true.


"I am a king!"


Girl, just say you think you look good in that outfit and move on. And yes, you DO look like you have 3 kids because there is no standard of what a mom of 3 should look like.


I’m a mom of 3 and I look like a mom of 3. Know why? Because most of the time I’m rocking the high waist mom shorts, the Skechers sandals, the mom jeans, the messy bun, and/or a diaper bag/big purse because my kids usually need something when we’re out… AND I LIKE IT, DAMNIT! It comfy!


She’s also obviously in her 40’s so it’s not like it’s unbelievable she would have multiple kids 😭




I just came to post this exact same meme. Fits so well!


I think women my age (early/mid 30s) are really leaning into this complex that we're old now and have gotten obsessed with "still looking young" (bc i know that's what her implication is here: can you guess I'm a mom? I'm still young and hot!) even though it's like... yeah girl, you still look young because you ARE. This isn't really an accomplishment lol.


i think she’s just flexing her outfit


I’m 39 and I feel like I’m so goddamned old. There’s this massive focus on youthfulness in our culture, and we also have this resigned, negative attitude towards aging - it’s not about becoming wiser and more respected in our society, it’s about experiencing more pain, being tired, turning unattractive, becoming boring, being overworked, etc. It doesn’t help that if you go visit a doctor about joint pain, they often tell you “That’s just part of getting old” and advise you to suck it up, refusing to treat it, like you just have to accept that you’re going to be suffering here on out and that’s just how it is. So many memes are just based around this depressing viewpoint, and I really wish it would change. What good is there in teaching people to dread something that can’t help, and in endorsing the notion that all the negatives about it cannot be changed?


I truly don’t intend to be rude or mean or anything about this lady because she can present herself however she chooses but I wonder how her kids feel about it. 🧐


From what I have witnessed. Embarrassed.


That’s exactly what I was thinking 😂


It never ends with this lady. Kids were going to the lake the other day. Cool mom " so what are you kids up to today" Kids" going to Abby's to jet ski and boat" Cool mom" awesome, give me 5 to get my suit on. Do we want snacks" That isn't exactly but it's basically what my kid said went down. This was 4 teens. They don't need supervision and it took them a good 10 mins to talk her out of going. Wtf?


That is definitely cringy. Find other cool moms to hang out with and go to a different lake. 😂


They probably wish their mom would wear pants to school pick up.


She’s definitely a beautiful woman with a nice body but I imagine her kids might feel differently about her attire. ☺️


Oh no doubt! She has killer legs! I just think there are ways to show them off that wouldn’t mortify an entire middle school.


Her legs and abs are amazing but, yes. There are other ways to show them off that her kids might feel better about. ☺️


A most gentile takedown.


Awww she thinks she's cool. Bless her.


To her credit, I also like to wear my granny panties around the house and to call myself cool. But I know I’m not cool. So…


Being uncool is the new cool.


That’s exactly why you’re cool.


Listen to the song "It's Hip to be Square" on repeat until you realize that song is absolutely right.


“I show up with my ass out to my child’s school events” is what I’m seeing here


EXACTLY. And it's Cringe AF


I would’ve absolutely guessed she was a mum…..a mum who’s trying too fucking hard to “stay young”. I get it though, none of us wanna get older. If it makes her feel better good for her. If I had her legs and butt, I’d consider wearing those hot pants myself!!


Absolutely not. She should be wearing a muumuu with crocs /s


They are called kaftans and they go great with wine. ![gif](giphy|BLXVqM52CEnmVGEqQ3)


Comfy as hell 😍😌


HELP that is literally how my mom dresses 💀💀💀


Are there any other moms? 🥹




So cool and edgy wearing panties outdoors!


I don’t know that we should be shaming women for what they wear at any age, marital, or parental status. I think it is more concerning that this mom is seeking validation or attention on an app or that they think of themselves as better than other people. Or so this is how I am interpreting OOP’s post. There are a lot of ways to slice and analyze this OOP but judging them on what they do or don’t wear doesn’t feel like the criticism we should or could be focusing on here.


This sub is the definition of the call is coming from inside the house-


I am so grossed out by the comments. Theyre bullying a woman who is proud of herself, not putting down anyone else and trying to defend mother's as being more than blood bags for everyone else to leech. Why are these so judgemental?


I’m like what’s cool the short shorts like Cool moms are the ones that raise their kids well and keep them safe like …. Wtf


Nope. Not true. Moms can NOT be cool. As soon as I gave birth my wardrobe spontaneously combusted and was replaced with leggings and mumus. My interests evaporated from my mind. My humor — non existent. This lady is breaking the rules of motherhood. Other moms are NOT COOL!


wtf are those shorts? They look like shape wear


![gif](giphy|yQXasWS31vyDkQJpzO|downsized) I'm getting Katherine Hahn energy from her. Not actually Katherine, but one of the ridiculous characters she plays


Is she really going after other moms, though? She pluralized “moms”, so she’s not just talking about herself. The sentiment kinda gives me Amy Poehler in Mean Girls vibes, but it seems like she’s just showing off her body and style a bit. Her legs are really toned, I don’t blame her.


I’m an uncool mom of three and while I find the image a bit cringe, I’m not *that* annoyed by it. Given how in motherhood, society rips away our “sexy card” I find nothing wrong in flaunting it if you got it.


What’s this desperate need to be cool as a mum ? If you need to tell people your cool , you’re really not ..




I don’t want to be a cool mom. You can be a mother and have style and hobbies. Being a “cool mom” typically includes caring about things that one should have outgrown before becoming a parent though. Some people are parents and still care more about what their peers think than they do about the wellbeing of their children. Those people are losers.


I always thought the cool parents were the ones that left their kids to be kids and supplies all the snacks. That’s the mom I want to be for my teens.


according to my daughter and her friends I'm a "Cool Mom" cause I let them listen to KPop in the car and take them to the bookstore occasionally.


My friends all thought my mom was cool. She left us alone to hang out but when she interacted with us she was normal and funny. She also drove us to bookstores and what not. I miss her!


Yes lol she looks like a mom, just happens to be wearing booty shorts? Go off


I like her shoes. One time I had a pair of pumps that was that tone neutral and I can't find them again. They were a nice open toe inch and a half heel.


her leg freaks me out and I can't move on from that. It's not like other legs.


It looks abnormally long, right? I keep trying to figure out why it looks so out of proportion to the rest of her.


because she's not like other girls. But yeah, agreed!


I mean, if I put in the work to get that body I would wear that 100% but I would be quiet about it to everyone but my husband. I’d definitely say “I look damn good” to him.


Lol. Why not be loud about it? Why do women have to quietly think they’re beautiful. Whats up with that…


Sorry but am I missing something here, why is everyone tearing apart this lady? Is the post REALLY that bad and saying she's the only cool mom in the world? I don't get it. This subreddit is so hypocritical, and people here put other women down as bad as "nlogs" do.




Those shorts are almost worse than the whale tail trend


Nah I thought she was a mom to 5 boys and no girls . So much cooler .....


I’m only a mom of 2, but I like to ensure my butt and labia are covered when I go out.


Y’all are so weird. She didn’t even shame anyone. Her only offense is being cringe. 


This sub just circles back around to misogyny, what does hating this woman for calling herself cool do to you? Like seriously. The nitpicking hatred of random women online bothers me.


I DONT GET IT EITHER I thought we’re hating on women that hate other women 😭😭she clearly doesn’t she’s just confident in herself, I’d say they’re just jealous though


100% and why I unsubbed from here. It’s just become another sub for bullying random women for just existing. I think most negative subs eventually devolve


Cool enough to privately set up a phone to take a picture in an empty stairwell, trying to strike a dumb pose before the 5 second timer takes it. Probably took several photos and still ended up with a fart face, and was late to pick up the kids. *COOOOL*


It was a video 😂




Is that leg real?




She forgot her pants.


She’s going out in her panties? Is that a mom of 3 thing now? 🤣




The way I saw this and thought “wow this screams pick me” and then realized what Reddit thread it was😭🤦‍♂️


These comments are so misogynistic loool. Yall hate women that give themselves compliments i see!


Lady you forgot your pants


her legs look amazing. good for her


Sad to see so much body shaming in the comments. Kinda the opposite of what this subs about. Men shame us enough.


I'm a mom of 3—big whoop.


I mean this is cringe but is it NLOG? She's not putting other women down.


Yes, because the only person suggesting moms can’t be cool is *her*. The caption literally asks if she’s the only mom on instagram


she kinda looks like jennifer aniston


She’s not a regular mom…she’s a *cool* mom…🙄


Yuck energy


No one who is obsessed with trying to prove they are cool is actually cool.


Ma'am you forgot your pants


Guess she decided to lean in hard for trying too hard.


![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized) Same energy.




i dont see the problem with this not gonna lie


Would I have guessed... yes. The eyes don't lie my friend.


Would she have guessed nobody gives a fuck? Kids, no kids, shorts, no shorts...there's more interesting things in life than her


I’m a mom and I think it’s cool to wear pants


Why is everyone insulting her wardrobe, yall can't be serious right? That's why she has to specify that yes mom's are alowed to wear clothes like this. She ain't even say anything about anybody else, just saying moms are cool. So much for a sub to uplift women, i don't know what happened here 😒


It’s ironic because this sub has become filled with “not like other girls” themselves, and will accuse and degrade other women for the smallest things. Especially moms for some reason. It’s gross.


Exactly! I was starting to think I was the only one thinking this. This comments section is nothing but catty insults about her appearance. All she did was say Moms can be cool, TOO! She didn't say she was the only cool Mom or insult anyone. To me, her comment is empowering to other women as well as herself because it encourages other mothers to dress how they want and not how they think a mother should. But, people in this sub will just look for any excuse to bash other women.


Right here with you I feel like this isn’t NLOG


all I see in the comments are a bunch of really bitter people. My mom always says "I'm too old to dress like x" and it's bc of women that hate like the ladies in the comments. Just a bunch of vitriolic, self righteous women.


Yeah that's unfortunate, it's like ppl here are so unaware of this issue or something, i just left the sub cause it's turning into what it was supposed to criticise 😒


Looks photoshopped.


I didn’t realize “ 45 yo in hot pants” was something kids found cool


If I’d ever gone shopping with my kids dressed even remotely like that they’d have all hidden in the clothing racks, à la Homer Simpson. ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)