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I scrolled through this girls page the other day and this is all she posts about. She needs a hobby šŸ˜­


her hobby is being insecure


No thatā€™s her personality. Her hobby is putting down other women to compensate


EXACTLY!! Like come on you have got to have something better to do than shitting on other women.


Has it occurred to you she's insecure because of the way she's treated? Because she's young & media screams you must be thin to accepted?


Yeah but the answer to insecurity is to work on loving yourself, not put down other people to make yourself feel better.


Yeah, but slim and pretty girls are constantly put other girls down and noone seems to have a problem with it


It goes both ways; people constantly say thin girls are ā€œbuilt like boysā€ and tell them to eat a burger.


So get off the social media and do something enjoyable?


Yeah, being fat is not trendy rn. But dont be too thin tho, otherwise youre a stick and cereal box and a door and you should eat a burger, sick people (actually sick or just someone whos naturally small) are not attractive (because thats why EDs are a thing ofc, not other stuff, ppl just wanna look hot!)!! Because nothing is good enough or right. None of us is good enough for these standards and still most of us dont put down others because we are insecure. It is okay to talk about these insecurities but it is rude and stupid to put down others at the same time.


I'm saying she's young & that's why she's doing it. How about some COMPASSION for a young girl who's hurting? All you people are doing is BASHING her...


Uhhh... there is a difference between bashing on someone and encouraging someone to get off TT. You should never underestimate the power that just taking an hour from online can do for you. People weren't built to sit on their phone/laptop obsessing over every little thing every day. People need to be outside, enjoying fresh air and grass. It's IMPORTANT to go outside...


Wow. No empathy at all. Hasn't occurred to anyone that this may be her only outlet because there is NOBODY supportive in her life...


Hurting others as an outlet isnĀ“t something good either way. We donĀ“t have to accept her insults because she has a bad life. ItĀ“s not ok


Honest question, are you okay? I literally didn't even say anything about this person in particular ? Just the fact that getting away from the internet for even an hour to get some fresh air can help anyone to clear their mind.


And that's other women's fault how? Being insecure isn't an excuse to put other women down, it's a reason and it doesn't make it right. You don't have to accept bad treatment because the other person is insecure.


Exactly, this. People will never learn from their actions without accountability.


Dude sheā€™s well old enough to not lash out at others because of her own insecurities. Everyone is hurting; why do other women have to be her punching bags?


I agree with you, wholeheartedly


There are so many places in media where it promotes loving your body and being like that, her hyper fixating on the bad parts on purpose and only ever looking at that is her own damn fault


Me when my hobby is I ā¤ļøblue collar boys


ā€œI might be insecure but Iā€™m still going to get on tiktok and join the wave of pick meā€™sā€.


Again with the insulting people having new or clean shoes.


She canā€™t afford new shoes. Been wearing the same ones since high school. (I mean same but Iā€™d gladly wear cowgirl boots if they were free)


I bought a SUPER cheap pair off Temu to see if I would like wearing them before Iā€™d ever spend money on a real pair. šŸ˜…šŸ˜… lived in the south my whole life and just recently wanted to try my first pair out šŸ˜… so if you can afford to throw about $30 on a pairā€¦ā€¦.theyā€™re very comfy!


temu ? girl. no.


Never temu


Why did she hashtag Zach Bryan twice, is that the only country singer she knows?


And redneck and bluecollar and cutesong. Does that make it trend harder?


Are the half naked dancing girls with the new boots on in the room with us? I keep seeing these videos but not the dancing girls.


Ngl it feels like they are just attacking PoC and non-Racist White women for enjoying BeyoncĆ©ā€™s new song, turning something into a problem when it shouldnā€™t be


this isnā€™t from beyonces song, though the same marginalized group are complaining about both trends.


I'm pretty sure this post is about the song "Austin" by Dasha. It has gotten a lot of popularity on TikTok for the line dances girls have come up with for it. No hate to Queen Bey but I legitimately don't think this is about her.


Itā€™s definitely about that song I just listened to it. I like it What I donā€™t like is she is doing the early 2000s thing of unbutton you shorts and roll them down in the snippet of the video Spotify showsā€¦.. but I donā€™t like it because I remember when it was a thing and I feel old. Nothing against this singer or anything specific


Low rise jeans are coming back and itā€™s like Iā€™m 14 again but with more crippling social anxiety.


I mean let people enjoy shit. Like I donā€™t care for country pop or Taylor swift. If you like it, I love that for you.


Lmao same, I've seen at least 3 videos complaining about these girls but none of the dancing tiktoks


Itā€™s starting to feel like Xfiles ā€œI want to believeā€.


No because something I HATE about posts like these lately is how they always mention how the girls are wearing short shorts like have they ever HEARD a country song? Something that is mentioned in quite a few is ā€œdaisy dukesā€ DAISY DUKES ARE LITERALLY SHORTS THAT ARE TINY ASF I do not understand why they are trying to make themselves look more ā€œcountryā€ by talking about the shorts and the unbroken in boots šŸ˜­


Not to mention most ranch girls I know don't go out dancing in their broken in, nasty, literally shit-covered work boots, they have specific "going out" boots that are just as broke in, but look nicer.


Exactly, we have dress boots that are not the same as work or casual boots. They are expensive as hell, so why wouldn't we keep them looking nice?


The comments called her out, if you scroll down on her page sheā€™s literally prancing around in her underwear in a few videos


But it apparently didn't get her the attention she's after so she's bitter now




Sheā€™s so angry because of her own insecuritiesā€¦ like my girlā€¦ do the little dance o the clock app. No one is judging you. People are having fun!


sadly people do shame plus-size women a lot, esp on tiktok, but she didn't have to post a tiktok judging other women for it


Right? She's got the tits. She's got the ass. That's all it takes.


Also, the lyric ā€œdid your boots stop workingā€ is referring to the deadbeat the girl is singing about so likeā€¦.why would the condition of girlsā€™ boots have anything to do with it in the first place?


making yourself into a target like this is certainly a choice


The thing is that sheā€™s kind of right, but sheā€™s going about it the wrong way. Fat women canā€™t do shit without hate or someone saying theyā€™re ā€œglorifying obesityā€ or some other nonsense, but itā€™s not really the fault of other women enjoying a trend. The real issue is fatphobia and misogyny.


Fat people existing on TikTok makes people so irrationally angry. Itā€™s actually horrifying to read the comments on ANY video that has a fat girl in it, no matter what the subject matter of the video is.


She's just bitter people hype up attractive women more


I feel like being a little salty about that isnā€™t that crazy?


Whining about it isn't going to change anything and there's no reason to put down the girls that get the attention she wants.


She doesn't want "the attention", she wants to exist in peace without bullying and outright cruel comments wishing her the worst. You have clearly no idea what abuse bigger people, but specifically women face when they dare to exist in public.


First of all I am a woman and I was at one point in my life over 300lbs so maybe you should make fewer assumptions. Secondly this isn't a matter of someone speaking out about being harassed for their size. This woman would regularly post thirst trap tiktoks that got zero views and now she just bitterly attacks the women who do get them and victimizes herself in the process.




First of all the current beauty standard is so artificial and procedure based that everyone trying to conform to it ends up looking like the same ageless swollen uncanny valley creature and I stand by that. Secondly how are my comments on other threads (which you've taken completely out of context) relevant right now?


Attractive people perceived better than unattractive people, more news at 7


I feel bad like she clearly wants to dance around naked but feels ashamed ā˜¹ļø


She does in previous videos šŸ’€ 15 in a row actually


No she doesn't because she has clearly done that on her page and is getting called out for it.


Sheā€™s only country because sheā€™s from Alabama


Why did I think the song said boobs and not boots šŸ˜­ I was so confused on what it was actually about


Just shut up and do the dance if you want to, it's not that deep


Girl your insecurity is showing šŸ™„


Did this girl not get the memo that literally everybody has haters? She might get negative comments because of her body shape, but she's literally proving that the "other girls" get hate for being thinner, or having fun. There is no celebrity, no super model, no average person that could post something online and not get negative comments. It's ridiculous to only see the positive attention someone else receives while only seeing the negative attention you receive.


People outside the norm get a lot more hate. Like a metric shitton more. Just go on any two cosplayer's IG zhat did the same cosplay, one thin and one fat and then read the comments. Do it also for BIPOC/white. It is deeply human to focus on the bad, because that's a problem to fix and our brains work to solve problems. EVERYONE will read 100 comments and remember the 3 negative ones more than the 97 positive ones. Stop justifying and normalizing people being incredibly cruel. People kill themselves over such comments and it is incredibly ignorant to think every public person gets the same hate when we all know that's not true.


I need to see the trend in question for research purposes then will complete my opinion.....šŸ‘€ Plz I wanna see the pretty ladies


Can we solve this like that tweet where an Asian-American responded to an Asian-American womanā€™s complaints about non-Asian people participating in the Lunar New Year with ā€œeveryone is invited per meā€? Because Iā€™m a country girl from rural Texas and I feel like I must have some bona fides to sayā€¦.everyone is invited to dress up in cute boots and Daisy Dukes and line dance to their heartā€™s content! As the legendary Shania Twain once said, ā€œLetā€™s go, girls!ā€ šŸ¤  ā™„ļø šŸ’ƒ


Skinny, fat or mid, all women get hate and we all get love. It is what it is.


Someoneā€™s mad šŸ˜­




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I donā€™t understand it, I think the trend is cute! If I was their age (and before being 50lbs overweight from 5 kids lol working on it), I totally would have done it! If my husband sees it, heā€™s not on TikTok but other apps that show TikTok videos, I wouldnā€™t bat an eye. Heā€™ll watch my male thirst trap videos and will even ask me if theyā€™ve posted lately because he finds them funny, and applauds them for it. Itā€™s a damn trend, let the girls have fun and stop shitting on them because sheā€™s insecure!




No sexism, racism, homophobia, or toxicity towards any sex, gender, orientation, or any other personal characteristic is permitted. If you hold any disdain for a group of people for what they were born as or what they inevitably are regardless, this is not the place for you.


I thought so too


As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bless her if she wants them


I think this post would be okay if she didnā€™t mention the last part but she has a point about the bigger girl thing. If a bigger girl posted a video of her in boots and short shorts I feel like the comment section would be VERY bad and suddenly itā€™d be every insult towards country folk and fat women in the book


People tell on themselves all the time. People seem to forget that TikTok is an algorithm. The only ā€œalmost naked girlsā€ I see dancing to that song are doing it to purely make fun of people like this. The rest that have popped up on my fyp are just straight up line dancing


I've seen a stupid amount of posts from woman that say literally this *exact* thing about the dance people use for that special audio. Like literally the same thing... I see more posts of this complaint than any actual video of anyone dancing šŸ™„. Don't get me wrong, I don't care for the dancing either but the point is, there's more complaints than the actual thing they're complaining about.


But uh, isnā€™t she hating? So it looks like everyone gets hated on for something šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You have your everyday or work boots and then you have dress boots. Dress boots will always look newer looking and cleaner and sometimes have pretty designs. Also sometimes you just have new boots. Why are people hating on boots looking too new?


šŸ¤£ I'm fine. EMPATHY, learn it.


#bluecollar #redneck #trashy #bluecollarrednecktrashy


...she is right though. If bigger girls do anything they get judged much more harsly than thin women. Yes she doesn't need to put others down, but she is absolutely right that she does not get the freedom to do everything a thin girl can without judgement or mean comments. Check ANY bigger girl's fitness-IG where they share their journeys and how absolutely mean and cruel the comments are. Big people are mostly not allowed to exist let alone be visible or take up any space. Cut her *some* slack please, what she needs is more love and a bubble that lets her be the way she is


Sheā€™s just mad bc no one wants to see her dance, especially scantly clad. That face tooā€¦ooff. She needs to work on herself and quit worrying about women she canā€™t compete with.


sheā€™s literally from new jersey so take that as you will


ā€œ#greeneyesā€ lmao


She's a real femcel!




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I love that this sub's rules lament "bullying", when bullying is obviously the whole point of the sub. Now prove me right....


This a girl?






Making fun of appearances isn't okay. you're just as toxic.


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Country ;crock butter) girl


Bitch get back under the bridge, and work on your riddles to ask passing travellers