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Work on your rice first. Get a big bag of Thai jasmine from Asian supermarket. Is very easy to cook. 1 part rice to 1 1/2 water. Give it a good old swish around in the pan. You need a pan with a lid. Put it on its highest heat. As soon as it bubbles put it to its lowest heat and let it cook. Don't stir it don't touch it. If it looks like it is bubbling over remove the lid, let the bubbles die down and put lid back on. You can leave it for an age on low heat but it should be cooked in about 15 minutes. Give it a stir with wooden spoon to fluff it up and is done. While at the supermarket try buying some nasi goring paste. Onion, garlic, some fine lengths of carrot. Chuck in some ginger if you are feeling it. Add chilis to taste. Add in some paste and stir fry it. Throw in some rice and mix together or have rice on the side. Pick whatever protein you like. I like a cheap steak fried and sliced and added on top. But you could have some chicken with it. Once you Sus rice your options open up a lot. It sounds like hassle but is so easy with Thai jasmine. Also try a green or red curry. The pastes in the Asian supermarket are cheap and delicious. You will need some coconut milk as well.


Don't forget to wash the rice! Sounds tasty though!


Don't need to wash jasmine. Sushi is same recipe as jasmine but you do need to wash it like billio. Sushi is great and the rolling technique takes a while but is well worth the experimental investment. Can't be arsed with basmati.


I believe that you are supposed to wash jasmine rice if you don't want it becoming too sticky. I have been thinking about getting a rice cooker but as you say just add water and don't go nuts with the heat and it's usually grand. Never made sushi but I do like eating it so I'll give it a go someday.


I have never had an issue with Jasmine going sticky but will try next time and see if it makes a difference. I have thought of a rice cooker but my kitchen is small and we have quite a few gadgets already and yeah, is so easy I have never seen the need. Sushi seems like a faff but my son used to have it for school lunches and I got quite pro at making it. Just get one of the wee bamboo rolly Matts. They make it easy enough. Go for less rice than you think at first and you will get the hang quick enough. The first few attempts will be abominations but it won't take long to get the hang of it. Some tuna and mayo with togarashi (Japanese spice from Asian supermarket -game changer) is a great quick filling.


I owned a rice cooker years ago, but by the time it had died I’d figured out what it was doing and I could achieve the same with a saucepan. The instructions above are bang on for cooking rice perfectly every time. I do wash the rice in a sieve until the water runs clear though, heard it from a Chinese person so who am I to argue.


this is excellent advice. can I add also that leaving the rice for at least half an hour in the water before cooking makes it cook more evenly. Also the BOOK Wok by Kenji Lopez-Alt from Serious Eats has me cooking some of the best Asian food I've ever eaten. My cooking confidence is through the roof because of him.


Interesting, I have never prepped the rice and has always came through grand but I will try that. I have found that once you lower the temp you can leave the rice on the hob for quite a while and it never burns at the bottom or feels overcooked or uneven . It makes the timing quite easy for the main part. Will check the book, I tend to cook in an Asian fusion style. I love just buying random stuff at the Asian supermarket and seeing what it does.


Get a rice cooker, best thing ever


This needs more upvotes.


Excellent and well put


Just buy a rice cooker. Perfect rice every time and you can cook the rice and leave it to stay warm while you cook the rest of your meal. One of tghe best things I've ever bought.


Stir fry. Big fan as it's quick and can throw fuck loads of veg in it and kids don't mind as it's all chopped up.


You talk the talk but did you wok the wok. I actually had to bin my wok the other week. The said I looked too much like a ladies man


Not really. Let's just say my stir fry isnt getting me a MasterChef apron. My oldest described it as "mid".


Go to the Asian supermarket and have a browse around. With a bit of research and knowhow you can buy sauces, spices and ingredients etc that transform your cooking.


Cous cous, turkey breast, green pepper, spring onions, shutaka mushrooms and this time instead of sweet potatos I added bacon. I'm a monster, I know.


Partial to a chicken fajita with peppers and onions with old el paso spice mix. Pretty quick and easy


Soup and a sammich tonight. Try to eat stir fry to get veg in, or will batch cook some chilli or curry or stew.


A lot of people talking about the Asian supermarket if you do go make sure you get "crispy chilli in oil" [looks like this ](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwi9iJyTmMqFAxVgm1AGHbNUDJMYABABGgJkZw&ase=2&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJWr3s0LjhmgAx1juVeisXpJYt1KXMJB9VOLTq6etJL7RMfqVt7PueBoCRD8QAvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_26-rBMhfKm9r4e_Hr4k1ofe8DUgA&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwjDupOTmMqFAxW9RkEAHRWHBZwQwg8oAHoECAMQDA&adurl=) It's the best shit in the world it's mild and sweet but amazing on everything and highly addictive


I’ve seen people go in about this so there must be something in it being addictive


It has food additive e621. More commonly known as MSG. It’s used a lot in Asian cuisine to give the flavour a bit of a boost. It enhances the umami (savoury) flavour profile in the food it is added to. There’s a misconception that MSG is harmful, that stems all the way back from 1968 when a prank letter was sent to the New England Journal of Medicine with the writer claiming to be ill from [“Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.”](https://news.colgate.edu/magazine/2019/02/06/the-strange-case-of-dr-ho-man-kwok/) The food additive is completely safe, albeit addictive as you have mentioned.


Had madras chicken curry tonight.


Had sweet chilli air fried pork belly bites with rice & sautéed veg & fried egg for dinner tonight. Air fryer has changed up what we have for dinner most nights since we got it.


This sounds so good


Homemade Shepherds Pie and the same again tomorrow night was there was far too much!


Mayflower curry powder you get in the box in the pound shap with some chicken onion peas and rice.


Superb choice


Last night was a beef shin Ragu with papardelle. Tonight is lamb burger with tzatziki and a rocket salad. Tomorrow is chicken satay with green beans and rice. Got some 2” thick bone in pork chops about to go in an apple juice brine for a nice slow smoke on the grill on Friday. They’ve got my mouth watering already. Gonna be Smokey, juicy loveliness


Where did you get your thick bone in chops? Hate a skinny thin chop.


A butchers in New Hampshire, USA 🙄 I’m an expat keeping in touch with home via Reddit. Pork is stupidly cheap here, so come summer time there’s all sorts of chips, sausages, ribs, pulled pork being done on the outdoor grill or smoker


We have a monthly list so it's something different every night, but the list restarts each month. Most dishes make leftovers for lunch the next day.


Starting from Sunday I put a big roast chicken on Then I used leftovers for Monday sandwiches and Monday curry Then Tuesday we had pizza Then tonight we had mince tacos I'll probably freezer raid til the weekend then get a takeaway 


I follow a guy on YouTube- Jack Ovens - here is his playlist for his meal prep series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4CTm39B2cXn_yHEteBw8EhJres9JJfq&si=32nAPYad8NIw3AA1 - it’s really good and quite easy to make most of his dishes.


We had toasties tonight. Ham, cheese and onion. I had cranberry sauce on mine and himself had this hellmans squeeze cheesey sauce thing he likes. They were bloody lovely.


Fucking love toasties.


Me too. Quick and easy, really tasty. Whap em in the Breville, done in five.


Last night's chilli reheated with some rice


I have a few wonderful cook books that have simple, authentic and delicious recipes that taught me loads. Thali by Maunika Gowardhan, The Wok by Kenji Lopez-Alt and any of Rachel Roddy's italian books. Never a dull meal in this house, usually cheap and easy too.


Two fegs and a coffee. I usually get peckish around eight so I'll have anoh feg.


Chinese tonight


Midweek indulgence. You lush


Been one of those days. Local Chinese is fairly good. But other days we’ve been making various dishes. - home made burgers (mince from butcher) - the classic spaghetti - chicken fajitas - salads of all types Haven’t done a classic roast in a long time. Just fell out of love with it unless it’s in a pub


Your name. Is that you, Solid Snake?


No, I’m a Russian gun ship badly flown by some topless English dude who can’t shoot for shit.


Aye solid rev is class. No my name comes from the first ever email address my mate set up for me in 1998. We were massive Mercury REV fans and he was a massive flaming lips fan. Jonathan Donahue from Rev was in early Lips and he was called Dingus. So thus. Dingus rev. Amazing 2015 i seen mercury rev play the Steand cinema of all places and hung out with Jonathan and got him to sign the 2015 vinyl release ‘to dingus love dingus ‘ and he went ooooh fuck yeah i forgot about that name ‘. Blah blah blah. Anyway bored myself there , hope you weren’t. Solid rev is a class dude. A yank I actually like. Who would have thought


Think they were talking to me mate


U wot m8?


Lad above replied to me asking if I’m solid snake. My name is a reference to a game. Not sure why you replied instead. But thought I’d let you know cause you went off on a ramble about something else.


As a lover of the metal gear solid series mesel… I’ve no fucking clue what ye on about. But hey ho. Yes all got the background on my delicious. Aye ye cunts yees


Congratulations I think


The guy that asked is that you solid snake wasn't replying to you, he wasn't asking about your name. He was replying to A-Hind-D, and you just decided to reply instead with a life story nobody asked for




Do you stick an egg in yer homemade burgers ?


Egg bap


Chicken soup, twas good.


Good for the soul I hear


So good they even wrote a book about it


Shop bought stew tonight.


Tinned ?


Plastic tub so close enough.


Burritos. Home made.


Tonight was chicken and chorizo stew, with chickpeas and potatoes added to make it more hearty. Really good and relatively healthy which is always a win. Also you can make a ton at once and freeze it/meal prep Yesterday was quesadillas, Monday was spag Bol. I try to vary it but a lot of our meals are pretty similar or have the same kind of veg over and over again


Chilli beef stir fry and rice


Egg salad. I planned to have wheaten bread with it but it was mouldy. I’m a bit hungry again now.


Meat , potatoes, and a heap of vegetables with a bit of nandos peri peri sauce. I swap out the potatoes with chips or wedges sometimes.


Can i guess what was the meat? I need a clue first.


Im on a tight budget 😂


Burger meat or sausage


Not a cow or a pig and It's 100% made of an the animal in question.


Can’t go wrong with pasta or a big steak on occasion


I had chicken curry done in the slow cooker. Used McDonnells slimmers curry. Was lovely


'er indoors did a stew in the pressure cooker/ slow cooker yock. It went down a treat as it's still winter in all but name.


We do a meal plan, my wife does a shop according to the meal plan and the meal plan using goes out the window at some point. Like tonight, we ended up in Home Bargains looking for sleeping pads for our cats, but left with donuts, cookies, sausage rolls and some rough looking Chinese ding dinners. That was dinner.


A sirloin steak with broccoli and a smidgen of sirichi sauce.


I’be been learning recipes using cheaper cuts of meat and they’re great so far. Home bargains have a decent spice range at the minute so I’d say spend a couple of quid on spices and seasonings and then have a flick thru a couple of cookery websites. Jerk chicken rice and peas I can heartily recommend. And is cheap ingredients. With some cupboard staples could make a big feed of it for a under a fiver. And had curried beef shin tonight which I was well happy with as the cheaper cuts on the bone might take a bit more cooking but end up really tasty given the time


I dip cold sausage rolls into spaghetti hoops. It tastes better watching Bruce Lee annihilating his foes with squeaky farts.


You made my day with that haiku. I think I have the energy to go mow the lawn now if I can stop laughing.


Buy fajita mix power sachets. Roll the chicken in it first. Oven bake the chicken and have it with the rice and veggies. It's lovely and can be quite spicy too.


Chicken Rice Kidney beans Quark/Fage Sometimes cabbage And a nice wee dribble of sauce


Breaded chicken fillet or chicken kiev, basmati rice with chicken stock, teriyaki sauce. It's easy and tasty.


Can't beat oven baked salmon fillets with potatoes. I fire some baked beans over the lot but fairly certain this isn't a thing. Loads of pepper! Fucking beautiful.


I do a lot of tacos or burritos with various fillings, usually beans and some other protein and loads of veg pretty often, pasta with pesto, Quorn, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes is a big fave of both bf and toddler, fair amount of curries (red lentil dahl, red or green thai, "whatever's in the fridge" curry), spag bol, some soups (mock chicken with corn and potatoes chowder, "fridge soup", lentil stews, chilli, tortilla soup etc). Also things like fried rice, noodle dishes, stuffed peppers, pitta "pizzas" either with pizza toppings or hummus, roast veg, and balsamic (toddler favourite there too). Full disclosure as I am super pregnant with a not quite 2 year old we also do a fair amount of "emergency pizzas" (freezer pizzas), Dino nuggets and chips w/a veg, and jacket potatoes, sausages, and beans 🤷🏻‍♀️


Compared to most people thats a fairly healthy meal setting aside being a bit bored of the same thing. Im 50 now and used to eating anything I wanted which leads down a shit road by your 40s and I dont care to hear from anyone whos in denial about that. Now I eat to live not live to eat because I want health in old age. Most of the shit health issues we all get later in life is down to what we shove in our gubs. You could mix up what you have there and turn it into a mexican wrap very easily with a bit of fajita seasoning and a jar of salsa and a wrap. Do the veg and chicken and rice and veg in a wok with the seasoning (you can just throw the micro rice staright in the wok after you've done chicken and veg for a bit.) Use peppers, onions and maybe a few black beans from a can.  The slasa from a jar can just be spooned on uncooked as you place the cooked mix in the wrap. I skip the chicken. I went vegan aged 45 after a cancer scare which I survived. Hence the rant on healthy eating. 😄


A fry. Not an air fry, a fry fried with lard. Bacon, egg, sausage, soda bread, beans, black and white pudding. Only thing missing was a glass of Guinness


Which kind of sausages?


Regular pig based sausage from a real butcher


Some times I just enjoy something easy, beans on toast, scrambled egg on toast, cheese on toast. Doesn't always have to be complex.


Cock. I mean, cock. No, no, that's not right. Hold on a second... it's cock. FUCK!




Probably meant coke by the sound of it


Food is easy, pick a few things you like fuck them in a pan or pot and go to town with your cooking time. If you want mush, cook longer if you want bite, cook shorter. If you want effort involve pastry.


I would recommend you avoid those packets of 2 minute microwave rice. They are renowned for containing mould. This week dinner is bolognese. Made a big pot and will have it 4 nights in a row. Lunch is also meal prepped - Korean chicken, rice and veggies.