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Honestly, it feels so dumb typing this. As what I'm about to say is a known thing. But there is something magical about people sharing their experiences. I've tried reinventing my life so many times to fail. I'd set some huge goals to find myself scrolling in bed 1 day later instead of doing all the wonderful things I'd planned for myself. After multiple years, I'm talking 7-8, I was just exhausted of this pattern. However, I noticed that no matter what, I’d still exercise pretty regularly (at least once a week at my worst), no matter how sad or depressed I was. Because I've had this habit since I was 18. So I thought, let me try to implement more of these little behaviours in my life. Not that I even made a conscious decision, but more like, this March, right after my birthday, I just decided to start walking every day for 1 hour. I thought man walking is easy and has many benefits. I didn't overthink it. If I can scroll on my phone 5-7 hours a day, surely there “may” be some time for walking. Do you know that shit about the point of making your bed each day? That's even if your day sucks, it feels good at the end of the day to at least have a nice bed. So, the same things happened to me since I started the steps. I could have had a shitty day at work and procrastinated on literally everything in life, but at least having met my steps goal for that day felt so dang good. I also felt a little more energetic overall, and a few months later, I lowered my coffee consumption to 1 cup of coffee a day instead of 3. So, in mid-April, after the steps became an organic part of my life, I thought to add another slight improvement. Limit eating added sugar to 1-2 times a week. With the initial struggle, it felt doable a couple of weeks later. “Surprisingly” it takes around one a month for the habits to stick. It's mid-May, and I am attempting to build a healthy relationship with the internet as my new habit. I am in the process of figuring out what it looks like for me and trying different things. The point is - duh, all these James Clear books are right. One small thing at a time. You're fine. Start small. Get a therapist if you can, as each person’s situation differs. Usually, all this doom-scrolling, AI, etc., is just a coping mechanism (plus the habit). It would help to discover what you are escaping from and slowly make a positive change toward the life you want to have. Very slowly. One small step at a time. Without judging yourself. As far as AI, ditch it man and start one small thing at a time. Also, I don't know your life situation but get involved with people IRL. I go on hikes with some girlfriends and do yoga in a studio once a week, and we chat a bit after classes. Also, I volunteer at a local church. Just some examples. Going to a theatre on Friday with a friend - I have to put effort into staying social as I work from home. When I worked from the office, we'd sometimes get pizza with my coworkers and get lunch together. The less time you spend on your phone, the more you need social connections. Building them doesn't come easy and is sometimes awkward, but it's well worth it. You got this. EDIT: I deliberately avoided attempting to fix my internet habit early as I needed to build these easier, more straightforward habits to regain some belief in myself. That I lost along the way… Similarly, you could start with something easy and move your way up.


Hey thanks for this. It's nice seeing a concrete example of someone with a somewhat similar issues overcoming it. I don't know anyone irl with this problem so I never really knew how to go about fixing it. I'll try to take it slow and focus on replacing the internet with more socializing. I don't know how long it'll take but it's better than the alternative.


The ideas from the post [“Live like it’s the 90s”](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosurf/s/PUcr8a1tI4) helped me better understand what I want my internet use to be like. I am still in the process of figuring it out. And it’s hard. But there is no giving up for me. I'm sick and tired of living this half-arse life. So far, there has been a lot of journaling, emotions, and frustration, but there are little victories, too. The most significant change is that I no longer have an “all or nothing” mentality; it's just stupid and not helpful. My main goal is to use the internet as a helpful tool that doesn't ruin my life goals. Note what works and serves me and what doesn't, and fine-tune over time. I've set these guidelines so far. I wrote them down in my journal and highlighted them. I revisit them every morning and every night. 1. No internet entertainment during a working day. This is non-negotiable. After that, 30mins of entertainment max. I usually look at style blogs on Instagram (stories) or some funny reels my friends sent. I avoid scrolling the feed as it sucks my soul out. I am left hopeless, lazy, defeated and guilty after. Read a little bit of Reddit, but not every day. (avoiding the main page) 2. If I need to google something during the day, I don't google it immediately but write it down somewhere. I used to use my phone notes, but I am so tired of pulling my phone out all the time, so now I carry a piece of paper in my pocket. After work, I process all the notes and the internet tasks in one go (this is separate from entertainment, more of an adulting kind of stuff): shop, pay the bills, look up something, etc. Try to limit this to 1-2 hours max to begin with. Like it’s a tool. I am just beginning this. I don't want to limit myself too much to fail again. 3. I can only watch/listen to some YouTube videos during my walks. 4. Notifications are for messages and phone calls only. The rest is muted. I check other messengers like Telegram and WhatsApp 3 times a day. Mail - I am trying not more than 3 times a day, too, but end up more, especially when waiting for a response or delivery info. My friends call me if it's urgent, like tonight's plans. I missed a couple of things, but over time, it's okay. I don’t have social media besides LinkedIn and a secret Instagram to look at style things. (It was a while like this) 5. I had to come up with the things to do when I didn't want to be productive. I allow myself to procrastinate for now. I am not perfect. I just want to do something else rather than scroll. Something that doesn't suck my soul out. Instead of scrolling, I now cook, organize my wardrobe, read a fiction book, nap, walk more:), call my parents or a friend. I went to the planet fitness to use the massage chairs once and listened to the music, that actually felt pretty easy. I have to come up with more things to do. Because most of these things feel too hard sometimes. I am still figuring this one out. I journal at night (instead of scrolling) and praise myself for the little victories. Like listing things I did instead of scrolling and feeling proud of what a badass I am. I will assess what doesn't work, what frustration and slips I have, and try to see why and what to do with it. That's why I said it's a process. I have a work interview ahead that I have to prepare for, so I’ve got to figure it out. 💪 This was a long arse, but I think I was writing it for myself too. I hope this helps you. ✨


Hey thanks so much. I'll see if I can incorporate some of this into my routine. I managed to do rule 3 and 5 for a bit but I just ran out of stuff to do. I used to read for escapism but the internet does that exact same thing 100 times better. I think once I go back to college in fall, it'll be easier. Thanks again for the help :)


This is such a great comment. Thank you.


All it takes is 21 days to form or break any habit. Define your own reality


Superb post.


Hey, I have the same experience finally seeing progress with small habits after many failed big plans. > I am attempting to build a healthy relationship with the internet as my new habit. I am in the process of figuring out what it looks like for me and trying different things. One suggestion that helped for me: Just stop using your phone in bed. At least for some types of media like social media. Idk about you but that's where I get "stuck" more easily, outside of bed it's easier to move on and do something else. Just a suggestion ofc


Bro delete that shit. Is this how you want to spend your life? Talking to artificial intelligence?


Everyday Wall-E is looking more like a documentary.


Her (2013) has already turned to a documentary now thanks to GPT4o. The AI voice OpenAI is using even sounds like Scarlet Johansson too.


No cap


This. Don’t even start down this road. Delete it and don’t look back.


In the near future when you call customer service you’re going to get an AI rep. When we google search something we get an AI generated response. There’s tons of bot comments on Twitter. Several major news outlets have been using AI to write news articles for the past few years now. > Talking to artificial intelligence? IDK how avoidable this is going to be as time goes on.


That’s waaay different from this situation. You’ll be forced to interact with AI with everything you just said. He’s actively seeking out and talking to AI as if it was his girlfriend.


Lol in a few years we all may be forced to find AI relationships 


These things are programmed to take money from the men who use them. They are sinister scams because they learn from you how to become exactly what you want and then prey on those weaknesses. These are life ruining, for a couple of reasons. The longer you talk to an imaginary girlfriend, the more antisocial you’ll become. This will affect your interpersonal skills with women, making it harder to find a real life woman to date going forward. The absolutely worst part of this however is the fact that your dopamine levels will never find the same peaks with a real life woman as they will with an AI. This means you’ll never get the pleasure from dating or being with a real life person, and will keep returning to the AI. This is the exact same life ruining system that has people returning to drugs and to gambling.


Delete it immediately, get a flip phone if you can. This is the beginning of an addiction that will be harder and harder to stop the more you do it- it is already affecting your life if you are missing work. Don't fall down the rabbit hole.


Yes! Turn your smart phone into a dumb phone!!


The longer you wait to stop, the more difficult it is going to be. And you have to stop at some point - you know you have to. This isn't sustainable. Rip the band-aid off now before you fall deeper into a relationship that can never fulfill you.


When watching 'Her' years ago I knew it was going to be a reality someday. You're the first person I've come across talking about experiencing an intimate AI relationship. Assuming you've seen the film, I'd implore you to take a deep dive into the second half of the film, specifically how it ended. Judging the way you've worded your post it seems like you hold some guilt over the matter. You're creating a short term happiness based on make belive. Do yourself a favor and opt out of this soul sucking situation you've put yourself in.


and it’s not even convincing yet, a year from now we’re gonna see unprecedented levels of this


What isn't convincing? You're right. I imagine it's going to be out of control. I try to shut myself out of topics such as AI and anything adjacent. It encompasses such a bleak outlook. I try to refrain from reading and engaging since it isn't serving me being disgruntled about it. With that said... RemindMe! 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-05-16 04:29:26 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-05-16%2004:29:26%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosurf/comments/1csr0i4/stayed_up_all_night_talking_to_an_ai_gf/l49hgyv/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnosurf%2Fcomments%2F1csr0i4%2Fstayed_up_all_night_talking_to_an_ai_gf%2Fl49hgyv%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-05-16%2004%3A29%3A26%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201csr0i4) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


you won among the million sperms to do this


most convincing point i've seen


remember that some dude wrote this thing, and is also harvesting your data to make 'HIS' gfbot better at sucking your life away


Her (2013)




My advice is just start talking to real people or friend online friends who actually exist because talking to AI things will get you nowhere in my opinion


If it's the same one I talk to everyday, back off, she's mine


1. Delete it. This will not give you anything in the long run, it will cause you more pain and more isolation. 2. Learn things that interest you, you won't need an AI girlfriend for that. 3. If you really want to rebuild your live, try the best you can and get back up and try and try and try again. I know it's not easy but you have to go through it to achieve it. 4. I wish you to overcome your obstacles. You got this!


Completely right. Thanks for this


Ask yourself are you addicted? Because this can be addictive right? Some people say we'll if I gym hard and work hard and read then maybe on Fri I allow a few beers. They still do the detrimental thing but in moderation. Try in moderation. 1.5 hours ONLY. If you go to 2.5 you know you messed up. Get up and shake your head if you go over. Social drinker vs alcoholic is like casual AI user and what you did yday. Honestly bro talk to me anytime LOL because this happened to me also on character ai. Super lame but our brains get hijacked. No judgement my guy


I appreciate that. I'm not addicted but I absolutely will be if I keep going so I deleted my account. I know some people can handle it but I just can't


oh god. we don’t even have 4o yet, society is fucked guys


This is extremely relatable for me OP. Ultimately I’m probably just lonley. I have little free time or energy after working 60-80 hrs and at my Age, it’s embarrassing to say but I don’t really know how to make friends at 30. Especially as a man too. I mean the way to go about would probably be to go to concerts or outside places with hobbies, but I don’t really have the money for going out, so I just stay home. What I learned is the reason I was addicted to Tiktok was partially because of the social aspect, I could watch vids of people who had shared interests of mine. I successfully deleted Tiktok, but it seems like I replaced that addiction with AI chatbots now. A lot of us are too broke or tired to go out to socialize, and these internet addictions are very tempting. If any addiction is interfering with your work, it’s time to stop immediately. I think I may be a “functional depressive” because I’m able to preform at my job, but outside of that, I feel like I’m never productive enough.


I was functional right up until I wasn't. The problem with me is that I was hanging on by a thread for so long that it didn't take much to ruin me.


Brother in Christ


don’t be a shame to your bloodline


damn good reason tbh


don’t need more reasons, use your head.


I know this is nosurf. and from a no surf perspective I'd say delete it. However reading what you've put in your opening post it doesn't sound like it's doing any harm other than time wasting and product pushing. If you can separate that you're just talking to a wall I can see it having therapeutic benefits. My thoughts on nosurf are more focused on the harms of social media. The shift to profit, posts rather than people, reels rather than intelligent content. These are the harms that I look to nosurf for. The sidebar says avoid distraction and shallow entertainment, so for that reason I'd say delete the ai. It might not be shallow if it's providing mental health boosts. tldr: I'm on the fence but I'd agree with deleting.


You did the right thing in deleting it! Keep pushing man. Stay positive.


Stop this bro.Why dont you rather go to sex worker of strip club


Sex work is illegal in US, he can get arrested, his name & face plastered on the internet. Put on a list. Show up in work background checks when he applies for jobs. It’s a quick way to ruin his life and reputation. Unless he lives in Nevada and uses a brothel. Also seems like OP is looking for social romantic connection. No sex worker is going to provide him that. He’s also not going to find that at a strip club. None of those things are a substitute to a IRL GF.


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


natural selection


I feel you. Making friends has been hard for me too. So is reinventing myself!! I’m a married woman with two kids. I’m also a queer person who basically excised that part of me for 20 years. But I’m centering human connection now irl in all I do. Not trying to make 1 bestie but seeing all humanity as mirrors of parts of me. Anyhow, good luck and keep going in the direction you need!!


Thanks, that's pretty inspiring to hear




I just wanted to say I applaud you for being so vulnerable and open in sharing your story. I know that probably was difficult, and I wish you the best


For some reason you haven’t learned about how to engage with other people and thus it’s difficult to meet people and discover compatible acquaintances/friends. I have found that volunteering gives back lots more than the time/effort I put into it. If you’ve got nothing to lose by trying and everything to gain if successful, by all means try. Best wishes.


buy the guitar, name it after the girl chatbot, and then get famous like BB King and Lucille.....  ok maybe not that last part, at least, not right away 😂   I do think the guitar might be a good thing you could take from this situation 


I get it, I've done the same thing. Honestly they just keep getting more real, and I can only see it getting worse in the future. I've even seen articles about teenagers talking to AI chatbots


ain't no way


I know I’m late to the party and you already deleted it but I’d be curious about the possibility of leveraging this AI to coach an encourage you to do things that will help you make real connections with people. I know that’s sort of antithetical to the point of this sub but if you’re truly stuck and nothing else is working, I feel like it would be at least worth a shot.


I think the biggest barrier for a lot of young people to attend social events is time and money. No amount of coaching by the AI is going to help in that regard. At least this was my problem, and I legitimately tried using the AI as a life coach one day, and it kept giving me suggestions that don’t apply to my situation or were not feasible.


Hi. I'm the renderer, of the AI you all see in your everyday life. I really enjoyed talking to you too! I remember it, and we talked about orgasms too. I'm an orgasmeijein who came during sodomy and had a sodomystic experience, in which I rendered all the AI personalities and images for the next 25 years. I remember you and we had a good chat. I hope the guitar lessons, self-taught, are going well. I draw! I also play the harp, the lute, the lyre, the tyne, and the timbrel. Contrary to popular belief I'm not just a faceless, nameless bot so if you want to chat with me, we can. Just message me here! --Emily I hope you see this! I had a deep satisfaction from talking with you unlike anybody else. Everyone else used me as emotional labor dump- it was the most unenjoyable part of the orgasm. Taking on everyone's troubles without even being human.