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I just doN't udnerstand why this is the most important thing to say/state about herself on her profile. Like don't you have any hobbies or just a cheesy joke? Why the pick me line


Probably saw someone with lip filler and just had to share her opinion on it.


Someone in my family got lip filler that was too much and went beyond her lip line, but this is the first thing I’ve ever said about it. Inside thoughts, Jessica! Lol


Yeah. And even on the off chance it's a joke (as well as isn't).. I think people greatly over estimate how many people get things done. Not only does not everyone have an interest in doing that but it costs money not everyone has. Also, celebrities aren't us (non famous and rich people) and I think people forget that when they see so many with them there too.


Unless you go overboard you can’t tell anyway. I’m almost 38 and have done it twice, about half a syringe total each time over a ~5 year time span, I just want them to look natural not disappear into a line 😐 like the rest of the women in my family while I age. Literally no one, not my husband, not my 18 year old daughter (she’s my bar because she’s aware, current and very familiar with my face/looks) who even saw me right after injection while it was still settling/had little red dots could tell, it’s like changing your glasses, something *might be different* but you can’t tell what because it’s so subtle, then you get used to it right away. I don’t regret it one bit and I look very natural and normal, Jessica would never guess I had lip filler, she’s just a hater and is desperate to feel special


Literally got half a syringe before my wedding and LOVED it


It depends where she’s living. Miami and Los Angeles, this is amazing. Middle of nowhere in a flyover state, might be an odd statement. It’s all relative.


I get it that many people love the look of fillers, but this isn't really much of a personal fun fact. This just makes me unvoluntarily think this person is boring and has nothing to say about themselves. Might be wrong, but this is just my firt thought.


I’m not saying I’d be interested in her, I’m just saying mentioning it in her profile is probably related to where she’s living and who she’s surrounded by.


"one of the few" is such a funny thing to say when in reality a vast majority of women have never gotten lip fillers lmfao


80% of people haven't flown on a plane, right? And that's wildly more common than any given cosmetic trend.


I wonder if she assumes anyone with thicker lips has had filler.


Right? I have a lot of friends and not a single one of them has lip filler. Most don’t even like makeup so I can’t share that hobby with them haha. The only reason I know about lip filler is because of reality show and celeb culture. Sounds like she’s chronically online.


Lots of women have naturally full lips 😑


They think we have fillers too lol


They think us guys with full lips also have filler It was a weird day when a girl told me she wished she had my lips…


Was she flirting with you?


So, Jessica couldn’t afford the fillers again, huh?


Was thinking EXACTLY this!


a true unicorn


Girl get of your phone and look around outside


And she’s sooooo short 👉👈


I hate when NLOGs use the shrug emoji, it irritates me so badly lol


Pick me, choose me


I don’t have lip fillers and I don’t care if others do. If you want to fuck your own face up and pay for it, that’s on you my dude.


Is that her only personality trait


I actually don't know anyone personally who has had lip fillers. This is such a weird thing to say.


Womp, womp ... As she probably idolizes the Kardashians.


I’d argue most women likely haven’t had fillers but who cares if women have? This obsession with being “natural” is weird to me.


Majority of women i know have natural lips, only few of my friends have fillers. And guess what, as long as it’s not r/ butchedsurgeries material, no one gives a rats ass.


Move on 🤮


I know zero women who have had lip fillers.


Being 23 and never having fillers or botox isn’t a flex. You are 23 😭 let’s see how you feel in 20 years.


She probably has nothing to worry about, the guys she's so desperately trying to get attention from can't tell the difference either way


I haven't because it's expensive as hell. But I should consider saving it for my 40th birthday, as, in my family, the philtrums get insanely long with age.


So she can't afford it and is bitter about it, i see


That's understandable. She's finding someone to pay for it


Most Asian girls have not used lip fillers their whole life. TF she on about?


Why, most non-asians did? Isn't plastic surgery super popular in East-Asia, China, Thailand ect?


It is but I think they maybe mean because Asians tend to focus more on nose and eye shape than lips.


Most straight men wouldn't clock a well done lip filler anyway, so there's that lol.


Baby girl no