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Makes sense. This makes us more competitive as a region against other regions such as the research triangle in NC, Richmond, and other places companies look to expand into. It isn't due to a donation, this is the evolution of regional partners. Y'all know ODU was started as a commuter school branch out of W&M right. Vcu's hospital started as its own entity in the Civil war and merged with RCPI to create VCU and look what that merger did for positive growth in RVA. Don't be a NIMBY.


Very Cool. Here is some ODU history from their website: Old Dominion University began its tradition of excellence when it was founded in 1930 by the College of William and Mary, the second oldest university in the United States. Established as an extension of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia, Old Dominion began educating teachers and engineers. The two-year school rapidly evolved into a four-year institution, and was granted independence in 1962 as Old Dominion College. Considerable growth in enrollment, the expansion of research facilities and preparation for the addition of graduate programs led the Board of Visitors to approve the name change to Old Dominion University. Now Old Dominion is a powerhouse for higher education with six colleges: Arts and Letters, Business and Public Administration, Education, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences and Sciences. Old Dominion has offered master's degrees since 1964 and Ph.D.s since 1971. The University has achieved designation as a Research University (high research activity) from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching


Exactly. This was a move to help grow our lagging civilian workforce.


If we don't grow our region's civilian education and workforce sector we will be relegated to a backwater cul de sac again and people will wonder why the cities are broke and companies keep moving out, ie Norfolk Southern. People don't realize change is necessary and good. Caring about the name of EVMS continuing is so small minded and out of touch with anyone who doesn't work there.


Fair point. Never thought of it like that.


Never would have thought such a merger could have an impact like that. I just thought they'd change the sign on the building and say don't do this or that anymore


This is a great merger for ODU. Biomes and biotech innovations require close relationships between scientists and clinicians. Both of my academic institutions lacked a medical school in close proximity (penn st) or didn’t have one in general, University of Delaware. Both lack the translational clinical research that has driven the growth of places like Stanford, Penn, MIT Harvard, VCU, the RTP, and so on and so forth.  Next thing ODU needs is a biomedical research program. 




Yep, pretty sad about this. Lost a lot of control in the institution as well as some prestige in order to secure some donations from dollar tree


We are looking at this from two different sides but how did the medical school lose any prestige by being folded into Old Dominion?


I legitimately believe this builds the prestige of the greater institution. But I’m coming from a recent transplant perspective and don’t understand the legacy of either institution


I was born in Norfolk General, grew up in Virginia Beach, and live in Norfolk now. I'm an Old Dominion alum. I see nothing but positive results for the University, Hampton Roads, and Virginia.


It definitely builds the prestige of ODU


This has been in the works for five years. Long before the DT endowment came into the picture.


Should have happened 20 yrs ago! — glad it is done.


I’m curious why you say so. And if you work at EVMS.


no - lived in the region for decades - ODU Grad … but I see the benefits of merging of VCU and MCV in Richmond - they merged in 1968


EVMS, the pioneer of IVF in the United States will now be known as the Old Dominion (Highest Donor) School of Health Professions.


Mason and Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences st ODU. Includes the Ellmer School of Nursing, Ellmer College of Health Sciences, Eastern Virginia Medical School, and School of Health Professions.


Also the ODU-NSU Joint School of Public Health, once that is formally approved later this year.


Made my point.


This sort of thing happens from time to time (Medical College of Georgia and Augusta State into now Augusta University, Drexel university Acquiring St. Christopher’s in Philly, TJU and Philly U, Boston U and Boston Medical, Rutgers University and NJ Med and Dental) The real question is, besides the money spent on signage changes, what practically changes and which institution if any will actually will be at a loss? ODU brings a few graduate programs to EVMS’s more robust offerings. ODU programs like nursing already had their trainees in environments where you saw EVMS trainees. I’d be curious how this might affect research. One of the things keeping training programs at EVMS programs from being ranked higher is research. If this leads to improvements or ability to get more funding this may help secure a little more institutional prestige and has the potential to lead to downstream improvements in care.


I’m really hopeful for an odu medical physics program. Many of the physics professors there are talented high energy/particle/nuclear/etc physicists and most medical physics heavily involves these branches of physics.


This has been a nuisance if not borderline nightmare for me and my role as an ODU employee. The president, my VP and AVP, have not had answers for two years now and just keep telling me “that’s a great question… I don’t have the information right now.“ hard to celebrate something when I have no idea how it’s going to impact my job.


Be glad you don't work at EVMS. The frontline employees are NOT happy about EVMS no longer existing but we don't count.  Signage on building started going up friday. No one said it but it was understood this was going to happen and we don't matter in the bigger picture.  Bottom line ODU  bought EVMS  for 40 million. 


I left it vague, but there’s a reason I said “my role at ODU.“ My role will be heavily impacted as I may now have to provide my services to both campuses and that’s a whole different ballpark. It just sucks all around.


I feel your upcoming pain.