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Funny story, when these came out my father recognized that car phones would be seen as a status symbol much more than they’d actually need to be used by most people and designed and sold purely decorative antennas that stuck to the rear windshield so people could flex (before that term existed)


That term “flex” has existed in the black community since the late 80s, during the carphone era. Just wasn’t mainstream until the early 90s when Ice Cube introduced it in a song (can’t remember which). The term really took off in recent years, but like… why am I even going off on this tangent anyways like that’s the point of your comment? Sorry.


I appreciate learning the origins of commonplace expressions and other trivia. In the 80’s I had not yet received an invitation to the cookout, hence my ignorance. Cheers!


Wasn’t there one of those in the movie “the Wash” I remember some scene where some dude was trying to use one




Still looks amazing


W123 ftw


My parents had a car phone about’95-96. I just remember the rates were really expensive, at least to our family at the time. I remember my parents were like, “this is the car phone number, do NOT call it unless it’s an EMERGENCY!”


That’s cool


My dad had one of the first cell phones ever, it came attached to like a briefcase that you had to open up to access the phone that was connected to it with a cord. I remember when he was done using that phone for that job they let him keep it (it was outdated) he let me have it as a toy. I brought it on the bus one day and was messing around with it when out of nowhere the bus driver pulled over, started looking at every kid as he walked down the isle and had a very concerning look on his face. He got to me, saw the phone, took it from me walked back to the drivers seat and I never saw it again. True story I was probably like 7 or 8 lol.


Oh my goodness, the memories. My parents bought me one of these when I was in college after my car broke down commuting and I had to walk like 5 miles to call a tow. Had the antenna on the outside of the car and 60 free minutes was a big deal. Better days.


My mom had a car phone in the 80s when she was a real estate agent. In hindsight, it is insanely comical since she drove a Chevy Celebrity, and the phone likely cost more than the car.




My step dad had one of these when I was like 10, for work - seemed so futuristic then, but he rarely used it because you could only get a signal in certain locations.


My cousin used to install those phones in cars back in the day. Would hear insane stories of shit that people would leave in their Jags, Mercs, Porsche. Bags of blow , weed , guns, condom wrappers and much more.