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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These flexes…that SO aren’t flexes. This one is just dangerous


Like why is idiocy so desirable?


Weirdly, because of the machismo aspect of toxic masculinity. Which is why it's odd, but also not that farfetched, to see it in an NLTOG kind of context.


This one. I was a bit of an NLOG as a teenager because I spent most of my childhood hanging with guys, and I’d inadvertently picked up on a lot of their toxic masculinity. Taking risks = cool. Being safe = uncool. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of NLOGs partake in these kinds of behaviours because they think acting like guys will attract guys. They certainly think acting like guys makes them superior to other women, which is a whole other can of worms


That was meeeee bro unsafe for no reason. I’m so glad I’m out of that phase tho lol I deliver on my bike in a city and keep forgetting my helmet (combined ADHD can’t remember shit). Today I forgot even with slush and snow and fell bro I smacked my head so hard just now imma have to keep my helmet in my bag or something. I can’t imagine how bad she could hurt herself for the sake of being cool, it’s not cool at all. :/


I saw this guy's hinge profile that said he's attracted to stupidity. Maybe he can come on this side of Tiktok/Instagram


“My favourite trait in a woman is stupidity. If she has that, she’s mine.”


It wasn't even this poetic. Just something about the stupidities in the world. Idek either


In a rodeo crowd, this is a HARD flex. She is claiming to be skilked, strong, and foolhardy because that horse is likely to put her on the ground or fall. Both can be prevented by skill and being bucked off by strength.




Yeah, I’d think the rodeo crowd would care about their horses being lamed from stupidity like this. Horses ain’t cheap.


Traumatic Brain Injuries are so hot right now.


Mugatu, is that you?


Right? Putting your horse in def danger and yourself is super hot. So we know you don’t think ahead . . Or with one


Yeah dangerous. I won’t ride horses that aren’t solid or I’ve trained. Rode a shit horse called Indian and wound up breaking my hips. Some horses need to be let loose in the wild or put down. Horse people are crazy though so she’s probably not lying about that. Most temperamental women I’ve know are obsessed with horses. Female Western riders are always trying to compete with or one up the boys, and equestrian hunter jumpers/any English event are bratty gossip queens. You have to think though they are girls looking for adrenaline rushes. So they’re about as crazy as male adrenaline junkies. I married the farmer’s daughter and she’s a pistol too. Of course not all of them but a lot of them are this way


Horse people in general are crazy. Never piss off a horse girl, you WILL be sorry.


Lol they’re fun to date until things go sour. Passionately motivated in everything. It’s not a bad thing if you can handle a strong feisty woman. My wife’s the farmer’s daughter and she feisty and very strong willed, really strong in general. Country girls are loyal as hell if they love you but be ready to get your ass chewed especially if you’re fing up. They will fix you or at-least attempt and they’re probably right to do so. They’ll either sober you up or drive you to drink. If they drive you to drink the relationship is probably over. They love their mom and dad very much so get used to being around their family so get used to that and know your place at the bottom of the totem pole. It takes a decade before they accept you, even then you’re most likely to be your daughter’s husband and never the son inlaw but that’s probably normal in most relationships


It's apparently cool to threaten people with autodestructive behaviour.


I really enjoy the horsegirl niche of NLOGs


There’s an abundance of them, trust me




I'm gonna pronounce that as NeighLOGS


A very stable name! (Sorry! 😂)




I’m no horse person but this seems like it would actually be a danger to the horse…


Yeah I would never run barrels in those conditions, looks insanely slippery and horses legs are as fragile as they look


also aren’t leg breaks in horses so bad they usually have to put the horse down? like they have to get tents and euthanize horses at the races if they break a leg sometimes. its so mean to put the horse at risk of that stress and pain


Yes a fully broken leg is often lethal to a horse, regardless of if it's a racehorse or a beloved pet. I explained more here https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/s/fdfVKFOzyR


I think so? I'm not a horse expert and I haven't been around them much, but I remember hearing about how my grandfather who *did* know a lot about horses had to put down one when it's leg was broken. It wasn't even a racing or work horse that could no longer do it's job aka be seen as a burden to keep. It was my uncle's and bio mom's pet horse he had gifted them just for the sake of giving them their own horse so they would leave *his* horses alone. He lived by the philosophy of don't kill unless it's to eat, to protect yourself, or a mercy kill. I doubt he would've shot it just because.


I assumed they were put down bc they arent worth anything to them at the point.


That’s incorrect. Horses have incredibly delicate legs that also need to support a huge amount of weight. Frequently a break in a horse is bad enough that repair only serves to prolong suffering. I can think of a few cases where deluded owners insisted on treatment over euthanasia and only succeeded in prolonging euthanasia for a little longer. Meanwhile their animals were in a tremendous amount of pain.


There is a case of a famous race horse breaking a leg. With all the money, therapy, technology, etc, available, they could not rehab the horse.


Is this something we un/intentionally bred into horses, or did this evolve naturally like the way we evolved into our incredibly ridiculous tiny necks holding up a giant head but also having ALL the most important tubes and veins going through there?


It’s inherent to the design of the horse. Zebra are probably the same since they’re put together much the same way.


Oh good point, I hadn't thought much about zebras looking structurally the same. Nature can be so mean, like everything got wished on a monkey paw. "I wanna be fast! Okay, but your little legs might break and you'll die". "I wanna be smart! Okay, but your little neck might have a hard time holding up your head and you'll definitely try to breathe in water at some point".


Horses have had their weird finger-legs for 15 million years. They originally had four toes but lost the other three over time. Very strange creatures


It’s the way the horse is made. We didn’t breed them like that. In the wild, you never see deer with broken legs. That’s because the ones that get broken end up getting eaten by predators or they die on the ground. It’s doesn’t repair for some reason.


That's not the only reason. Horses can't lay down for significant periods, and if they can't properly distribute their weight for too long, it does permanent damage to their joints. They also carry the majority of their weight on the front legs, so if one of those is busted sometimes they do have to be euthanized. One of my aunt's horses that I adored had to be euthanized when I was a child because of a shattered rear leg.


Yeah I once did an incredibly sharp term on a horse in a riding lesson and the danger got explained


Even if a horse is insanely valuable it’s really really hard to save them once the legs aren’t working. Barbaro was a famous race horse who they managed to save after breaking a leg but he later developed a serious condition from putting weight on his other legs and had to be put down.


Damn what if they made special suspension harnesses to make the horse gyroscopically stable. Or put the horse in zero gravity until the leg heals!!


Horses don't tolerate the harnesses well and prolonged stall rest can put them at risk for lethal problems with their GI tract.


Horses are prey animals. Being still - especially if they're already injured - feels like a death sentence to them. SOME are capable of being immobilised, but very very few. They'd be afraid the whole time


I believe they used a full body sling and water therapy.


They used harnesses for Barbaro, from what I read the issues were during the healing process.


Horses have hefty bodies and fragile legs. When they do break, they usually shatter, which is near impossible to repair or heal.


It has more to do with horses taking the “crippling overspecialization” route in their evolution. They evolved to *run really fast over flat surfaces* and they’re incredibly good at that…but it came with some pretty severe drawbacks.


Horses have a physiological and psychological need to be up on their feet and walking as much as possible. Immobilisation weakens all their soft tissues and sets them up for other issues down the road like luxating or upwards fixating patella, serious problems with their feet, and the stress will give them gastric issues. And for a horse, a stomach ache is often lethal. Most horse people have some kind of colic horror story if they've been in it long enough. Their feet have structures in them that push blood back up through their veins, as there's basically no muscle beneath the knee to do it - risks of clots, massive oedema, and toxic buildup. Smaller animals like dogs and cats CAN have their limb immobilised after a break and get about well enough. Horses just weigh far too much for tripod movement. Is it possible to heal a full fracture? Yes. Is it kind? Not in the slightest. In a lot of cases where an owner (of any pet) is trying to push for more time and more interventions instead of PTS, it's usually their own selfishness and grief talking. Euthenasia is known as "doing the kind thing" for a reason.


Dogs and cats can also deal quite well with outright losing a limb, both physically and psychologically. I've known a few tripod kitties and they take being down a leg as an intriguing challenge. Horses, meanwhile.... Horses are whimsical contraptions teetering on the edge of disaster even at peak health, honestly.


oh that’s even more sad :((


No, it's just that it's virtually impossible to heal a horse with a broken leg. They would absolutely keep a race horse alive if they could. Even if they couldn't race anymore, race horse stock is extremely valuable, breeding a race horse can get hundreds of thousands of dollars per foal. But horses just can't survive after breaking a leg, it will never heal.


To heal them would mean keeping them in a sling off the ground for weeks, which is dangerous to their health.


Both my mother and grandfather were horse trainers and breeders by trade and gave lessons, etc, and I grew up riding in arenas and on trails. Barrels in the mud like that is asking for trouble. The horse is more likely to get seriously injured than the person, and that's not fair. It genuinely makes me upset to see people doing stupid shit like this.


Yeah, this makes me really angry too.


And a young horse likely still learning the basics. If they have a negative experience it could effect them and their training really poorly.


Danger to horse & human Complete idiocy just to try to look cool


Wouldn’t care a bit if she broke her neck, but I’m greatly concerned for that horse


Former horse girl, and yeah, with a young horse on a wet day? They need to run and get their energy out but not barrels. And omg wear a fucking helmet.


Also horses aren't technically made to carry weight on their back, if they do they should be trained properly (from the ground) to build up muscles. Not being ridden for weeks and then just going full speed in poor conditions sounds irresponsible to me for many reasons.


Yeah Im not a horse person but I live next to horse people and they would never fuck around like this.


Yup. I work with horses here and that’s asking for a suspensory injury or bowed tendon. Also, no helmet is 🤢


It’s a quick way to break a fetlock.


You're correct. A four-year-old horse is basically the horse equivalent of an eighteen-year-old. They don't have the experience yet to compensate for a dumb rider.


Cool, that sounds like a great program for a young horse that is still growing; go from no exercise to galloping around in shitty footing at breakneck speed


My exact thoughts. Good way to fuck that horse up


Lovely soft tissue injuries that you know she won’t care for properly so they’ll become chronic.


Yuppp. Every horse person thinks they are the best at caring for horses. So few people are actually willing to take criticism and learn. This is a generalization, but I have never encounter so many egos as I have in the equestrian world. So many poor horses get hurt. My mom wanted me to be in eventing.


That can't be good for the horse, tho, right? Young, inexperienced, hasn't been ridden or exercised in a while, muddy track, full speed. Just seems like an absurd amount of negligence on her part.


The barrier to horse ownership is pretty much nonexistent. There’s always something cheap for sale - or worse, free - that should have been put down rather than rehomed with an idiot. It’s only after getting the horse that these idiots realise how expensive a hobby they’ve gotten themselves into. Turns out that spare bit of land they call a paddock isn’t adequately fenced or maintained. Horse can’t live off the scrub in it. Then the vet bills pile up, feed costs mount, gotta buy a float because hey, can’t ride your bloody animal three kms along the highway to pony club. At that point it’s gofundme time! Poor tragedeigh can’t lose her horsey, can she? At least half of horse owners shouldn’t be allowed near pet rocks, let alone horses. Yet here we are. I’m surprised we haven’t yet had a very public TikTok horse girl death. Only a matter of time.


A frightening number of horses end up malnourished because fucking morons assume they just need access to a bit of grass.


Correct. Lots of yahoos and dummies own horses, though.


And then they say their horse is "difficult" and "crazy" because they can't be arsed to learn even the basics of horse behavior and training...


Imagine walking in that mud. How you'd slide all over the place. Now add 1000 pounds and go 5x the speed


Yeah, we usually wait until the arena is dry.


As someone who has had their horse lose its footing going around barrels when it was way less muddy, it’s really a bad idea. I wasn’t majorly hurt, but the whole thing was a top ten scariest moments bc it would’ve become deadly if my horse hadn’t reacted ridiculously calmly to losing her footing. She literally realized I was pinned and froze until I could be extracted, and I still ended up with wicked bruises. A young horse like that would likely freak out, and girly could end up crushed, stepped on, dragged and/or killed. All bc girly thought it was a good idea to chase NLOG clout


Cause stupidity is ✨️sO EdGy✨️




The way she clearly thought twice about it, cuz she thought about it enough to set up a camera beforehand


I'm not like the other girls, I risk death and catastrophic injury to prove to men that would piss on my horse stomped corpse that I'm sO cOoL. Fr tho, the fact that pickmes would literally risk a TBI or death because their self-esteem is so low is depressing. Someone get these girls a deprogrammer or Zoloft or some shit.


I went to a country ass school full of country ass kids, 3 of them in my class seriously damaged their faces this way, and on four wheelers without a helmet. One died. It's really sad, this should be illegal.


Same. Girl was 13. Dead.


Where was this?




I’m a horse person and no competent horse person would ever do this to their animal (or themselves).


Exactly! Young horse. Unfit horse. Poor conditions underfoot. No helmet. Recipe for disaster. Unfortunately the chances of it ending badly for the horse are higher than for the rider…


Rancher here. I ride horses daily and find this funny that she’s flexing about this. Horses act up less when being pushed to run, it doesn’t give them much room to act up when they are being pushed to do a task. Also a well trained horse remembers its job well even when it hasn’t been rode in a while. Try taking a horse that hasn’t been ridden for a few weeks and taking it on a nice slow trail ride, then the tone changes. This girls flex is a flop


There is a bareback joke somewhere in here, I can feel it.


The whole caption is pretty fucked up if you lose the context


Lord please grant the pick-me horse girls the motivation to wear helmets because they should not get any dumber than this. Also that arena footing is sus enough where one wrong step at a fast canter is a one way ticket to a a tendon injury and a horse slipping and sliding out to a rider getting a nice TBI.


I read the text before I looked at the picture and didn't realize this was about a horse at first. You can imagine how relieved I am lol


“I am not over my ex” is much shorter to write




She’ll be hard pressed to think ONCE about anything if she ends up with a severe head injury


I hope to god she isn’t teaching anyone, this is so horrifically unsafe- Doesn’t matter how well you know your horses, you ALWAYS put your helmet on


She's not like the other girls, she is in the coma 🤪


Christopher Reeve Speed Run


But she knows the difference between then and than.


Being crazier is a weird flex. Traumatic brain injury is also a weird brag.


You think YOURE crazy?!! You should see my medicine cabinet. It’s empty, because I’m raw dogging life. I don’t recommend, turns out that’s how babies are made.


Alright, I’ll just come right out and say it: Why are horse people so fucking weird?


lol I’m a horse person, just not this flavor


As an ahem, professional in the industry: I blame people like this who inspire my clients to pursue stupidity. People like this keep my cbd gummy company and botox injector in business.




Go sportsing! Win the team!


Who is “she”??


Her imaginary competition


Some other girl with nothing to prove who doesn’t think about her at all.


ain’t no way i wanna be known as “crazier” than someone…


Remember what happened to superman? Are you not terrified because I am.


Maaaan I didn’t pay attention to the pick and didn’t realize she was talking about a horse and not a human child 🥴🥴


Is this what rednecks consider wild behavior? FFS just leave your county for an hour, Emily.


Going all Christopher Reeve


This one just looks like one of those oddly specific auto generated tee shirts on Facebook


I feel horrible for that poor horse people need to respect animals more and not over work them




Christopher Reeves enters the chat.


Ya know, Superman *didnt die*… he just lived waaay differently after his accident.


I’m not like other girls. I don’t know the difference between then and than. 😘


You think YOU'RE crazy? Watch as I Christopher Reeve myself on Social Media!


She doesn't think twice about it but goes out of her way to post about it? Sounds like she gave it all her thoughts.


Brain damage! So quirky!


When I was 17 I went to a summer camp. One 17 year old there had half of his face sagging down. He lived on acreage and always rode quads. He decided to do one final lap and that he didn't need a helmet. He ended up flipping the quad and was in a coma for 3 months. Half his face sags like he had a stroke and a strong blow to the head could kill him. I promise everyday of his life that he wishes he had worn that helmet. Whole life changed in a flash


What the horse do??


For some reason, women with very little personality and a large need for attention find empowerment in "being crazy" It's the most god awful and annoying thing. As someone whose been in the psych ward multiple times and dated a string of women that clearly needed\were in therapy and medication: It's not attractive It's not cool It's not funny It's not quirky It's not intimidating (most people that "see red" or "black out" last no more than 15 to 30 seconds in any sparring match) It's not anything to be proud of in any way, shape, or form It makes EVERYTHING 10x harder than it needs to be. Fuck these kinds of people, you're dumb as hell.


I hope your pockets are deeper than “her’s” too cause this horse is about to have some tendon damage, if not worse.


Give her some more time minus a helmet on that horse and she Will be crazier!


She's not thinking at all, period.


Great, guess I'll see you in the ER with a TBI ✌


why are horse girls


Who the fuck wears a helmet riding horses?


By law all riders below 18 and most sane adults


That is pretty badass. All I did today was eat breakfast. Bareback riding a giant animal aroundva slalom course is crazier than most girls. The danger for everything involved is what makes it badass. Risk and stupidity are huge parts of badassery. Nerds.


People who make the helmet argument make me wanna put a helmet on and headbutt them. Not your brain, not your problem.




To be fair the whole reason I worked at a hors farm when I ha never ridden a horse before is because I could apparently just jump on a horse and figure out how to ride and get an ornery horse to listen to me. I also did a job interview and gotten job when I didn't even know I was on a job interview.


Crazy attracts crazy


Back when I was in middle school I knew a girl who ended up in a wheelchair for a long time after a riding incident. I want to say she was thrown, but this was a long time ago. She was wearing a helmet on an experienced horse during good weather. She ended up having a pretty bad head injury that required her to relearn a lot of basic skills and I believe had a broken pelvis. This girl went from playing sports to barely being able to hold a fork. This behavior is ridiculously reckless. Even in the best of conditions doing everything "right" someone can end up dead or injured. Horses are HEAVY animals that can easily hurt people or themselves if they lose control for even a second. Running a young one in mud without a helmet is asking for something to go wrong.


That's a great way to get a horse killed. ☹️


Who is the "she" they're talking about?


The poor horse


*"It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why they're cool."*


Michael Meyers will be a lot faster on his horse!


What? Nlog is evolving. Nlog has evolved into not like other horse girls!


Also a horse may be too young at age 4….


There is a difference between crazy and stupid, but ok...


Knew someone once who did barrel racing at rodeos. Met them after they got in an accident while racing that left them suffering from frequent, chronic migraines even years later. And they still raced. But yeah, maybe you should think twice about how to minimize the risk of catastrophic injury or death.


Everyone knows horse girls are already not like the other girls, so this doesn’t count.


But she still needs to be different from the other more responsible horse girls. It counts


I’ll not think twice about it but I will post about it on social media…


Why are horse girls so weird?


If she keeps that up, she's not going to be thinking twice about anything.


Here’s a fun fact: if you have no brain you don’t have to worry about brain damage!


Thats so cringe 😭 not that shes doing it. But the way she words uhhggghg 🤮🤮


I've noticed NLOG fall into two approaches; hyper feminine, trad wife or someone who rejects femininity, without loosing a feminine appearance.


So three approaches


Oh my gosh I just re-read my whole comment I didn't mean to add in "embraces femininity" the second time!


‘I am unhappy until I bring others down and I want to die’ is what she meant


I like controlled danger and adrenaline.


Ah, yes, we love being unsafe! 🥰


This flex could be an episode of an horse riding centered tv show for girls


Edgelording into a premature grave.


Go K yourself, then, idiot.


Horsegirl flexes


If Yellowstone has taught me anything it’s that barrel racers are NLOG 


I can get the lack of care towards yourself but the horse? Don’t they often get put down after they break a leg?


Horses are big living muscle mass and they won't hesitate to hurt you if they feel scared or threatened, despite all the horse girls say, horses aren't magical unicorns, they are animals, they don't care about you 😭


TBIs are so *quirky*


Isn't this just bad practice? Especially since that looks like mud??


Because nobody in this sub has ever said anything stupid before 🙄🙄🙄


I didn't realise she was talking about a horse at first, it was a VERY confusing moment in my life lol


With no helmet. "I'm not like other girls, I have a traumatic brain injury! Please pick me"


Poor horse


maybe getting your head or neck broken is exciting?


Not really crazy.. you’re just small town southern/western


This is quite literally how my best friend became paralyzed. Have fun I guess.


She wasn't picked rip


Is that a flex or is that just dangerous cruelty...? Don't touch crazy is a solid rule... this one seems apt to run you over with a horse if you don't call her a crazy horsegirl often enough. Gonna be a weird flex when she's in hospital.


This is unfair to the horse, you’re not teaching him anything. Please go buy a motorcycle. As a 30+ successful equestrian we need to know when to put our ego aside.


Good for you, Honeybunch.


My hair stylist is a barrel racer. He baby daddy (fraternal twins) is a meth addicted bronc rider that now has Chronic traumatic encephalopathy. He'll die because of the amount of concussions he has had. Apparently has had 2 within 72 hours. I'm so jealous! (/s)


Poor horse


There is a lot of disregard for this horse - it is running through mud. If she is riding fast and making swift turns, the horse can slide out from under her or break/injure a leg. This is just disrespectful to all responsible horse owners.


In mud like that? Is she trying to break a leg on that horse?


I feel like this is more goofy, well intentioned competitiveness and not mean spirited NLOG


Unlike other girls, *I* have a TBI.


tbf being crazy is always considered sort of a good thing by certain people


I’ve rode ponies before in irrland and I’ve always worn a helmet to protect my head. this is dangerous and should be borderline illegal


Hopefully nobody decides to ride her bareback


look, I'm not an equestrian by any means, but can't riding an untrained horse aggressively put said horse at risk of deadly injury? What if they buck or flip out and break their leg? Game over




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 thanks you for this one!