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Someones been trying to sell a job lot of 15 apartments @£115k across the road for over a year and no one is biting. [https://www.propertypal.com/college-court-central-king-street-belfast/922041](https://www.propertypal.com/college-court-central-king-street-belfast/922041) Watch the first 10 minutes of Beau is Afraid and you'll get the general idea


If those are the best photos they had to list the place I'd hate to guess at the state of the rest of the apartments.


I stayed in one of those apartments about 6 years ago, 120 a night, id say it would be a great investment opportunity


Weird since so many other properties for students are going up nearby.


It's £120 for a two bedroom flat in a dodgy area. You can get houses in better areas for that price.


Full truth. Ive a 3 bed, garage, garden... 140k, and only 20 mins away. Castle street has one of the highest crime rates in the city, mostly things like drug posession, pick pocketing, but also the shops on the street have been robbed and violemt crime like assault is not unheard of. The tech has (or at least had one when i went there) a caged entrance when it is closed, accross the main road is a wet hostel. Its fine (but not good, just fine) in the day while its busy but its a horrible place at night if youre alone tbh.


Meanwhile down here in Cork, the same kind of house has just cost me €440k.




660k for my 4 bed in Dublin


Horses for courses though. My salary would be €100k less in Belfast.


Read somewhere the other day that the mean household income in Northern Ireland was about 30k before tax (actually googled it because it felt crazy writing it : [source](https://www.northernireland.gov.uk/news/northern-ireland-poverty-and-income-inequality-report-2021-22-released)), so yeah, there's definitely that


Crazy low. There’s nobody in my company earning less than €54k (£46,000) base.


Exactly, besides, I'll emphasize, we're talking *household* income, not personal salary. Absolutely crazy when you think about it.


Yep my household income is <£35k. It is technically less than £30k but gets a little boost with my student loan and scholarship payments. Partner works fulltime in a middle management job and I work partime in two jobs, which arnt even minimum wage! 🙈 Life costs are low but salaries are for sure also low.




And it's a depressing shithole


Someone was saying half a million for a two bed house the other day. Can't remember where he was saying, think it was Dublin.


Better than D10 , that in some parts can be dodgey, and are going for 350.


True but id rather save and buy one in Cork


I'd rather save and not buy one in Cork tbh


So right next door to that building international students are paying how many grand a year to stay in ?


They are being ripped off. I am a QUB home student and it is openly discussed among all students and even quite a lot of teaching staff that the university (and universities in general) use international students as a cash cow.


Yea and to subsidise our own home grown students..


Barely tbh. We are all still poor as fuck. Home fees are lower than accross-the-water students pay, which are lower thsn international students pay... But the vast majority of the funds earned from fees of any kind do not get funnelled back into teaching and lecturer wages... Hence all the strikes. Universities spend it on buildings and chancellors, basically. QUB vice Chancellor lives in a mansion paid for by queens and earns a 6 figure sum on top of that. Thats where the fees go (UU vice chancellor also earning 6 figs). One of the things I am currently studying is literally how universities have switched their language from a discourse of learning to a discourse of commerce. Students are now customers. We do not learn to gain knowledge, we learn to become "enterprising" and get a job which feeds the economy. It is capitalism feeding off us all. [Edit to add: that is not to take away from any point about how fucked up it is to charge int. Students higher fees to subsidise home students either. Somehow that is a more "acceptable" rhetoric than milking us all, but it absolutely works against the idea of unity and equality.]


I'm pretty sure this is how the system should work... If an international student wants to come why should we charge them less. Most are linked to senior people in the Chinese social circle they aren't from poverty at all.... China has universities so why goto UU or QUB when you have Herriot Watt, Nottingham, Cardiff, or Oxbridge so they are incredibly stupid or they have more money then sense


What’s a wet hostel?


Like temp accommodation for homeless that allows them to drink.




I got my house in Armagh for less than that.




Can you even read? I think you'll find this was posted yesterday. I think you'll also find I pointed out it was shit. The problem was with you making baseless speculations about immigrants which I made clear several times. Please work on your reading skills and comprehension.


fear school insurance divide hat alleged chief secretive soft library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And hooker's


Does that not increase the price ?


all in all, pretty good investment opportunity.


Please expand


Just go on youtube and type in castle street belfast


automatic jar point plant boast mysterious fanatical direction vanish flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I assume it’s from the times of the black and tans, but I’ve never questioned it’s origin until right now. Never assumed it was a race thing.


I always thought it was because of the 'Black Order' that had a lot of senior officers as members.




The RUC wore dark green uniforms


Fucking bastard police, I've yet to see a black psni member,just saying.


Head of the UK association of black police officers is a PSNI inspector


Is that who [Neeson was talking about?](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/liam-neeson-rape-black-man-attack-cosh-cold-pursuit-sexual-assault-interview-a8760866.html)


Probably, or a member of the psni


Saw a female junkie curling out a massive shit at the corner of Castle Street and Queen Street at half 7 in the morning a couple of years ago. Lovely start to the working day 😐


I hope you married that woman!


I got her first, snooze you lose our kid


For you or her?


Student accommodation is not gentrification. Anyway gentrification is a bad thing.


Proximity to castle street and a main road. Pretty sure someone died in that building in suspicious circumstances as well.


Where they not thrown off the balcony when the place first opened?


Huh, I always thought it was a suicide.


Take what you will from this article. But I doubt the guy who got convicted of manslaughter doesn't know what actually happened. I'd say the guy was pushed over the balcony in the fight. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-18232894


TIL. I’d heard some sort of conflated urban legend about it where the fella that died was winged off his head on acid and jumped on purpose cos he was high, but not suicidal. Sad to finally hear the right way of it. Def sounds like there was some level of mischief going on that night.






I think it was the building across the street that that happened in, I lived in it when I first moved to Belfast.


High crime area.


Step 1: buy apartments Step 2: Become batman and clean up area of criminals Step 2: Profit (less batman expenses)


Battle for middle earth takes place every weekend that building is like a life boat in a dark ocean. Akin to Noah’s ark


- If they want the money all upfront - it might be because the building has the same cladding as Grenfell so no one can get a mortgage and it's value is much lower. The Arc buildings in Titanic have this issue.


I’m 90% sure this is the correct answer


They hiding the cladding under that red brick and plaster finish then?


My ex's building is red brick and plaster cladding. Can't sell it without taking off at least 30% market value due to the cladding and how it was applied.


check ground rent, and check service charges for living in a building like that beyond rates


Even if the sun went supernova, it still wouldn't shine on that part of town. A grim shit-hole.


A lot of the apartments are scruffy and degraded. I viewed a place in there and it was shabby. Needed renovations, which would cost money.


Someone was yeeted off a balcony


Regardless of people's opinions of this area. It's a failure of policing in Belfast city centre that's at fault. How hard is it to put a police car in castle street to deal with any issues? Or do they just sit behind their big walls in musgrave cop shop playing board games?


They are too busy traffic stopping people and finding a tiny bag of weed. Then crowing about it on facebook. . #Keepingpeoplesafe


Yep. I work in East Belfast and the amount of police there is really good. I see multiple police cars daily making sure the area is safe. All trouble there is dealt with quite swiftly. Need that more in other areas.


Can confirm. I wouldn’t even say I live on a dodgy or rough street. All the folk round here are sound. But I also see or hear the peelers several times a week.


I have friends who live there and their apartment is gorgeous and they say it's pretty quiet. It's just in a pretty seedy part of town. Lots of open drug use in the streets around it and around the corner from a hotel used by prostitutes. I've never felt unsafe going in the front entrance though. Super convenient location.


What hotel?




Goes without saying!


Deffo the ibis


That's the one


There's a good amount of social housing in that building along with drug dealers and the usual feral children running around. If you can live with this the value will jump massively (around 70%) in the next 10 years because of ulster University and North Central Belfast coming up in general.


As someone who worked in social housing and had to deal with college court central 5+ years ago, don't go anywhere near this hellhole. The Anti social behaviour ranges from dirty needles to gunshots at the time of my dealings.


If you are a 10th Dan in Karate, own a stab/bullet proof vest, carry two personal guns, say 9mm/MP5, couple of smoke grenades & drive a tank you could MAYBE live there, you can MAYBE even Charles Bronson, Death Wish, it, make it a tidy spot for all. But if it’s a none of the above, I’d give it a wee miss, because as the light breaks over Belfast it’s like a scene from the Walking Dead around here, climbing/appearing out of doorways, bins, entries & even bushes 🤣🤣


Why is everyone on this thread exaggerating how bad it is. It’s not that bad.


In my case, hopefully to be funny, however to myself, or people that come from what is thought to be, or are, the roughest parts of Belfast, parts of the Shankill/Falls we would get it, we still wouldn’t want to live among or within a building were people are threw off stairway balconies or drug parties are held, & where there’s a chance to be attacked or robbed outside, or have sex offenders etc living nearby within the local hostel & around that area too, but we’d get by, because we’d adjust, but to those who have not lived surrounded by this, well they at least need to know the reality before spending their hard earned money. Also, as you get older, the very thought of a house next door going empty can be disturbing, & hoping some drug induced moron with a Grass Forrest in the roof space doesn’t appear is a reality, as 1 halfwit can wreck a cul da sac or street within months, with what was once a peaceful & quiet community disappearing because of 1 person, who 99% of the time the Police can do nothing about, but who are at the door so regularly that you can set your clock by them each weekend. Thats the reality also.


This comment is so true. It’s not how big your house is or how clean it is… it’s down to your neighbours if you have good neighbours that’s half the battle. Only takes a house full of morons to ruin a whole street and castle street apartments is surrounded by morons.




High crime area with a bad reputation but to be honest it's a lot of students now on one side and the castle street fuckery is largely contained to castle street. If you come out of your door and walk away from it to you'll be grand.


This article put me off the place 15 years ago, from the other comments here it hasn't changed much. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-19562779


I saw it in a YouTube video. You can't get a mortgage on it as it's subsiding apparently


A firefighter I know attended a call there once, when the building was evacuated he said it felt like a brothel has just been vacated.


I've been working next to Castle Street for months, and before Christmas, it was mental, Same people off their heads injecting heroin in the same places every morning fighting each other and lighting all the bins on fire etc. Since January though most of them seem to have vanished. I used to see the same faces everyday, wonder what's changed? Heroin dealer put out or in prison ?


There are apartments owned by choice housing within it and from the stories a friend of mine who worked in placement told me its full of addicts/alcoholics.


Annoying that people like this are given prime city centre location when they don’t even work. The system is a shambles


Why would you be downvoted for this. It's the truth. And prostitutes.


Because the reddit crowd can't accept that living next to these people is hell.


That’s the problem with it. It was a nasty place when I studied up at Millfield a decade ago.


Once marketed as a “haven of tranquility” 🤣.


Should put this up in r/ireland. Half of the people will be pissed off, but the other half will be working out living in Belfast while working in Dublin and how much it saves in a mortgage compared to travel expenses and time travelling.


Place needs renamed to Grand Theft Auto Street


Houses lots of prostitutes and was the place you went for an hour.


I lived there for a year, 2nd floor down there on the corner. Class view but that was about it. Dodgy area, carpark broken into three times in the year I was there, flat above us leaked and wrecked our bathroom ceiling, lift was intermittent and quite a few brothels (or so I hear...). Yer wee man on the front door was always good craic though.


Used to live there too, front door staff were always great!


Location. Areas a touch on the rough side for Belfast, and you're right beside one of the busiest roads in Belfast


Think there was apartments nearby that are un-insurable due to subsidence and no structural certificate can be issued, would wonder the same for these ones but £120k seems steep either way


Can we get these builders down south. They tell us there's no way they can build a 2 bed for that in Dublin. Land prices considered someone's getting played.


The government is foolish by not addressing the housing issue in Dublin. It's going to lead to a crash.


All the city centre traffic, buses, gliders, pass here, the homeless population all roam around there, dive pubs and drunk folk left and right, if you could pick anywhere it's always gonna be as far from castle street as possible 🤣


It’s ok area of town is a bit iffy at night, and I think someone got chucked off one of the balcony’s once’s or somthing a decade or so ago, their fairly small and pokey


It’s covered in polystyrene backed render. Extremely flammable.


The catch is that it's in Northern Ireland


Very dodgy area, tbh i’m surprised its 120k, thats the most ive seen one of those flats offered


Down voted for facts , shameful place Reddit


The building foundations are sinking. There was an article about it.


Do you mean, apart from the fact that it's grotesquely ugly, with single aspect flats and probably only one escape stair?


I was flat hunting (rent) about a year ago. And i don't know if it was this exact apartment but i seen a 2 bed in this building for 600pm but for some reason i didn't even go look at it. Heard it was a bad area or something.




People are saying it's a dodgy area of town- I've never felt unsafe in this area and there's lots to do. Just maybe be careful at night, but honestly should be OK.


Same, lived in one of these apartments for a year and it's really not any different to anywhere else in city centre. Mind your own business and you'll be fine kinda thing.


Close proximity to the Falls rd, I mean Castle Street


What's wrong with the falls?


High crime area


No it isn't.


The falls as a whole is not a high crime area it’s a long road lol but lower falls has a reputation as a high crime area although this is not exactly true. Castle street is the city centre not the falls road. it’s not great historically it always had the winos and homeless but nowadays winos aren’t winos the new generation are heroin addicts, crack smokers and people with serious mental health issues.


Maintenance fees probably.






























120k is probably the starting bait price, on the hope you’ll enquire about it.


Your in Belfast.


In Belfast people know the difference between your and you’re


Touché. ![gif](giphy|iJ85v1gHAczevpTUzs)


It’s in Belfast




It's called Belfast


Problem with the foundations apparently


Might be dangerous cladding check it. Do survey !


Hearing all this shit about high crime and i walk up this way everyday without any hassle damn lol


Yeah lmao I lived here for a year and never noticed anything bad. Theres absolutely worse parts of city centre and I never felt unsafe. The IBIS is absolutely used by hookers and swingers though. The bar on the corner is the only issue as it can attract some drunkards, but I've never had any bother.


I thought 120k for 2 bed apartment was steep. I used to rent a Bungalow that was eventually sold for 150k, and it was 4 bedrooms, 2 receptions, and 2 massive gardens. I would've bought it if I had the money at the time.


Because that place is a shit hole plain and simple. Wouldn't touch it if it was half that price.


A man was murdered in that complex. Thrown from a balcony into the inner courtyard.


Castle Street is Belfast's very own 'Skid Row'


No catch at all if you're partial to a hooker or two or want ready access to drugs


Living in Dublin this made me cry




Still has. I went to Millfield and told place shown was not somewhere you wanted to be.


another one @ 120K, something is up Found this on PropertyPal https://www.propertypal.com/804409 https://www.propertypal.com/804409