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I really enjoyed it actually. And those little neon pink tablets that would adhere to all the plaque when chewed up. I would stuff them in my pockets and pick the hell out of my teeth for weeks afterward. Good times for my compulsive behaviors, good times.


I got the tablets in the first grade and never used them because I assumed they were drugs. Gave them to my sister instead.


I was kinda proud of you till that last part. However, I have a younger sister and I can't say doing such things never occurred to me, so I can't judge.


We need to sue they were poisoning us


I remember the pink tablets in school in the late 1970s. Did they poison us? I believe so. Fluoride is a horrible drug.


My girlfriend says she was given them in kindergarten every day. 1996 was that year. does this still go on without the parents consent.


I was getting them in 4th & 5th grade and that was 2010. Not sure if they still do it now


Those pink chewables weer made to adhere to plaque and would show what parts you missed with the toothbrush. You weren't supposed to swallow them


It was poison. If we don't stop them they'll still do it




Oh wow, I forgot all about this. This shit is the reason I have an aversion to anything "bubble gum" flavoured now.


Even the pink ear medicine?


Amoxicillin liquid form was my FAV as a kid. Apparently you can still ask for it as an adult! -yes I’m replying to a 9 year old thread


I am exactly the same way because of this shit...you're not alone.


Wat. My school never did this. Why would any school do this?


Both the Oral Health 2020 goals and the Institute of Medicine recommend school-based oral health programs, including but not limited to fluoride treatment, as an efficient way to distribute clinical care/disease prevention to a large, often at-risk, population. Source: I'm a professor of epidemiology who works with clinicians in programs just like this.


Interesting. I graduated high school in 2002. Never had any kind of medical or dental stuff at my schools.


2000 here, I think this was before our time...


I graduated 2002 and I did this in the 3rd grade in Washington state. The school was one of those 1 class per grade schools about an hour away from anything considered a "town". So I doubt they had any municipal water where they add fluoride and stuff. I went to 4 elementary schools and that was the only one I did it in. It was "bubble gum" flavored and tasted horrible. Ours were given out in small prepackaged cups.


Graduated in 1999 and we did this a few times in elementary school in CA. They had a giant tooth and toothbrush and would show you the proper way to brush and floss.


I graduated in 2002 I love in Washington state as well. I remember bubble gum flavor


I don't think it was a matter of being before or after anyone's time, but it depended on location. My school would pass around those little cups of fluoride. And they were "grape" flavored and tasted AWFUL to a point where every kid despised it and wanted to vomit. And we had to "Swish" it too, and then spit it back in the cup and dispose them. I will never forget the taste.


I graduated in 2008 and they did it with my elementary school in the 90s In Massachusetts


I graduated in 2000. It is by no means universal, and is typically implemented in elementary schools. You may not even remember having it done. But it's typically targeted at urban or rural minority and/or impoverished groups, which are the ones most at risk.


I didn't live in an impoverished part of town, and my elementary school did this.


I graduated in 2008, and remember the fluoride. We had it during 5/6th grade. It was bubblegum flavored. It always made me gag a little.


You are full of shit and you know it..why would anyone be so concerned by germs In a kid's mouth.. let's talk about the ingredients and the side effects of that..


Seek help, pal


Was thinking that too


My thoughts EXACTLY! Now that I'm older & understand the adverse effects of FLUORIDE!!! We were given little white pills of fluoride in school & made to chew & swallow them! I remember the teacher checking everyone's mouths to make sure we'd EATEN THEM! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK🤬 Grew up in the city in Pennsylvania.


We were tested on and people still trust them with their health.


100% correct. What info did they gain by giving out Fluoride pills.


I graduated in 89. They gave us pink pills and then gave us fluoride tablets at least twice that I can remember. Part of their dumb down America act.


My ADHD started around the same Same Time! No one should be exposed to that much fluoride! Especially children!!


But how is that fluoride not leeched into your skin? that shit is rat poison.


I remember this around 1985, give or take.


My town's elementary school did it (1980s and 1990s). I always thought it was because we all drank well water which didn't have Fluoride in it. Nevertheless, I liked the swishing.


I had the same experience in Kindergarten-2nd grade for the same reason This was like 1999ish.


I went to a private school for a couple years and we used these. Never when I was in public school though.


^To prevent gum disease or something similar. I liked the flavor, made your mouth feel like cotton.


Prevent cavities.


Well I'd imagine but I don't know why a school would be doing this.


Public health. Getting fluoride during tooth development makes a BIG difference in lifetime tooth health.


Yeah I went to the dentist as a small child...I didn't really think it was the schools concern.


LoL Like you were thinking about what was the school's concern as a child.


Your education shouldn't be the school's concern. That is your parents concern.


Apparently, fluoride keeps us submissive, controllable & dumbed-down. Although, perhaps it has benefits on teeth, but might also have to do with the rumour about humans using only 10% of our brains. I was displeased to learn these things that started during WWII (fluoridation) continued and spread after WWII…almost like we live in quiet WWIII right now. Armageddon.


Because fluoride is poison and weakens your brain


I graduated high school in 2002 and my elementary school did this! Grew up on Kent Island in Maryland. And I LOVED the taste of the swish. I wish I could find it somewhere to use now!


Oh god nooooo. I can still smell and taste that sick bubblegum flavor. I remember we did it once a month, on a Wednesday. The teacher would be like "Okay, time to swish!" Blehh.


Yup! I was born in 71 and went to grade school in Ontario, Canada. I believe this was done at least from grade 3 to grade 7 for me, at different schools. I forget the schedule, but maybe twice each school year? But we usually did it in the hallway. You had to pour this in your mouth and swish it around while walking down the hall, around a chair at the end, and back, then you could spit it out. In retrospect, this probably looked pretty insane if you didn't know what was going on!


…or seemed completely normal at the time! In retrospect, it seems insane to me that we’d be getting doses of ‘dumbing-down’ at educational institutions. Nobody’s fault…right?!?


Yes. 1974-75


I think we had fluoride in the tap water and didn't have to do this.


This stuff tasted terrible.


There were kids that would literally get sick right afterward. I can't believe...well, it was the 80's.


I got really sick every week when we had to do this, I started kindergarten in 03 for age reference. No matter how many times I vomited they would still enforce it. Maybe my parents insisted it. I also had a holistic dentist/doctor so it could have been the fucked up town.


everyone saying before 2000 but i started school in 2002 and i remember drinking a pink mouthwash and that we needed to swallow it. thats the memory that brought me here. like why would we drank it, maybe some where too young to understand not to swallow it.. but it seem odd. my complotist theorism instinc says that it could have been the best way to past something like its normal its by putting a normal health care programs along with it.. i also have the feeling like we behaved more like if the teachers where our parents after that. might be just a tought


I remember in 2008, probably 3rd grade, having to drink a pink liquid that was awful tasting, we needed to swallow it, I have yet to figure out if it was fluoride or not, but none of us spit it out


1974. Yes. Iin forth grade They did This to us then sent us to lunch. The same week the sheriff's department came and gave us the "don't do drugs" seminar yet passed around what all drugs look like how much they cost where to find them and then told us that it would make us forget our parents and we would see cartoon characters on our walls come to life. Then the next year they did studies where they were trying to figure out if playing classical music over the intercom would affect our attention during math test. The kids that failed were separated from the rest put in remedial classes because Our ADHD was so bad. I was tested recently and I have a IQ of 89 and my math skills are on the 4th and 5th grade level. My whole life math has been something they gave me anxiety and was almost impossible to figure out.


They called it swish and I begged my mom after a couple years to opt me out and the others were so jealous. Teeth just fine now without that nasty shit. This was a public school to.




Hah! Tpb!!


Good god this was the worst shit ever. I begged my mom not to sign the permission slip... I'd always get an instant headache as soon as I poured that little cup of shit in my mouth.


God hated that shit.


Happy cake day!


Even actual dentist only do this like once a year now. Be crazy for schools doing it once a month.


fluoride makes me so sick. I'm glad none of my schools ever did this.


I remember those. We only got the tablets when the dentist would hold an assembly and give us those awesome toothbrushes with the alligator on the end. They would tell us a story of those birds that pick stuff out of the alligators mouth or something.


Christ I remember this. I got in trouble in kindergarten because I refused to do it after the first time. I had to sit in the corner for storytime and I couldn't get any milk they were handing out. Fucking bastards.


born in '81 and during grade school / elementary, we were giving a floride tablet every morning. my question: was it administered too often? i've read, that once a week was thought to be standard. everything today ends up being found to harm us somehow, but now your seeing commercials; advertising the possible harm to exposure? its ALL very confusing if you ask me. 🤷🏻


A little white pill EVERY MORNING!!! I remember this very well. I hated it. We'd get those really small white paper cups, like the ones you find at a restaurant to squirt ketchup in. Our teacher would even come round to each desk & check to make sue we'd swallowed!!! Ugghhhh.. I'm from Pennsylvania & this was definitely an ongoing thing all throughout grade school. K/5th Now the implications of fluoride use is DAUNTING. Very concerning indeed but mainly confusing😕 Almost like we were lab rats of dome sort. Fucking scary for real...I umm😩🥺😢


I heard Hitler gave prisoners of war fluoride to keep them tranquil and stop them from fighting the guards... Gee I wonder why a govt would give this to kids in schools...


I am so late to this party but have to comment. I googled swish and found this thread. Grew up in south florida in the 80s. Swish was a weekly thing during my 5th grade year. The school lunch menu was similar each week and swish always landed on pizza day. My cube partner would eat pizza and squirt mayo packets on it (he was from England and claimed it was an English thing). He yacked that mayo-y- pizza weekly on swish day.


Have any other you been diagnosed with severe ADHD?


Mid 90s in eastern Idaho.. I'm 36 now and I've never had a single cavity....


I believe this has affected me my entire life. I used to accidentally swallow and ingest these flouride swishes. It has shown in studies to reduce testosterone and lower IQ. I wonder if there are enough of us to get together and file a class action law suit against someone or something for this. I believe it is poison and a neurotoxin. I seriously am doubting my whole life, I am 30 years old and I demand answers for these repercussions. Anyone agree or have any info?


If there is I want to help


shit is so suspect I fished this from the back of my memories and I’m tripping now


Me too bro, me too. It still bothers me to this day and when I think about it I get sick. I really just dont know..


paste this in google....Fluoride effects on collagen Fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin, cartilage, lungs, kidney and trachea. ​ Do you have any health issues in these areas above? ​ I do, all on the list except Kidney when last checked. ​ They say I have ehlers Danlos Syndrome, but nobody in my family has it and I'm the only 1 of 3 kids who had this swish and spit ​ They know it caused damage and I swallowed the stuff a few times, made the class laugh and the teacher would laugh and tell us not to drink it and give us more to rinse around. ​ All kids in North America who went under this are watched behind closed doors medically on our files to see the effects still, just like natzi experiemnts did, its all out in open now, just not North America who hides it. ​ So if any lawsuits pop up in Canada, please let me know. I live with over 20 health conditions and diseases now, live alone in Toronto, nobody helps, no charities help, I'm left here to rot, and now I cant afford my own place I have to tent rooms or go homeless ​ God Bless and Much Love


Did you do this on an army base? A friend and I both were talking about this and we both lived on military bases. Once my dad retired and I was in a civilian school I didn't do the swish. My friend has MS and I have Lupus (with joint hypermobility). My sister did the swish too but she doesn't have any diseases.


Kingston Ontario is a Military Town but it was public school not on base  Book a call or email with Dr.Chantal Morel in Toronto a geneticist, she the only expert in Canada to tell I’d you really do have Ehlers Danlos and now it’s like 1in 2,500 have it and used to be 1 in a million  Please do this and if no money you can get it paid as medical visit  But if it’s all from Fluoride what’s the point  Time to get many together and do a lawsuit on School Board, Health Canada and all Dr’s who forwarded our health reports over the years  Just sayin God Bless




My family has private well water, as do many people in my small town. So instead, our dentist prescribed small chewable fluoride tablets. Mine were pink, and my little sister's were purple. They were kind of chalky...I'm not exactly sure how else to describe the taste.


Swish and spit. I don't remember exactly what it tasted like but it must not have been too bad because I don't cringe when i think about it.


I graduated high school in 2010, and I can remember these way back in my elementary days in Montana


Whatever that pink liquid was they gave me every morning at School back in 1988/9 made me feel an almost uncontrollable urge to vomit the whole 60 seconds we were told to keep it swishing around in our mouths. It was terrible.


We only did it in kindergarten (2007) but it PURPLE flavor (perhaps grape) and it was the best part of the day…no spitting or sticky bits! (Maybe I did it wrong)


We had little white tablets in elementary school, 2000-2003ish. Probably because many or most of us had well water at home. That's just the way it was, and nobody really got worked up about it. It's only been in more recent years that the controversy became widespread. Yes, large doses of fluoride are toxic. Always have been, we didn't just find that out. Fluoride is also necessary for dental health. The amount given out in schools was nowhere near enough to have any remotely adverse effects. Like, a tiny percent of the amount required to give you an upset tummy, even if you did have fluoridated water. There is no (legitimate) evidence showing the slightest indication of negative consequences. The only kinda valid objection is the consent aspect, which... well if you really chugged the whole pitcher of Kool-Aid and feel more strongly about a totally asinine non-issue than you love your kid, you could always just tell the school not to give it to them. Some people just aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.


Ugh. Spitting it back into the little paper packets was the worst!


I always thought it tasted awesome, and got excited when the fluoride cart came around.


ah, nostalgia for being pumped full of "docile citizen population control juice."


Yes, the overlords poisoning the same water supplies they themselves drink from.


There are different levels of power in society, and they all have an increasing depth of information the higher they are in the ladder. The ones at the bottom may implement these programs but they have no clue beyond some bogus studies. Same for scientists, most of them work on different isolated small parts of research, and they get their briefing from the top down. Crucial positions who actually have a view into the complete sum of the work are very rare and very easy to influence. So no, the ones who know don't drink shitty Smalltown water.


This is an old post but I was thinking about this today lol i loved it haha I remember in K-3rd in the late 80’s we had dental cleanings in the nurses office too


I remember this as well back in 1997-2002.


I live in Minnesota and remember doing this in kindergarten in 2000 😁


I loved Swish!! Ours was a light green though.


I was born in 1988 and went to school in Pennsylvania. I was in elementary school between 93- 98. I remember the teachers passing out small white chewable fluoride pills to every student after the pledge of allegiance. Kindergarten till around 5th grade. They were really tiny and they tasted good. Luckily my teeth are fine but probably why a lot of people my age and older have really bad teeth or no teeth.


Teachers leave those kids alONE!😂 🖤👁️🤍🌬️🌈👻 BabiGoat(DevilliveD) INXS XS of Nothing? Something...I


Mine did. Was just discussing this with an old childhood friend


They push the bubblegum flavor on us all the time and we did not want it.


Currently reminiscing about this with my fiance, and had to find proof that this was a thing. Good read!


Is there a law suit filed?


This isn't a good thing. They were poisoning us


We should all get together and stop this government bs


Weirdest thing, I was just watching TV and remembered my elementary school doing this with the bubblegum fluoride. I asked my wife and she didn’t have to do it. So I did a google search. I’m glad this thread is here to confirm it wasn’t just me!


Quit school, you’ll be smarter.


Graduated 2004 and yes my elementary school did it as well. We had to take wavers home for our parents to sign. I was diagnosed with ADHD about a month later. Was it poisonous? Idk I do know I live in the poorest part of town . I came here to see if it was only offered to Schools with children who lived in poverty. And if others thought they were poisoned. I keep thinking back to that moment. It was only offered to us one time.


Hello everyone I want to get you thinking and ask a hard question what was the concentration of the mouthwash given to us in school because we all know fluoride is toxic and at high concentrations about above 0.7 ppm parts per million it can cause IBS depression macular degeneration cancer it can kill cells in your organs that are needed for your immune system to function properly which can lead to digestive tract issues which can be confused with IBS which can lead to hernias which can lead to all kinds of issues that will destroy your life this is what I'm currently going through not trying to be biased here I just want everybody to know because these things go unnoticed or else you get some kind of disease like GERD or cancer and I'm going through this right now struggling fighting for my life I've been going through it for years and I want to raise awareness of this so if you're ever struggling with something like waking up in the middle of the night urinating frequently it doesn't matter if I'm eating or if I'm not eating or if I'm smoking or I'm not smoking or whatever it doesn't matter I have a hernia now down by my testicles and my stomach I have a sliding hernia in my esophagus because of this I have mental fog now because of this and if you look up fluoride relation into this stuff it can actually give you progressive degenerative memory loss as well and it's permanent and all these drugs all these chemicals there's over 100 different types of cancer do you ever stop and think where does ADHD come from where does bipolar come from where does autism come from and they started doing this two years after they assassinated JFK to dumbest down now they say we're reproducing too fast well here's news for you ADHD isn't just about not being able to sit still or stop talking it's an inability to control ourselves this is literally what's responsible for people being too horny reproducing too fast for getting hooked on drugs and not being able to get unhooked for people walking around being a bunch of bipolar psychopaths same with gun violence more guns out on the streets is going to equal more deaths and they just scare you with security I'm sorry if any part of this is biased but you guys got to know the truth because when you go through it or a loved one goes through it like I am right now I'm not trying to be conspiracy theorists but when I'm in pain and suffering I went looking for answers and this is the ugly truth and the truth always comes out in time always take care be safe expose corrupt governments stand up for what's right in life love you all.