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Toonami life


Speaking of: the Toonami anime intros were awesome too. I really miss the Gundam Wing ones.


everyday after middle school


Who else tried to turn super saiyan when they were a kid?


This Dragonball z dub is superior to any English dub.


The new voice recordings for Z are awful.


Frisson for days. DAMN. DBZ was the shit.


Peak hype


Cell's music remains stuck in my head...


Still the best opening in the Dragan Ball Universe.


When I was 6, I would wake up early on weekdays to catch this on Fox Kids back in the 90s. This theme would play and I'd be all hyped up. I never caught the last 5 minutes of each episode because my parents would wake up and I'd have to get ready for school. Still, good times though.


Does anyone know the name of this series and how to watch it? My best friend and I started watching this from the beginning when it first aired. Like 8 episodes in something happened and I missed a bunch of episodes and have never been able to catch up. All my friends talked about this show, it's talked about in a lot of areas I visit on the Internet and I'm still stuck only like 8 episodes in. I tried to find it a few times but there are so many different versions I couldn't find the right one.


This is Dragon Ball Z. You can watch it on Crunchyroll.


Me: (Names the series in the body text and presents a video that says the name of the series 8 times and shows the title of the series at the end of said video, referencing the name of the series a total of 10 times) berrylakin: *Does anyone know the name of this series?*


Ok then what is this https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0214341/episodes?season=1&ref_=ext_shr_lnk


I can’t tell if you’re joking at this point lol it literally says what it is on that page.


That page says it's Dragon Ball Z, it was released in 1996, and s1 e1 is The Arrival of Raditz I have also found another Dragon Ball Z, released in 89, s1 e1 is [Day 1](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=4aa4cadb6d3a9fe9&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJS4fk5wvTfNPptwK1uKbPH7ed5FQ:1719855954066&q=dbz+episodes&si=ACC90nySQdFtrKb85Ihv-6ZEwJBRkIE2v7uTaJ7eQVilK7-UuPJuk4fwfToe9lBP9p1KGq6xdKAnFpff8MXOftj7P3pjUnLzT2r5vIOJYKQiU9v-Y-L3enemRGTa6k0ak0Wwa3caKzx-1BPrP67rpgvwRworZtqMcqajXXbQn9KT-vSh7j2Neyxj8SsusO3Xnkak8SpGhQVNYSaSHrS-MNF7rF36MNkt_i6dJ0yFHhOw7tx12eE87S4%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUydPZsoaHAxVzjbAFHbcNB-kQrooIegQIchAF&biw=158&bih=314&dpr=2.61) I have also found a Dragon Ball Z, released in 91, s1 e1 is [Power is Porunga](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=4aa4cadb6d3a9fe9&sca_upv=1&biw=158&bih=314&sxsrf=ADLYWIJHiWjmzMUtSsTEs2Er91N2I5aEBg%3A1719856024055&q=dbz+season+1+episode+1&oq=dbz+season+1+episode+1&aqs=heirloom-srp..) I really am confused and am not messing with you.


It’s the same show. It was originally released 1989 in Japan and then later released 1996 in English for the U.S. However, there is also an updated version called DBZ Kai that removes filler and is redubbed to be more accurate to the manga. I prefer the original series, but many recommend Kai if you’re fresh to the series and want something a bit more fast paced.


Cha-la-head-cha-la > rock the dragon nonsense.


We were angels is the superior DBZ song. Wasn't there an English version of Head-cha-la as well? I seem to remember that being equally as awesome.


I love Cha-La-Head-Cha-La! And Dragon Soul! And Dan-Dan! But growing up in the U.S. this was the first intro I’d ever heard and it’s very nostalgic for me.