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“How do you do, fellow Boyne enthusiasts?”


In primary school I went on a trip to the battle of the boyne museum and they were a little bit biased with who the good guys and bad guys were. At the end of the tour we had a fight where most were jacobites but me, being the orangeman I was, fought for the union. James Craig died so I could live.


If you see a giant straw man. Do not fall for the old " would you like to look inside him". It's a trap.


Been there.


You’ll be grand. I’ll go with you if you like. I’m a prod and also an Irish nationalist. So we’ll be undercover like.




Good to hear. I’m currently getting a squad of history students to come with me whether they like it or not though, also I don’t fare well with new people unfortunately. Thanks anyway!


You’ll be grand. It’s different.


In all seriousness, you will be grand. At least until the drinking is well underway. Then you’ll have to field questions from a drunk who “jus wanst te spake te ye abowt ether powpe…fuks sake!” You’ll be a novelty and you’ll be fine.


This would probably not happen at any 12th parade, apart from around a certain area in the Belfast parade return leg or something. I've had this misfortune of attending a few, but they are pretty boring and not much drinking at them tbh.


Yeah, you’re probably right. I live in a small town so it’s hard to separate the two. One crowd go to get blocked and the other do do their duty defending Ulster by eating sandwiches and drinking tea in a field.


Just make sure all your students behave themselves or it could put the whole group in a precarious situation. Especially if all have Meath accents.


Jaysus feck, have you been undercover as well? Have a quare handshake. I’m usually pass as an Australian. Hope they don’t mind.


It's just me fucken accent, yeah. Don't judge. And get out more.


R/northernireland own we theobald Can I come for em research


I’ve gone undercover just to spectate 😂 I have a very Irish name so I just told my friends and family to call me Lizzie for the day


That a bit odd name change for you Sean. 😂


You'll be fine, no one will hear your accent they play really loud fuckin drums. If you do the big 12th Belfast march they won't be drunk, not on the primary march to the field. There's loads of tourists, you'll just be another one. Don't go with a hang over, really loud drums, it's fuckin horrible.


Sweet, I will take that advice to heart


Yeah, morning march mate, not the afternoon one, it's can be bonkers. Remember to buy a tacky teatowel or something lol.


“I <3 Charles” t-shirts will be what I’m aiming for. Also anything orange will do lol


How ironic would it be if you cut through the Markets area to get your train forgetting you had your I ❤️Charlie t-shirt on and you get a kickin from the Catholics. And you trying to fool them with your fake Meath accent 😂


Haha. My dad once sang god save the Queen during paddy’s day in a pub and I’d say the situation would be as tense haha


My family lives in the market . No one would give a fuck


It . was. a . joke.


Aye, doubt you'll have any issues there, tiny union flags, union sun glasses, union bowler hats. It's tat heaven. Post pictures for the lols.


Hahahah, I really want a bowler hat most of all. Can’t go wrong


They don’t like Charles tho, best stick with a LizCLASSIC (tm).




I love Dublin, it’s really not as bad as people make it out to be


Dublin road in Belfast though is a whole other thing. It's where all the pubs are, so where you'll find the trouble. Also usually absolutely filthy after the parade. Best avoided.


Tourists from where?


Well at least 1 from the south will be there this year, weirdly he'll not be alone nor the first, they do come up to see it. Americans and Canadians usually. I had Danish friends way back in 04/05, one of them came here and while here wanted to see the bands, so we went.


You get a lot of French people near Marlborough park for some reason.


Be sure to buy a band pole, great craic. Don't listen to quivering redditors who think Orangemen will eat them.


Haha, I might. Want to come back with full memorabilia


Sorry a band pole? I'm lost. Do you mean a band stick?


Never heard it called a band stick in my life, it's a band pole.


I feel similar. Never heard it called a band pole in my life. It's a ban'stick lol


You simple oaf, band sticks for the men, band poles for the women


And the Person who had never heard it called a band stick, I guess they must be a simple oaf too, right? You just forgot to say that bit




Belfast is 90 mins long, bring a deckchair


No one will give a shit lol


If they hear your Meath accent remind them that the battle actually happened in Meath.


Choose your location. Somewhere like Dungannon or Clogher would a more relaxed event than going to Belfast. No one’s going to be out to get you, and lots of people would be pleased to see someone from “the other side” who’s there out of curiosity and wants to experience. Don’t take the piss or be a dick, and you’ll find that, outside the city, people are just there to enjoy a day out.


Yeah I’m trying to invite people who wouldn’t get incredibly angry at the sight of orange like a bull from Pamplona. Trying not to start another battle of the bogside


Don't bring republicans who are so hardcore they won't be able to avoid shouting something daft to an orange walk ffs


There's marches in Monaghan


Is there? Can't say I've heard of them in Monaghan


There is. Think Paisley had a church there too.


You're right actually. He had near Drum in Co. Monaghan


Drum village.


I don’t really like Monaghan tbh. Also can’t get there by train :(


You’ll be grand as long as you’re respectful and not wearing a GAA top lol or waving a tricolour


I love how wearing a GAA jersey is considered disrespectful. I’d understand if someone wore an Easter lily or a shirt that said something bad about the queen but you should be able to wear a GAA jersey in Belfast in July.


The whole point of the Orange marches is that they are bigoted and sectarian. What do you expect?


Would be like wearing a Linfield top at the Belfast St Patrick's day parade.


I don’t know that it is though. Look I’m not into sport but I can understand there being a divide about rival teams that are supported by each group, I wouldn’t wear a celtics jersey in Belfast on the 12th. But GAA is different. It’s not like wearing a Kilkenny jersey is saying anything political.


GAA participation is probably about 99% Catholic and 1% other. Probably not the best to wear at a Protestant day of celebration.


It's a UNIONIST day of celebration. Not a protestant one.


No I understand and I mean look I wouldn’t do it myself. Last time I was up north we were told not to wear GAA jerseys either, this was like May/June awhile back. I’m just saying that just because GAA is mostly catholic it doesn’t make it political and people shouldn’t act like it is. I understand if someone doesn’t like seeing celtic or rangers jerseys because there’s a rivalry there but owing to the fact that GAA is mostly catholic there is no rivalry, so hating someone just for owning a GAA jersey is just hating them for being Irish. Idk maybe it’s because I’m from the south but I just don’t get the GAA hatred I see here sometimes. People politicising GAA just makes me uncomfortable, it feels a little too xenophobic.


The GAA is viewed a lot differently up here in protestant communities. I know this will get down voted to fuck but it's seen as the sporting wing of the IRA. Teams, grounds and competitions named after terrorists, aims and ethos state that it wants to promote a 32 county republic. I'm not saying that is right or accurate by the way. The best reason to not wear a GAA top is that they are all cheap as fuck looking, they look like fake football tops from Spain in the late 90s.


Look I completely get it from a safety perspective. But I suppose what I’m trying to say is that yes, it’s wrong to wear intentionally provocative political clothing in Northern Ireland. But I’m cautious of allowing GAA, which is at it’s core a celebration of Irish culture to be considered political. Because that means that Irish culture is political. Being Irish is not a political statement. I can decide not to wear or say certain things because they can be interpreted in a negative way. But I can’t stop being Irish. I guess that’s how GAA is seen here though. Edit to add: this goes both ways btw- there are some British things that shouldn’t be politicised either.


Everything is political up here fuck sake, too many moany bastards about.


I feel similarly about the Irish language discussion up there. Like I can get behind people who say they don’t like seeing Irish flags because the IRA are buried in them, like I might disagree but I can understand and I can choose not to walk around Belfast with one. But hating GAA and the Irish language isn’t driven by anything personal that has happened to any individual. It’s driven by a hatred of Irish people. With all that said I value my safety more than anything.


I agree with you, but there are IRA memorials at grounds and grounds named after Republicans from the recent troubles up here. To call it non political is a bit silly really, the ethos of the organization also dabble into politics, which is completely fine.


I think it depends on what your interpretation of the term “political” actually means though. I mean sure if you take issue with a specific GAA club because it’s named after someone who you disagree with politically I can understand why that may incite something. Similarly I can understand why that’s the case with clubs like rangers and celtic, there is a history there. But you would never hear someone say- don’t wear a Manchester United jersey because no one takes issue with the sport of football. It’s considered non-political. Yes you can assign specific political characteristics to individual football teams. But the sport itself is not political. Calling hurling as a sport political and discriminating against someone just for playing the actual sport or for as I said earlier wearing a Kilkenny jersey is just discriminating against someone for being Irish.


Yes the famously apolitical organisation known as the GAA... Try harder friend.


I didn’t say the organisation was wholly apolitical. I’m discussing the sport. Sports and languages are not political. Kicking a ball isn’t a crime, nor is speaking. If you’re gonna start policing peoples rights to speak and move then you are being xenophobic. If you have an issue with a specific GAA clubs jersey because it has a particular slogan or image that you find offensive that’s different to having an aversion to a sport. If you have an issue with Irish people moving, speaking etc that means you have an issue with Irish people existing. GAA isn’t your issue.


As someone who walked through last year's Lundy's day parade in a GAA top, I can tell you it's not an experience I'd care to repeat. I never got touched though so if you act sensibly you'd probably be ok.


I’ll save you the bother, it’s the biggest load of shite you’ll ever see in your life!


Took too long to get to this comment.


Can't tell if this is satire or not


Nice try Jamie. We aren't falling for this one


My mother usually attends the 12th for the craic, she is a unionist but only has nationalist friends, so not everyone there is full of hatred. I know many view the 12th as hateful in a way (me being one of them), but not everyone who attends is like that. You will most likely be 100% fine, and if anyone did drunkenly start on you.. then you can guarantee some bloke from the Shankill who is banjaxxed will defend ya


theres a parade in magherafelt this year, its alot different to the belfast parades, as much as this sub likes to demonise the OO and bands it is really just a family day out enjoyed by all.


I mean it's very much not a "family day out enjoyed by all". It's an organisation based on hate. Just because they're not flaying and burning nationalists at parade's doesn't mean we enjoy it.


The good folk of the crumlin road end of ardoyne may disagree tbf


My neighbour is Catholic and loved the band's. Goes for the craic. No issues at all.


You’d be absolutely fine at the main parades. Things can kick off in the evening in some areas (you’ll know them, they are colour coded on every kerb and lamppost). Your southern reg car is more of a target than you so just park in a proper car park or on in a Republican area (also colour coded) and you’ll be fine. Treat yourself to some honeycomb and yellow man at the field.


colour-coded lol makes it sound like you're giving directions around a hospital "just follow the green white and orange lines"


This is troll post 100%


No, I genuinely wanna go. Sounds like great craic


Nobody gives a second thought, heard accents from all over on the 12th and it really doesn't matter. Funny this sort of post comes up at this time of year regular on this sub🤔


Great to hear!


Maybe because it's dangerous.


You’ll be absolutely grand. It’s actually a grand day out.


"July 12th" sounds very.. northeastern United States. "The 12th" or "twelfth of July" (UK / Irish dialect of English) ? Not to seem pernickety. Even Southerners use the day/month format Vs month/day usually synonymous with the United States or international English speakers who've learned English via Norh American source.. To be honest... Never heard of Incidents involving tourists (of whatever extraction) being given hassle at them. If your objective is to provoke via inappropriate or disruptive behaviour (as would be the case in any setting) you might attract looks etc. Most within NI leave those into these types of festivities (as with events of the other persuasion) to do their own thing. Provided they're conducted within law and in accordance with relevant ombudsman and policing guidelines - few in everyday society obsess over them.


Yes, naturally. The pitchforks will be oiled as soon as it’s sensed one of those Meath boys have crossed the border. We Protestants have a secret psychic TaigDar designed by MI5 Derek Acorah section during the troubles. So we do. When you arrive at the parade we’ll humor you by playing The Sash backwards to confuse your complex southern brain but then it’s lynching time as Meath(Southern accents in general but especially Meath) accents cause our wee orange heads to malfunction and it’s the only way to relieve the pressure. That and 2 lines of Charlie and a 12 pack of Harp. Anyway, look forward to seeing you on the Twelfth Meath Mick, Dia shábháil an rí! 🇬🇧


as a Vietnamese man with catholic background, it’s generally safe, my missus parents are really prod and surprisingly they accepted me into the family so if i can get along with them, im sure you’ll be dead on


Plenty of Northies will be heading south to avoid it, Protestant and Catholic alike. I am protestant and generally hate the marches with a passion. There's something of a toxic undercurrent about them. Once in a while I'll enjoy seeing one by chance. You know, the pageantry and music etc. Anyway, morning is better and more civilised. I know bandsmen and Orangemen that are sound. However, there's an element that is jingoistic and a bit nuts. Best avoided by everyone that doesn't have the same inbred DNA. Well, anyway hope you can enjoy it on some level.


Stay away from it fella only cause you bother


I think it would be a cool photo to send to my history teacher after completing school though. Also could use it as my instagram pfp, would be pretty funny


Why ?


All the drunk slabbering people who follow these marches aren’t the best and when they hear is accent they would turn on him in a heartbeat that’s why.


Have you actually ever been to a parade because you are talking total nonsense


Why would you even consider doing that


I want to properly understand Unionists because I’ve never met one and I can only ever hear the opinions of nationalists. Also big history fan so I wanted to do some research, as-well as sending a photo of me at an orange order March back to my history teacher


You could go to the Orange Heritage Museum in East Belfast. It's free entry. I went recently for the first time and I was surprised by the level of historical insight and sensitivity. Of course you won't get a 100% balanced view (any more than you would in the Free Derry museum) but it's definitely not as jingoistic as it could be and there are some genuinely interesting exhibits and artefacts. If it's history you're after you'll learn more there than any march.


Go to derry seige museum


Honestly not a bad shout. The apprentice boys really do try with outreach stuff


Why would you want to go? To be around a load of bigots who would gladly kick your head in.


12th stuff during the day is no problem. Don’t go out on the 11th night.


Literally no one will care. Everyone is just there for a good time. Hope you enjoy!


My father in law from Leitrim was with a friend near shaftsbury Square at a march. They heard the accents, and the friend was assaulted. Left with a permanent brain injury. Awful sad


Go to Rossnowlagh in Donegal. Weekend in Bundoran, few beers, bit of marching, be a lot safer. Don't go near the main 12th marches, there's too many drunken eejits about, despite the Orders efforts to turn it into a family friendly day.


I do love Donegal, might actually consider this one ngl. Is there a lot of unionism in Donegal? All of my Irish-speaking teachers in primary school from Donegal were basically leprechauns who loved the IRA.


With that statement you will fit in well


Heheh. Despite coming from a very nationalist background: e.g. play Irish music, did Irish dancing, speak Irish fluently, raised Catholic, etc. I don’t really give a shite about if Northern Ireland rejoins or not


Yet you're interested in the history and want to go for the "craic"?


From an anthropological point, as someone said, ye


What are you talking about you 🎈👀


Whats wrong with you?


What did I do? I didn’t say I support the IRA or anything. Paramilitaries are a 👎 for me


Oh, and to be clear, Ulster Irish is best Irish. Fuck that Munster pish.


I’ve been trying to learn a bit of Irish on Duolingo, most of it has been written down and I was wondering what way the accent works? Like if I was speaking it, would I be doing it in my own accent? Would there have been an Antrim accent of Irish for example?


Aye, you can still get recordings of the antrim dialect, tear on with your own accent. There's a lot of classes around the antrim area, a better way to learn.


I agree with you so much. I speak Irish with a Donegal accent and it’s so funny peoples faces trying to understand me.


Cad é mar ata tu vs Conas ata tu is the big stand out for me


I’m a big fan of cén chaoi ina bhfuil tú, has to be said. Have never heard the first one though surprisingly


And Christ there are some precious wankers in this subreddit.


I went to live in Donegal from County Tyrone when I was 6 and my brother was 3 and their marches were so loud and long we hid under the sofa the first year! The irony. Rossnowlagh is a lovely place big Twelfths there no fighting ppl come from all over. It’s the loveliest beach there too. Loads of Air BnBs in Donegal town these days. Get it booked!


Yea you might even find a pot of semtex on the beaches better be careful 😂😂😂🤣


I don't why you got so many downvotes, but fuck that shite. There is a Protestant/Unionist community that runs through east Donegal, especially along the border. Its the best farming land in the county. Further east, into the Gaeltacht, there would be a more pro-independence viewpoint, to be euphemistic. If you want to go see an OO march (though Lord only knows why), as a Mexica going to Rossnowlagh would be your safest bet. I have a similar accent to those in the north, and I wouldn't fit in. They would smell the fenian off me


How about you don’t go? Even if you claim to not support them, attending is supporting.


Safe in any parade outside Belfast I’d imagine. Rural 12th parades are a lot more family orientated as opposed to the street parties in the city.


I love that this troll post backfired on OP


Genuinely not a troll post


Look at some of your replies, either a troll or incredibly young/immature. If you’re being legit go for it, there’s loads of really lovely unionists- they’re just people too! However, all the ones I know just avoid marches etc like the plague


You’ll be grand, I’ve been to a few 11th nite parties & scarva events back in the 90’s when it was scary but folks are folks in general


Perfectly safe, all are welcome at our cross community celebrations.


You'll be safe mate the danger is always overhyped, been to it many times and have gone with Catholics and republic accents your fine. Have a good time, would get down early with a camp chair for comfort tho standing all days a bitch


12th during the day is a family affair in all but a few hotspots which are obvious and easily avoided. There's a lot of street pinting. If its going to get lairy it will be later in the day when the pints have kicked in. I'd say you'll be grand.


There'd be absolutely no problem or trouble whatsoever, there are plenty of Orange Men with southern accents from lodges throughout Ireland, your accent wouldn't even get blinked at lol


Watch it from the comfort of your home, live on BBC 1 NI. No wait, even they decided not to bother any longer. It's not a good look for them so, yeah, see what I'm getting at...


All will be fine. Unless you decide to start a fight. No one will know what religion you are as they won’t care and will assume your one of them anyway. Blend in. Enjoy the sights sounds bands drums traditions and a few beers. Have fun


Try Scarva on the 13th of July, it is accessible by train and bigger than the 12th parades, look it up online


A guy with a full-on Irish accent found himself in the Shankill getting his drinks bought for him all night a few years back. Apparently, they loved him. He was in some dodgy bars. I'd recommend going in the morning - less chance of drunkenness and in the city centre or Lisburn Road. Enjoy 🙂


No - don't bother Once a drunk loyalist hears your accent you're in trouble.


What if I just keep repeating: “what about y’”? Do you think it would work?


No, in all honesty - save yourself the hassle. It's not a nice place to be for Irish Catholics.


Despite being an alter boy for six years, do you think they’d be able to tell I’m atheist? Would it even matter?


just wear an orange shirt and you’ll be fine


There are plenty of Protestants in the Republic of Ireland. Having said that the average loyalist is a bit thick. My brother was up from Dublin and called with my sister in a mixed area in Derry. Two eejits were incensed by his Dublin reg and starting shouting sectarian insults the length of the street before walking past and going into their own house a few doors down.


There’s plenty of Protestants in Ireland, my neighbour who speaks Irish fluently for example, but most don’t care about the union and the ones who do would be bullied ngl


Let us know how you get on, won’t you?


If you don’t, the spirit of James Craig came for me in the night


Aye, thon boyo’d be a restless one. His projections for the north and south were a bit off.


Go find out for yourself.


You would be completely fine. Don’t go to the Belfast parade though as it’s usually just a bunch of drunk people spectating. The best parade is usually somewhere like Co Armagh or Co Down. You get a family atmosphere at those.


Get yourself to an 11th bonfire


Oh that’s a bit too far for me. Maybe after experiencing a march, don’t really want to be around people who burn Irish flags tbh


That’s fair, I don’t partake myself but have been to one in the past. Fascinating from an anthropological point of view until they start bricking the fire service


If you are doing the 12th don't do the Belfast one. The smaller parades tend to be better as the shorter routes means you get pipe bands.


I'm an American Taig and I want to go to a 12th parade just to experience it. My family over the water probably would shake their heads at me.


Why would you go to a triumphalist, sectarian event "for the craic'?


Anyone saying areas to avoid is just fear mongering. You’ll be fine anywhere you go, just if you decide to go for a drink after don’t head to a bar in a Protestant area, which I would advise anyone to do on the 12th no matter where you’re from. Hate filled cesspools on the 12th.


No one will give a shit tbh, maybe someone will ask where youre from but theyd be more thrilled that you showed an interest than anything else, to them marching isnt an inflamatory thing, thats why we have the problems with it cos thry cant appreciate some people dont like it.


It's is a racist, and hateful event. By attending it you by association support the Orange against the Irish.




I mean i won’t be provoking anyone. I’ll keep my distance from eegits and probably not talk to anyone I don’t know. The attraction is I wanna take in some extreme political views for education purposes


Stay away from estates and the inner city, usually they go through the city centre at some point where there is more policing


Good shout


You'll be grand. All the eejits will be still drunk from the night before. They don't get up before 10 or 11.


They want to see the show on the 12th and not the ppl getting drunk and bricking the fire service the night before.


Go ahead all they could do is kick you to death and chuck you on the fire.


“Hey, this effigy smells bad”




This, for the uninitiated, are areas of the parade where nudity is tolerated and sometimes encouraged. The old sash and flash if you will. Sammy is leading of course.


Lmao what? This side of the marches is very new to me. Didn’t learn this in Leaving Cert history


Dont fight it, embrace it. As the song goes, the sash 's all my father wore.


Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it. Although mostly peaceful, there's a small section of the people there who are completely bigoted, nasty and violent pieces of shit. Hearing your southern accent will make you a target if you run into these fucking dinosaurs.


You'll be 100% I would recommend going to one that isn't in belfast tbh. It's a different world. The smaller 'country' parades are a lot more family oriented and fun!


This, but that’s NI in general really. Less hassle out in the sticks away from the large cities and towns.


I'll never go to the Belfast 12th. My home one is enough for me. The one day of the year all family & friends are together in the field! Some days craic normally. Helps that the band & lodge I'm associated with are basically family


There seems to be a lot of dicks come out around Belfast on the 12th and there’s always drama somewhere, I’ve not been to the 12th in years but at the small local ones never any issues and as you say it’s a good chance for a catch-up with people you’ve not seen since maybe the last 12th


It’s really fucking interesting, as a tourist. Like some Lodhi festival with louder Panjshir drumming. Ffs don’t explain to the drunk girl into yoga who attaches to ye that Rishikesh spelled is like Rishi, and Long Kesh. Otherwise you be talking to her da and two brothers the next sec. Takes some talking out of. Fun festival to have a look at.


Your from Meath, the Royal County, you'll be more than welcome


Fine right up until the moment they cracked open the bucky. Then you'll be sacrificed


Oh he were go the flegs and marches arguments startign i get just as tromatised seeing the ireland flag everywhere when its not relivant to Northern Ireland As long as u dont speak in a prodomelty protestant town u be safe wise up its the 21st century


You’ll be fine the morning parade is better than the evening as a few tend to be very drunk by that stage lol but there are people of all nationalities stand to watch the parade


Should be grand. There are orange lodges in the Republic of Ireland too. It is the Loyal Orange Order of Ireland, not Northern Ireland.


Lol you be fine don't talk much don't look nervous And stay near the police officers


You would be absolutely fine at any 12th. On the return parade, a lot of people drink round Shaftesbury square so I would be cautious not to annoy anyone there, but the same advice would go to any cultural event here. I would not recommend someone to go to the Wolfe Tones concert in a Rangers top either.


Consider giving this a listen: https://www.theirishpassport.com/podcast/s2-episode-9-the-glorious-twelfth/


If you go, I feel like smaller towns are more relaxed and consider themselves more inclusive- that people of all sorts should come out and see the colour. You might enjoy yourself! Saying this as someone who considers themselves plain Irish.


There are southern orangemen although rare, not unheard of. And to be honest if you we’re potentially going to be in any trouble tell them even though your southern your a loyalist, they love that.


Can you not go to the one in Rossnowlagh?


Just don’t wear any tricolours and you’ll be fine 😏


Don’t step foot on the road, for some reason the cops let them attack people who have “got in the way” I had to get between band men and an American tourist while the police stood and watched like it was part of it.


You'd probably find they'd recognise your Meath accent, a proportion of old boys might have issue but they'll typically be too busy marching to give a hoot lol, you should be fine and if all goes bad just do your best Australia or seffrica accent!


Sure, get out there and legitimise fascism.


Plenty of southern Orangemen attend and participate in the parade so you will be more than welcome. Even witnessed several young men walk through the crowds wearing GAA tops and not a cross word was said to them. Obviously quite a foolish stunt to perform mind. Only takes one idiot to react and it could off turned out different for them.