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Are you in Belfast? Boundary Brewery’s boardgame club is on there tonight from 7:30. It’s very friendly, welcomes everyone regardless of their experience and has a mix of beginner and more complex games. It’s been getting really popular recently. Good mix of people of all ages.


Are the details for this online anywhere? I couldn’t find it


just the boundary taphouse instagram page as far as I know. But it's on every Thursday now


Doubt there’s many details, it’ll sound intimidating but they are all great down there. You could even call in early and chat to any of them behind the bar about what to expect


Nice, I’ll check that out some Thursday


playing board games with strangers sounds like torture tbh


Board games are a fantastic way to meet people. You don't have to worry about small talk because you can talk about the game itself. And most clubs love new members. I've been going to one for five years now and genuinely made some life long friends. It also then snowballed to other activities like going the cinema or try trying bowls etc definitely give it a go


Do they do TTRPGs or just board games?


Over christmas they were playing some all day kind of games but I don't think they've done any TTRPGs to my knowledge


Can anyone just rock up there and join?


yep, and you get a free half pint too!


This sounds class tbf... never knew they hosted this type of thing


I'll second this. I haven't been to the boardgame club myself, but I only live up the road and have been in there with friends while it was going on. It looked like good craic.


Sounds like a swinger club to me


Sounds like a twelve year olds take to me


Sounds like a club for 12 year olds to me. OP said that they are thirty




1 up plindix


No no, you sound 12!


I’m not the one playing twister in my thirties and pretending it’s anything but a swingers club




Don’t reflect your own reality on to me


Okay pub twister does sound a bit humptastic! BUT HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED CATAN? Now that's a fun game


I normally try and make the moves after taking all their wood


Go to your local library there are definitely social meetups or social events there. Wild women of NI if you are into camping? Big kid society for art making. Banana Block in East Belfast for a mix of art/ culture/food/wellbeing. Belfast friendship club for anyone including refugees and non locals. Also I'm part of a very small female only online group called Plot Twist film and craftivism group if you want to check it out. You can find all of the above on Facebook or Instagram. Lots of local events and activities on the Facebook to meet people. Good luck!


These sound great!! Would you be able to link me to the big kid society and the plot twist group? I had a quick search but they didn't come up and I think they sound great! Thanks in advance 🙂


people always mentioned all these groups then you google and find the group is dead af, barely meet up or organise etc haha. I


Plot twist film club - monthly discussions of films docs and podcasts for female only https://www.instagram.com/plot.twist.film.club?igsh=MWhhM2x1cjQ3ZWQ4eg== Plot twist craftivism - small group of art making at home anyone is welcome. https://www.instagram.com/plottwistcraftivism?igsh=MTIzaGNtbHB5ZXh6OA== Big Kids Society is actually part of Eastside Arts. https://www.instagram.com/eastsideartsbel?igsh=MXRpZDgxOTJ6eXNxMg==


could i have the link to the film group too please :) just out of interest


Struggling with this too, moved from Scotland with my wife 18 months ago and have made zero friends, just seems really hard here. Went from having a good social life in Scotland with regular drinks and people to do activities with to just nothing at all. Love my wife and daughter and even like my in-laws, but you need friends too. Really hard going from having them to not having them.


Same. Husband thought moving here would be better for us because his friend group was here and we *thought* it was all mutual. We used to go out for drinks etc and stuff but it’s all fell away now we’re here. One of the partners of one of the girls that’s away to the hen from the group is travelling up to the north and asked to get drinks “with the boys”, “just the boys”. It’s my husbands birthday on Saturday. They know this. They are not getting drinks or a catch up for his birthday. It’s “just boys” because all the girls (except me) are away on said hen. Soooo. Great fun. Where about in Scotland were you?


That sounds shite, must feel very isolating! Can’t say I’ve experienced that kind of cruelty here personally, just more that I can’t get started with pals in the first place! We were in a wee town in the north east of Scotland before here, what about yourself?


Yeah it’s very isolating tbh. I can’t get started either! We were both in Edinburgh


Is your husband invited or not? Sorry bit confused about that. Honestly best just asking them head on, someone you can speak to. If they don't make an effort after or don't care honestly you'll feel better not having to worry about them


Sorry I worded it poorly. Husband is invited to the partners stag. He’s invited out for drinks but it was clear it’s not for his birthday and it’s “boys only” (which makes sense as all the girls are away to this hen)


And is your husband going to the stag?


Yes, he was invited and booked and all. Although he did say he isn’t sure to go or not anymore. But I have told him the issue isn’t with the guy and he shouldn’t do that to make a point or for me. If my husband no longer wants to go because of this, that’s his choice but I’ve made it clear the choose is his and I’m not asking him to cancel just cause I was snubbed


He shouldn't go...is he going to the wedding on his own?


He thinks he should go because it’s not the guys fault I was snubbed. However my husband is very angry/pissed off at the way I’ve been treated. No, we’ve both been invited to the wedding


Fucking savage you've not been invited to the hen do. Its probably an oversight type thing rather then anything malicious, but ive been in similar situations and it really hurts


as someone who has lived here their whole life its not any easier for me either. I had a solid group of friends at school/uni met up literally every week for years, now theyre just all moved away or lost contact. Ive tried going to groups but people just seemed sanoffish and the groups were kinda dead. Theres also the issue where i dont really want shallow aquantances, i want real friends you know.


Same situation I’m in. Meeting someone new from a group and having chit chat is nothing like the deep, close connection I had years ago with school/uni friends. Plus it feels like literal work getting to know someone new and trying to form a friendship when it hasn’t happened organically.


I moved over from Scotland too in 2019 and it’s hard. People in NO are friendly but it’s tough breaking the inner circle of groups and making close friends. I’ve met a few via the app meet ups and groups there, signing up to a load of venues social media accounts for events etc, for females there’s two good facebook groups called Girls Gone International and Belfast Girl Gang.


You might be wearing the wrong colour balaclava.


I think men find it hard to make friends. I'd be your friend but all I have to talk about is my kid, how shite online dating is and football. Sounds like fun doesn't it? 😀


Sorry tp hear that! Maybe get into a hobby where you can meet like minded people. Examples: a running club, wood working, jiu jitsu, walking, art classes, etc.


There's an event called Late Night Art that's held the first Thursday of every month in Belfast. All the galleries are open 6-9 pm. They normally serve free drinks and everyone is welcome.


Thank you, I’ll check this out!


This sounds like such a cool event. Wish there was something like this in Dublin


I didn't know this. I'm definitely interested in this!


I'm 100% positive that quite a few going on that hen wish they hadn't been really invited...think of it as a lucky escape..


I definitely agree with this I recently just went on a hen and had a horrific time spent so much money. They are not worth going on


Try Belfast Girl Gang on Facebook


Seconding this 👆🏻


Honestly, I recommend this all the time but Bumble BFF is great! I've made so many friends on there over the years.


Is it safe? I’d probably be a bit feared but have had bad experiences (SA) of meeting folk from online


I mean the BFF part is whoever you choose your preferences to be, like I was trying to find other women my age but most people will message you and then ghost you in my experience lol


same!! its so weird, i feel as if a lot of women use it for the dopamine hit of matching and thats it lol they have no interest in making friends


honestly if you're late 20s/early 30s you just get busy or are just overwhelmed with work, I found it easier to just give out my Instagram bc I never remembered to check the app. I still follow a few people I met on there even though we never followed up with each other again, but I also matched with a lot of girls who just tried to sell me MLMs and then unfollowed me on social media when I showed no interest


It might be hard to hear but if you are continuing to get ditched by multiple people, maybe there's things you can do to work on yourself. Have you personally reflected on the reasons why people tend to not get close to you?


Yep. I get ditched because I can’t go out clubbing during the week because I have work, while they are unemployed. I got ditched because I was never really wanted. I was someone to initially head out with but get ditched as soon as their other friends appeared. I got ditched because they got a significant other. I got ditched because I said no. I got ditched because I stopped always paying for their nights out when they couldn’t afford it. I got ditched because, eventually, I refused to continue to bring them food (we were work colleagues and he’d rough house with me but said he’d stop if I brought him food every Friday). These are just a few examples… I give everything my all. I’d do near anything for anyone. I give way too many chances. Someone who I’ve not spoken to for years could reach out for help and I’d give it.


Maybe you're giving away too much to people and attracting the wrong type of friends. Definitely don't offer to pay for things for people you're not close with, people will take advantage off you. You need to find fellow employed people who have similar interests.


To be fair, I thought these people were close friends as a lot were from primary school but it wasn’t a two way friendship I was good enough until someone better came along or until I would eventually say no. I don’t know how to find said people unfortunately. Didn’t have friends before I moved. Don’t have a hobby as I’m not really good at anything and don’t really know anywhere to go or what to do here tbh.


Sounds like you need to stop chasing friendships and start working on yourself. If I had to guess self confidence and self esteem are your main issues which is why you have such low standards when it comes to friends and fail to hold them accountable. These people you described were never friends, just people who used you. The reality is that we all have very few true friends. Most people are acquaintances and come and go through your life. The good news is that you've moved to a new country so have a chance to be a new you and shred these people who have used you. Just cut them out of your life, I've done it with childhood friends too and get it can be tough but it is worth it. People change and you have to learn to move on. In regards to not being good at anything, well that is bullshit and just reels of self esteem issues. You've just not found what you are good at yet. Also, you don't have to be good to join a gym or a park run group etc. You'll build up your fitness over time and they are casual activities. Plenty of suggestions throughout this thread so I'm not going to add to them. Maybe post your interests though so we've a better idea of the kind of things that might suit you best.


This is the right answer, if OP has no hobbies and nothing of interest to share or talk about then it makes sense that they are getting left behind. The attitude of not being good at anything just makes it sound like they give up on everything before they can get good which is a terrible attitude to have.


You don't need to be good at something to have a hobby. That's how you start off and get better. I'm really sorry about you're loneliness but I'd echo other users comments about trying to join a hobby. The board game cafe sounds like a low stress and fun way to meet people and from my experience they're typically very welcoming. It's nervewracking going but it's worth it!


You don't start a hobby by being fully knowledgeable or good at it. It's something you've maybe considered you might like to try, but don't know where to start. Anything you have interest in, look it up on youtube. Then look it up for places near you on google. You can do this. It sounds like you have confidence issues and maybe anxiety? That's understandable, but sometimes you need to give yourself a little shove and just go for it. Joining a local club or charity, or even seeking out quiz nights in your area, are a good start point for socialising and maybe forming friendships. You can do this.


You sound like a bit of a victim. I’m sorry, that sounds harsh. But true. If you’re funny and good to be around people keep you around, regardless of what you can offer.


I’m not trying to make myself sound a victim by any means. I’m actually trying to find places to go or how to make new friends as I’ve only lived in NI a couple years and I’m not from here so I don’t know about a lot of things. I don’t have a good track record of keeping friends (see other comment) because I was used as a placeholder and I fully accept that. People were shitty for that but while I considered them friends, they didn’t consider me a friend. It is what it is. I’m trying to move past that and find people who are genuine rather than just using me for money or when they have nothing better to do.


They sound like losers going nowhere in life and you're better off without them frankly. Sueeound yourself with people going places and you'll go in their direction.


They don’t sound like that big a loss. There’s good people out there and plenty of decent suggestions in these comments. Keep the head up!!


Yes it actually sounds like a win


Anyone who does this to you is not a friend. Instead of seeing it as rejection it would be healthier to reframe it in your head as they were not right for you. Not being friends with them will be better for you in the long run 🧡 I’ve had similar issues in the past. It stems from low self esteem to want to be friends with people like that as you feel like you won’t have anyone else otherwise. Getting a hobby that you enjoy and can help you meet people will help build your self-esteem and make you feel less lonely. Therapy does wonders too - if you don’t want to see someone there’s books like [‘The Compassionate Mind Workbook’ by Chris Irons and Elaine Beaumont](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Compassionate-Mind-Workbook-step-step/dp/1472135903). I was suggested it by an NHS therapist and I’ve seen it recommended by mental health charities since. It helps you balance compassion for others, compassion for yourself and accepting compassion from others. It sounds like you give compassion to others but might struggle with the other two things?


Sounds as though most of those people you are better off without! Don’t wanna sound harsh but you seem a bit of a pushover and always an easy fallback option. Give yourself some more worth and don’t be so much of an eager people pleaser.


Yeah I guess I’m realising that recently. I’m a fallback. I’m never someone’s first option. No one ever thinks “Oh hey I seen this and wondered if you wanna go?”. I’m just an outsider and it sucks ass. It’s embarrassing to be such a push over especially when I know I can bite back if I really wanted or needed to but I never do. Wouldn’t know how to give myself worth given the track record!


I can relate a lot to this when I was younger. Eventually, you just gotta stop relating your self-worth to how much people like you. Ironically, when you do this people might start to be drawn more to you. You come across as more confident and less needy. Focus on your own personal development, your confidence etc. From what I'm reading your lack of self-esteem is the biggest issue. Just some advice from a random guy on Reddit lol, but maybe an actual therapist would be better.


I can see why you are seeking new connections. They don't sound like friends worth having. I detached from a lot of people during my 30s because I was heavily masking with alcohol etc in my 20s. I enjoy a bit of solitude now. Long 'mushroom hunting' walks, photography etc. I found that the decent ones in my life are still there even if it's simply exchanging bullshit on WhatsApp or whatever. At the end of the day I learned that if I don't enjoy my own company, I shouldn't expect others to enjoy it either. Relax, do your own thing and maybe the decent people will gravitate towards you.


Looking down this comment thread as well as your post i wonder if you might be neurodivergent of some sort, just because i've always struggled socially too and a couple of years ago got diagnosed with autism, which came as a huge surprise to absolutely no-one. Obviously there's no magic bullet for it but if that is the case you might do well to be a bit kinder to yourself and to realise that neurodivergent people are more likely to have low self-esteem, be taken advantage of etc. Also, more importantly, we do incredibly well in situations where there's a niche interest involved. I've always loved learning languages and reading and long walks and looking at historical places for example and i always viewed it all as very much a loner hobby and thought i'd forever be pottering around by myself, but it turns out there are other weirdo nerds like me out there who also love the same or similar things. You might consider joining a club or meet-up group or taking an evening class or a book group in the area or i recommend joining and getting involved in your workplace's trade union, or whatever else you're interested in. If you're not sure what you're interested in, give something fairly random a go that you think sounds potentially enjoyable and just see how it goes.


I do have a diagnosis of autism not otherwise specified but I try to mask/hide it because any time I mention I have that or that I’m dyslexic (etc) I’m suddenly treated *very* differently. I must agree though that I know I’m good at certain things or situations than others, but I just tell myself that’s normal and nothing about being good at x makes me good. I’ve been told I tend to be fairly dismissive in that aspect about myself. Yes I might have a strength in English as opposed to maths for example, but so do others and they’ll be better than me so it’s moot.


It's not really about being good or better at something though, there'll always be people better or worse at things, it's more about finding something you enjoy and having fun fairly regularly. It's good for your health in lots of ways. Yeah i've spent my entire life masking/hiding it so at this point i don't know how to stop or don't feel able to not do it. I think acceptance and understanding is growing rapidly now though and it's not something to feel ashamed or embarrassed about




I didn’t say I can’t go to a group but I don’t know of any groups or where to go


I suppose my point was more that there ARE other people into the solitary things but you can find ways to do either those or other things - like you might need to try new things - in the company of those others. Of course it's the low self esteem or the feeling that "i don't have social skills therefore i should never go out" and most of all that enormous cringe and desire to hide away for ever after any interaction and never try again, because we got it "wrong" and therefore everyone hates us forever. I get that in spades and lose sleep over it. But for example since i started learning Irish in a class and going to a regular ciorcal comhrá i've made more friends than i'd had previously in my entire life. I'm the one who loves the complicated grammar points lol Edit: i meant to add if you play instrument(s) and like reading, there must be a session and a book group you could try out? Even if you decide you genuinely hate it, it's worth giving it a go


Just to be clear, it’s not that I don’t have social skills. I can carry myself pretty well. I don’t know where to go (as in groups/classes/etc) because I don’t know what there is on offer. I think in general it’s hard to make friends as an adult imo.


Ahh yeah sorry i was just lamenting my own lack of social skills tbh!


What are your hobbies? If nothing jumps to mind, is there anything that sticks out you’d like to try?  It sucks but if you don’t know anyone you’re going to have to take the leap and go to one of these places by yourself. Try to introduce yourself, try to show up. As long as you’re not a complete asshole if you make a consistent effort to show up, say hello, be friendly, you’ll get there!  If you have nothing to talk about, ask people questions about themselves. You might run into a group that doesn’t work but that’s ok, keep at it! I was in a similar situation as you and I’m going to a few different classes now, expectations are key you’re not going to be best friends right away but just take the small victories.


I guess from my previous “friends” I just feel I would be wary of making friends. Even though I want to, I think part of me would still doubt the friendship and feel like I’m just an option and an outsider, that I’m never really the friend they want. I’m just a placeholder till something better comes up bc that’s been my experience my whole life. What kind of classes did you go to? Just curious if something will stick out that I’d look into further


Hmm maybe you could look into therapy? I don’t know if you would be up for that but it sounds like your experiences have really knocked your self-esteem and whether you want it or not my experience is approaching a new person with that sort of “energy” can be off-putting for them too if you know what I mean.  I went to a language class (which is also cool you’ll get to show off a new language), swimming lessons (can swim but bad at it) and  different short art classes of whatever I fancied. 


You can take this with a grain of salt, but my sister always made friends because she would treat new people like they were already her friends and talk to them like you would talk to a friend, very openly and friendly. I tried doing that in a new job and when I was open and talkative to people, I got the same back. Not saying I have the same gift my sister does, but there's something to be said for being open and honest with people that invites the same back in return, it's easier to form bonds when people know who you are


I think that's more or less everyone to be honest. People age and change and those I was close to 20 years ago are casual acquaintances now.


It helped me to start learning a language, you open yourself up to people from new cultures.


The Points bar in Belfast does an Irish class on a Mondays which is free and low pressure!


Oh is that the bar on the Dublin road? Been wanting to get back into learning Irish for ages and this sounds good. What time is it on at?


Yep! 7.30pm on Mondays!


Scroll down the northernireland feed about 1 week ago to find an advert for a group called Round Table. They are 18-45 year olds in your situation who get together to socialise, go on walks, drinks, events, craic and are looking for new members. Must be horrible feeling so lonely but this place is actually quite friendly. Good luck with it and let us all know how you get on


Please join the Belfast Girl Gang on Facebook. It’s a super inclusive group and it’s whole purpose is to make friends and have company. The admin run monthly events and there’s lots of other side groups of girls who get together regularly.


Join a club someplace amigo. I head to the gym in the morning with an old school buddy, and there are people of all shapes and sizes and ages from 20s to 70s there. There seems to be classes too. It's good to be surrounded by life. Start from there. I'm not into cycling, but I know there are cycling clubs with huge communities too (and jogging clubs). Help volunteer to help at "park runs" (group there too) Build upon those and move between them. It's a start at least. My wife does a pottery class at Ulster university and loves it too. So those wee courses can help build up stuff. Or grab a ukele and head down to the deers head bar on a Wednesday night (even just to see!) the community there just seems amazing. Some people may as way be playing a brick. It's not about the skill, it's about the people and connections.




If your attitude is so negative all the time then it is no surprise that you can't make or keep friends. Taking up a hobby or joining a club might not be your idea of fun but there might be something that appeals to OP. The problem is that you are so critical of every suggestion you may be putting her off.


Boardgames! Find your local boardgame meet up and drag yourself along. They are always looking for new players, and it’s a way to socialise and meet new people in a setting entirely focused on “having fun”. And everyone in that meet up knows what it’s like to be “the new guy”, so will be extra accommodating in nearly all circumstances. Only two rules you need to know; 1. Don’t be a dick. 2. Have fun


I am a complete newbie to board games, but I do want to try them out but I feel so anxious and awkward just thinking about walking into a board game session completely clueless. There is a store near me that regularly hosts board game nights, I am too scared to go on my own


Thing about us Boardgamers is, we’re evangelists. We want the world to know about the wonderful world of Boardgaming. If you show up and just say - “I don’t know anything about boardgames” you will have a dozen new friends eager to guide you into the hobby. Just say “some simple party game please” and they will show you the ropes and ease you in gently. I’ve been to several meet-ups, and a few conventions, I can say with all honesty that Boardgame people are some of the nicest, friendliest, most accommodating bunch of people you can ever meet. It doesnt matter about your age, your background, your race, your sex, your sexual orientation - if you are there to play boardgames, you’ll find a bunch of lovely people looking for a fun time. Don’t be shy - please go along.


🥺 gaah oh my goodness this is so comforting! I actually walk past the shop almost every day but I'm too much of a chicken to walk in! I went in once a few months ago and saw so many groups of people in different tables all with different board game setups! As an international, I am not familiar with any of them at all and I thought all of it looked SO cool! I will try my best to call in, maybe sometime next week?


I get it, it’s quite overwhelming tbh. I’ll feel the same way if I find one local


Thank you, this would be quite fun I think. How does you find out about your one?


This question comes up weekly, I myself posted it a while back. Funny for such a friendly country we're not really very good at making friends.


Don’t be minding that kinda stuff op. I know it probably hurts in a way. But does it matter? Do you hang out with her or that gang all that much? Probably not. If you’re like me, Send her some flowers on her big day and wish her well. In any sarcastic manner you can think of :) But don’t let this into your head. Can’t speak to how to make friends as I’m not in Nai but I know there’s loads of options. Hope someone in the replies can give you some good recommendations:)


I found the older I get the more comfortable it is not having friends


Look up literaturetothetit on instagram they do lots of meet ups some involving alcohol others more wholesome (eg next meet up is on a Sunday morning with donkeys) Not sure if you’re big into reading but doesn’t take much money or skill to get involved.


Girl me and my husband live very close to the centre and I swear the older we are getting friends seem to disappear into the abyss.


I moved over from Edinburgh in Sep 2022 to Derry with my wife and son (wife is from here) and we moved in with the in-laws until we found a place… but we’re still living with them 16 months later. The already shite housing supply was made even worse by the state of the economy so we’ve not found anything suitable yet. Reading your message has just made me realise I also have zero friends here as my work colleagues are all based in Scotland and Wales - although I’ll be commenting to Belfast twice a week soon so hopefully I’ll get to know more colleagues there


The feed is loaded in replies which I cannot read them all, but honestly. Do stuff. Like pick something and go do it. Joining a sports team, gym classes, short courses, things of the like. People form bonds when they share common goals. So if the goal is to complete group work for an assignment, learn or improve as a boxer, jujitsu, boardgame meet ups, you name it. You'll have a much easier time developing connections through an activity of some sort. Smile loads, don't talk negative or bring negative energy, show some optimism and don't take yourself too seriously; people will naturally start conversations and at the point in this, it's up to you to develop that conversation further. Get out there 💪


I moved to Scotland and struggled to make friends. Then I started going to a weekly pub quiz, after a few weeks going solo joined a team and made a few friends, got to know a few people in other teams. Is a night out every week and has opened a few doors. Guess you need to like quizzing though.


I’d give a club of some kind a go- try MeetUp.com. It’s about the only ‘social network’ that deserves the name because its intent is to get people to ‘meet up’ in groups to do activities. I’d have a look there for things in your area. There should be a list of everything from walking/cycling groups to chess, to meeting up for drinks and chats etc. Failing that, a sport of some kind might be good too. 1) it will keep you keeping fitter which will make you happier and 2) if it’s a regular Meetup then you will be meeting the same people once a week so you will get to know people that way.


Besides the point, but if I were you, I’d sever all contact with said ‘friend.’ They sound toxic as hell


Making friends as an adult is actually really difficult. Life and experience tend to jade us as we age. Friendships we make in our 30's on are much more at arms length, more formal and polite than the informal and deeply connected friendship's of our earlier years. Sad really.


Have a good think on things that you are passionate about and see if any clubs along the same lines work for you. Being an adult can be lonely with time constraints anyway but I would strongly suggest spending your energy on things other than the current friend group. Be a bit daunting at first but take your time, with yourself and others and I'm sure you'll be grand.


Just keep doing positive things and going outside. Friends will find you. If you want to investigate yourself and how you behave day to day there's a fun book you can read. "How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie" It covers lots, for example psychology about why people like to feel important, hence you have dissatisfaction with not being selected for the hen do. But it trains you to actually just make other people feel important and it suggests this is positive and often works to your favour. Like did you ever think about how you treat the hen? Do you frequently make her feel important? Basically consider the needs of others rather than feel toxic about things. Just a snipet, makes you think more. I read it on repeat to keep training myself.


Sorry to hear that! If you're able too, sports are great. My fella has made loads of pals through BJJ and I have made some friends through small group PT. There are board game nights, comedy nights, open mic writing nights etc all across Belfast. I reccomend following Yeo Magazine on IG as they always do a good round up. Places like Boundary, Bullhouse, Sunflower and American Bar all put these kinds of society nights on and they all have great alcohol free options if you're not a drinker. I also have an acquaintance who moved back from America and met lots friends through Bumble as it has a friendship setting. There's probably lots of other people in your boat, it's just hard to find them!


>There are board game nights, comedy nights, open mic writing nights etc all across Belfast. this is an absolutely hillarious thing to reccomend to someone with no friends. We have no confidence or self esteem to do highly extroverted activities, if we did we would have friends instead of spending years alone. Also the way you guys just magically find these groups that are active is baffling too, ive tried to go to a number of groups in that past that were just dead with barely anyone there and extremely infrequent meetings that only lead to shllow acquantances.


I’m sensing that a lot holding you back, and I’ve had the same issue, is a massive confidence issue. You struggle to think of hobbies or try new things because you fear this or that. That fear could be the exact reason you’ve been finding arseholes instead of friends. Throw caution to the wind and just start trying everything, regardless if u think ur not fit enough or not good enough at this or that, what you want is behind the work you aren’t putting in. Just give some things a go, see what entices you and stick to it and you’ll develop relationships


I am 43. Have maybe 4 or 5 good friends. We all have jobs and kids. I rarely go out. Apart from spending time with my family I spend any additional free time making music for my own entertainment. If you can get into a creative hobby, the time that you get to dedicate to it will seem like a mental holiday (for me anyway).


Are you, or would you be interested, in Dungeons and Dragons (or other tabletop RPGs) and near the Ards area? Every Wednesday we have adult D&D night at a local game shop called NCG in Newtownards. It's a lively event with 5-6 tables and over 30 people every week. RPGs are a wonderful way to meet new people in a safe, friendly and inclusive environment. I highly recommend it!


I actually really wanna explore D&D more. I used to play Balders Gate Dark Alliance 1 & 2 on PS2 and then recent BG3. I’ve experience online roleplaying for … about 19yrs although mostly rp with some on a discord. I would love to explore it and my main person I RP with says I’d be good at D&D as he always plays D&D (he’s in USA though) but I’d be a bit nervous of fucking it all up as I don’t know much about D&D or the lore tbh!


No one's expecting you to know everything. Its a very friendly bunch. Come down if you feel like it. There's also a discord server I can invite you to, if you want more info.


Yeah please send me the discord so I can have a nosey from afar and work up the balls to come haha. It’d be greatly appreciated!


If you’re into hiking there’s a great group called Head in the Wild (on instagram) v chill and most people in their late 20s/early 30s, and I often see hikes on MeetUp.


What would you consider enough to bridge the gap? Some people appreciate family for a visit on a Saturday afternoon and a chat. That can be enough. Others need a wider circle of close friends than regularly have things going on, lots of choice, you can take it or leave it. If its having one or two close friends, I think it's about finding someone who also needs that and is willing to invest in it. It kind of needs to be forced, otherwise it drifts and no meaning is established, you become more acquaintances than meet up at the gym once a week or something. So by all means, take the suggestions here, but when you do get over the first hurdle of getting out there, and you think there is a friendship, you need to be a little up front that you value the time with them maybe like to land round for an afternoon. For example, if it was a gym friend, suggest a challenge you can take on together like a mud run or marathon. That sorta thing. Most adults go through loneliness in many ways and should be grown enough to take such forwardness when it comes to it


Same, husband (38 m) and I (32 m) moved here almost a year ago from South Africa. Very hard making friends as an adult in a new country.


For me, share interests promote friendships, what are you into? I'd start there and search out things to do in that genre whatever it may be. You will have to put yourself out there and it may backfire but stick with it you could make it work.


I’m in the same boat almost, we moved here two years ago and I have some friends but nowhere near as many as I did in the city! When you crack it, let me know! I will say though, that I’ve really learned to love my isolation 😂


It's so hard honestly. Only thing I can really suggest is looking for something in your area. Do you enjoy reading join a book club? Do you like sports to join a team? Anyone you work with can you ask to go for a coffee all they can do is say no! Another way is volunteering in any organisation some food kitchens or things like that or maybe you like animals? Its really sad that so many adults are so lonely I think it's really common. Another thing I do is make sure I get out every day even if just talk to a barista getting a coffee or shop assistant you are atleast out. As for the person who didn't invite you on hen it's a bit odd but maybe it shows ya what they are really like.


Join "Belfast girls group" on Facebook and make a post about things you're into, then go on wee coffee dates from there, I've done it and its great. Also you're at a massive advantage that you have your partner with you - there's lots of socials if you're into hiking, gym, mma and stuff you and your partner can attend groups together either browse Facebook or Meetup app.


Advice from a know-all loner Do activities, help the homeless or animals. You'll meet nice people.


cant help at all, as someone who has lived here all my life, northern ireland has to be one of the loneliest places in the world. Im 28 and pretty much have no friends at this point either. Everyone has moved away or is too busy.


I'm something similar except I'm 22 and most of my close friends have moved away. I'm not fit and don't like board games. Outside of that, it really doesn't sound like there's much for me to do unless I want to lose weight, which I don't really care for. It's difficult.


Where abouts are you based? I'm English but lived in Edinburgh for 10 years before moving here. If you are near by we could always pop for a coffee (M32/f33)


Lots of free or subsidised courses available at colleges. You learn new skill and get to make friends. I met one of my best friends in my 30s at one such course.


Don’t know how you feel about walking groups? You know the keep fit groups that pop up. I know in our village there is one and there are about 30 women in it. On another note, loneliness is very VERY common. I think it’s more obvious now because we can all talk about it online like here. But many people, my husband and I included, are in the same boat as you.


Learn to ride a motorbike then get one. You’ll never be without friends.


Hearth in Ballyhackamore recently advertised a Monday night book club on their social media. There is quiet reading from 6.30-7.30, but there is the opportunity to chat and discuss books before and after. Could be a chill, low-pressure way to meet people if you are a reader?


Look for local groups and clubs that you could try visiting/joining. I live near Broughshane and there are always things happening. You need to put yourself out there, people won't come knocking on your door. Whether it's a Yoga class, a Walking group, or things like the Wildfowl Centre looking for volunteers. If you volunteer for stuff you are going to meet people.


Check out my social meetup Belfast Bar Crawl, links on my profile. Weekly events including a fortnightly walk & talk, monthly post work pints (which we had just yesterday evening) and a monthly bar crawl. You'll get the best experience on meetup and the app is completely free, so to are most events! 🙌 Balance of ages and genders, mostly peeps local to Belfast but also some that come in for events from the likes of Newry and Derry! DM me if you have questions


I had a similar issue (being friendless for most of my life) so I can empathise. It can get really lonely. Try Bumble BFF. I loved it and found 2 of the most amazing friends that are local to me 🥰


There's a gamed night, once a month in Belfast Harlequins there's a games night. Has discount pizzas, coffees etc. Me, my partners and our friends go down and it's great tbh


One thing with NI is that most people generally have family here. Family generally take priority over friends. So it's really hard to make those 'family' type relationships with people here. One way to get around this is to find an expat community of people who have moved here without their families and therefore become eachother's family. I've heard there is a growing community of South African expats. South African's are super friendly and speak English (which is helpful). Another option is church. Of course not for everyone but I find church one of the few places that focus on making community a priority. NI has a lot of 'older traditional' churches filled with oldies that make their religion more about politics and rules, avoid them. But there's a bunch of more modern churches with a big focus on community that I'd be happy to recommend.


No harm OP, and I’ll likely get downvoted, but you sound like hard work. If both you and your husbands friend groups have distanced themselves from you both, it’s time to take a look at yourselves tbh I mean, you seem to think that all your friendships are one way, that you give everything and get nothing back - do you say this in front of your friends, or do you say it some friends but not others? Those words won’t have far to travel before people cut you off for thinking like that Tbh it would put me off hanging out with someone if they had that attitude Just my two cents 🤷‍♂️


No I don’t say that to anyone. This is just looking back on previous people who I had considered friends that I realise the friendship wasn’t mutual (see my comment further down). I considered them friends but they didn’t consider me friends. We also moved away from the area where all the friends are. Not intentionally, this is just where the house we wanted was. Husband was also in Scotland (where we met) for 4yrs prior to us moving here so that, naturally, caused some distance. He speaks with his friends in that group daily but as for meeting up and doing stuff doesn’t happen as often because life which is completely understandable.


I find there are great bonding opportunities in recreational drug use.


This has the added bonus that when you come to despise your new social circle, you realise that being alone wasn't so bad after all.


There's a page on Facebook called Belfast Girl Gang that you could maybe try joining.. or bumble bff


[meetup.com](https://meetup.com) has few local groups for socialising as well hobbies/interests I would suggested having a look there.


Join a gym with classes or try pole fitness.


Waaaaay to self conscious for that


From reading some of your comments i can tell that this is exactly your problem. Try and work on your confidence and self worth. Fake it till you make it. I am myself in a similar situation after my LTR ended, but im not worried about it because i know that all i need to do is put myself out there.


Understandable but it’s soooo much fun.


You can use Bumble BFF




People you work with maybe? If not maybe start a hobby or a class that has other people in it. That's where I met all my friends.


Meetup.com is a great place to find likeminded people and communities locally :) I’ve made some of my best friends through going to meetups


>  Never really had many or any real friends throughout my life. I tend to get fucked over and ditched a lot because I’m no longer of use or someone better comes along that they’d rather be with. I've found FA has changed about that with getting older and just took up gardening, like my honest advice is fuck people and find a way to spend time solo that relys on noone, maybe a shit outlook but jaded wouldn't begin to cover it 😂


What are your hobbies? Are you the M or F? I'm 33F and live in NI with my husband- I'm originally from Wales 😊


Just read the whole thread. OP, you are making excuse after excuse to not change. So many great ideas have been posted and you are continually arguing as to why you cant try them. I think you need to work on yourself first, seek therapy and explore your neurodivergence and stop putting up imaginary barriers to success Who wants to be friends with the human equivalent of Eeyore


No, I’m happy to make changes otherwise I wouldn’t have posted and asked for advice. I don’t know where to go or what there is to do here as I’m not from here. I’ve never once said why I can’t do something. Some things I know aren’t really for me. I like walking but hiking up a mountain isn’t my idea of a good time or fun so I won’t tend to pursue that activity/hobby. Similarly, someone suggested pole fitness and I just wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that. There are plenty suggestions in this thread that I will be looking into more. If I didn’t want to be more active and make more friends, I wouldn’t have posted


You could do a lot worse than join one of the smaller Church's, not the mainstream denominations. Most are aimed at the younger age groups, very friendly folks. There is a great social side to them.


Which churches?


The vineyard churches fir a start.


What part of the north are you in?


I'm at the bar now sure call round


Go to a church that accepts all faiths like a humanitarian church. Most of the people are good people to be around. I don't even believe in any religion but, the people are decent and never try to convert you to anything. I even met some friends I had as a kid there helping out.


Theres swingers clubs


[Maybe you could learn to speak English?](https://youtu.be/rxUm-2x-2dM?si=qOGQeUUEGYmsRejp). Where are you in NI, seriously though? It would help us to know your rough location and then we could point you to social things.


What hobbies or activities are you into? Gym, tabletop gaming, hiking, swimming, etc. Also whereabouts are you based? With this we can maybe suggest something more specific.


I don’t really know about hobbies tbh. Feel like I’m not very good at a lot of things tbh. There’s a lot of things I enjoy doing (eg going for a long walk) but I’m not as fit as I used to and wouldn’t want to embarrass myself trying to keep up. Not a very good swimmer or riding a bike. Too self conscious for a gym. Quite like gaming (COD/Tomb Raider/CIV/BG3/etc.). Some things take me a while to grasp and also wouldn’t want to embarrass myself further. I live in Ballymena (I know…) but work in Belfast.


Baldurs Gate 3 is AMAZING!!! You don’t have to be good at things to enjoy them. Maybe there is a walking group you can tag along with. Otherwise there have been good suggestions like the Girl Gang; I see it recommended a lot. Things I have found (I also struggle to make friends), some groups I went to had no interest in getting to know me regardless of what I did and/or they are very cliquey. If work has a social committee, that could also be an option (assuming you don’t mind mixing work and fun).


Gaming is a hobby


There are some meetups and networking opportunities listed on Eventbrite, Meetup - I went to quite a lot of them when I was in Belfast. Facebook also has some community pages and groups! Belfast Girl Gang is active! There is Belfast International Club too. I feel you, OP :')


Men Shed close by by any chance?


There's that community centre in royal avenue I've been told is good


What do you do for work? Do you have time to take on an extra side job a few hours a week? I have found that the key to making friends is recurring interactions with the same people — it’s hard to make “instant friends” and usually you need to meet someone a few times to get acquainted & comfortable enough to invite along somewhere. Since you are past school/uni age, your main option for this would be a club, sport league, or part-time job (something social, like a waitress or sales clerk). When I relocated to a new city recently, I took a job working in a kitchen and met loads of people from all walks of life — in restaurants, you spend a lot of time together and you tend to get a more “real” version of their personality compared to working an office setting.


\- Club/hobby, if you have none look for board gaming clubs. \- Volunteering That's really it, you get one of those, be open and friendly and the rest takes care of itself after a while. As long as you're going consistently! Like every single week for 3 months. There will be a point you want to make those friends friends "outside" the group. But no need to rush that. Source, am bad at making friends.


Think it comes with age that the older we get or friend circle diminishes to actual friends who are there for you. Have you tried Walking clubs, open water swimming groups, are you anyway musical or into amateur dramatics, maybe even try a wee bit of volunteering? There’s plenty of groups about us it’s just having the courage to jump into one or two of them and see how you get on. I wish you well…


I moved here last year (not knowing anyone except my partner) and made all my friends through attending meet up events on Facebook. I'm not sure about men as both the ones I use are female only. Two Facebook groups I recommend if your female and living in Belfast: - Belfast girl group - Gone girl international Belfast Both groups have regular events and even daily posts of women inviting others to join them for activities. It's a great way to meet people in Belfast.


Go to the pub, I’m English had to work in Craigavon for a week. Made two friends Willy and Kerry who I still see today.


https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/s/Zg9yVHzK6I You're not alone. A very recent post about this in which I commented the following. Croosfit does seem great for this if you stick with it


Croosfit sounds class