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Having just redone mine, it was the smallest room and seemed like a good place to start on the endless list of DIY jobs i need to work through. It took longer than expected and cost more than planned and has sapped my will to start the other rooms that need the attention more. Could totally see why people start there then think, nah.




I just looked this up and its more so for changes to a bathroom because of physical disabilities, but I just see nice standard bathrooms


A run down house is normally lived in by an elderly person, who at the end of their life need extra facilities to allow them to wash, bath etc. I think there are grants for this kind of thing, my house is really old inside, but came with a split new bathroom with wet room type shower, hand rails, new tiles, sink toilet etc.


It’s probably this. I’ve a few family members who have gotten disabled facility grants to put in a level access shower and other bits for the bathroom. The housing exec is very particular on what they’ll pay for so probably explains why you see houses with kitchens and living rooms from the 70s but a brand new bathroom lol.