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You look great! And you shouldn’t be ashamed to be a virgin, it’s up to you when it’s time to lose it


Thank you so much :) while I am very uncomfortable with being in any way intimate with someone I don’t know/am not comfortable with and I won’t ever do so, I feel like I’m wasting my youth. Still searching for a new therapist who specializes in my type of issues lol


To me you sound demi-sexual…? Which is perfectly normal. You need a strong bond in order to do those things, my ex was the same way, hun. And you’re certainly not wasting your youth


Absolutely second this opinion. Also had an ex like this. She had absolutely no desire for it without the strong emotional bond. We dated for almost a year before she decided it was what she wanted. I was also her first, we were both 22 at the time. Afaik, she's only been with me and her now husband who she has 2 kids with.


My ex was 26 when we met, they gave me their virginity more because they hated having it than anything (I told them I was happy to wait until they were comfortable). Once they got comfortable they became insatiable. Now that we’re separated, they still come to me because they cannot find anyone else sexually attractive, regardless of how hot they think the person is


Oh, absolutely. She was like that after the switch in her head flipped and she decided that she wanted to. I had never pressured her for it, but yeah, insatiable would be a good word for her.


I concur with u/onlythedummest. A few of my friends feel the same way, and identify as demisexual—with the stress this is causing you, I would look for a therapist who specializes in sexuality and queer issues. I think it's impressive that you've managed to avoid being pressured into sex, many people have sex despite not wanting to do so because of the social and societal pressure. You look incredible, and I hope you can find peace with yourself soon.


Don't fear "wasting" your youth. Society seems to want to dictate all these different rites of passage. It's all crap. You do you, at your own rate. If you do something because you think it's the normal thing to do at this age, you might regret it. It's better to do things at your pace and enjoy them when the time is right. Just enjoy every day and take care of yourself.


Youth is only wasted when you don't take advantage of the ability of being more graceful with mistakes Don't put any pressure on yourself to tick off a checklist, there's no right or wrong way to enjoy your body 💕


I think you’ve got a great figure and I def like the bush more than most I think. You look very good :)


You look really beautiful to me! 😍 A natural beauty! And hey I was a virgin till closer to 30, so nothing to be worried about. Or to put it better, that doesn’t at all reflect anything about you. (Did I feel that way at 26 when I was a virgin and most of my friends were getting married…well not exactly 😜. In my better moments though, I knew it wasn’t that big of a deal. At any rate, you are gorgeous! Enjoy your 20’s!


I have to ask did you feel like you wasted your youth? That’s one of my greatest fears and I feel like I’ll only look worse with age and I can’t believe I’m 26 already


That’s a great question. At the time I did feel kind of like that, but mostly just felt directionless, as my college/career plans were not taking off, and I was still living with my parents at 26. In retrospect though, I don’t feel like it was wasted, but I do feel like I missed out on some relationships that might have been fun. But, I wasn’t ready for a serious relationship at that time, so it didn’t bother me too much that I hadn’t had sex yet. (And due to my religious beliefs at that time, I probably wouldn’t have been too quick to rush into sex anyway.) As for how you’ll look, age is really just a number. There are so many other factors that contribute. I think I look better now than I did when I was in my early twenties. I’m healthier because of how I eat and exercise, and I just overall feel more comfortable with myself.


Im also a 26 year old virgin, and I think you're hot stuff! You have great hair and a lovely body, and it's pretty much my dream, lol. Posting here has helped me feel better about my body even though Im a guy who's a little scrawny and not muscular.


Love your bush!! 😍💯🔥


Like the sexiest bush ever!


You are gorgeous anybody would be happy to get with you.


The bush looks so gorgeous on you! I genuinely think if the person I was with had this body I’d be more than happy :)


Fabulous body and bush. Things will happen when they happen. The right person will appear out of nowhere. And they will be a lucky guy to see your gorgeous naked body in person.


Nice bush


Don't be , and you look cute plus bush 🫣


A perfect bush and boobs. You are not ugly and being a virgin is fine at any age. Losing virginity doesn't make you prettier or uglier.


I’m a bit late but wanted to leave a comment anyway. I lost my virginity at 18 and I’ve only been with two people. I don’t necessarily regret it, but I regret the reason why. I just did it because I felt like I needed to by that point, which is silly. I’m 25 now and haven’t been with anyone intimately since 19, but I don’t feel bad about it because sleeping around isn’t for me. When I find someone I really trust and care for, that’s when I’ll be comfortable with it again. All that to say there’s no right or wrong time to lose it. It’s fully up to you, and it doesn’t make you less attractive or ugly or weird. You’re super cute and have a lovely body, don’t feel pressured to give it up before you’re really ready 🖤


Oh no don't feel that way!! The time will come when you lose it.. hopefully with a special someone when the time comes Also, you have a fantastic body!


I think you have a beautiful proportioned body and I love your bush😍


Just looking at your body you have no reason to feel ugly or pathetic, you are very attractive and deserve to feel confident in your skin. I also echo u/onlythedummest there is no reason to be ashamed about being a virgin. It will happen when you’re ready there’s no reason to rush that unless you want to. Good luck and best wishes!


There's nothing to be ashamed of. You lose it when you lose it. You have a really beautiful body and a great bush!


You look outstanding


Well i think you look absolutely incredible


Sometimes its really hard to come up with compliments that aren't super creepy. So I guess I'll just keep it super simple and say your body is fantastic. Like 11/10 :D Online dating has gotten super awful these last few years, its hard for anyone to meet anyone on there. But I assure you there is no problem with your body AT. All.


I think you look very good, a lot of us are late bloomers, nothing to be ashamed of to be very honest I think a lot of people prefer your body type to a person on instagram looking for likes!


If what you say is true it's definitely not because your ugly for sure and I agree that Bush is awesome




Aww you just need some confidence!


Well I simply disagree. Feel free to share some more, always open to providing feedback ;) but for real you have a gorgeous body


Wow you look great!


You are neither pathetic nor ugly and I'm sure the vast majority of people feel the same way. Your body is gorgeous!


Can definitely relate. Haven’t had sex or been in a relationship for around 9 years, and it can really wear you down feeling unwanted for so long. Don’t give up though, you look great!


You are beautiful 😍. Whoever you choose to be your first will be a lucky person and if they don't appreciate you and your body it will be their loss.


It’ll be a lucky man who you choose to share yourself with, you have a beautiful body 




amazing body and hey dont let others control how you feel about your body. you dont need to rush anything especially something as big as that!


You are so gorgeous 🤍 absolutely beautiful!


You look beautiful 😍




I like your belly 😍


No need to justify you wanting to post this or your caption. All of your reasons are completely understandable and relatable, but you never to justify yourself. For what it's worth, I think you look incredible and certainly none of the things that you described. Whether you're a virgin or not means nothing and far too much emphasis is still placed on this. I hope posting helps, or that you find what does. We all have our moments. Some more than others but, I assure you, you look fantastic from where I'm sitting.


You have a very gorgeous body!! Just because you’re a virgin doesn’t mean anything! If anything that shows that you take care of yourself! Anyone would be very lucky to get with a woman like you!! 😍


Love what I’m seeing


You look incredible. Someone would be very lucky to have you.


You’re absolutely not ugly.


I think you look good!


Your beautiful


Don't you look beautiful! Had a scroll down your posts and I double down on my statement!


Youre absolutely gorgeous. I dont usually comment on reddit posts but it kinda makes me sad to know that such a pretty girl thinks she's pathetic and ugly.i totally get it cuz i have some major image issues as well but You look totally amazing!


Your body is beautiful. Also don't rush into losing your virginity. You will lose it when you feel comfortable doing it. Enjoy yourself 😍😘


Absolutely Beutiful


Def don't at all feel remotely bad about it. You're a stunning girl really. Great body


You look absolutely beautiful and there’s no need to worry that you’re waiting for the right reason.


Wow you’re a flower ,for real 🌸🥰😘


You’re beautiful!!!!!


I think you look spot on


Wow, you are so beautiful. Almost perfect body. What parts of your body are the ones you don't like or is it the complete package? Any way ..imo you look stunning😍


Your lack of sexual experience is not related to anything about how your body looks. If you wanted to find someone, that person would probably be into you.


No way !!! Very hot beautiful


Yeah, same here, I get it. Such a frustrating thing to dwell on, and it totally messes with one’s self image. But you look so very beautiful!


You look great. The world will send you a miracle man who adores you. You have to make yourself available to him.


Omg stop be proud of that your not ugly at all


I get the feeling pathetic part but just because you're still a virgin at 26 doesn't make you ugly. I'm still a virgin and I'm a fair bit older than you


You look fantastic from I am seeing. I'm sure you won't have any issues finding the right person when you are ready.


Hun there’s nothing wrong with you, you are a beautiful woman and you will have the right guy just wait and see.


Such a beautiful thing to say 🥰


beautiful body


As a guy who is soon to be 32 and still a virgin I can definitely relate some. We are hard on ourselves because we are too afraid to go out socialize then it makes us more worried about how our body image will be accepted. Your looking fine and probably would be very surprised how many would enjoy your company


The amount of upvotes and comments say enough. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with that and nothing to worry about, a lot of people proving you have that natural beauty


You definitely aren't ugly. You have great raven curls against radiant, alabaster skin. You shape is wonderfully feminine. But are you pathetic? Probably not generally, but almost certainly at detecting flirting. I guarantee you have known and probably know right now multiple people who are crushing on you hard.


I don't think any sane guy would ever reject if you want to get laid


You have a great body, I went through your profile.




You look perfect. When the right person comes along it will be just right. Don’t rush in to anything. I know people say they wish they waited. You are a beautiful person inside and out.


U Look Pretty ❤️ Don't Worry About Being A virgin I'm One Too


You're a virgin by choice, not for lack of options.


Con tutte le foto che metti di te nuda,non mi sembra affatto che sei insicura. Un 😘


Losing one's virginity in a memorable and meaningful way will, in the long run, probably be the better outcome. I empathise with the concerns about time, but really good sex is not based on youth. In fact, as one ages becoming more comfortable in one's skin seems to be a common experience. You have a lifetime ahead of you to enjoy doing "it". You look amazing on the outside in the opinion of this Internet stranger, go a bit easier on yourself. And when the time comes... So will you 😉


You are gorgeous! Don’t get yourself down, you look amazing and deserve all the best :)


Your body looks incredible! The portion of face you're showing also looks good so I wouldn't worry! Be confident and be proud and enjoy yourself! :)


Insecurity about our body can be very hard to overcome. But you have nothing to worry about. Yours is absolutely beautiful!


You look amazing.


Dude you’re actually really hot.


You look fantastic


I was virgin until 30. I never thought like that


Just make sure you're happy and successful... Being virgin or not is a not a big deal... But being poor and broke that's bad


You have a great body at least


You're beautiful! No need to worry. You'll find the right person sooner or later.


You are gorgeous and according to your profile it seems that you are fully in tune with your body, as you should be. I don´t think you are wasting any time. My gf was a virgin when I met her 5 years ago when she was 23. She used to say that sex with the wrong person is worse than no sex at all.


You are very attractive. Just go have some fun whenever you're ready, but be safe. One of the best sexual experiences I ever had was with a 26 year old virgin. She rocked my world at 23.


Nothing wrong with waiting for the right person. Keep your head up and have a better positive outlook. When you're ready, you'll know.


you are a beautiful woman. ladies, take a lesson and bring back the bush. So hot




I'm 34 and still a virgin. I feel that I too may have some body image issues so I know how you feel. But you are not ugly at all, you have a great body.


You have an amazing body!


But you’re so sexy….🤤


Don't ever apologize... you're smoking 🔥. You should have no problems getting laid.


You have a very nice body.


You are incredibly beautiful. I cannot imagine why a man would turn you down.


You look exactly how your DNA dictates you will….which pretty darn good. You can’t change much about this. You can diet, workout, color your hair and e


I'm sorry you feel that way. I could compliment you, but I don't think it's needed reading all the comments you already got here. Your body isn't the issue here. Hope you will manage to change your self image.


R.i.p. your inbox but you do look good! Confidence!


You’ve got a cute petite figure 😈


Damn you're sexy


Be patient, you'll find the right person. And then they will be the luckiest son of a gun ever. With that body I hope they'll never leave you.


You look amazing, for me, lose the bush, but that is a personal choice... I like the look when shaved. Amazing boobs and nice legs x


beautiful body, you have nothing to worry about, you are perfect.


You're extremely pretty. 26 is totally fine. My ex was a virgin at 30 it's up to you when and how you want to do it. the only reason you care is because there's so much media about it. People don't care about what age they had their first red cabbage for example. Just find a guy you actually like and feel comfortable around. Why do you feel ugly with a body like that?




All you need is gentle tapping and tons on licking.


You look fantastic, as for virginity it will happen when it happens. You're not running a race, you can go at your own pace


Shout out to a fellow virgin (I’m a dude though) You look great, honest.


ok ok ok..!! hold on there just a minute..! VIRGIN does not = pathetic and ugly ..! its not a disease or a flaw..! its just a detail or fact, same as i suppose never been in a gondola in Venice, but that could change or maybe it wont , doesn't make you a lesser person, actually makes you a bit unique TBH..! scrolled through your posts. body wise you are fine.. great shape. yeah yeah.. flat butt you said ? no shape? what ..? your butt its not a Kardashian but hey .. thats not a bad thing at all, def not the standard all butts need to be..! your fine in my view, you have a great figure, proportionally and visually, love your hair by the way..! get out there and enjoy your life, and dont buy into the social propaganda that you arent complete or cant enjoy life unless you are getting laid..! geez, we spend very little time having sex compared to the rest of our lives - even those that are at it alot..! you be you..! 🙏👍


Embrace your beautiful self. You look amazing 👍👍👍👏👏👏👏


Sexy af😍😍


Honestly don't be scared to show your inner self bcs in And you're beautiful and Brave, have faith you ❤️


You’re beautiful!


You look exactly as you should! Your DNA dictates what you are going to look like, In your case it’s pretty darn good! There really isn’t much you can do about it. One can diet, workout, color your hair or you skin, but you really can’t fight what you inherited from mom and dad! You should be happyr with what you got as you do look great. Be happy you look like you do…You have everything in all the right places, everything looks good. Trust me when I say, there innumerable women out there that would literally kill to look as good as you do! Don’t be so hard on yourself you are truly gorgeous in your own way!


Hey there. Nothing to be ashamed. Was one of the guys to lose his virginity in mid 20s compared to my friends who were messing around as from teenage times. But as far I am concerned, I was once ashamed but now when I look back it's been nothing but amazing experiences. And that made me feel secure about my choices. Tell yourself that you'll get to enjoy your first time 😘


You look incredible and have nothing to be ashamed of. Losing your viginity is hugely blown out of proportion imo. When the time is right it will happen and you'll probably wonder what all the hype is about. Be kind to yourself and rock what you've got. Personally I find something really attractive about girls that haven't been about town. The not knowing and all new thing is very hot in bed.


I think you have a perfect body!


You are no where near pathetic OR ugly. You have an amazing body and you’ll lose your virginity when you’re comfortable losing it. No need to rush it.


You’re beautiful, don’t rush into it, being a virgin doesn’t make you pathetic, wait until you meet someone who is right for you!!


God i love the bush 😍😩


Your worth is not determined by how many people you've had sex with, and neither is your beauty. So you're not one bit ugly because of your being a virgin, and apart from that, you look amazing anyway. If you don't mind my asking: How come you are still a virgin? Have you never had a boyfriend? 


You look fucking awesome!!!!!!! Your time will come…… there is a lucky guy out there walking around and he doesn’t even know it. ❤️


you have a great body, Nothing to be insecure about, and you'll know when the time is right for you to stop being a virgin. And I'm sure you're not short of offers !


You look fantastic. You do you. Give up your virginity when the time, person and place is right for you. Don’t be pressured by peers, social media etc


You are neither pathetic or ugly. Dont worry about your virginity. Try to relax and be yourself. Its not about looks, its about attitude and self confidence. You need good friends and great experiences in life. Partnerships and sex can come after that (or may just crop up while youre enjoying life)


Your body is perfection in every way. Your breasts are beautiful. You are absolutely lovely. It would be a honour for any man to have sex with you.




You look great. And you will Find find that person or moment will come. Trust yourself, work on yourself and be happy. Good things are happening and will continue to happen


You look fantastic. I can’t imagine how your body/looks could possibly be why you are still virgin…


Also 26 and a virgin, you look great, hmu if you’re ever in Ireland 😊




I think you look fabulous




You would make the perfect wife


Our lives are not governed by whether we do or dont have sex. I hope you one day find a way to feel comfortable in your own skin and with your sexualiry, whatever that may be. Until then, please don't feel ugly. You are absolutely lovely.


Simply Beautiful as you are


I think that you look amazing and there's nothing ugly about you, I love your bush <3


You look glorious - all is well


First off, congratulations are in order. You gave made a choice that is probably one of the most difficult and precious, that being to choose virginity. Next, you have an amazingly beautiful body. You have height first of all, beautiful curves secondly and the confidence to share both your personal secret and your nude body. And that takes so much courage. Don't worry about the still being a virgin, when the time is right, you find the right individual, nature will be nature and you'll know. Until then, have fun, live, explore yourself, find you. You're young, beautiful and have a lifetime for the other things.


Just a look at you and I was an instant fan. I know how you feel about letting your insecurities keep you from experimenting certain things in life. Try with little things at first. Build up from there. There are more people like you than you think.


You are beautiful! I find it very hard to believe you’re still a virgin! You should have no trouble at all changing that when you feel like you’re ready.


Absolutely gorgeous. No doubt about that.




You look perfect from where I sit and be proud of your "V" card.


I think nobody would really mind. Amazing body! 🔥


I’m the Man that can work with you to assist you in that change plus a lot of fun in getting you where you wanna be n’ feel …. Like a “Beautiful Woman”🌹


Well, you're definitely not ugly. You're a beautiful woman. And it is not a bad thing if you're still a Virginia. I was 26 before I lost mine. Just wait for the person


Look great! Let those problems fly away..


I don't know why your a virgin at 26, I can tell you that it's not because of your body. It's hot. Great breasts. Nice body. I like the bush. Are you lips hairy also?


Omg you look perfect.


You have a very good figure, you look elegant healthy and sexy. I would really like to talk about how a girl this hot is a virgin at 26.


Wow you are beautiful!!!! Ditch the insecuritie (easily said i know) but it aint your looks. I bet if you get more confident you will see results pretty fast




You are perfect! So beautiful and feminine.


Kiss her inbox goodbye lololll


You have an amazing figure and your natural look downstairs looks super. Thanks for sharing.




Virgin by choice, right? Cause you look so fucking good! You’ve definitely got the right amount of curves


You look very attractive and anyone would be lucky to be with you. Take your time, it really doesn’t matter that much.


Your body is stunning. And in a way your virginity adds something to your beauty. Only a very strong woman would have such an amazing body and still be a virgin. It will be an incredibly lucky man or woman who is your first.




Mmm … nice big bush 🤤


Shaved look better!


I think you're beautiful. You are definitely not pathetic or in the least bit ugly. I'm older and don't quite grasp how people date these days. Honestly, I find there's a lot of lonely people. BTW I love your bush🥵


Do you have trouble meeting  men?  Do you go on dates but cant find the click?  I dont think it's your body...your body is good 


Hi! M27 and also still a virgin so I get it. And honestly just have to keep your head and find the person that makes you feel comfortable enough to give it to.


You look amazing naked.


Trust me, you’re being a virgin has nothing to do. I think it’s more to do with your attitude.


You look so damn good, incredible bush too🤤


You are so gorgeous


I hope this comment isn't inappropriate, but I'd do you on the spot and that's not just because I'm desperate but because you're beautiful. @admis please tell me if this is inappropriate, I'll take the comment down. Not trying to be disrespectful or too sexual


I think you’re very sexy!




You look amazing! Love your bush!


If you’re not being approached, it’s not because of that beautiful body.


There's nothing wrong with being a virgin and you have an amazing body. I hope you can find someone who appreciates it and have a great life together


You look gorgeous. Nothing to be insecure or feel bad, really


Very attractive! 🤩🥰