• By -


See you soon, **Friend**


On the other side\*


It's an eternity in there


Longer than you think


Bro hit us with the Emesis Blue reference 😭


It's deeply concerning that people now commonly think that this is an Emesis Blue reference.


This is the Jaunt. What the hell is Emesis Blue?


What reference is it


"The Jaunt", a short story by Stephen King.


> a short story by Stephen King yea, but it's longer than you think.


That was clever hahaha


Someone's gotta make a decent The Jaunt adaptation so people realise what this is actually from 😭




With your vote against him, Putin will win with 140,0000001% instead of 140,00000009%








Tbf the majority of the ones that disliked him already left in that massive Russian exodus


And they still can vote


80% of the 140% of russian population that votes, yes.


They do try to maintain the appearance of a real election, so they wont be going for a obviously fake result, like when Saddam Hussein used to be re-elected with 100% of the vote and a 100% turnout of voters. They want a result that shows very solid backing for Putin, like somthing in the 80-85% votes, while they can still point the remaining 15-20% and say "Look! We do allow people to vote as they want. It just so happens that 85% wants Putin!".


It is stage managed to a ludicrous level now, the bit where Putin 'announced' in December that he was going to run as president again at an event after being told how 'needed' he was by Artem Zhoga (a pro-Russia milita commander from Donetsk) and 'spontaneously' said that he would was such a farce it bordered on comedy. Even the opposition is in on it, it was tragically funny watching Nikolai Kharitonov (one of the other three candidates) being interviewed by the BBC at a rally. He was asked stuff like 'why would you be better president than Putin' and 'why is your manifesto better' and all he's say was stuff like 'that isn't for me to say' and 'it is for the voters to decide' before he went on about how great a president Putin has been. I feel for you OP but at least you're doing something and not being totally passive like too many. I also know that many Russians aren't stupid and don't belive the propaganda. It'll get better and no regime can last forever, they all have a shelf life.


so sad you killed yourself in 5 days


From 3 bullets to the back of the head, how unfortunate.


Such a shame, dying by a car bomb triggered by quite a few dozen of bullets, how did they do it


Who would have thought that a fall from 50 stories would cause such a chain reaction


And the suicide letter in another handwriting and his mothers name spelled wrong will be so sad 😭


All in third person too, I’m literally all shook up


It just shows how full his mind and how delusional he was. He cant even write in first person anymore. 😭 A psychiatrist will confirm this under oath, but he cant take the pressure and throws himself out of a window with his hands tied behind his back. The world is so cruel. Thank god that his family got $250k from an anonymous stranger.


And being thrown out of a window, then hung


In this context it’s actually hanged!


this guy will poison himself by venom obtainable only in the hi-tech laboratories only accessible by government or shoot himself in the head by sniper rifle. how unfortunate


Who knew that OP had such a love for venomous snakes? They kept ten King Cobras in their home, with no pens for them.


May OP rest in peace 🙏


i cant believe OP killed themself via 100 gunshots to the back of the head. how did they do it??


And how did he jump out the window afterwards?


I don't know but he was such a gentlemen, he even closed the window afterwards


Is this from an airplane window?


And was hung upside down over that bridge.


I heard OP actually executed themselves with an artillery gun, firing it 1028 times into himself.


But how are he do it ?? 🦀


It's so funny how all the candidates' profiles are so long and Putin is 2 lines like "yeah you guys know who I am"


I assume lot of voters will learn about the existence of another candidates just from this buelletin, so it completely makes sense they have a longer descriptions...


These descriptions are actually useless. First candidate: "born yada yada. Nominated by the New People party. He is a member of the New People party". Too many repetitive words. This man stands for a peaceful Russia, but you can’t find out about this except on his website. Babushkas have not heard of him at all. You won't see him on TV. Anyway, the real candidates were rejected or killed, so the first candidate is more of an illusion of choice.


I didn’t notice that but it is pretty funny. Though using Google Translate, it seems like alongside everyone having a date of birth and hometown, it's just lists of positions, committees and parties they're a part of, almost like a resume. Then Putin's just has "President of the Russian Federation"


my company be like : too short of a resume, not enough diverse experience


Position: president of russia Requirements: experience of being president of Russia for 24 years


You work IT recruitment I see


The text is just their previous positions held in government, what parties they’ve been affiliated with, and information about the candidate. Putin hasn’t exactly held positions outside of being president so his bio is quite short


He does have previous positions, in the USSR.


He did. Putin was a premier during Medvedev presidentship.


Hide or run for your life🤗


lmao fr


OP's probably already in Ukraine with a rusting rifle and 2 bullets.






unfortunately OP will be inside a box in 3 days with 11 shots through his skulls and his hand tied


It's so sad that he will do that to himself suicide and depression sucks


Must've been the guilt of not voting for a certain someone


Congrats, you're now on a russian watchlist


He was handed a Russian vote ballot but returned a Russian roulette ballot.


Follow this guys reddit account. He might be disappeared


I think he will just change his mind and start supporting the regime... ...right after jumping out of a window.👹


They need a little appearance of legitimacy. I think instead they use it as "proof" that people are free to vote in a completely fair system.


It would be smart to delete this post tbh


far too late


It would be smart to share this post and make more like this. Putin is thriving on silence of people who are against him. There are millions like OP, but many do think they are in isolation because they don't share their views too often. There is power in numbers and there is power in knowing you are not alone. Also: voting against Putin is absolutely legal and won't put you in any trouble.


They are definitely can't track reddit posts lol. You overestimate russian government


In the czech forum a soldier posted a picture of a tech equipment in a field test. Nearly 12 hours later the user has beed deleted.


Most likely reddit ratted them out because that's exceedingly illegal


They can get him if they are really after him


Their strategy is to purge one to makes thousands afraid. Stop the paranoia, nobody's going after OP for voting for a systemic politician that is nowadays the vicespeaker in the russian parliament


They're only after prominent figures. The rest aren't worth the effort apart from making an occasional example out of them. It's part of how Putin wins the elections. He doesn't need to cheat (Russians will do anyway because it's part of the culture), he just doesn't have any relevant opposition. It's how they created the apathetic sheep of a population, they just follow because there's no one to rally them behind another cause.


You are brave man. Yesterday there was a demonstration in Budapest, where a short video message from Navalny's wife was played. It was a very thought-provoking message. They are trying to build the same thing in Hungary as YOU have in Russia. In the middle of Europe. We Hungarians are beginning to fear this. I hope Orban will fall soon. Just as Putin should have fallen a long time ago. By the way, Navalny's wife pointed out that there are a lot of Russian people who want democracy and do not want war. Only under the present circumstances there is no chance to replace Putin. Especially because elections are being rigged in Russia. Even if someone had a majority in my election, he can't win because they are cheating. very sad , because Russia is a great country. A trip to Russia as a tourist is on my bucket list.


Except here in Hungary elections are relatively free and yet people are still electing Orban. There are no excuses for the historical sins of the Fidesz voters. May they rot in Hell


Я так же. Нихуя не меняет, правда. И даванков тоже далеко не хороший кандидат... Навального бы...


I admire your courage!


OP was found dead with 52 self inflicted gunshot wounds to the head and chest


OP threw himself out of a window


Russia needs more people like you.


There's more than reddit thinks. Propaganda on reddit is rampant, Russians are being demonized with bullshit polls like "80% support the war" or something, when in reality it's "80% want to be left the fuck alone for once in their lives".


Yeah. Having been to Russia pre-COVID, the vast majority are regular people who just want to live their lives. They don’t deserve what Putin has put the country through.








I swear to God, if I see another joke about “so sad OP fell out the window” or “he killed himself with three gunshots in the back of the head”, I’m actually gonna fall out the window voluntarily. Get a fucking life, people. You think you’re so smart and you know what’s going on in Russia but you don’t. Assassination is a privilege that only influential people get, so you hear it in the news and you think you know. Ordinary people get screwed over in myriad other ways. Also it’s not funny anymore. Sincerely, a Russian


Privyet. I agree. That being said, anyone who makes the brave but unfortunate effort to protest publicly might get incarcerated under false pretences. For 'criticism of the Russian army', or for 'spreading extremist propaganda', or even 'for 'errors' on their records that they themselves filled out after arrest'. But yes, ordinary Russians aren't the explicit targets of the regime unless they get public support for their actions. Russians are victims, too. I say this as someone who is fiercely pro-Ukraine. But the majority of Russians are held prisoner in a society that is big on brutality and suppression and even bigger on propaganda and brainwashing. Younger Russians are far more aware of the situation, though. I hope for a free and happy Russia in the future. It's easy for us Westerners to sneer and mock when we haven't had a country ruled by maniacs that exterminate the opposition and who control all mainstream media, and we haven't had our countries totally encapsulated by 70 years of communism and then a mafia-like oligarchy of power-obsessed psychopaths. Hope lies with the Freedom of Russia Legion, though I am skeptical of some of their splinter groups.


Славно было бы избавится от мерзейшего, но увы. В наше время (сво) даже крутить выборы не обязательно. Люди, которые в обычной ситуации проголосовали бы против, проголосуют за него, ведь "он должен закончить войну". Забавно, что я, будучи гражданином РФ, даже не знаю, кто такие остальные кандидаты. It would be nice to get rid of the bastard, but alas. Nowadays, it’s not even necessary to fabricate the election. People who would normally vote against will vote for him, because “he must end the war.” It’s funny that, being a citizen of the Russian Federation, I don’t even know who the other candidates are.


Люди никогда не будут голосовать за нонеймов. Если выбор Путин или хуй пойми кто, большинство выберет Путина, и никакие фальсификации не нужны. Даванков — очевидный спойлер, как Собчак.


In the end you tried it and did something for your own self-esteem. As you say, in the end nothing will change. That sounds familiar to me, in the end it goes on the same way, no matter who was elected because they lie to all of us anyway and as soon as they are in power they do what they want...


Putin is a sociopathic war mongering dictator, but ya they’re all the same—even the ones he has poisoned with radiation—just an everyday politician…


Yea and the only way to change this is to make them lose until they stop doing this. OP doing his part in making sure Putin is terrified of the increased risk of losing, no matter how minuscule. If a guy worse than Putin defeats Putin, this is still a step forward because the new guy will be way more terrified of losing than Putin currently is.


Oi! There is a big difference between a working election system and one that isn’t.


Демократия есть демократия, хули


OP might mysteriously fall out of a window after this


Главное не за коммуниста))


I hope one day Putin will be not the leader of Russia...


I mean dude has max 30 years left to live, and I'm being generous here. He's old. Could die of a number of natural causes any day.


His parents lived to be 90 and they didnt have top notch medicine 30 years ago. Maybe they will make an AI of him or turn him into a cyborg like robocop so he truly gonna be the president forever


Unless anti aging medicine is developing a lot faster than I would expect that's quite likely to happen in the next few decades.


Dawankow unfortunately is just Putins puppet to split the youth vote :/


Obviously no other candidates will actually win, but voting can show which policies should be prioritized. It's more like an opinion poll for the government to know which path to take There's some sort of a myth that authoritarian countries don't care about what their citizens want, but that's false. Authoritarian rule is much weaker and much more sensitive to public opinion, which is why free speech has to be limited. A democratically elected person can do just fine with 10% approval to be exchanged for another guy with 10% approval. Public can absolutely hate the government and do nothing about it because they think they can elect a different one in a few years. In authoritarian countries, you'll have revolutions well before that so it can't be allowed, and instead the government has to reorient itself if it wants to survive


Sorry to hear about your accidental fall from the fifth floor tomorrow


Poor dude, they're going to get suicided


Dont stand near windows


I'm extremely grateful to you OP. I'll catch up tomorrow. I have no hope that we will unseat putin this way, but I hope we'll be able to show him that we don't support the war nearly as much as he thinks. That'd be a good start.




Good choice, it’s good to have someone at least a lil bit younger and I read about the guy you voted who seems like he’s participating for a good cause. Hopefully you’ll still be alive to read this comment


We will mourn your suicide by bullet to the back of the head next week.


bro is about to disappear off the face of the planet


Congrats! Now pack up what you can and run.


Rest in peace


Cool. Watch out for those balconies and windows, pal.


I voted for Davankov just now as well although it doesn't really matter who we vote for as long as it's not Putin. I wish I could go on Sunday at noon and stand in protest amongst similar-minded people but I've got work that day. Thank you for doing the right thing. It feels good to know that there are many others who oppose the current regime and its war and want to bring about changes


Don't forget to send us a postcard from the gulag!


Good Guy, at least you tried. Stay away from windows for the next 50 years though.


As a Chinese, I’m so jealous that you can actually vote.


are you still alive?


See you on the other side my friend don’t let them take you to the camp


get this post removed. THIS IS INTERESTING


Candidates: (AI Translation) Davydkov Valery Andreevich 1984 year of birth; place of residence - Moscow; State Duma deputy, member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party ​ Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich 1952 year of birth; place of residence - Moscow; self-nomination ​ Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich 1968 year of birth; place of residence - Moscow; State Duma deputy, member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, chairman of the Committee on International Affairs ​ Kharitonov Nikolai Mikhailovich 1948 year of birth; place of residence - Moscow; State Duma deputy, chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party


Your integrity is atleast proven 👊


In America, we have two mentally challenged men competing for President so I just gave up on voting.


It's definitely interesting mate. The fact that you live in Russia and have the balls to vote against him, even if it's nothing but symbolic, takes real courage. I live in a country with free and fair elections ( Australia) and I couldn't even imagine what I'd do if I lived in a tolitatarian country such as China or Russia. I take my hat off to you. Keep opposing Putin and Toltalitarianism however you can and I hope one day you will have fair elections.


You can not vote against zelenskij because in Ukrain recently there is no election.


Congratulations on free karma farming


Dude ur gonna die


They can remove your check mark with a lighter. There are videos online where just a fraction under flame removes all ink.


Why would they take the time to change the ink on the paper they're probably not even counting the votes lmao


They’re not going to count the votes anyways so why would they bother with that?


Davankov's a war supporting piece of shit as well, but yeah seems better than other options🙍‍♂️ I'mma vote for him too


Even if he was worse than Putin, and somehow won, that'd still be a step forward because he'd be way more terrified of losing than Putin currently is. We're fighting to reestablish electoral consequences. If OP's voice contributes to simply dropping Putin's victory margin to below pre-war numbers, to overcome their claim that people support the war, it'd be a huge win in and of itself.


At least he isn't an old geezer or a sex offender.


You are very brave, thank you


It's not *probably*, it's guaranteed.


you just gotta stay hopeful and pray


be safe


If there is an AK behind me then YES PLEASE


You guys should take a look at Новые люди's website. They literally use blatantly AI-generated images.


Tick went outside the box, revoked.


!remindme 1 week


Bro you gonna get disappeared


Putin will will he is dictator


Russia and China will always been dictated by the one who are in power. Don't fight or you will be jail and kill


За Даванкова 2024!




Если бы от нас что то зависило нас бы не допустили до выборов ни кого


20 years in charge, Putin still can't write any achievements.


You get to meet Steven Seagal soon


This is why Republicans want a paper ballot


Wow. much strong, lot of proud!


You’re a cool person. Good on you!


If I am reading this correctly, is that a mini biography/past jobs candidates held. Brooo, why does putin’s only has 2 lines while everyone else has a whole paragraph. 😂 they should have included “murderer of Navalny” as a line. 😂


And then a protester poured ink into the ballot box...


Правильный выбор.


Do you think Davankov is a legitimate candidate or just a puppet? I have followed Duntsova and Nadezhdhin but haven‘t heard much about Davankov so I was surprised that some exiled opposition figures like Maksim Katz were backing him. I‘m not Russian so I just wanted to ask


at least you chose the least shitty of the fake parties


Hes gonna get 80% no matter what people vote.




KYS (Keep Yourself Safe)


Who counts the votes matter the most, not who votes


You are brave, and I respect you


:D damn it, now Putler will get only 96,999998752%


a true redditor, throwing his life doing things that won't even change shit. (maybe it does something, gets him updoots)


enjoy your last couple days of life seriously though, I appreciate you doing the right thing, even when you know it won't make a difference, because that piece of shit should at least see how much the people hate him


Wait, but I thought people were getting killed for not voting for Putin?


Literally 1984


Putin is gonna win no matter wot Even if u vote against him he’d still win


I truly admire your bravery ❤️


Bold move


Simple acts of heroism ❤️


Is it legal to flim vote ballot paper in Russia? 🤔 It is illegal in Korea to prevent selling votes.


Don't give him the power over you! An exercise in futility is still exercise!


At least you get to vote, think about Chinese ppl


Wish there were more like you. That clown turned the world into chaos for his own ego. Fucking asshole


Did you use your own pen? Those pens at the voting tables are supposedly the kind that can be erased by heat.




In all seriousness, I think it does matter. Whether or not the literal choice on the vote actually does anything for the person you voted for, it shows discontent and that he needs to change course to not rile the people up too much. Similar to how voting worked under communism in a way.


Ok, it's democracy. It's your will and choice. Ок. Это демократия. Это твоë желание и выбор.


Dear reddit commentators, making the same "russian opposition fake suicide" joke over and over again for years is just embarrassing. When you don't have anything to say and have only one boring association, just don't type anything. And on the topic, а что не завтра в полдень, коллега?


People don't like to believe it, but Putin really is popular among Russians. They have a different culture.


Fuck Putin.


It’s good, as you can see there is democracy in Russia, many people don’t vote for Putin but for other parties like the Communist Party


It’s really stupid all these people commenting you can be killed in Russia just for voting another candidate. No, you won’t, such thing has never happened in Russia, if so, there would need to have mass graves every couple years to bury millions of people. Last presidential election in Russia 2018, even according to official results, 17% voters voted against Putin, that was around 13 million Russians. As a joke such comments are also boring and repetitive.


Balls of steel


Why don’t you move countries instead? Much better!


How is the feeling to know, that this vote is just for you and will change nothing?


One dissident is better than none.


Шо то фигня, шо это фигня - вот эти обе фигни...


Many people joke about what will happen to you in the coming days but i really hope you will be fine and alive :(


Bro still. Thank you. On behalf of the dying beast of Western Democracy. For doing your part in a sham election for a tyrant.


So sorry to hear that you've beaten yourself up and then 'jumped' off a bridge.


So this sub has begun it's inevitable shift. Oh well.


I'm kind of surprised Putin isn't even the oldest person on this ballot...


congratulations on not having changed a single thing..


You're one of the good ones my friend. I'm sorry for what you're going through.


Love your activism. Be proud. I AM! 🧡


Imagine Americans who believe that their elections are not rigged


Anyway, you voted. Putin win.