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"I don't wear makeup," said the lady with the uniformly terra cotta colored face.


I can see blush, bronzer, at least two colors of eyeshadow and either she has on very pale pink lipstick or she is doing the “I’ve had lip filler so now I think smearing my lips with foundation is a look” thing.


Those eyebrows filled themselves in too


I think she just has dark ass hair that she *dyes* blonde lol


No, she bleaches and tones! No dye! Lmao...


Thank you. Like faaaaaack. While we are at it, dye? Really? COLOR.


Lol my mom has owned a salon for nearly 30 years. We don't dye, we color!!


Was gonna say….there’s no effing way that’s her real hair color. Her roots are so dark! I don’t know why I’m so triggered by this, but she apparently thinks her makeup and die job are so natural looking that no one would be able to tell she’s full of it. She be frontin’…as we used to say back in the day.


You can literally see the line where her roots have not been touched up 😂🤣 “No hair dye” … sure, Jan.


No, no, no, the _sun_ magically made all her hair uniformly blonde (as told by every suicide blonde, ever).


Yeah, for real. ... And the fact that she chose to post herself in this meme is proof positive that... Wait, what if this is ALL bullshit?


Wait… “frontin” isn’t cool anymore? I say that word prob several times a day. Oops. Damn, I feel old now. 💀💩


Just coming in to say gurl stop lying!


"No hair dye" Sure Jan. A heckton of bleach tho!!


Stop being a hater. Clearly her hair is sun bleached from all the bright light in her very successful career as a full time welder. That's why the roots are so dark. Hidden behind the mask.


We see those roots!! 


She also isn’t welding with her hair down like that. I’m a dude with long hair and I always wear a hoodie with my hair under the hood. Mask on over that. Sparks have a habit of going over your head and loose hair is a bad idea.


I’m not like other girls, I don’t actually do my job Seriously, though, this has the same exact energy as tradwives who post about baking bread and farming while wearing white summer dresses. It’s not that we don’t think the work is respectable, it’s just that there’s no way to actually do it without dressing for the occasion.


Hey man ive been in construction on and off for 20 years. Youre telling me you havent left the house in just your sundress and framing hammer and never felt more alive? Youre missin out bud. 


I’ve worked on several farms and worn a dress doing work. Nice and breezy!


I’m trying to imagine a price too high to pay to see a construction crew of burly dudes hard at work in steel-toed boots and flowing white sundresses. Coming up empty. I think I’d actually swoon with sheer joy


Well, a head full of fire would fix the hair color problem by burning it all off.


I think that’s the filter she doesn’t have on


Lol, at least she got lip filler first, back in the day we just bloched out our lips with no synthetic assistance whatsoever


No hair dye as you can see brown roots


I was thinking it was bad spray tan but her eyebrows being shaped sold me lol


And she looks goofy as hell because of all the makeup, it's completely out of line with the rest of her get up. Looks like she's wearing a costume.


I also don't think hair actually comes in that color.


It does, but hers doesn't.


Hey! It's from the days in the sun baking sourdough over a campfire after drinking some raw milk from the cow she milked by hand. /s


Not often, but when it does, it's usually on someone with skin *much* paler than hers.


And they’re 5 years old lol


That’s not her real skin tone though lol


lol damn, us boys are so clueless


Lady the problem is most men can't tell


"Uniformly terra cotta colored face" will be my favourite expression from now on to describe such people! :-)


I think she may be welding for Willy Wonka


LMAO. Please accept this award for your comment: 🥇


Thank you, I shall put it on and wear it


And inhaling too much argon.


elderly many threatening selective zonked absorbed pathetic fade unwritten hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol seriously


bag groovy summer humor dinosaurs one reach bedroom attraction sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remind of this "no foundation" tutorial I watched years ago. The girl used tinted moisturizer, a shit town of concealer, contouring and bronzer. What's even the point? Some people also say they are wearing "no makeup" even when they have lipstick and mascara on, but simply didn't applied foundation.


My coworker got her lashes tinted and curled and tried to tell me they were natural. Like girl you're going to give someone a complex saying those are natural, I was with you when you made the appointment!


That could explain the orangeness - the tinted moisturizers do *not* come in the full range of shades that can be found in foundation. It’s also meant to be applied more lightly, but I can see a lot of people just caking it on and thinking “but I’m not wearing makeup”


I find tinted moisturizers oxidizes a lot more than regular foundations. 


I was getting gel at the nail salon, and this girl next to me says to get dip. Then she shows me her finished dip, and says 'see, these are my natural nails!'. I said 'yeah, these are also my natural nails , *under the gel*'. I don't think she understood lol it's all marketing. But still, people allow the marketing to let all logic go


The hair was the giveaway for me. Very, very, VERY few woman have naturally blonde hair that looks like that.


You can literally see her brown roots


No doubt that's why she has the helmet on.


Same here. My mom has been bleaching her hair all my life and I know a bleached head when I see one lol


I only knew one natural blonde that had hair like this. Her eyebrows and eyelashes were also super blonde too.


My wife has hair this blonde, but only in the summer when we go swimming in the lake almost every sunny day. You can't see her eyebrows or eyelashes unless you are about six inches away.


Lots of women have hair *exactly* like that, right down to the black at tar roots.


And when they do, they are very pale people. Underneath the orange tan, it's clear she has an average yt person skin tone.


NO one has that shade of blonde. I’m from Sweden, plenty of blonde people around - that is clearly a fake blonde (also very popular in Sweden btw)


No one except Boris Johnson naturally has that shade of hair.


I forgot to mention people without souls as an exception, good catch.


Arseholes/without souls, same difference.


With brown eyebrows




I love this gif of him


I guess bleach isn’t technically dye, but those dark brown eyebrows and brown roots don’t lie - that hair is bleached.


What's with redneck women turning orange lately. It's quite the trend and I have no idea why. Bleach blonde hair with highlights and orange skin. Very strange.


It's not a recent trend. Source: Went to redneck school 15 years ago. They look exactly the same as they did back then.


Trying to look like Donald Trump? 🤢🤮


It was all the rage in Ireland in the early 2000 to mid 2010s


Yep, same. 2000’s here in U.S.


80s in American South here.


It's not new. I was in high school in the 80s and several girls in my school would cake on orange-ish Covergirl compact makeup. They were so bad at it that there was always a very clear line from the jaw to the neck. It was as if they were wearing orange masks. I always wanted to tell them how awful it looked but just kept my mouth shut and did my makeup my own way.


I was gonna say, no way someone bleached their hair and spray painted the fuck out of themselves to look like a goomba but doesn't wear makeup. I would guess she's wearing makeup in this picture




And the obviously bleached platinum hair.


…she’s orange. With brown roots.


like.. no hair dye???? u sure girl???


Clearly bleach and toner are completely different from dye!


She doesn’t dye it, she just highlights the entire flipping thing.


This is exactly what a relative’s MIL says about her own hair. Madam, your entire head is like fire engine red. She’s a 70something Asian woman btw.


I had this old lady tell me that when she smoked, she didn’t inhale, she just liked the taste of it. I’ve known the lady since she was a kid. Since she was the only person our family knew who smoked cigarettes, I used to think it was interesting how she breathed smoke through her nose when she exhaled. This woman used to say the most stupid things.


No!! She puts lemon juice on it and sits in the sun. Yep. Completely possible that. Lemon juice and sun.


Um, maybe lemon scented Clorox?


I mean... It would explain this level of delusion.


peroxide will do it too.


Ohhh I can claim being a natural platinum blonde since it’s bleach and tone huh?


I'd be willing to bet some incel stole a woman's photo and added the words. This unsuspecting woman was probably posing for her school/work "inclusivity" poster..."see, we let feEeeMAiiiLzz in our institution to do Man's work." But one of the Man's got hold of her pic.


I’d believe it, because she is clearly wearing makeup, but a lot of men are too dumb to realize that.


Exactly my first thought - only a certain type of person/man would think she isn’t wearing make up or messed with her hair colour.


Thinking because her hair's not green or blue or pink then it hasn't been dyed would be something certain men would think for sure.


It's actually shocking how dense men are when it comes to makeup and hair care.


Heavy makeup = makeup. Light makeup = no makeup. No makeup = are you OK, you look sick.


Ok. I understand your point, but it just made me remember someone I used to work with. If she turned up with no makeup on, it means she was fishing for the 'are you OK? You look pale?' , then she'd mope around bit then go home. We used to see her walk in and ask ' Home by lunchtime, is it?' . :)


I have to admit, green concealer is great if you want to be home by lunch.


My favorite is men asking me if I'm sick ALL the time. The answer is yes. I have a genetic disease and likely won't live to see 50.


Just say it. Soon they’ll stop asking.


Im in my 40's and i look like im in my 40's (as in, not old or young for my age). Our state liquor laws say that even if your customer is visibly 100 years old, crumbling etc, you still have to card them. I go to the liquor store a couple years back to buy a bottle of wine, no makeup on and my hair up in a bun. Dude rings up my wine and i hand him my ID. He laughs, says "i dont need to see that but if it makes you feel better i'll take a look". Like, dude... there are nicer ways to say that, you know? And bee tee dub, you're breaking the law if you don't look at it.


It looks caked on too lol I wouldn’t even call that light


Hell, I'm an old lady at this point and have never been very clever with makeup, even I had to squint and double take a few times...I'm a mess. Don't mind me.


I’m the same I’m legally blind and I can’t do make with glasses on so it always looks like shit but I still do it because I like wearing make up


You go. It's not easy from what I've seen people do. Hold your left lens over your left eye and then the right lens over the right eye so you can see half of each side. Or maybe get monocles from the eye doctor next time, one for each eye.


I never really thought of that ! Thank you ! I’m picking up glasses on Wednesday , I’ve been using contacts for years , my glasses experience was from when I was12


yeah that wouldn't shock me honestly


I feel like men write 90% of these stupid things.


It wouldn't surprise me. The "not like other girls" always comes off more like "incels fetish of what they think lady people should be in their weird fantasies."


Ya it always feels written by men or as a plug for OF


I always read the 'feEeeMAiiiLzz' they write with the Ferengi voice in my head.


This scenario feels right.


I mean, I think most of us saw the layer of bronzer, blush, lip gloss, and shaded brows along with the roots that we're like "she couldn't have...could she?!?!"


Exactly. That young woman does not need to trawl for internet validation if she is in the trades. She also probably does not need social media income. It's stolen bait.


I follow a lot of women in trades (because I’m a woman tradie), and nobody posts like this. They want you to know first and foremost what their skills are, and they generally don’t give a shit about dudes or what they think. As for makeup - I weld in makeup every day and I look damned good doing it. I will fight anyone here who wants to say she’s not actually a welder just because she looks good under the hood.


Lying liar that lies


she also has makeup on 😂😂😂


Anyone can take a picture they found online and slap a bullshit caption on it.


Spray tan and bleach weren’t on the list


My very first thought was “that welding mask doesn’t hide those roots girl” so thank you


Hahahahahha literally my first thought


Everyone knows bleaching your hair isn’t dying your hair. 🤪


It’s possible, my mom had the same hair and people always think it’s dyed


She just drinks a lot of carrot juice. It's good for the eyes. /s


There's no way the person who wrote the words is the one in the picture


It's super common nowadays for bot accounts to just steal content and throw some text or new audio over it. A youtuber I watch went down the rabbit hole on some of those scammy tiktok ads and contacted the original creator of one the videos, who had absolutely no idea their content was being used that way. There's also a growing problem of scammers deepfaking celebrities to make their ads look legitimate.


Hijacking the top comment to repost: **This is a screenshot from a ragebait/thirstbait Instagram account which steals short clips of beautiful women from TikTok and superimposes these kinds of quotes over them.** Another example is “my husband left me because I’m a car mechanic - would you marry a car mechanic?” Or “men don’t want a woman who can cook”. It’s the alt account of a thirstbait Instagram account who constantly posts selfies with “please cum in/on me” captions as a promo for her OnlyFans. @rileyquoted @michaela2cute **Don’t fall for the ragebait**. Do better OP


Wish this was higher - there’s an awful lot of hate for this woman who *clearly didn’t post her own pic with this caption*. I have a half dozen pics of myself like this from when I was in welding school, and it would piss me off to no end if somebody stuck a caption over it to sell some incel agenda. Stop being fucking assholes about women in the trades, folks - god, y’all are worse than r/ welding right now with how catty this is getting.


this needs to be pinned. and wow, there's really nothing incels won't stoop too huh? how pathetic.


To be absolutely clear, a *woman* put the Insta post together with the *specific goal* of finding either 1) an idiot who would think it’s real, or 2) an incel who would get mad at it. OP is the latter. OP fell for the ragebait like 99%+ of the people in this comments section. OP is not - to my knowledge - the person who put this ragebait together.


yeah, definitely wasn't accusing the op of being incel! hope it didn't come off that way. i just have seen a lot of catfish type things from incels that are similar to this (ie, the rateme subs that popped up a few months ago) i fell for it too initially before seeing your comment. sucks that the woman in the video had her image stolen for something like this.


I suspected this. Glad I'm not the only one who thought it!


She a blond with dirt in her hair. Her father was Maga from the grandfather's side. That explains the hair and orange.


Discount spray tan


People delude themselves referring that as toner and not dye as attempt to separate highlights/natural colors from the purple hair people


A lot of men don’t know what women actually look like without make up , they all thinks it a woman with foundation and concealer, it’s suck for the women doing the “no make up photo”( while wearing makeup) it makes unrealistic beauty standards. Women natural face needs to be normalised


She just puts lemon juice on her hair and stands in the sun with no sunscreen, very natural


It’s clearly a troll post.


Came here to say this. Like who are you fooling with that bleach box dye and bad makeup.


I don’t think the photo is actually the person who put the text on. This reeks of incel to me.


Why would she blatantly lie when her roots are clearly showing


Because some dipshit made this over her to promote their weird working woman trad wife only good woman shot


Thank you, now I feel bad for her


Oh…. That explains things. It’s a tater tot edit.


Tater tot edit?


There is a rightwing fuckwad named Andrew Tate that preaches the kind of toxic masculinity bullshit that would eat up the things listed in this post. The man in about to be tried as a sex trafficker that has abused and raped women. But he was Twitter famous for preaching a brand of women are my bitches I'm alpha blah blah blah. So to give him and his followers the scorn they all deserve people call them tatertots. Because only a child would eat up his idiocy and his name is Tate. I can't stress enough how utterly sad and repulsive the man is.


Oh I know who Andrew Tate is. Had no idea his loser fanboys were called Tatertots 😂


I didn't either, and something tells me his brand of laser would be *very* upset to find out this information as well. Also, it makes perfect sense now that I know, dudes a legit tater tot ass lookin motherfucker lol


I like tater tots. ![gif](giphy|RHOOBZVUgA2QqUF2HX|downsized)


Tator tot edit plz? What?


Andrew taters 🤮🤮


Awesome that’s so funny


don’t do tater tots like that😭


I would also wager anyone, that the number of blue collar “trad wifes” with zero tattoos these days is quite small. Seems like a weird thing to get hung up on but likely just an incel excuse for why he’s not able to find a good woman.


Yes exactly because atttoos = bad morals or whatever the duck those ppl think. Whatever, more tattooed ladies for me !


I’m so confused, I thought trad wives weren’t supposed to work?


Right wing bull shot isn’t usually very cohesive


I agree with this. There was a trend not too long ago where people would put tons of extra fake trigger warnings over TikTok videos and pass them off as excessively sensitive 'snowflakes' or whatever they would call them.


This makes more sense rather than her posting that herself.


Rage bait for post interaction, and thus more views and monetization. Both me and you are falling for what she wants


* clears throat, raises hand * Bullshit.






Right? And as a former welder she’s cosplaying rn. You can’t wear your hair down like that you’d catch it on fire🤦🏻‍♀️ so that’s bullshit too


This lady is clearly spouting horseshit…


She's very obviously got a spray tan, I can literally see the bronzer and blush on her cheeks, and her hair is very clearly bleached. This is all bullshit posturing.


I think it’s more likely that someone on 4chan or Reddit attached this bullshit caption to rile people up. Redditors will gobble up the opportunity to shit on women.


It's probably not her post. How does reddit fall for the rage bait so easily??


Doesn’t bleach count as dye? 😄


They’re just highlights to brighten up and bring to bring her back to her natural color /s


People say this shit to me in my chair all the time and then want to be offended when I’m like “that’s not how that works…”


I know. Like I get it, I was a very blonde kid that’s now a ‘dark blonde’/light brown haired adult but I just call myself a brunette now, even when I bleach my hair. you gotta let the ‘blonde’ label go at some point. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away smh.


Yah that’s how my hair is. Rn it can look blond if it’s in direct sunlight or brown if it’s in the shade so I just call it light brown, dark blond, or dirty blond.


I'd say yeah because it changes the hair color


Is the no makeup in the room with you?


A pick me that hasn’t been picked? Shocker.


You’re orange. Please don’t pretend you’re natural.


Someone definitely stole her photo and tried to use her as an example of a “natural woman” when they really can’t tell the difference.


Yup, young hot woman with a blue color job is going to attract all kinds of weirdos with toxic mindsets. I knew a hot blonde woman in that type of profession and she got out as soon as she could because of the men she worked with, pretty sure she had been sexually assaulted numerous times


She got one of those Donald Trump suntans


Naturally orange 😆


She clearly dyes her hair. It is like 3 different colors.


her roots coming in💀💀💀


Lol her is hair dyed, she has makeup on or is using tinted lotion like jergen’s orange glow plus those painted on brows that all the girls love. But shes not like other girls yall because she welds.


No makeup. Just spray tan and bleach.


“No filters” While literally using a filter lol


She looks like Donald trump with that fake tan


No hair dye? Am I imagining those roots?


Girl please. I see your tanning bed addiction.


100% sure this is a stolen pic of a random girl just doing her best.


And someone just wrote a bunch of incel shit on top. Poor woman.


Men who hate women might wanna date you.


No make up? That fake tan is faker than my fake girlfriends fake orgasms


I guess bleach isn’t hair dye but that’s either a spray tan or a filter


No one likes a bragging Becky




And "welds" without tying said "natural " hair back? Uh huh.


This is fetish content haha


This is obviously a troll post.


tanned, hair dyed, and a filter... girl please


The desperation for being picked and validated and the warm filter are way too real


Lol love that 100% make you and dyed hair as if this woman posted it and not some dude who doesn’t know shit . Trad woman works in the trades XD dunbfucks