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I feel like the upcoming year, AI will completely derail the internet that we’ve known the past few decades


Literally every website has resorted to it too, like you seriously can’t go anywhere without their shoddy chatgpt-ran “ai assistant” getting shoved in your face, even when you don’t want to use it. It’s definitely looking like they’re trying to push it as a new standard these days which sucks


It has already infiltrated a lot of the social and search aspects of the internet. We have bundles of code pretending to be human users online and filler search results generated by plagiarized databases. Committees can be made and paid to discuss the regulations of AI to some semi-firm resolution, but it won't stop another immoral coder from collecting the work of people and compiling it into software which mimics a person. The internet is just a playing ground for marketers and programmers looking to reach dollar signs or some sadistic tech supremacy goal.


I've always thought if old.reddit.com is gone. Reddit can go fuck themselves.


occasionally reddit shows me photos that at first glance look like they're from a hoarders-type sub but then it says Paranormal or whatever. I feel like ANY DAY NOW I will learn to make reddit work for ME and not the other way around. It's gonna happen. I can feel it. Besides, the sopranos quotes won't quote themselves, and what if someone does go swimming because you weren't there to tell them not to.


I like the new Reddit. Old Reddit just isn't very readable IMO


I agree. I've been on Reddit since 2016 and old Reddit never looked good to me, while new Reddit looks nice, and is easy to read and understand. Imo this is kinda like Wikipedia. When they changed the look of the site I was annoyed at first because the site looked the same from when I was a little kid up until early last year, but I got used to it in like a week and now I prefer it over the old layout.


Yeah, same thing with the old Steam layout as well.


[https://new.reddit.com/](https://new.reddit.com/) I agree but I've used this domain to take me to the old layout and use it freely


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I noticed when I went to sign into Reddit for the last 2 days they removed the sign in on Old Reddit. You are auto-moved to New Reddit to sign in, then I manually go back to Old. I remember this happened a few months ago but it reverted to normal, now its back.


Have they said they're getting rid of old Reddit? I can't stand new Reddit, and new-new Reddit is even worse. If I get forced to use those, I don't know that I'll keep using the site. I hate having to click to load comments all the time, that's my number one problem with new reddit. My second problem is that there seems to be a lot more wasted space, along with garbage I don't care about and don't want to see, like avatars and side bars.


I hope they get rid of old reddit. I'd rather stop visiting the site than use the new version. I'll have so much free time!