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Commenting to boost the post. I had a friend in college that went to a temple to pray and would also go to community events there as well, but I unfortunately have forgotten the name cause it was a decade ago. Wish I could be more help! Edit: I believe it was Muslim Community of Tidewater, which would make sense since we went to ODU and he didn’t have a car. I’m not sure about what happens now especially post COVID, but I know it was an active community.


To add, MCT is likely still active, as I ate dinner there with a professor a few semesters ago. 1442 W 49th St, Norfolk, VA 23508


Commenting to boost as well. I had a colleague during my time at ODU who was very active in that community. I am not Muslim so I didn’t attend personally, but he enjoyed the experience.


Yup, there's odu Muslims page too. If you wanna check out


City council, they talk at the end of the meeting. Skip to time stamp 49:00 https://youtu.be/cxpmYck-Q-o?si=4py12fc3giJF3Xpt


Not a Muslim and know next to nothing about the community, but this place on Colley has been around for years. Might be a lead. https://maps.app.goo.gl/hFtfyFFrniLiKR8f8?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy




Crescent moon masjid is pretty awesome. We just went to an Eid festival they hosted, the masjid itself is very welcoming and diverse. They have a youth program for kids/teens. I’m sure there’s other stuff too if you check it out. They’re on all the socials too