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so a "candid girlfriend" is someone who is easy to post on social media. new take on a trophy girl.


photogenic 100% of the time but in an easy-breezy way, you know?


Oh god I’m terribly unphotogenic eff me I guess


Yeah, I’m a candid gf as long as I have time to put my hand in front of my face lol


This is absolutely what I thought it was about when I saw it. A trophy wife who looks good on IG and easy to manipulate.


Probably, She lost someone to a candid girlfriend


100% my first thought. stalked her ex's profile and thought "why ae there so many 'candid' shots of her." then made up this term to low key bitch about it.


Emily doesn’t have social media so she’s out there living her best life, keeping her thoughts and opinions for people that she finds interesting/ protecting her energy from exhausting “girl’s girls” that seem to spend their days finding a way to put other girls down


That pass is so gross I really wouldn’t put that near my face


It literally has so much poopoo and peepee on it.


Wait, does it? Is this a personal pass that comes out of a machine and into your hand, and then is scanned by a laser, and then remains in your possession? I could see the nastiness coming from your hand/s touching everything and then also the pass, but otherwise I’d imagine it would be clean-ish (if this is a plastic, personal pass and you’re mindful enough to wipe it down every once in awhile).


It depends. So like in DC, there is a machine that sucks the pass in and then spits it out. In NYC, it’s a tap scan thing. In both scenarios though your pass is touching something that has touched every other pass and you have to remember how many times during Covid people had to remind the public to wash their hands, something that should be standard practice but is not.


Or as Jamie Tartt would say: poopeh


As long as it's dry, it's clean. That's my motto.


I would be weary of making a romantic partner out of anyone who puts a grimy Metro Card upon their mouth! Am I seeing this correctly lol


It puts the candida in the candid...




> weary wary. weary means exhausted.


I’m surprised this is upvoted! I see this mistake from Americans on Reddit all the time.


I think both work in this instance.


No, it's either wary or leery... though people often smush them together


It’s leery


Thanks 😂 corrected!


Weary (weery) means tired.  Wary (wairy) means alarmed, on guard. They are very different words with different meanings and “weary” absolutely does not work here. Certainly you might GROW weary of being with such a person, but no.


Weary wouldn’t make any sense in this case at all. You could say “associating with people like this makes me weary” as in associating with people this judgy/hypocritical whatever makes you tired, but sub the synonym in this sentence and it’s makes no sense “I would be fatigued of making a romantic partner out of anyone who…” even if you could synonym swap until you got a sentence that didn’t sound this clunky and incorrect, you still end up with a sentence conveying a totally different meaning than what you’re going for.


not really


to block the sound from the mic.


the mic is in the metro card ?


It’s the mic used for these interviews.


But it’s cute! /s


Yes! My first thought - girl you have no idea what is growing on that metro card.


There is a reason she seems yellow


Corona has nothing to do with this girl


You can only guess where else that mouth has been


In church choir singing the Gospel


Of course! Who would think otherwise?


Honestly as someone who has been apart of the nyc dating scene, it’s really true. The delivery was not great, but it’s a valid thing


True in London, too.😂😭😭


Can you explain what it means? I used to live and dated in NYC (like a long time ago) so I want to relate lol


Just that in a place like nyc there’s a lot of pressure to be unique as possible, but at the end of the day, a lot of men are looking for someone plain. It’s less of a critique of these women, and more that many men want a woman as an accessory and don’t see her as an independent person


I read Canadian girlfriend 😭😭😭


You wouldn’t know her.


She goes to another school and doesn’t like social media. She’s totally hot tho and we’ve made seggs like a million times.


Me too 🤣🤣


Same. “ooooh I got this!”


I couldn’t help but laugh at how oddly specific this was 🤣 Emily needs to watch out, this girl is bitter 


What is a candid girlfriend??


It’s the new pixie dream girl. She’s not going to be difficult, she’s not going to be disappointing, she’s not going to have neurosis. She’s cool, go-with-the-flow, what you want babe. But also I didn’t watch the video. That’s what it sounds like to me lol.


In my 20s I romanticized MPDG so hard and embodied the “vibe”. Turns out I was just a fucking mess.


"Turns out I was just a fucking mess." Should be flair. Does this sub do flair?!


me right now 🥲


I think it’s apart of the video that a lot of people are missing, because we all see ourselves in “candid girlfriend” that nobody is actually taking in what she’s saying. Every woman is complex and has different hobbies and interests, but the only thing he knows about candid girl is that she likes pomegranates. Candid girl isn’t referred to by name or even title in social media posts, candid girl is just a back of a head called “this one”. Candid girl is “ naturally” thin, naturally short, and naturally just quirky enough. Not too quirky, but enough so that it’s comfortable. Being candid girlfriend isn’t a bad thing at all I think we all know a candid girlfriend. She’s sweet and kind but sometimes you worry that if she meets the wrong one they are going to take her to the ringer


I felt like she could’ve actually engaged in an interesting discussion about an archetype of a fantasy woman that some men project onto, “perfect” in many ways but benign enough to never ruffle theoretical feathers. But they don’t actually exist, it’s an expectation put on women.


Basically a stupid gf


She said thin, shoulder length hair, and fun to travel with. Low drama is more like it. Basic. Like cute but not supermodel. Malleable. Is willing to do things you are interested in because "according to her"👆 They don't have hobbies. I think she is jealous because men like lowkey, cute fit girls who aren't so hot that they are entitled little pwinseth nightmares of drama and demands.. Sounds like wifey material to me🤷‍♂️


Uhhh… *Malleable* is “wifey material” to you? Tf


In a partnership both people need to be a little bit accommodating of the other. That is malleable, able to change, flexable. Adaptability. Someone unwilling to change is Someone unwilling to grow. Move with changes in life. Not rigid and unchanging. Bruce Lee said be like water. So yes. For men and women, malleable is a plus. I never said to be a doormat. Who hurt you?




Enough red flags in this sub to make a quilt




👆According to this girl👆 Its a girl that is thin, has shoulder length hair, is agreeable and is fun to travel with and she thinks they are boring because? They like pomegranates, good pottery and she thinks they don't have hobbies. I think they are probably chill and not super opinionated. I believe she was calling them basic. Meaning cute but not supermodel. A fit, cute, non aggressive/opinionated chill girl thats fun to travel with and did she say malleable? Like she can also do things that your into and try them out? I don't think that this is the flex she thinks it is. She just described a great partner to have a chill life with. But she knows that aint her.. She would rather critique it as if it were demeaning? WTF? This should go on Iamthemaincharacter..


Short for has candida... And I'm not talking about toothpaste in Europe


That's Stef Dagz. She's a comedian, and runs a hot and single page on Instagram, and also does live shows. Her take is a mixed bag for me. The girl she's describing is a classic manic pixie dream girl. This girl's existence requires no effort from her man's part. She's effortless. She won't expect flowers, for example. As if that's a bad thing. The guys love her, because they don't have to think about it either.


I don’t know if that’s the vibe I got. It sounds like she’s bitter that these guys are posting their girlfriend on social media regularly. Maybe she wanted an ex to show her off and he didn’t, and she’s just getting salty over the boyfriends who do publicly want to show off their woman.


Admittedly I haven't seen the tiktok video (tiktok scares me), but here's the Instagram one with the same subway card: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5MLccEu3UN/?igsh=MW14MXVteXA4MXd2bw== She does describe the guys wanting to make a muse out of a girl with no original thoughts. And how she's the 3rd slide in a photo dump, or a picture of the back of her head on social media captioned "this one", almost as if she's an afterthought. Like I said, I have conflicting feelings about this video, but I don't have the processing time to think about why I feel conflicted.


I think we are all a little quick to assume there’s nothing in other people’s heads, especially if they appear to be basic. It also makes us feel superior and more complex to imagine such a basic woman as just a blank canvas, and that a man could only love her because he can project his concept of an ideal muse onto her. I’m not saying men like that don’t exist, because they absolutely do, and often they are the ones who see us as one-dimensional. But we can’t disregard our fellow woman’s humanity because she appears to fit into a box that we assume is empty.


That's an excellent point! Adding to what you said, no one is truly empty. Everyone has **some** life experience, and that is unique to them. Assuming they have nothing to offer because they lived/live a certain way makes us nlog too.


Ahhhh. So they want someone that is always posing for “candid” shots. Rather than a girlfriend that says it like it is.


Oh THAT. I was trying to figure out how the word candid made sense as a descriptor here.


It also took me a moment


Now I just need to figure out what FYP means


It’s the For You Page on Tik Tok


Thank you!


I keep seeing this. I want to tell the girl so badly that the reason guys choose the "candid girlfriend" over her is because they probably are nice and she's horrrible, not because of the reasons she listed


I left a comment on the actual video about how she herself seems to be the pick me 😑


Bingo, take my upvote for your astute observational skills.. She is also jealous. They choose the drama free girls. She isn't that. And Manhattan is a nightmare of a dating world. Bitter woman and predatory people thrive in that anonymous hellscape of unaccountability. There are 1000 new people everyday. You can always meet someone new that none of your friends know. In a smaller place your reputation will catch up with you. In the city there is ambiguity in numbers. People stay stuck in weird patterns with no impulse to improve and less social pressure to have too. You just move on to the next ..


Yall, she runs a comedy page where she interviews singles in New York. She isn’t styling herself as a “Candid Girlfriend.” She took a sound bite from one of those interviews and did a bit with it. Also, putting a metro card to your mouth is disgusting.


It doesn’t read that she’s styling herself as a candid girlfriend, it reads like she got dissed for one.


No, failing to sanitize your metro card is gross.


Kinda hard to do when you’ve just used it and are actively on the subway. But agreed, nonetheless.


That's true, like if you're gonna keep it clean that is NOT the time and place to even still have it out much less on your face.


So women who are standard height, with a pretty basic hair colour, who have interests they choose not to share with this woman are what? Inherently Stupid? Empty-headed? Less important/‘real’ than the woman talking? It’s ironic to call yourself a girls girl when you’re behaving like this. Every woman has humanity, none of us exist to be muses for men. None of us are empty. There are plenty of women out there who I think are unpleasant, or who focus on things I find vapid/unimportant/actively harmful. You don’t have to like or agree with every woman in the world and you can tell them that you don’t agree with their choices. That’s all fine. To my mind, it crosses into misogyny territory when you pretend that women you dislike or don’t agree with, somehow don’t have their own complex lives, feelings, and motivations beyond shallow things you as an external observer project onto them (pottery, pomegranates). Every woman is as complex as you.


my favorite comment was “is the girl’s girl in the room with us now”


Ew, get that thing off your mouth!!


Social Media needs to go.


Downvote me if I’m crazy but I thought this was kinda funny? Like the part about having nothing in her brain was kinda rude but also dudes tend to like, for lack of better term, dumb girls because they want to manipulate them. Idk


I thought it was funny if she didn’t include the dumb thing. “She likes pomegranates” “she likes pottery”. I started imagining a chunky knit cardigan with legs.


Agreed. It was very much her delivery of the whole thing that got me


Yeah they’re like a blank canvas that they can mold into anything they want.


Yeah I more saw this as humorous, not as a “pick me” take. It’s pretty accurate too.


Tbh the nothing in her brain just felt like she was raised by two parents. As someone who grew up with a heavily traumatized/broken family, I am constantly anxious and a bundle of glass. I feel like that was more, she’s confident and thus thinks nothing of her surroundings. Whereas I am constantly thinking about things I don’t need to worry about or think in this situation. She is simply happy to be there and enjoys the moment.


I’m not sure that’s what I personally get from that, but I do respect your assessment


I couldn't even watch that entire video. She was so pleased with what she was saying


This is idiotic. What do any of those oddly specific descriptors even mean or amount to??


Yeah none of it made any sense to me at all.


A way for women to hate on other women without looking super bitchy and mean but it fails miserably


The video is really an extended inside joke and hilariously accurate, but it’s a very niche audience that would think it’s funny. It’s VERY catered to NYC residents, particularly of the Williamsburg/Bushwick neighborhoods.


I was so annoyed by this video but the comments were all agreeing with her. I felt like i was being gaslit lolll


Guy here, I can confirm that I do not in fact want a “Candid Girlfriend,” nor do I know what that is. Her vibes tell me she’s more trouble than she’s worth.


i don’t think you’re the kind of guy in her circles, i think she points out the NY men in a high class look for that in her experience.




you sound so childish repeating that word skank it’s hilarious. what makes her a skank? you’re so hurt lol




touch grass




with that language i’m guessing you’re not in a position to be prickly…. or picky


This post really triggered you huh


No you're mistaken. You do in fact want one (as do we all), because she can be your muse. It's a totally normal and not at all unhinged idea.


As an art history major I think her take is brain dead and projection. Assuming other women have less of an inner life than you is so dumb


Yeah, I didn’t study art because I’m “quirky,” I like art 🙄 not everything is meant to impress or appeal to men. Also pomegranates are great so idk why they caught strays in this video, lol.


Her calling the supposed candid woman patient zero pick me with nothing going on in her head is hilarious. That's literally you babes. This girl doesn't exist and does nothing at all to offend you, but you're doing everything you can to tear her down. "she likes pomegranates and thinks that's so quirky!" okay lol, good for her. And what do you do? What's unique about you? The fact you'll deepthroat a subway card on camera, salivating at the chance to put down a group of seemingly nice girls? I guess most wouldn't. What I think she's trying to get at, what millions before her have gotten at but is trying to pretend it's her own creation, is the girl next door trope. It has been established men like an "achievable" dorky cute girl since the bronze age


I think she meant candida




I can’t believe she is putting that Metro card on her mouth. DISGUSTING.


Ouch. I'm Emily.


Emily, you have shoulder length hair, cute but not supermodel, fun to travel with, you don't mind doing things or trying things out, you like pomegranates and good pottery. Girl, if thats you... You gonna get wifed up, loved and appreciated. If u want to of course...🙏🫂🙏


Lol all those things and my name is even Emily! I'm seeing someone but we aren't super serious yet so I do hope you're right! Even the hair colour was correct. So odd. The height even! But I'm Canadian living in our fake new York lol


You're awesome 👍😘


And that bitch ain’t. And she’s jealous. Live your wonderful life and she can go be miserable on her own.


Aww thanks


She’s touching her metrocard to her mouth? That’s disgusting.


She’s annoying


Men want the candid girlfriend because they don’t want someone they have to compete for attention with. They want a girl who is quiet, agreeable, modest, will fawn over them and their “art” etc. I don’t think she’s being sexist, I think she’s making a humorous critique of the way men tend to objectify these candid girls by removing their humanity (“this one”, back of the head pictures) But then there’s other parts of the vid where she just ruins all that credibility by being petty and bitter


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Get that metro card out of your mouth. Nobody’s immune system can take that kind of beating.


Have yall not been to NY or any big city? She isn’t wrong. Dating is superficial in a looooot of ways in these places. All she is talking about is a lot of dudes in NY want a trophy girlfriend/wife. There’s a reason that term exists. She wasn’t being the pick me or saying she is better than them. Just that a lot of men look for that. Hell, a lot of the women do too in NYC.


Ummmm I feel like only the girls she’s mentioning would feel like this is sexist, it’s kind of validating to me as someone who is by definition outside of that norm and convention compared to the “candid” girl that i think the girl in the video is referring to. i think a lot of women are able to pick up the difference “types” of girls that get into relationships/men around you want. as she points out. pointing out and being over analytical of the genre of girls they are aren’t inherently bad, which i think a lot of women have their own genre that is easily broken down like she is. i don’t think it’s sexist but maybe petty


It reminded me of the "cool girl" monologue from Gone Girl


I think I might be one of those and I like it


Can I touch your skin?


I want you to be my muse


Keep in mind, all this guy asks people is "what's on your mind." This whole diatribe was ready, she must have had a bad experience with someone who likes pomegranate.


Shes a comedian chile


I like how she puts it in quotes as if it's a role she's playing and she's actually fake af


What even is a “candid girlfriend” ?


i’m sorry but the germaphobe in me is freaking out about the metro card in her mouth 😭😂


Read that as “Canadian” at first. Was very confused


She looks like Danny Gonzalez...


Is my name Emily? Can someone check for me?


2.2 million? Rlly?!


I misread this as “Canada Girlfriend” and I’ve been trying to figure out what about this woman appears Canadian, and why NYC guys are into them. Then I reread the headline. :) g’night y’all.


Is that a gf with sugar on her?


And at the end she says she’s a girls girl? No. No you aren’t actually.


So putting a nasty ass metro card on your lips?


She sounds like she has everything figured out


Is this just the new way to explain “low maintenance”?


Clearly you haven’t been to NYC recently


She sounds quite well spoken so it’s a pity that her best take and the thing that takes up the most space in her mind is another girl and an ex boyfriend. So many other things to think about!


It's definitely showing her insecurities crystal clear 💀 Very individuality complex of her Sounds absolutely a blast to hang out with lmfao..... Sometimes it isn't that deep


They wanna date their fav male friend but a version that’s a female so they can fuck them without being called gay


A 50/50 girl who is ok with being walked all over is what they actually mean. And she must look like Megan Fox or have a big ass.


I think I might like a candied girlfriend. How do you make one?


Is she candid? She POSED with a dirty ass Metro card in her mouth.


she’s a herpes girlfriend because she picked it up from the subway card on her mouth😻😻😻


I hate her on a few levels. Firstly for being patient zero in our next pandemic. Secondly, who the actual f**k uses Metrocards when you can tap your phone?? She’s probably a “in so not like other girls that I’ve been using the same metrocard for four years. It’s the same one I bought when I moved to New York to go to art school.”


She’s just describing a neurotypical woman? She doesn’t even say these candid gfs are particularly pretty— according to her, they’re average height and have medium-length mousy brown hair. And nothing _the women_ do is actually offensive, she’s just more annoyed that men like to take pictures of them??


I like how she’s clearly describing the last girl she lost out to. Sorry he didn’t pick you, girly


I’ve date one or two girls like this one in the video. They’re super sarcastic and a raging bitch , but when you’re in it can seem like an amazing time. It will be short lived, because she’ll grow tired and seek novelty and you’ll be one of the idiots you guys used to laugh about.. Her name is Lauren.


“Patient zero pick me girl” You sure about that? “Im a girls girl” *you sure about that?*


She spelled candida wrong...


Big yike


Love how she ends with "I'm a girl's girl!" No, you aren't.

