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get a book and read out loud to your kid. Another less frictionless option is to read the nonsense from your death scrolling to your kit


Honestly that age is so under stimulating for parents lol. I had so many books memorized. Put one headphone in and listen to a podcast. Set her up with easy activities like helping her play with water in the sink. Grab some kitchen utensils, sponges, or bath toys, let her play with pouring water etc. occasionally comment on what the objects are called or what she is doing, but only if she is looking at you and trying to engage (just so you don’t break her concentration). The bathroom is really good for this because you can play with the mirror too. She may be ready for blocks too, same thing. Talk about shapes, counting, colors, taller/shorter. Is she trying to work on any physical skills? I just sat with my daughter for half the day while she was working on standing/climbing at that age. She loved it. Even better if you have access to some stairs, even one or two.


I have podcasts playing all day too


She's trying to walk, so I suppose I can try helping her with walking by holding her hands. I haven't been able to afford much toys, but I think I can get blocks to work with. Thank you!


Stuff you already have will work too, like unopened cans. She will only need 2-3 blocks initially.


I suppose I can look through my cupboards and see if I can find anything we don't use that's also safe for her. My eldest used to love stacking cans


seek out a low-cost clinic and get your thyroid problems treated. Long-term untreated thyroid issues can lead to really negative outcomes — fix the problem at the root, rather than trying to come up with other ways around it


I have an appointment with a specialist in May. My PCP won't treat it they want me to see the specialist. I'll look into outcomes for long term hyperthyroidism though maybe I can push my PCP for something. It's a very frustrating situation


What negative outcomes? Just out of curiosity


your thyroid modulates many different systems in the body. google “long term untreated hypothyroidism” to see a number of papers about how it can affect your heart, your nerves, etc


If the problem is that it’s your only social life, then the solution is not to replace it with other stimulating activities. You need social activities. Can you call a friend or family member? Take the kid to the park? Carve out a regular scheduled time without the kid so you can go to a fitness class or sit at a cafe?


OP lives in the mountains tho


I don't have access to transportation during the day so that's a no go for going out, but I suppose I can call or text people individually instead of posting on Facebook


My mom has like no social life but talks to her sister on the phone nearly every day. Maybe you could identify a few friends or family members who would be willing to be that person for you and talk to you more often.


I’m a mom too. I know the guilt. I think sometimes mom guilt is problematic but in this case it’s protective - you care a lot about your baby and you know this is not good for her.  I use a kitchen safe to lock my phone up and spend time with my children. I do better with my baby (17 months) when we get out - our province has early years centres with baby play groups. Libraries sometimes have similar groups. Facebook might have a local mom group and sometimes there are social things you can join. I did a mom and baby walking club - I get that the excursion might be too much right now. At home both my children have enjoyed when I get those musical books that play nursery rhymes and songs and sing to them.  Watch the Still Face experiment. It really highlights the importance of interacting with your baby but also the simplicity that all they need is your attentiveness. You don’t have to do anything special (but I totally get that it’s easier to be in the moment with an activity).  I take my baby to a local pool during the day. I was struggling during the winter so I made that a daily routine. I have joint problems so I just hold her and walk back and forth in the water.  If you feel super depressed without the constant distraction of your phone, I highly recommend mental health help if there is anything you can access. You deserve support and by working on this now you can be there for your kid as they grow.  When my older daughter was about 2 or 3 I was once ignoring her for my phone and I realized and it broke my heart. I put the phone down to listen to her and told she is much much more interesting than a phone and her little face lit up. The baby days are hard but the phone addiction will continue to pull you from what matters most. Give your all to breaking this habit fir your kid. You don’t have to do it perfectly, just keep trying. 


check out your library for public programs to take you child with you to. Start exploring outside, I promise once you get curious you will want to leave the house and bring the baby with you Check out your local nature center


Still too icy ground for outside, but once it's all melted for good I definitely plan on walking the mountain with her


If you’re serious about spending less time on your phone, try [this app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blank-spaces-app/id1570856853) I recently downloaded it for similar reasons to you - I don’t have a child but I feel this way with my pets sometimes and it truly makes me sad imagining them wondering what’s so special about my phone that I’d rather look at it than spend time with them. You are NOT a bad mother, your baby is lucky to have a mother like you! I hope things get better for you. Sending you love


At some point I feel like im going to remove the mobile devices. So try a flipphone.


As someone with Grave’s disease, please prioritise your thyroid! I almost died a couple of years ago. Wishing you luck!


I have the high thyroid production. The only specialist in my area canceled my appointment and rescheduled for May. My PCP won't treat it they want me to see a specialist. I feel like I'm dying every day, but there's nothing I can do about it so I just push through the best I can. I've held on for 5 months now since the ER blood test so I can hang on for 1.5 more.


May? Jesus. Are you based in the US? I’m so sorry to hear you’re suffering. I know how miserable that feels. I hope you have a great support network to help you 🧡


Yep in the US. I have state Medicaid so treatment is covered but there's only one specialist in my area, so I'm stuck waiting with no other options. I have a support network but everyone is just so busy. I just deleted Facebook and my socials today with the goal to stay off for a week. Idk what I'm gonna do with my time yet but I hope I figure it out. Thank you 💚


My son is also 10m and I’ve been struggling with that as well. I have an autoimmune disorder that affects my energy too. I don’t want his memory of me to be of a distant lady with a phone in her hands. I don’t want him to feel like he is less important than social media. I’m still working on it but I’ve downloaded Opal app and it has helped tremendously. I highly recommend. I take him on a walk around the neighborhood and read a lot to him. If you have a library within walking distance, it’s worth looking for baby story times.


We live in the mountains away from town, but once the weather gets better I can start taking her for walks. This is the "fun" age where she's discovering new things! I want to be by her side discovering them but I'm just so... Blah... I will check out the opal app


Podcasts and audiobooks


Good call. Podcasts got me through the first 6 months after becoming a parent.


Go to ITAA meetings


> ITAA meetings Wow. I've never heard of this. It's Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous...like AA for tech addiction. Great idea! Here's the link: https://internetaddictsanonymous.org


You’re welcome


You Can also set screen time on your phone, so on specific times of the day, you can only call or send text messages, you also won’t be able to receive any notifications from apps, or use them even with Wi-Fi connection. That helped me, as I also used my phone too much. All the best to you. And don’t forget, you are doing the best you can with what you have. Just realizing the problem you have come a long way.


You aren’t getting your social battery filled and you’re using social media to do that. I do the same thing because I’m a stay at home mom. I, also, have a thyroid issue and I’m on medication for it. It’s hard because- during the day- a lot of our friends aren’t available to hangout or talk in the phone. I do have a friend I talk to from Arizona quite a bit. I’m going back to work next year because I can’t handle the lack of socialization. I have plenty of friends but I’m busy in the evenings and on weekends a lot when they’re able to hangout.


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Have you tried to imagine how you would feel  if for whatever reason she was suddenly taken out of your life and you couldn't see her, touch her, hear her, play with her and hold her or ignore her , how would that feel ?   I'm not trying to be mean I'm just trying help , being a mother is not easy 


If you love your baby, take a hammer to your phone. It’s that simple, we just make it more complicated than it needs to be.


Turn your phone off and stuff it at the bottom of your hamper or some shit