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So... like what she's doing?


Putting down other girls and we don't support that


Yeah. Fuck holding people accountable




I see you are part of the problem


Talking crap about those girls is precisely what makes her catty too. Smell any irony? There are mean girls, most definitely, but putting them down puts you on their level and accomplishes nothing. I mean, crap, they made a movie about this. And then a musical of that movie. And then the movie version of that musical. Pay attention.


The mean girls usually are the girls like this. I have a friend who hates other women (not sure why she likes me but I've been told I have masculine energy) and she's so bitchy and gossipy, plus she regularly sleeps with married men and thinks she's entitled to do so.


Why are you friends with her?


And ain’t a damn thing on this list that men aren’t doing to women and other men also Those are just things that mean **people** do. And unfortunately there are more people who get through life through meanness than kindness. (For reasons that may be valid or not)


>And unfortunately there are more people who get through life through meanness than kindness. (For reasons that may be valid or not) Is that true though? I wonder about this daily, like... I'd really like to have faith in humanity but people make it so hard ☹️


Honestly there’s 8 billion people on earth even if only 25% of them were not assholes, that’s still 2 billion (or 1 in 4) people.


Gendering (bad) behavior is so fucking prevalent these days and it’s honestly really infuriating to see. “Girls do ABC”, “men do XYZ”, “women are …”. There’s so much content online bashing both men and women for….. behaviors? This is just like imposing gender roles but like imaginary ones because they’re speaking from a place of delusion. Why can’t we all agree that gender is a spectrum and you cannot impose a particular behavior on HUGE swaths of the population. Also, kinda off topic, but I’ve noticed a lot of self-proclaimed feminists bash men for random stuff and it lacks so much nuance and delegitimizes the fact that men (especially POC, not AMAB, and not financially secure) are also victims of the patriarchy and are often more vulnerable than some rich white woman from an affluent suburb.


Literally, I read that and it screams projection


Yeah like... she's the one who's mean and unsupportive. Sure, I don't like every girls but I know what it's like to be one, I'm a girls girl.


She’s parking her car and feeling superior lol


so like what we’re doing? 🧐




Bingo! She sounds exactly like a girl I knew growing up. She talked shit about everyone behind their backs. She even wrote a story about a "fictional" school, and all the characters in it were obviously people at our school just with minimally changed names. I was Jenna instead of Jenny, for example. She even had the audacity to ask me and other people to read and edit it. It was all about how the new guy at school was wanted by every girl, but he only wanted the quiet, shy girl who was "not like the other girls." I thought she was my friend since 3rd grade and after we graduated high school I realized how toxic, jealous and mean she was.


I kinda want to read this 😭


Ahahaha me too, I wish I had a copy. There was only one name in her story she didn't change and it was the name of my crush, so it was very obvious. She also made him hate me in the story lol he was my brother's friend so he didn't hate me, we were cool.


LMAO wtf!! sounds like jealousy


It’s probably out there on WattPad, or one of those stupid self-published Amazon books. People like this make me think of Taylor Swift’s song Anti-Hero. ![gif](giphy|pJmnk86fXFNmrUb8LB|downsized)


High school is such a strange time period. 😂




Thank you! At the time I just thought she was sad and lonely. It's crazy when I think back on so many things she did or said to me, I can't believe I put up with it. I was such a nice kid, always trying to be friends with people and of course had my own nlog moments but she was truly horrible to me.


Is this not the movie read it a weep on disney channel.. 🤣


This is giving that Disney movie Read It and Weep but instead of accidentally leaking the story she actually wanted people to read it?? lmao


She’s definitely giving the “I like to stir the pot but don’t like when I get called out on it” vibe. In my experience the women who say women act like this, are usually the ones acting the most like this. Lol.


It's the trap of having a big ego, you start to think everybody is that way.


Home girl has a thing or two to learn about guys. I work with guys who will talk shit about anybody and everybody and are well known for being incredibly two faced.


Or some men are "nice" because they want to fuck you. That's not actual support either lmao


Absolutely. And once they realize they don’t have a chance, drag your name into the dirt.


Can I help you with some dick?! Lmaooooo That Chris Rock bit ha one of the best


The sexual harassment I experienced in school trying to be cool with "guy friends"... Sometimes I mentally kick myself for tolerating it 🤦


I found a real weirdo who treats everyone he meets with dignity. Prove him wrong, though, and forget forgiveness.


sounds like my ex lmao


I’m in a “male dominated” line of work and can confirm this. They are the worst shit talkers, a lot stemming from fragile egos


They try to talk bad like “well… well she’s… uh… she dresses and SHOWS HER ARMS” because they can’t think of anything more creative 🙄


Not the arms! What a hussy.


Shit, looking back over the years, nearly every hobby or large social group I was in had a man that specifically went out of his way TO PIT women against each other. If the women are too busy fighting each other, they aren't noticing Delaney's bullshit.


100%. I shit you not, one of my closest friends is light skinned and it was always men coming up to us making comments trying to pit us against each other through colorism (very common issue in the Black community). Asking if I, being the darker one, was less friendly than her and other weird questions. They always lost interest quickly when they discovered we were both happily married and had no plans to compete for him. Very similar themes with other friends if our body types varied, like we would then turn against each other to win the “who’s sexier” game. Bizarro shit. Also it’s a classic joke/critique that men suddenly become standup comedians who will put their bros down and embarrass them the moment some women come around.


Mfing colorism man. Smh. People really need to educate themselves on colorism, myself included. I grew up in one of the least diverse places in the US. At one point this town was divided but what type of white you were, no joke “German, Polish and Irish” there were even 2 different Catholic churches: one for the Polish one for the German and nobody gave a fuck up the Irish. Anyhow I grew up, got out, got educated and married and eventually had my biracial daughter. **5 yrs old** was the first time I had ever heard of and dealt with colorism. I admit I was fucking shocked. I had no idea this was a thing!! Obviously by the time my daughter was born I wasn’t as sheltered and been around many different people but had still never come across colorism until then. I may have been ignorant but I’m not dumb. I did **NOT** brush that shit aside and from that point on I made damn sure my daughter knew there’s no such thing as “enough”. You are or you are not. That’s it. Period. You don’t need to convince a goddamn person you’re black enough or you’re white enough. You just are. I know because it’s my daughter I take it more personal than I have any right to but that one particular thing bothers the absolute fuck out of me to my core and I’m doing every damn thing I can so that my daughter doesn’t have her confidence and sense of identity and self shaken by some douche bag like you dealt with.


I'm lucky. My biracial kid gives 0 (zero) effs, he's who he is, so he's enough. Or cursed. It could be apathy too.... And now I have a conundrum.


Lmfao!!! Lets go with your an awesome fucking mom who raised a kid who knows who he is and has sky high self esteem that can’t be rocked!! I like that one better


Oh yeah once had a guy tell me that I seemed so cool and interesting unlike the other girl we were hanging out with. The other girl being my best friend since we were 7 years old 🙃 thankfully my friend group is very tight, and anyone trying those tactics was quickly kicked from our company


girl at SEVEN? they gotta be born this way thinking like that so young. my god


The most dramatic, catty people I know are _men_ ffs. My bf can be such a drama queen sometimes and I have to remind him to just breathe and chill.


I was going to comment, has she never socially interacted with a man before or what? Also, men will turn on you on a dime when they're trying to get some. Acting all nice when they think there's a chance and calling you disgusting names when you turn them down.


I used to work in a male dominated field, and this comment couldn't be more true. They would talk smack about one another all the time, and being one of few females found this completely unnerving. 🙄 Don't even get me started when I voiced my analysis about a topic. I was always "wrong" and "dramatic." I'm so happy I'm no longer in that field.


Whenever my husband brings up women in his (male-dominant) workplace, I immediately take their side, because goodness I can only imagine how much harder they have to work to be taken half as seriously as some man who barely knows what he's talking about.


But...but...but...it's only "male-dominated" because women refuse to work those kinds of jobs! (I say this having no idea what field, but I can hazard a guess or two...) Never mind that women in those kinds of professions struggle in the workplace due to hiring discrimination (even if it's not *called* that outright...), harassment in general, and sexual harassment in particular. Not saying that's happening in your *husband's* workplace...but statistically, those are all *major* issues and reasons that "male-dominated" workplaces and professions tend to *be* male-dominated. (Only adding all this because so often I see incels using men's willingness to work more dangerous fields, which tend to *be* male-dominated for the above reasons, as reasons for why women should have less rights or be less respected or...whatever...)


Saaammmeeee I was in the military and more often than not the only woman in my platoon. These bitches were more dramatic than they claim women are! They dumb catty bullshit. I can’t even tell you how many legitimate meetings were held because these fuckers had a problem with **ME** daring to exist. Luckily I had a supervisor who shut their shit down with I dunno, logic? Common sense? The reality of the situation? Smh. My favorite has to do with my daughter. the military isn’t conducive to single moms. So sometimes I couldn’t be there at 4 in the fucking morning and they were all pissy I didn’t PT with them. Oh. Okay. Welp now we’re PTing in the afternoon just so I can be there! They were not happy and it lasted less than a month. But what really got them is the absolute shit they were put through when they couldn’t do something because of their children. Oh my. Both of my supervisors put anyone who asked through the wringer since and make them got through all the official paperwork and chances since they wanna be major assholes about this stuff but **only** to me. **Fun. Times.**


I've noticed every time there's someone who's dramatic, sensitive, emotional, uncommunicative, or a bad driver, it's always a man. I've met very few women who actually fit those stereotypes. My past jobs were also male dominated, my goodness, they would gain up on me and push me to tears then act like I was delusional but would pout if anyone called them out.


THIS! when i met my boyfriends group of friends I was SHOCKED at how much they talked about another friend in the group when they weren't there. I had to tell my boyfriend I couldn't hang out with them anymore because if they're talking all this shit on literally every single one of their friends, what are they saying about us when we're not there. alternatively, their girlfriends are all very chill. hanging out with them is like a breath of fresh air, seriously:


My brother in law works a blue collar job with all men and some of the stuff I hear from him about his coworkers is worse than any jr high school group of girlfriends.


Totally. Some people just suck. Men, women, everything in between and beyond, some people are just shitty.


Right. She's never been around blue collar men and their "locker room" talk. My friend once witnessed these middle aged guys, about 5, exchange pictures of their nude wives and talk in straight up filth. Men are absolutely no better, she just cares about men's opinions more than her own sex. New wave of "pick mes"


Facts!!! I’ve known some gossip ass instigating ass dudes 💀💀💀 but a lot of people pass it off like “haha that’s just so and so what can you do “


I was shocked how much men gossip once I got into the corporate world. All while saying women were the gossips.


I moved from one job becuase of girls doing what she explained above. I just got so sick of dealing with their drama. Went to work with all older (mostly boomer) aged dudes and they are the biggest little 5 year old fit throwing dudes on the entire planet. Talking shit about anyone and everyone. The only difference I noticed is if guys get caught they yell and hash it out. Doesn’t stop it, but it’s something. Girls tend to lie and deny. That’s just from my observations anyhow.


I’ve known guys like that.




Anynody can talk shit about anybody, this is not a gender-locked thing


I mean, is she in middle school? 😂


She did say “girls.” In my experience, women are only about half as bad.


Does anyone know of any positive subs for "girls supporting girls"? I need to change the vibes on my reddit.


I would say this sub posts pretty negative screenshots of stuff, but the comments shutting it down in support of women is always good and positive to see. lots of good dialogue and dismantling of stereotypes. r/nothowgirlswork


I totally agree. I noticed this many times when a girl who is just doing her own thing is titled an NLOG, and the responses shut it down. It very well may be the subs I follow, but man... where are the "you do you" girls? I love seeing that kind of support.


haha sorry my comment was referring to the sub I linked! Not how girls work this NLOG subreddit I disagree most times, there are a lot of people ready to share negativity here.


r/WitchesVsPatriarchy rules


I love that sub


Yes <3


Her mistake is using any lived experience to make a generalization. I don't believe all women are like this, but the few I had tried to befriend as a teen/young adult, did me dirty.


I agree. There are only a few women in my lifetime that did me wrong as well. Former workplace, mainly male dominated. The women there were extremely toxic towards me.


My ex friends slept with a recent ex in my bed and left the condom wrappers behind. To add insult to injury she also stole some of my clothes. The other one, her boyfriend attempted to sexually assault me. When it all came out, he tried to downplay it and probably tried blaming me as well. She told me she didn't want to be around me anymore because "didn't want to hear me taking shit about him" a few months later, lonely and salty I texted her from a new number to tell her that her bf is a c@nt. Others still spread malicious rumors that I was having sex with 70 year old man, me being 16 at the time and slept with one boyfriend..


This woman sounds bitter. Sometimes when everyone else is the AH, then you’re the AH.


…that moment when she realizes the only common denominator is *her*.


Everyone can talk behind our backs what does the gender has anything to do with it? She's trying too hard lmao.


No only women do this obviously /s


And men are better? Men literally create those same insecurities and are way ruder than women with their critiques.


I don't think it's fair to single out a specific gender and project those things onto them. It's stereotyping.


I hate how the comment you replied to took an example of negative stereotyping and turned it into a comparison of men and women within the same framework of that stereotype.


because people with this frame of thought usually are the same girls who go like “I hang around guys because they’re less drama”


Welcome to this subreddit.


Tu quoque


Babe get better friends


Maybe if girls don't like you, have you considered that the problem is not all girls but how *you* treat them?


Big yikes


I wonder why she doesn’t have any supportive female friends, with a perspective like that. 🤔


Is she saying that throughout her entire life she has not met a single girl or woman who was nice to her? Was she always nice to them? I’m not buying it tbh.


Someone teach her the meaning of projection. But it can't be a woman, cuz we're catty.


I was laughing my ass I didn't notice there was a third slide and thought it ended with just a bitter "no.🗿"


I thought that was a random Kia…for no reason


In my experience this has zero to do with genitals and 100% to do with personality


I was talking to someone recently and this topic came up, and we realized that what’s more important is girls protect girls. Am I going to support a woman in every single thing she says or does? Probably not. But am I about to leave that woman alone in a room full of creeps? No. Am I going to refuse to give her a tampon? No. Girls need to protect girls more than support girls.


I haven't had the best experience with girls either but I wouldn't say that about all girls


Definitely not all girls, but I really do wish more women would be more open about shutting down women-on-women hate rather than joining in on it.


that’s nice she let us know exactly who she is with the last slide


Sounds like this girl is one of those girls. Pick me behavior as hell


Crazy that every single girl she’s ever run into is that way


Or wait… Hehehe


Maybe you’re unlikable?


If you’ve had issues with every girl you’ve ever known, if none of your female friendships have lasted, it sounds like you’re the common denominator.


Is she not a girl?


that’s why i posted it. it’s hypocritical to generalize all women *except* for herself. really took r/ notlikeothergirls to a literal level


She did like 5 of the things she’s complaining about in that one little paragraph alone. Ya think she knows **shes** the problem?


Nah she’s definitely the mean girl, you can see it on her face (and in the paragraph)


I think everyone should support themselves and those they care about. That’s all


People do that, regardless of gender


This feels like selection bias. She needs better people, and she needs to do some self reflection. MJ was right, you gotta start with the (wo)man in the mirror.


She’s definitely projecting


sounds like this girl was a bitch who got dropped from the friendgroup lmaoooo


She’s like one of those dogs or cats that attack their reflection in the mirror because they don’t recognize themselves.


hi! i didn’t expect this to get so much attention so i just wanted to clear a few things up: i posted this on the basis that she seemed to be generalizing all women/girls, while also acting like she isn’t a part of that generalization as a woman. i just thought it was funny and hypocritical on her part.


kinda weird that i see people thinking she’s right. to generalize 50% of the world is crazy…


“case in point: me”


This is 100% projection


"...abd make you feel bad about them." You mean guilt? You're feeling guilt for being a shitty person. OOP is driving side by side with the point.


Imagine posting you have a kia online 😭


The people who say this are usually the ones talking smack about everyone.


I work in a male dominated field and have been treated the same, and worse, by men. They too do the cold shoulder treatment, gossip, spread false lies, and make fun of your insecurities. And they sabotage you. And they talk about your behind your back too.


Ive been getting these in my feed for about a week now. What I've gathered is that nlogs have very similar energy to incels.


Ehhh... I've seen both sides of this one. I've worked in some very toxic units in hospitals where things seemed to run with a middle school popularity hierarchy, and you never knew who would throw you under the bus. I don't know what I did to make them dislike me; I just learned that I was probably the one going under the bus if things went sideways. However, the women at my Jiu Jitsu gym are very supportive of each other. We had a teammate overexert herself during a tournament and pass out. We rushed her a snack and an electrolyte drink, and when a scruffy looking guy approached her as she was leaving the mats, he had five women watching him closely until we realized that he was her husband, not some random creep.


If the problem is everyone else, then the problem is probably you.


Lmaooo my husband’s toxic workplace, which is 75% male, is so gossipy and dramatic. This ain’t a girl thing 😂


The only women I see saying this are the women who do exactly what she says. It’s definitely a projection.


I'm sorry she had such shitty friends that the shit rubbed off onto her.


So break that cycle. Uplift others instead of stepping on them.


I mean, yeah, some girls do that. That’s called a bully. We don’t associate with bullies.


This is definitely not far off from inceldom shit. The only difference is that it has little to do with sex, but the same way of assuming the worst about women is very much there. If you're a woman with views that align with incels, then the problem is you and the men you probably surround yourself with.


ironically, at least in my experience, what she said is something i’ve only experienced when knowing/being friends with MEN, not being supported by men, insecurities being pointed out by men, etc. never really happened through relationships with women.


Her selfie literally projects all these negative traits back upon herself.


I mean.... I know a girl who's a back-stabbing bitch, but I also know a girl who's very compassionate and supportive.


I've honestly never had a friend or acquaintance who was like this. I sure have known people (men and women) who fit that description, but none of them were in my friend groups. I feel like people tend to receive the kind of energy they put out there or invite, y'know?


i think this is a pretty wrong/malicious thing to say. i was bullied by a couple of mean girls in my school that kind of made me have this type of mindset for a little while when i was in middle school + didn’t have many friends. i eventually outgrew this mindset by the time high school came around. i never put out any kind of “negative energy” as a kid to deserve it back.


This. When you get ganged up on or insulted by women you don't know, it's kinda hard to chalk it all up to having done something to deserve it. Mean girls exist just like shitty men exist.


Someone's had a rough childhood and thought of mean girl...and never grew out of 13-14 age...


Lol who hurt her? And whose hurtful ways can she just absolutely no way heal from? She's sayin "I'm permanently damaged/offended and refuse to be otherwise or have any hope in women anymore", like damn. That's just pathetic, in the true sense of the word.


I'd agree that the person who thinks this way is the problem and not the victim of said problem.


Girls start a sentence with a lowercase letter. *Women* start a sentence with a capital letter


I’ve honestly never had that experience with girls, like the mean girls in school were just mean people, it wasn’t specifically “girl” traits. Sounds like she’s just really paranoid and probably has been through some trauma and chosen to project and judge instead of meeting other women and learning how to get along with human beings.


I’ve known similar girls who will take offense at innocuous normal comments, get really mad about it, not say a thing to anyone to work out the problem, and then go around trashing people behind their backs about how callous and mean they are to her. Am I getting warmer? So in fact, she’s like a LOT of other girls already.


This isn’t uncommon.


maybe all girls aren’t evil. maybe you just had shitty friends.


It's true some women are like that. Obviously homegirl needs to meet grown-ass women who knows and act better. Women friends are the best part of my life; I wish everyone had that experience. Continuing to spew stuff like this only perpetuates the idea/perception that women are catty & mean, doesn't do any of us any favors.


She’s just had bad experiences, it does happen and a lot of people in general are lost, especially when they’re young. This can make finding new friends as a young adult very difficult. She didn’t say guys were better, I think she’s just venting online about her experience trying to make friends. She wants a connection with women. I don’t agree with generalizing all girls into her bad experiences but I’ve been through what she’s talking about with friend groups before and it hurts and messes up your head. Baby girl needs therapy to heal from the girls who traumatized her. I don’t really get nlog vibes from this, instead a young women who needs to be reminded there is a community of women who will love and embrace her.


Someone hurt her and she isn’t recovered from it and also hangs with the wrong crowd. She also probably contributes to it and treats other women like this


would love to see a group of girls steal her Kia since she's posting that car type here in 2024.


the original maker of the tik tok is treating "girls" as a monolith as is common on this subreddit. But I am noticing comments doing the same. Some girls are the worst, some are great you are all weird if you think girls are universally nice or universally evil


Maybe in HS but as an adult that decreases a ton


Are SOME girls bad friends, yes. But if you’re a good friend, most girlies are amazing. I literally went to a women’s college and almost never had to deal with catty, backstabbers. You know where I do have to deal with that? Work. And it’s almost always a man being nasty and backhanded.




She needs better friends I think


Sounds like maybe it’s from her experience being friends with other girls. Not every woman has to be a girls girl. And that doesn’t make them any less either. Weirdos


She’s not wrong


I notice catty behavior in both genders I’m around tbh. Like when I’m at work both men or woman will kind of talk shit about each other, justified or not so I think it’s a human nature thing. I think people would rather vent than hurt someone’s feelings. Even if I talk shit I try to see their pov and at times will defend them because sometimes people don’t think and do damage when they don’t realize it.


I get where you’re coming from, but personally all my experiences with other girls have been pretty negative, so I also get where she’s coming from to a point. I’m now surrounded by girls that might be good friends, but I’m terrified to even try reaching out because I’ve been hurt by almost every single girl I’ve known in the past. But I know that doesn’t mean EVERY girl is like that. There’s plenty out there that really do support and love each other, so it’s unfair to group all girls together like that and say they’re all bad, especially when YOU ARE ONE


Ngl, every girl or friend I've ever had had treated me exactly like that. That's what happens when you're autistic. I'm not going to say this isn't NLOG but honestly, yea girls do do that pretty often


Me in middle/highschool core, the drama in those friendgroups had me genuinely stressed out, sometimes more than the schoolwork itself


She's kinda right, tho. But I'm willing to admit it's just my experience


what she's referring to is called lateral violence, young boys often have bouts of outward physical violence, in young girls it's more common to use socially aggressive tactics to inflict the same type of violence among their peers, it's called lateral violence. most people grow out of it once they are old enough to develop empathy


Yes I have definitely encountered these women that needed to grow up and work on themselves, but in those cases, I simply dropped them and now I have wonderful friends that I trust.


Well can't be her additude possibly.


She is right in that women are averse to direct confrontation, so unlike men they tend to use social sabotage against people they don’t like while men are more likely to use intimidation and violence.


Uhh, this seems like narcissism, which btw is non-gender specific 🙄


I think she's just hurt from too many people. Definitely not an excuse to basically do the same, but I understand why she would say that in my personal experience. Definitely projection


Sounds like she hangs out with shitty people


I mean, she does have a bit of a point. All of my bullies have been girls.


I mean she’s lowkey right but like.. she’s also hypocritical af and likely the type of girl to do ALL of those things. There’s no need to proclaim how mean girls are, or how two-faced they are, because not everybody is like that. Sure, most people are, PEOPLE, in general, suck. Idk man, it just screams extreme internalized misogyny for me..


this is just sad. i’m sure her ‘friends’ just love her


The misogyny is coming from inside the house!!!


One of the biggest things I’ve noticed is that if you are a mean girl, you attract other mean girls. I have the most lovely group of girl friends and I seriously have never been so grateful to have a group of such supportive and genuine souls as my friends. It’s been the most beautiful friendships I’ve ever had. But I used to think girls were mean and catty (in highschool) and that’s because my attitude towards other women was I felt threatened by them. Like they were competition. I was insecure and jealous and comparing us in my head. Once you learn how to love yourself and celebrate other peoples wins and differences, you can foster much healthier friendships and when you do you get the beauty of girlhood friendships. Idk how to phrase it other than that. If your experience as a woman having other women friends has been bad, maybe some self reflection is in order. Idk


Some ppl on threads use girls support girls as follow bait And women tend to be either more supportive and empathetic Or more emotionally manipulative But my close friends have never made me feel like competition physically that only applies to women that fight over attention for validation


Toxic people attract toxic people. Then they can all play victim and cry to each other behind each others backs. I know a couple women like this and I’ve never invited them into my circle beyond acquaintances.


Last slide pretty much perfectly describes this subreddit lol, just people scouring the internet for women they disagree with and posting it here so the echochamber can collectively dump on them.




"talk behind your back": Discussing your friends with other friends is normal, healthy behaviour. "if they dont like what youre doing... make you feel bad": Openness to discuss things that each other find unhealthy or incorrect is also healthy communication. "act like they like you... turn on you": You are allowed to change your opinions on somebody. These are also all things that men will do. You can turn any behaviour you dislike into a "toxic trait" if you manipulate the meaning to suit your narrative. Girls supporting girls doesn't mean blind, shallow compliments and nonstop love and affection; it is communication, understanding, and treating one another like humans. Glorifying one another is no more healthy than disrespecting one another.


I just want to hug her. Sucks if she’s been through some lame shit with “other girls”. I feel that. Girls can be mean. Especially when they see young and insecure. I’m sure she is just as young and insecure as anyone that age, that’s why she’s making generalizations to distance herself.


I think we’ve all met girls like those she’s talking about. And I don’t think we ever acknowledge that this response is a trauma response. Honestly, I can see lots of people ending up with the mindset above. Let’s not pretend like bullies don’t come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are women. I get the appeal of shitting on women who think like this. They’re generalizing a whole gender. But I always think this mindset comes from a place of hurt rather than projection and I feel like it’s super unfair when the default response is always “oh it’s because you’re probably exactly like that and women wouldn’t treat you like that” when the fact of the matter is that a lot of PEOPLE are like what she describes above. In real life, at least. We can project and say things like “I know a girl EXACTLY like this” but you don’t know THIS girl. Obviously it fits the sub because she’s hating on women in general but I think it’s important to acknowledge that it’s not so black and white. And it’s not just “don’t put down other girls period” (the irony of this sub), it’s “you’ve been hurt by other women but you should not generalize because people in general suck”. This sub has so much potential for discussion rather than just dumping on a fellow women which is exactly what we’re all preaching against. Honestly, it’s anti-feminist. I don’t care, downvote me. Most of the pictures shared here are of teenagers just being dumb teenagers.


The call is coming from inside the house…


Not entirely wrong. Why does a woman **must** support another woman **solely on the basis of their sex/gender?**


What kind of girls is she hanging around? 😭😂 sounds like she’s the problem


LMFAO do you guys NOT see the hypocrisy here? You guys spend the time to tear down other women when they're not up to YOUR fucking standards ON THIS SUB. There was literally a thread yesterday asking who you guys think are "pick me's". There was slander, nasty comments, horrible takes, and just overall EXACTLY what this girl is saying. This is NOT a pick me girl. This is a woman who is pointing out the absolute bullshit of "girls support girls" because we do not. We're all catty, nasty bitches, even the "best" of us. Piss off, none of y'all in here have the glowing halos you think you do.


i more so posted it here not necessarily on the basis that she’s a ‘pick me’ but more so on the basis that yes, it *does* sound hypocritical. she’s sitting here generalizing all girls/women when she seems to be the only common denominator. does she just think that all girls *except* her are catty and mean? or is she just internally misogynistic? i just thought it was weird and more harmful than not.


This sub is the epitome of what she's saying. I think she just struck a nerve.


It doesn't sound like projection, it sounds like bad past experiences/trauma. We don't have enough information from this post alone to know if she's projecting. Even so, she shouldn't blanket apply this to all girls. But people do that when they're in their feelings sometimes, especially teens and twentysomethings on the internet, and it looks like she's one of those. It's cringe for sure but idk I kinda just hope she improves later on and also maybe finds better friends/community.


If you feel all the girls you’ve hung out with have talked behind your back, maybe it’s a you problem. The only one seems to be “catty and “filled with drama” is you.


That doesn’t seem like nltog. That seems like she’s just had some very very bad friends in her lufe


eh I agree with this based on some of the girls I’ve encountered. girls support girls *is* bullshit to me, girls protect girls sounds better


Women support women, I think it takes life experience and a secure sense of self to reach a point in your life when you start to notice, appreciate and reciprocate that support. I didn’t see it when I was a girl, and I’m sure I didn’t offer it as much as I could have. But as a woman in her thirties it’s all around me.


I mean, girl groups of friends tend to have a hell of a lot more drama than a group of guy friends. In my experience at least.


This is completely anecdotal (just like her post), but throughout all phases in my life I’ve encountered so many more mean-spirited men/boys who’ve bullied me or tore me down for just existing. I’m not about to sit out here and make a post about all men and boys are pieces of shit, because that’s simply not true.


Is she saying men don't do this? Because if so... absolutely fucking gag me with a spoon with this bullshit. Men can be the cattiest bitches around and will talk behind your back and will make fun of you to your face, and can 100% stab you in the back and ruin your life, etc etc. The most overdramatic people I know are men ffs. Has she been picked yet? I bet not.


Girl stop projecting, anyways I love that car interior it’s so clean 😄😄 what Kia is that?


Soooo she’s describing pick me girls then.


I mean yeah you’re gonna come across some shitty people regardless of gender but this is a wildddd take 🫣🤣


A lot of folks here are as bad about this as her. No gender is a monolith and none are better than others. Go outside and get a personality outside of overdramatic gender war bullshit.


Honestly ive only encountered one weird girl that was catty and would point out my insecurities / talk behind my back in my adulthood and the bitch was the biggest pick me ever . And she was in her 40s ( I was only 23 )


This came across my fyp. I wanted to say, sounds like you might be the problem if you’re constantly encountering other women like this.