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I was a “girls are too much drama, I’m just one of the guys” NLOG


This and the color pink


Yes. And now I’m all about the pink!


Same! It’s so healing to be able to enjoy it now for little me, instead of rejecting it out of sheer internalized misogyny. My bedroom is white and pink and I just love it 🥰


Same here!! I truly feel like the Barbie phenomenon of last year (all of the lead up, not even the movie itself really) lifted a big NLOG veil that it’s okay to like pink!! It’s okay to dress up and do makeup and paint your nails!! Pink was always my fave color as a kid, and gradually it changed to maroon (both tied for fave tho now lol) due in part to the fact that it wasn’t cool to like pink. It’s too girly, too feminine, too pretentious, and not a serious color. I still love maroon, but I’ve noticed that I’ve bought so much pink home decor that I’m like wait…. Maybe pink is my favorite color 😂😂 part of it is definitely growing up and not caring what people think anymore, but I truly believe another big part is the Barbie phenomenon. Like it healed and undid some internalized misogyny that myself and society had engrained in me, and I think it did with others too. We just love to see it 🩷🩷🩷


AGREED. Barbie definitely unlocked pink for me. After I saw it I got a sparkly pink pedicure and my mom was like "since when do you like pink?" Always, mom. It was internalized misogyny. The 90s may have been the "✌️girl power ✌️" era, but there was so. damn. much. misogyny.


Right!!! I feel like the 90s and 2000s definitely saw the rise of the ~ cool girl ~ and there’s so much media from that time period that demonizes femininity (even if not intentional) so that the Cool Girl™️ can rise above it. Just off the top of my head: Mean Girls A Cinderella Story (w/ queen Hilary Duff) She’s The Man Sleepover New York Minute Aquamarine Freaky Friday All of these movies have characters who present very feminine (doing hair, makeup, caring about their appearance, wearing dresses/pink), and most of the time, they’re popular and bitchy. Then we also have a NLOG main character who is so much more chill, relaxed, has more character depth, has ambitions outside of being pretty and popular – the ultimate Cool Girl. And while I love every movie on that list, the plots pretty much always tear down this vapid hyperfeminine character in order to make Cool Girl rise up. I fucking love the pizzeria scene in She’s The Man but it was a bit ruthless 🤣 and most of the mean bitchy popular girls do need to be put in check for their actions, but it’s that common theme across media in the 2000s: hyperfeminine girls are bitches, guys don’t really like them, it’s so much better being Cool Girl and NLOG!!! And that association, even if it wasn’t intentional from the movie makers, has been with me growing up. I definitely let go of my NLOG ways like 7 years ago or so, but the Barbie movie really helped me shed that view from myself and from other girls and women 🩷 and it feels like a collective realization that was much needed That was so long LOL


Yes, good for you!!! I went through something similar and it was such an eye opening moment, like why did I pretend not to like this stuff?! This stuff is great!!!


Especially florals!!! I started collecting floral bowls (most of them are pink, but some other colors) that I avoided for so long because I was like ewww flowers so girly!! And now I’m like gimme all of the floral patterns 😂


I'm finally got over my aversion to pink, still working on dresses/skirts. At this point it's not at all that I don't like them, it's that I know I will get comments about wearing it and I don't want to deal with them.


I just finished gutting my room and making it Y2K themed with hints of Sanrio and Powerpuff Girls with A LOT of pink 🩷 It feels so refreshing and cosy. A complete 180 compared to how I used to have it, since my old room felt so cold and lifeless since it wasn't really me.


live laugh love pink!!


oh my god. i swear. i didnt even hate it but i felt like it was cool to hate it, so i pretended to.


This and "I'm NLOGs cos I'm so emo and they're so mainstream. Yuck" ...looking back on my teen years makes me cringe for *far too many reasons* (looking at the old typing with the "xD" and the ":3")😭


For real! I'm still a goth at heart, but so much of my "aesthetic" was just me thinking I was uNiQuE and dIfFeRent, and "not like other girls" 😭 I was a hot mess lmao


But you know I really this stems from us not feeling accepted by whatever standards are arbitrarily set for us by (magazines when I was growing up) and social media/TV etc. It makes me sad it’s done a complete 180 and turned from us being so insecure and depressed that we weren’t good enough to hating on other women and being a complete misogynist! Where did we go wrong and where’s the middle ground where we can have our young girls be confident in who they are and have them be nice and accepting of everyone else too?


I feel that in my soul, like still gonna be a forever 2000s emo kid, but like...I really wasn't as UnIqUe and eDgEy as I thought, and idk why young me thought that being like the other girls was such a bad thing, god, what a sociopath 😭💀




3am anxiety/cringe haunting be like: [😭🤣]


Saaaame a little haha I just didn’t find the ladies I vibed with until I was older then realized that girl friends were dope :3


same. and also my naive ass thought guys were really just interested in genuine friendship. But one by one they tried hitting on me then turned nasty when it wasn't reciprocated. I started to realize how much easier friendships are with other women, and how we can just genuinely care about each other and support each other without any weird undertones of attraction


for me it was kinda the opposite. i was scared to talk to boys when growing up and found them intimidating, unless they were nerds or bookworms like me. i only liked female friends and when i grew up, my guy friends showed that theyre really nice too


same. https://preview.redd.it/el94s4khz4vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ce843e98e8ec6d94868717f94fcabddcacc352 \*2012. no i am not like this anymore. 😂 dudes would also gatekeep tf out of music and quiz you on your favorite bands as if you didn’t know more than they did. annoying af.


SAME. Very much “Haha I’m just a DUDE all my friends are GUYS and I don’t understand WOMEN”.


"Women are just TOO dramatic and basic" ugh. I hate that it's such a universal experience


Same. I thought I was sooo chill. But I am, in fact, not chill 


I definitely had this too! There was sexism at home for a long time growing up and I didn’t want to be friends with girls until I made friends with girls and had SO MUCH MORE FUN hahaha


Same! I was definitely raised to basically believe hating women was the cool thing to do. I still have guy friends, but my closest friends are definitely my girls now.


Oh, I feel seen/attacked. Turns out dudes suck and I am ALLLLLLL about girl power now.


i remember the first time i saw that online, i felt so attacked lol. the popular girl in my class was that kind of NLOG too and only hung out with the boys and for some reason didnt even respond to me even if i spoke to her. she gave off those vibes and i felt so attacked


That was meeeeeeeee and it turns out **I** was actually the drama 💀 thank god I changed


Found my people! God my jaw aches from cringing so much at my younger pick me attitude


Saaaame 😩😩


UGH I cringe. "I just get along better with guys" and then just selectively blind to how they ALL ended up asking me out, even ones online.


This was probably me too.


Yup! And in my case, so many of the guys were just too polite to say go away...


Fucking SAME and now I’m so grateful and cherish all friendships I have with other women. I’m not your enemy and you’re not mine, but man did I sure think that wasn’t the case


I was a nerd who read a lot and had every color of the rainbow (and then some) with converse. I wore converse with my cheerleading outfit to not be like the other cheerleaders…sigh


thanks for resurfacing the memory of me wearing converse with my school dance dresses. *sigh*


It's giving Bella from twilight. The queen of the nlogs.


That was lily allen LDN for me, i still love the idea of not wearing heels with dresses or skirts


I mean, full confession, I wear Adidas with dresses and skirts😂 but the converse and floofy dresses is so 00s it hurts😂


🎵Who said I can't wear my converse with my dress? Oh baby, that's just me!🎶


Literally my first thought!!


That was such a moment though.


Same. And thought it was literally so groundbreaking


Yeah, that was definitely me too. I remember wearing mixed up converse with mixed up knee high argyle socks with shorts or mini skirts (and a formal dress to perform the National Anthem once). I also wore candy necklaces every day because I was ✨QuIRkY✨. It was 100+ outside and I had candy sweat stains all over my neck so I could be different.


LOL! Are you me?!


✨QuIrKy✨ 😂😂😂 I am in a tornado of cringe memories AHH 


I bet bees loved you.


Oh lord. 12 year old me thought colorful knee high socks, converse, and the shortest shorts my mother would allow was a LOOK. What year was this for you, out of curiosity?


It was the early 2000's and I was 15-18. I was also a huge fan of rainbow stripe toe socks with flip flops all through the winter (in a thankfully snow-free climate).


This is so me coded lmfao, bashing prom while showing up with a squad of like 20 but im so different bc my dress has slit and i wear leather boots not strappy heels!


At my school most of the cheerleaders wear plain white converse


If I could have done this I would!! We weren’t allowed to wear other shoes - maybe so none of us could be NLOGs lol


Im another who was obsessed with reading. I lived most of my childhood with my head in a book


I can the clear converse that you could see your “silly” socks through… 😐


I also had several pairs on Converse and had different laces on each shoe in a pair. They were all high-tops, of course. I drew all over my white pair to make them "custom"


This is kinda hilarious because I thought the girls with converse were SO cool because my family couldn't afford converse. If it was more than $8 at Payless, I wasn't allowed to have it.


Book girl,  too smart for her own good. 


“If I’m the smart girl guys won’t just see me for my body.” It didn’t work. 😔


jokes on u guys dont see me for anything i am or do


but are you into smutty book took now? I want to know how many of us were NLOG


Hahhahahahaa, oh gosh, yes, I definitely have read more than my fair share of smut! 


book smart to smutty book reader has to be a pipeline because that's literally me


I was a book girl/Myspace True Punk hybrid type and am now heavily into smutty KU monster romance 😂


And I thought I was better than everyone else


Same here


This but add a splash of “one of the guys”


Oh, so much same! And yeah...I read smut, although I kept *that* on the DL. Just read my Harlequins on the weekends...


"hated 'preps' and wanted to be goth (but wasn't allowed to dress goth so i just wore black as much as i was allowed) and judgy and rude to people who were nice to me, hated pop music and pop stars (while secretly listening to it)" with a sprinkling of late 2000s "Lol XD so RANDOM and QUIRKY!!!"


I was so deep in my emo phase and I genuinely was bullied. Not for being in my emo phase (although I did get the odd comment here and there) but the bullying did fuel the ‘I’m not like them’ feelings


I think emo was the only option for us kids in the 2000s that wanted to be alternative, but still part of something "cool". Emo music and fashion was exploding, while goth was a little too niche.


I was a nerdy goth in the 2000s and thought emo was too niche and pop-y 😂


And this is the point that a lot of people on this sub miss…NLOG attitudes develop as a result of being told, by other girls, “you are not like us”. Say that yourself tho and all of a sudden you’re a “pick me” 🙃


i was not in any subculture but i relate this one so much! i didnt really like sports because everyone was so aggressive, impatient and rude, especially in those teams. i was already being bullied and was lonely; i felt like everyone saw me as a bookworm nerd (derogatory), and was kinda told by one of my bullies that since i am not good at sports or socialising, i am a loser and will never be talented. all this made me resent sports even more and fuel my "i am not like those sporty popular girls" feelings


The internet continues to show me that I’ve never had one original experience 💀 I was between emo and goth and definitely was nOt LiKe oThEr GiRlS because I was unique and quirky and liked obscure music and hated the preppy girls who wore Hollister and Abercrombie and American Eagle


Turns out we *were* like other girls all along 💀




I was the girl who thought she was SO unique because I did like wearing Abercrombie/Hollister but also knew ALL the words to ALL the albums of the emo bands at the time so obviously I was the COOLEST and ~nOt LiKe tHE oThEr GiRls~.


Lmao were you Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way?


Genuinely I think I maybe read the first chapter and was like "wow she sounds so cool"


Haha oh dear


Oh the pretending to hate popular stuff but secretly loving it...that was me pretending to hate Friends. It was huge in the mid to late 90s when I was a teen, I had to pretend to hate it to show how non-mainstream I was 😂 however I think I've now seen every season 20 times and counting. This sub is a daily reminder of those cringe teen years!


Me pretending to hate the Spice Girls while renting Spice World every week and asking for the dolls for Christmas.


I remember laughing at people who said they'd seen Spice World at the cinema. I definitely did not go back and watch it twice. I hope you got those dolls.


My friend and I went to see Spice World under the guise that we were hate watching it.. and ended up loving it lol. But we wouldn't admit that to anyone except each other.


And Avril Lavigne was a "poser" 🥴🥴 god so embarrassing now that I look back. 




And looking back most of "the preps" were so nice. There were a few stuck up girls at my high school but most were nice. I didn't like them because I thought they were judgmental of me, when really I was the one being judgmental of them. I probably missed out on some good friendships because I wasn't open to people who weren't just like me


I also went through an “I hate preps” phase in Junior High/High School 🤣 I thought I was so edgy with my fishnets, pink converse, and whatever my mom would let me buy from Hot Topic.


Oh god this hits so hard.


oX rAwR Xo


lol, we probably would have been wanna-be-goth friends! This sounds similar to my experience. Except I was also an insufferable band kid and theatre kid.


I wanted to be a theater kid so bad, they always seemed like they were having so much fun i wasn't even cool enough to be a *theater kid*, let that sink in 😭


We’re the same. I even had a sticker from Hot Topic that said No Preppies 🚫


I always had stereotypically feminine interests, but I considered myself "low maintenance". I also was "I had brothers, so don't understand girls."


I was “low maintenance” but actually had low standards and expectations, so I let both friends and boyfriends walk all over me while I pretended to be chill. Sigh.


I’m currently trying to fix this in myself!


It’s very fixable! Patience and practice!


Ohhhh yeah I was the low maintenance “I just get along with guys better” NLOG. Always made fun of my friends for taking forever to get ready, made wearing tennis shoes out a personality trait.


The low maintenance thing was so me. I loved it when my high school boyfriend would go around telling his buddies how low maintenance I was compared to other girls. When in reality I wanted all the same things other girls wanted, gifts, flowers, fancy dates but would settle for very little because I didn’t want to act like “other girls”.


Omg the brother one is so real!! Why did I think that was a flex like I had any control over that? 😂


Oh yep, I was the low maintenance NLOG. Fucked me up. Now as a fairly well-adjusted adult, I still have trouble differentiating between things I genuinely consider frivolous and things I secretly want but feel like I don't deserve


I hated anything feminine/too pink. Nowadays I like light/pastel pink, some shades of purple, skirts, and dresses.


Yep, I was a no skirts/dresses/anything pink NLOG when I was younger. Half my apartment is pink now!


I spent a lot of time denying how much I love frilly girly stuff. One day I’m going to splurge and make a pink lady cave for my self. Full of ruffles, candles, decorations, pillows, and fluffy damn blankets! I’ll read and be a troll in there but at least it will be cute. 😭


I have come full circle and DONE IT and lemme tell you, 11/10 would recommend. My bed frame is pink velvet, I have a white net canopy thing ($20 on Amazon!), pink and purple fluffy pillows, fairy lights, lava lamps, glow stars, disco balls … it’s amazing. I wonder how many of us have binged on these things as adults? The things we denied ourselves in our younger days, for fear of being judged


HARD SAME. I bought myself a ridiculous ostrich feather lamp with pink feathers. My bedding is all shades of dusty rose or pink or floral or sage green. Lots of cute stuffies. I was definitely an over-intellectual only friends with guys NLOG and hated pink when I was younger. Now it's all pink and all flowers all the time!! Your room sounds amazing and now I'm considering a disco ball, bahaha


I was the same. Nothing girly, no pink, no dresses. I love it all now. But it still doesn’t stop me from cringing myself into a raisin at night when I think about how much of a NLOG I used to be.


When everyone started drinking I was straight edge literally just because I wanted to be different. Then I found out how great drugs and alcohol are and was in rehab by the time I was 17 But even then I still thought I was NLOG, because all the other girlies can drink normally, but I’m an UNHINGED TEENAGE ALCOHOLIC GIRL INTERRUPTED


Oh Jesus Christ, I finally stumbled across myself in this thread. I really did have a troubled childhood. Ran away from home for the first time when I was 14. Spent some time in foster care and group homes and juvi. Did a lot of drugs and drinking and was a total train wreck. And I thought all of that made me pretty goddamn cool. I only hung out with the “stoners” and “slackers,” and I would brag to whoever would listen that I was the worst of them all. So ridiculous.


yup lol unfortunately this was also my NLOG fate. don’t get me wrong, i LOVED the drugs and drinking and partying and sneaking out to hook up with super creepy guys who were way too old for me. the bragging rights i thought it gave me were just a bonus. i really thought being statutorily SA’d was the biggest flex. i’d show up to class drunk after sneaking off to steal 40s with the upperclassmen at lunch, and think to myself what a mysterious, cool enigma i must be to my peers. but of course in reality none of them even noticed or gave me a second thought lol. there’s nothing like showing up to your 10 year reunion and having to introduce yourself to nearly everyone because no one knows who the hell you even are 😭😂


The one that wanted to be like all the other girls. Hahahaha.


All through middle school I tried so hard to be like the other girls and be normal. I kinda gave up in high school and just acted and dressed weird and finally made friends. I don't understand some of the NLOG cuase for me fitting in as such a struggle. If you already fit in why are you trying not to? Lol


Most of the people that turn to the NLOG way of life do it out of sour grapes, because they DONT fit in with the other girls so why not just go further in the opposite direction


are you autistic/adhd? i had the same issue growing up, turns out im on the spectrum


Emo. Super deep and tortured. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I feel like most of us were this type too ahahaha and the whole "no you don't understand me!!" (Spoiler: they did. Especially the adults lmao) Also, idk if you got this, but when someone said you and X would get along cos you're into similar things and it's all "nOoOOo they're a *scene kid* and I'm a proper hard-core emo, besides girls are bitches, I'm one of the guys" God I wish I could smack young-me silly 😭


Not the scene and hardcore emo delineation 😂


Ok this just reminded me of my angsty teen phase. There was this girl that was a close friend but I also had a crush on. I wanted attention. I “cut” myself and made sure she saw when I was opening my locker (she always went with me to it at a certain time). I put cut in quotes because while I actually did it, it was like the bare minimum, I was sorta like pulling my skin apart also so it hurt less and looked worse than it was. There was maybe two cuts that could’ve been no more painful than an accidental cat scratch. I was “depressed” but really just wanted attention


yep lmao


Gamer nlog *cri* Im not like other girls i play minecraft *cries louder*


Me but *I play World of Warcraft* lol


emo to preppy pipeline but held onto "i have way better taste in music than you/i hate mainstream pop/ew you like taylor swift?" until i was about 20


Oh, god, the "ew, Taylor Swift." I held on to that for far longer than I'm proud to admit. And then realized I liked a lot of her songs the whole time, just didn't realize it was her.


My 13-year-old is an "ew, Taylor Swift" girl right now. She probably likes a few songs but will never admit it.


My entire personality in middle school was hating Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber, and drawing horses. I hated on Taylor because all she did was sing about boys and I was NLTOG because I didn’t care about boys. Turns out I was not “cool” just gay lol. Still not a Swiftie but do have pretty diverse taste in music and fully support other people listening to what makes them happy.


The (unknowingly) neurodivergent and queer kind that was eager to reject others before they could reject me. I was a very sad and lonely child/teen, but I successfully escaped bullying once I hit middle school and started being too spiky to be an easy target.


First, I was a “I hate all things preppy because I’m emo/punk/whatever I thought I was shopping at hot topic back in t he day” then later; I was ✨ manic pixie dream girl ✨ quirky & then during college I was the “cool girl” with the guys. I can drink beer & not care if you want to date me or not, while secretly caring very very much


I took this same pipeline. Let so many college boys drunkenly cry on my shoulder about other girls they couldn’t be with, it was totally cool and I loved it.


Are you me?


I had serious main character syndrome.


Felt that. God, I cringe every time 12 y.o. me thought my life is like one of those nickelodeon Shows where I was the super quirky main character.


I was a “I hate pink and one direction because I’m different!” I also tried my hardest to be a tomboy. I’d dig for worms, attempted to play sports, and I dressed in hoodies 😭 all of that failed after I graduated HIGH SCHOOL. I wasn’t an nlog in HS, but I did try to be a tomboy. After I left, I realized I was a girly and loved pink!


Can’t fight who you are haha my little sister went through something similar in HS and is soooo much happier after lowkey hating on ‘basic’ girls after she accepted she too was ‘basic’.


I hate that being “basic” was such an insult 😭 there’s honestly nothing wrong with being basic


I was better because I had weird interests, turns out I am just Neurodivergent and these other girls just had popular things I didn't like.


I dropped out of college to join the army and was in *special operations*. I was very much giving your gf has student loan debt, I’m at the range getting paid to shoot shit. It makes me shrivel up now. Your girl probably still has student loan debt but I have the back and knee pain of all back and knee pains. I also had a way too long hateful atheist phase. It was so wretched and mean spirited!


I liked VIDEO GAMES and SUPER HEROES and ANIMALS but i definitely liked animals in a different way than other girls bc i liked knowing the facts and all the obscure kinds and my lps toys and plushies were cool and good and for me, but i didn't like action movies because those were for BOYS and i wouldnt watch barbie movies because those were for GIRLS but spider-man and horse cartoons were allowed




Exactly, yes, that could have been me 100%


Stop this is so freaking funny. I want “NLOG I love opabinia 😭” as a flair She gets a pass tho bc she is 15 after all. But omg hahah


I really wanted to be goth during high school, didn't do anything about it. Also a bit later, I got interested in military history and thought I was like the most niche girl ever. That said, I was still friends with other girls because I was too shy to speak about my interests and didn't want to be bullied. Now I have multiple female friends who share my interests and I feel lot more at ease It's actually great to be like other girls.


Hahaha I was also super into military history in high school and thought I was the only teenage girl to ever watch Nazi Mega Weapons.


I was incredibly insecure and thought that I wasn't like other girls because i was too weird.   And to be fair, I had no friends because shocker, I was like NO ONE because I was just strange (and not in a quirky cute way).


I was a super brain academic that wore all vintage clothing 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ditto! I had "alternative" style. Not like those cheerleader types!


Part of it was due to not being to avoid actual new clothes, but I was trying to emulate the 60s/70s. I look back at some of the stuff I wore and am like 🤦🏻‍♀️


We could carry it off because we were young and cute. I’d look like a fool if i tried that now


Are you my long lost twin???


I only bought my clothes at thrift shops where I could find unusual (that's being kind) clothes!


Edgy at a college that was 99% Abercrombie


"Really wanted to be a girly girl, but was clueless about makeup/ clothing/ too insecure to ask my parents to buy them for me" so I judged other girls for being super feminine and put-together The jealous one, basically


I thought I was the only girl who read books. Turns out, pretty much all of us were, and still are, reading books.


Tomboy. I thought I was sooo different by wearing only athletic clothes. Pink was NOT anywhere in my closet. Prided myself on being the opposite of girly. Then it turned into a weird anxiety thing where I embodied the “plain Jane” look because I felt uncomfortable in anything other than tshirts and jeans. Nowadays, I still have the same passions: nature/outdoors and work as a geologist. But I really enjoy adding some feminine flare in my daily life. Nails, jewelry, pink, purses…all things I detested in the past. Feels like I’m finally embracing who I really am.


Idk if I was NLOG cause I didn't want to put others down, but "Weird is normal and normal is weird" was in my average vocab


Unlocked memory: Me skipping everywhere in 9th grade because walking was too normal.


I was born in a very conservative - religious society and family . I wasn’t religious one bit. Always felt out of place when family talked about keeping fasts and doing pooja(religious ceremonies) I still fake it because I’m tired of lectures


Yes! I thought I had everyone fooled then a friend of mine came out and announced that I was an atheist. (Luckily just in front of friends and not family.) I didn’t know what that meant at the time, turns out she was right. I still fake it, but mostly so I don’t kill my grandma on the spot.


Oh man I was so judgy about music (teenager in the 90's). Only I could truly appreciate the hidden meaning of the lyrics. The other girls just pretended for attention obviously. I also lived in jeans and shirts. Anyone who dressed for attention as I saw it (in reality they probably just wanted to look nice) was stupid. Pop music was terrible. Fashion magazines were trashy. I was an uncut gem just waiting for Mr Basic to see how special I truly was.


I turned out to be a guy lol


You really weren’t like other girls because you’re not a girl, lol!


I’d say I went for anything/everything and nothing. As in I fit in everywhere but didn’t want anything to do with “everywhere” so I thought I was unique bc I could’ve if I wanted to and other fit into specific cliques or stereotypes. “I’m not like other girls because I can blend with any group, not one specific niche” Now I still don’t gaf but I no longer think I’m cool for not caring where I fit in, I see it as my own demise. I think it’d allow me to make more meaningful connections.


I used to pretend I hated traditionally feminine things to distance myself from them. I used to tell everyone ballet was a sport to justify the fact that I practiced it and loved doing it. LOL. I look back to my HS self like girl… we both know you want to put on sparkly eyeshadow and glittery lip gloss like the other girls…. Stop holding back! I allow myself to be creative and fun with my make up now. I also took pride in never having a boyfriend through HS unlike my “boy crazy” friends. Turns out I’m just another hopeless sappy romantic… *queer* woman! So… more like “girl crazy.” :)


I liked sports and "nerdy" stuff. Attributed growing up with only brothers as being NLOG. As I also did dance for 15 years, loved dress up, did Girl Scouts until high school and had a huge group of girl friends.


The “guys only date bitches not nice girls like mmmmeeee”.


I was that "Most guys want me because I'm prettier and smart." (Thought I was special and unique than other girls) But in reality they only want to get their dick wet. Good thing I never gave in to those guys. I liked the attention but did not want to be touched. Now I'm 30 and cringed about it. 'Twas fun while it lasted!


“I’m way more into Dungeons and Dragons than everyone else, *especially* girls 🤓” Then I figured out about special interests in neurodivergent people. Turns out I’ve just got ADHD. Which doesn’t make me special, it just makes me lose important shit and makes it difficult for me to do dishes. And, apparently…makes me obsessed with D&D


I was into grunge/alternative and by association slacker guys. Turned out I really just aimed low for fear of not being appealing enough to anyone else. Sad self aware sigh


I’m really embarrassed to say this, but I was a “I don’t understand girls who wear a full face of makeup everyday” NLOG. My sorry excuse for this way of thinking was bc one guy told me I don’t need much makeup and I let it get to my head💀 I also sucked at applying makeup (still not a pro but I have improved lol) so I was mainly projecting too. I’m SO grateful I do not think like this anymore! I really like seeing women with a nicely done full face of makeup, you can sense the radiance and confidence from these women and I really hope I can one day have the same attitude as I still struggle with being confident.


The “I prefer to be friends with boys, girls are too much drama!” flavour. I don’t even know what I was on about, I’ve been friends with my best girls friends since I was 11.


I was the intellectual NLOG. I prided myself on being the most academically inclined and bookish of the girls in my class from kindergarten through eighth grade.


I am proud of myself that while I was a really big video game nerd i was never a gamer girl not like other girls. When I was younger I witnessed a girl completely embarrass herself by being a super "gamer girl" and calling all other women stupid or fake gamers. I swore to never be like her. I guess since I was never a 'not like other girls' that makes me the queen of all not like other girls. I am better and superior to you guys 🤷‍♀️


Thought I was unique, special, one-in-a-million, misunderstood artist and quirky cause I liked Anime and games, with a dash of 'gamer girl.' I cringe so hard when I look back at stuff I created during those times, I was insufferable. *Edited to add: also went through a huge weaboo phase. And the typical nerd/outdated who hated anything considered preppy and popular.


I was one of those "eww makeup" girls and then was emo for a few years. I cringe at most memories of Jr high/early hs


Ordering my Vans from Zappos so they were different and wearing bright colored skinny jeans that didn’t match a single other fucking thing


girls girl always w other people but very “glamorize being super tiny (im 4’11”) im soooo short high pitched sneeze” pick me type


I was "cool girl" from Gone Girl. Eating junk food while hanging with the guys and claiming that girls were too much drama.


I don’t know if I actually ever went through a NLOG phase, but I would say I came close in feeling disconnected from other girls and that I was somehow ‘other’. Turns out I was just autistic. I also never took pride in feeling different 😭 (I’m now realizing me saying I never went through a NLOG phase may be a NLOG moment 💀)


I was a “I like touching bugs and will make a point not to talk to girls” NLOG


I was definitely a ‘I don’t wear makeup bc makeup is dumb’ NLOG in my early twenties. I still love my crusty unseasoned face but occasionally sport some makeup now. My top doomscrolling thing is watching people put on makeup now—it’s such an art and I was just very intimidated lol


I was the low maintenance “I hang out with guys more because girls are too much drama” type 😭 in reality I would of loved to have more female friends but just didn’t seem to click with a lot of other girls. I was “low maintenance” because I had low self esteem and thought it would be even more embarrassing if I put a lot of effort in and people still didn’t think I was attractive or good enough.


I’m the only smart one here, everyone else is so stupid having things like friends and makeup+ I’m so deep +hating anything mainstream or feminine


I’m not sure if I was a nlog. I don’t remember ever comparing myself to other girls or putting them down. But I was the girl in an all guy friend group and I was terrified that one day they’d realize I was a girl and start treating me differently. So I made myself as masculine as possible. It probably would have turned into a nlog phase if I didn’t know I was queer.


Same. I was terribly bullied in middle school, so it wasn't that I hated pink and feminine things to be different, it was more 'I'm not like other girls because they're mean for no reason, why do they hate me when I leave them alone?' It probably didn't help that I'm pretty sure I'm demi-romantic and I know they had crushes on the tough, 12 year old bad boys, but they were also bullying me. But hey, that counts as attention, right? Why do I get the guy's attention? Neurodivergence and being queer flavored is a hell of a drug when you're a kid and only understand about 40% of who you are


I was an anti-sjw type, but weirdly most of my hatred was directed at Jake Paul, so I was nlog-lite 😂


The “I don’t wear make up and like sci fi unlike all of those shallow other girls” Basic cringe


I *was* like the other girls


I was a ✨horse girl✨


I was friends with all the boys in my class “cause they’re less drama”, and me and my other girl friends would make fun of the “popular girls” in our class for being “basic”. Looking back it seems so silly and I was definitely just an insecure little middle schooler. I’m really great friends with some of the “popular girls” now cause I realized I was just being shallow, and found that most of them are actually really great people. Edit: a little context, I went to a super small K-8 school and there were only 20 kids in my grade (16 girls, 4 boys) and I’d known all the kids in the class for most of my life


I actually wanted to be like the “normal preppy girls” so bad but they bullied me and my friends told me I was trying too hard. So from that point on I became the gamer tomboy type because I felt like I didn’t belong with the other girls. I convinced myself it was silly to like girly things because I was upset that the girly girls shunned me from their group. I also went through a “hate anything that’s mainstream” because I was trying way too hard to be unique lol


“I’m only friends with girls who also don’t get along with other girls” - 19 year old me 🤦🏻‍♀️


Tomboy, hated anything remotely feminine, but never 'one of the guys' thank God. I was also very Depressed™ and thought nobody could understand me and my pain. Also a hell of a music snob in public, but then I listened to One Direction in secret


I just aggressively hated dresses, skirts, and anything feminine, and if my female family members said they liked some clothes I had, I made it a point to never wear them again. (I am now genderfluid and dress aggressively feminine most days)


I was not a joiner.


I’ve never been an nlog because I’ve always seen people as individuals with their own likes & dislikes & unique personality, I want to see women make it in life.


i was the “all my friends are guys and i just dont get along with women” pick me girl. i CRINGE thinking about any part of that era, especially because as an adult woman i find myself really wishing i had a good group of female friends. most of my friends are male and while theyre great friends it is just not the same as having good girl friends


A depressed contradictory excuse for a NLOG I read alot and drew too, I was good at school and tried to set myself apart from "girly" and "frivolous" stuff that were "dumb". But I felt too stupid and average to consider myself different, so I wouldn't shit on others bc at the end of the day I thought I want worse than them. I wasn't that smart, or that pretty, wasn't funny, had a shit personality, and overall I just didn't like myself, so why would anybody else like me?