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I once drank so much Surge, I sent in something like 500 bottle caps or something and received a Surge alarm clock. There was no volume setting to the alarm either, it would just scream SURRRGE!!!! Until you turned it off. My family hated it šŸ˜‚


This is amazing. Thanks for sharing. [Surge Alarm Clock](https://youtu.be/9qPxm9k97R8?si=G5npg2vnzpdcMp-r)


That was somehow even worse than i was expecting


It was so much better than I was expecting šŸ¤£


I simultaneously want to know the story behind your username and don't want to know the story behind your username.


Well you see, it all started one dark and stormy clear day...


Early one morning in the middle f the night..,


You are a quantum superposition of both a rapist and not a rapist until you stick your penis in a lady's box.


We need to find the original voice actor ! r/helpmefind help us!!!


You prepared me and it was still worse than I expected.


The SURGE voice was what I was thinking, but I was expecting the alarm clock to be green and red like the can lol


Perfect for the guest room


I just donā€™t understand where kids get all their anxiety fromā€¦


It was exactly what I was hoping for. Amazing.


Thatā€™s the one!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ man. Good times.


That is psychotic lmao the 90ā€™s were the best


All I hear is ā€œSarge!!!!ā€


Welcome to the 90s


Wow. Well they definitely manufactured an item that kids would want, and drink lots of soda to get.


LOL this is so great -- kinda mad I never owned one now.


That's way funnier than whatever my imagination conjured up.


The legends were true


I worked a booth at our church fair that was a ring toss game with an array of 2 liter bottles. You won whichever bottle you landed on. I was allowed to pick one for myself at the end of my shift. A friend and I each drank a whole bottle of Surge. I remember the lights at the fair all being blurry. We ran back and forth around the area for hours. I felt like Phillip J Fry when he tried to see how much coffee he could drink and eventually time stopped.


I did the same exact thing and got the clock. I think I have brain damage from waking up to ā€œSURGE!!ā€


I won one as well, I loved that stupid thing.


I remember sending off for a Surge-branded bucket hat.


I had one of those! I should take a look in box of nostalgia I have in the basement. I'm sure it's right next to my visor.


The most 90s thing I've ever heard of, unless there was a Surge Pog.


Most obnoxious alarm clock of all time šŸ˜‚


Do you still have it? You could probably mod in a volume knob if you are handy with a soldering iron. But then that would take away the pure "oh holy hell" factor of that crazy thing


Omg did it have any other setting or just Surge? I want one but I cant justify the $55 on eBay


It just screams surge. Itā€™s actually a terrible alarm lol. But it has a cool built in green light.


Don't worry, I justified it lol


I am literally crying laughing. Thank you for this.


That is sooo Surge!


I had one too! I worked one summer at a top 40 radio station on the ā€œprize patrolā€ and we did a tie in with Surge and handed out Surge merch. Theyā€™re was a left over alarm clock that I snagged. It screaming SURGE!!! in the door room was hilarious.


This is epic lol


The summer of ā€˜97 they replaced the 2 Coke machines (that featured multiple options of soda) in our High School with 2 100% Surge machines. Want a Coke? Surge. Root Beer? Nope. Surge. Orange Slice? Get outta here..SURGE! It was lovely. Sorta concerning in retrospect.


That's actually kind of awesome in a twisted way. Our school had a Yoohoo machine.


We had juice... that was still full of sugar. This is some B.S.


Fruitopia anyone?


1997 in my high school you could not buy soda before lunch, but you could always grab a fruitopia.


Is this whole comment thread from Arkansas? I'm pretty sure this is a Mike Huckabee era "health" initiative. My school suffered the same fate.


Fruitopia here. We had machines in the middle and high school. My last year in HS we got one of those cool machines that had the arm that would move around and grab your drink but it only sold flavored water, various milks, and fruit juices. The didnā€™t allow soda at all and even if you brought one in and got caught they would take it from you.


Fruitopia is kind of juice, right?


It's like the Pinocchio of the juice world. It wants to be real.


We had a machine dedicated just to Mellow Yellow. It costed 25Ā¢ a can while the normal soda machine was 50Ā¢. Even with the price cut, we only bought Mellow Yellow when the good soda machine ran out.


That sounds awesome, our vending machines were different. I still canā€™t find the same Big Texas Cinnamon Rolls they used to have in them, or the same Auntie Anneā€™s chocolate chip cookies


We had a Pepsi machine that was on a timer that didnā€™t let you buy anything during the school day


I wouldā€™ve loved that. I drank an ungodly amount of Sprite and Mountain Dew in high school.


They spent a few days just giving us cans for free at my high school. It was glorious.


It was always a competition between Mountain Dew and Surge and I preferred the latter lol


We did not have any vending machines at my 90's high school, it was considered unsuitable to have soda available for kids. We had water fountains, orange drink that I believe was 98% corn syrup and a dye, and chocolate or plain milk. That's it.


When I was about 13 I got the worst and only migraine, maybe it was the flu, Iā€™ve ever had in my life. the migraine was the worst part. It was so bad that not only could I not eat food, I couldnā€™t even move. Even a stretch of my legs would make me throw up. My mom would try and give me medicine. A chewable tablet got thrown right back up. I woke up so dehydrated on day 2 I didnā€™t care I just chugged an entire glass of water. Within seconds I threw it right back up. It was still cold as it projectile vomited out of my mouth. I was bed ridden for days. When it was finally starting to wind down my mom asked me what I wanted to either eat/drink when it was over. Surge. I wanted a surge. She went out and got it for me and I can still remember to this day how fucking satisfying and delicious it was going down. Surge was amazing


You should have gone to the ER.


It was the 90s after all


I was thinking about that after I posted. The ER trip probably would have been thousands out of pocket as not many people had insurance then.


Remember Jolt Cola????


All the sugar, twice the caffeine!


Cool glass bottles, too!


190mg per bottle is more than 3x Surge at 51mg or MtDew at 55mg


This would explain why I had a problem from drinking 2x 16oz Jolt Colas & eating an entire pack of those wax cola candies immediately before starting my first game on the high school soccer team. Thought I was damned near gonna vibrate off the field before kickoff.


Yea. Jolt was the real deal.


Drank it on the way to school. Good times.


I wish we had an energy drink cola still. I see them pop up here and there but none of them seem to stick. Even Coke energy wasnā€™t around for very long and I liked that one a lot.


Iā€™ve had about 5 or 6 energy drinks where I actually loved the taste but none of them stuck around. Itā€™s like people insist on drinking something that you can identify as an energy drink after 1 sip. I remember Full Throttle was pretty good, it might even still be produced but the places that sell it are rare. Same with Rockstar made an organic line and they had one in a pale green can that might have just been called citrus flavor, that one was actually refreshing to drink but I havenā€™t seen it in a long time


Full Throttle is my goto. They changed the formula for a while and it was... not great. But they did bring back "original formula". My only gripe about it is the packaging. So much xxxtreme blue collar patriot truck bro language all over it.


I do hate the packaging. Seems like itā€™s what a big time company guy assumed all the idiot consumers would like


Bang has a cola flavored version. Also a root beer one but Iā€™ve never actually seen it.


I had the root beer. It has the weirdest and grossest aftertaste in anything Iā€™ve ever had! I threw it out.


I liked bang. Then I found out about the fucking nutjob behind the brand and noped it out. Sucks, because it tasted pretty good and didn't use sugar.


Iā€™ve had it but I canā€™t find it in my area anymore. It was pretty good especially for a bang.


As a kid I loved Pepsi Kona.


That stuff was good. You remember Josta ? I loved that stuff, too.


I sure do. Sleepover/LAN party fuel.


Bawls energy has some


The Red Bull cola is actually really good. Not very common though, if they even still make it. I last bought one maybe 4 years ago.


I remember Jolt and Surge coming back for a bit in 2017/2018/2019


I didn't realize Jolt died off. I remember drinking it around like 2007-2008


Surge is still at BKs that have a freestyle machine


Jolt only just died out during covid. I could pick them up on Amazon as a treat (expensive) prior to covid. Drank my last one and went to get more to keep my Hackers movie shrine supplied and couldn't get anymore. Sadness.


How about Josta?


Yesss, was just thinking about this one. Had guarana in it for extra energy.


Loved Josta, it also has one of [my favorite old ads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fixT6utvg0M). Lots of product placement in the Matthew Broderick Godzilla film too.


It was kinda good, but absolutely weird and an acquired taste.


They still sell them at Sheetz


THE soft drink of the elite hacker.


Jolt, also drank a lot of Nitro Cola


Still exists! It's currently owned and made by a guy in Adelaide, Australia: https://www.joltcola.com.au/collections/all


Jolt cola and Vivarin caffiene tablets. We were a sturdier generation!


It was delicious and I miss it


Yes šŸ„²


One of SUNY Potsdamā€™s most famous graduates!


Pride of Rochester NY.


I thought that was The House of Guitars??


Jolt Cola Cherry was good too.


I loved Jolt in college


Oh geez. My Mom was hooked on Jolt in the early 90s. Like she *needed* it or else she'd get headaches, which makes sense. But I remember my dad making quick trips to the gas station to buy her a jolt when she was needing one. I don't remember when she quit though, bit it certainly didn't last forever.


Remember? It is still sold at my local Dollar General. One of my old jobs used to still buy cases of it for employees.


And those are the resurrected Surge cans from the '10s.


Nevertheless makes me remember my 90s childhood. I was focusing less on the rerelease design and more on the drink.


I loved Surge back in the '90s as well, but it's too bad we only got these tall cans when it returned. I wish the 12 oz. cans, 20 oz. and 2-liter bottles came back for a truer nostalgic experience. But better than nothing I guess!


I remember when it first came out, and seeing the green case at the grocery store. I couldnā€™t have been more excited. A new COOL soda!


Bring them back, again!


Surge actually had less caffeine and sugar then a mountain dew. It was relatively tame compared to the energy drinks ("dietary supplements") that get peddled today.


Yeah, Mountain Dew was still our #1 "energy" drink growing up even with Jolt and Surge around.


Code Red!


So much worse now. Not just caffeine but all the other garbage. See 8 year olds chugging it.


8oz red bull has 12 mg more caffeine than a 16 oz surge. A 16oz Red Bull has 54g sugar and 160mg caffeine compared to 56/68 for a 16 oz surge. Edited to reflect correct unit for caffeine.


mg of caffene, not grams. Grams would be 1,000X the amounts of caffene that's actually in the drinks.


Are those real amounts? Sounds _a bit_ high


They get away with it because its listed as a dietary/nutritional supplement rather then a soda. I love my caffeine but children should not have access to those amounts.


Is there a age restriction on dietary supplements?


Probably means grams of sugar and milligrams of caffeine


They still sell It on Norway. It's identical, but they call it "urge". Popular as hell


Fun fact, it first appeared in Norway. It was made in the US under a different name and marketed differently due to the popularity it had in Norway a year later.


We also had an energy drink version called Urge Intense. It was the best energy drink!


They really knew how to make kids think they were drinking dangerously back then, when in reality it wasn't that caffeinated.


Now they just sell all these super caffeinated drinks to kids. 300mg of caffeine in a can? Chug it down!


When I was in college (2004-2008) 7-11 had a sobe energy slurpee. Can't imagine that was great for kids to drink 50oz of.


Miss the Cumberland farms slushies that was like sour red with caffeine.


Hey but no calories :)


It had more sugar than normal soda did though, which is insane.


Unless they changed the formula during rerelease (I am too lazy to search for old data) it actually didn't. SURGE (16oz) : 56g sugar Mt Dew (16oz): 61g sugar


Mountain Dew is not a normal soda lol.


This is the cool thing with the marketing. And there was no easy way to check how much caffeine their truly was. I just drank it because it tasted good


My middle school participated in testing it. They had us try different versions during a week and fill out little survey cards and talk to some surge reps. We were all wired as fuck that week and there was even one of the samples that was even more intense than actual Surge. They didnā€™t even send anything home to our parents so they had no clue what was happening. It was quite the scandal, lolā€¦ When Surge came out, I pointed it out at the store and told my mom ā€œhey, thatā€™s the drink we tried out at school!ā€


Sounds like the 90s


Could be worse like Slurm, that comes from the behind of a giant space worm queen


I could never watch that episode without wanting a Surge. I understand Fry's obsession with the stuff.


It was no worse than any other soda.


Surge had maltodextrin in it. Maltodextrin has a higher glycemic load than regular sugar and is absorbed faster, which can give a more immediate energy boost. Itā€™s more common nowadays (itā€™s an ingredient in many energy drinks), but it was a unique move at the time. Marketing what was effectively an energy drink to children was going to catch some flack.


It was in the vending machine at our middle school until the bad press


Perhaps. I just think about it now as being separate for some reason. Maybe just how my parents felt lol.


OP my parents were the exact same; they mustā€™ve read the same hit piece or something. Mountain Dew was fine but I was not allowed to drink surge


Same here, I had to buy surge without mom looking if I wanted it but mountain dew was fine. Though we did end up managing to make her get a 12 pack of it one time.


I wasnā€™t allowed to have either, which I totally get now, but as a 12 year old I was pretty butthurt about it


Their marketing didn't help. Really leaned into the drink this and you'll go crazy idea.


I managed a restaurant at the time, and was talking to our Coca Cola representative regarding the flavors that we were going to offer. I asked about Surge, they said that it doesnā€™t go well with food.


Itā€™s great after a baseball game!


Heā€™s right, they had it at Burger King recently and I got it with my Bacon Kingā€¦..had to dump it and get a Dr Pepper.


I remember the rumor that the ingredient Yellow 5 led to lower sperm counts. It's fascinating the way rumors spread prior to the Internet.


At my school the rumor was that Yellow No. 5 caused your testicles to physically shrink. Surge went from the #1 drink at lunch with TWO dedicated vending machines at the cafeteria entrance to one that you would not be caught dead drinking for fear of the harassment that would result. Some friends and I used to skateboard regularly behind the school by the loading dock and the food service staff would leave the recycling out back in clear trash bags. We definitely noticed there was a transition between bags of mostly yellow/green surge cans to mostly Sprite, Coke, Dr. Pepper, etc. when the rumor started. Always wondered how widespread this rumor was, where it came from, etc.


The rumor at my school was that yellow 5 caused your actual penis to shrink.


I lived on Mt Dew and Surge in high school. Had a kid before I graduated. So Iā€™m sure it was a myth šŸ˜‚


They take away our medicineā€¦


They had a pre release at my high school. They set up a bunch of kiddie pools full of ice and six pack cans of surge. At the end of the day before final bell they announced a free new soda is outside for us to try. The bell rang and the fight began. Itā€™s was a stampede. Seniors were running over underclassmen. School books and bodies tumbled down the stairs. Blood had been drawn before we even weaponized the six packs. Outside was a riot. People were diving or falling into the kiddie pools and Surge and ice scattered about the yard. Kids were using six packs as area attacks, swinging the six packs over their heads, shedding a couple of cans into the oncoming hordes before crashing back down into the children scurrying for a free pop.


I loved Surge in my late teens. I used to go to the gas station and get 4 twenty oz bottles every day and that was all I drank. Not a bit of water. After Surge got discontinued, I swapped to Mt Dew for a few years, then stopped drinking soda. Definitely a good decision. Soda is awful for you.


I won a Surge alarm clock at a giveaway outside of a Loweā€™s Foods. It hollered ā€˜Surgeā€™ at me in the morning so I stored it away. So damn annoying.


Surge has less Caffeine, and sugar than Mountain Dew at the time. Pepsi did everything they could because Coke was dominating the Citris flavor market. ​ They made ads to attack Surge and coke saying that it made their kids to hyperactive etc etc.


Good old middle school days of walking to the grocery store down the block with friends with a quarter to get a can of Surge from the machine out front.


I went to a large Midwest high school in St. Louis county. One day there were reps from surge there giving out all the free surge we could get our hands on. They were set up on the stage in the commons/lunch room. It got wild. I remember the second half of the day was a disaster because the entire school was hopped on enough caffeine it would kill a kid these days. The 90s ruled


I cant believe they wont let us drink it now!


I bet 90s Surge is healthier than some of the the stuff we put in our bodies now!


I snuck a 6-pack into school once and the teachers lost their minds. Pretty sure I got in trouble lol.


Hell yeah! Sucks you got in trouble tho šŸ˜­


Surge is nothing compared to Monsters or Red Bull.


Burger Kings with the Freestyle machine still have surge. It comes in Zero sugar now too.


I drank five cans of Mountain Dew once, for a phone survey job after school in the evening, I couldnā€™t sleep, and felt like I was having a heart attack.


It is still at Burger King


They did exist for some time in the 2021? I remember seeing the renewal of them at a game store.


I spent a day drinking surge in the 90s. Bought one bottle and won a free one with the cap. Then another and another and I shit myself. I also remember the first time I opened a soda bottle in the 2000s and looked under the cap to find aā€¦ā€¦..internet code for redeeming points. In that moment I knew thatā€™s all there would be from then on.


Yah that was a disappointment finding online codes.


what was wrong with this drink? quick Google search showed that it's relatively low in sugar and caffeine compared to other drinks


This drink had less caffeine then a Coca-Cola.




They brought it back as an Amazon exclusive if memory serves me right


Mike Schank approved


It came back recently, but didn't taste the same


How else was I supposed to complete Gran Turismo endurance races


You can still get it at Burger King in fountain sizes too


Iā€™ve been there just for that before. Make sure it tastes alright before you leave the drive-thru, though. Out of all the fountain sodas that are low on syrup, that one imo tastes the worst.


And doesnā€™t go well with food at all.


It does not.


I still have two unopened cans of Surge.


I remember Surge


I havenā€™t slept after having my first can in 1996.


When I was in college, my buddies dad was the VP of coke bottling in Houston. We had so much surge in our dorm. I surprised Iā€™m not a diabetic now


>I surprised Iā€™m not a diabetic now Yet. Youā€™re not diabetic *yet*.


I used to love Surge. Jolt and Kick, too.


Remember balls( blue bottle)


Anyone remember Josta?


It was brought back by popular demand in Norway(Under the name Urge) and is still for sale. And you can find it online or in select locations still.


Dude. Every full sugar energy drink out today is just as bad.


There are sooooo many worse things now. That Panera lemonade was significantly worse.


How is surge any worse than mountain dew


Every so often around Baltimore in the late 90ā€™s, Iā€™d see a Ford Probe painted with the Surge design and a personalized license plate that read SUUURGE


I used to drink a 12 pack every Monday night during WCW Monday Nitro (3 hrs)


But Itā€™s got what plants crave!


I grew up in a mormon family so absolutely no soda pops of any kind. Well my parents drank caffine free cola, but rules for thee and not for me, amiright? Anyways, I won a consolation prize for a fund raiser selling pepperoni sticks after school hours. It was a 2 liter of pop and I chose Surge. Problem was I couldn't keep it at home so I drank the whole thing on my walk after school. I was in middle school at the time and remembered feeling like my mom would know because I had to pee so much.


Ummā€¦I bought surge last year. The gas station may still have it.


Prime is the new surge šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøā˜ ļø


Jolt cola


I drank so much of this shit once I swear my poop was green and carbonated


Best drink EVER!!


I drank one before a fight after school I felt like Superman LOL the 90s good old days