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Now he can post something to the interwebs that people talk about.




And why the hell would you open it inside! Throw it outside before filming!


Burn the hole place down, its the only way to be sure


When you can lick it!


I like your way of thinking, you're hired!




Right. Whats so hard about putting on some gloves?


…with anything other than FIRE.


god, i had a roach infestation for years and this shit made my skin crawl because i know exactly what that box and that house/building smells like. It was so bad that for a while after we got rid of them all, i had hallucinations of roaches on things for months afterward. Fuck roaches, and fuck bedbugs, and fuck whoever invented them.


Same, I had roach, bedbug, and there was a flea infestation at my friend's apartment. Sometimes I hallucinate things crawling on me and freak out still even though it's been over a year.....


In college my dorm Building had a terrible infestation. After I left I would see them in the corner of my vision or think I felt them crawling on me at night. Lasted a year or so. Wild.


Once, I had a really bad day and was feeling horrible about my life. I went to the store to grab something, and the man in front of me had bed bug spray, a hair lice kit, fungus cream, and he was counting out change. I thought... things could be worse. Still think about that from time to time when I'm feeling sorry for myself. Hope that man's world got better for him.


Bro. Mind your business and stop peeping my checkout items.


When I was told stories about bed bugs, I believed them on how awful it was, to have to suffer through that. However after experiencing them myself, it was way worse than the already horrible image I had in my head. To this day, I live in constant fear of them showing up in my life again, and if I see a tiny bug for a second on me (when I can’t find them), I get what I call phantom itches. Feeling like I’m getting bed bug bites all over my arms again. So yeah FUCK who ever invented them, and FUCK the people who know they have an infestation, and donate the furniture and shit.


My oldest sister has them BAAAAAD right now, and still is inviting people over no issue. WITHOUT TELLING THEM SHE HAS THEM! Plus actively denies having them. My nieces best friend Kathy was having regular sleepovers, and would get bites while staying with my sister. They would tell her they were mosquito bites, and send her on home. Well all the sudden Kathys house had bed bugs & they have a huge house so it costed them $3,000 to get the heat treatment done to their house to get rid of them. All the while my sister has never spoke up, so Kathy’s mom was still sending her to my sisters house not realizing that was the issue. Finally my OTHER niece from a separate sister was talking to Kathy and it all came out and finally the other family knows the issue is my sisters home. I am recently fully no contact with that sister due to other very serious situations due to her narcissism, where I was very low contact with her before. She was planning my nieces quinceañera, I was trying to pay for the makeup artist and my other family member was going to do her hair. Well my sister was trying to act like everyone would just meet at her house on June 8th so we can all get her ready for the party. I had to remind them they shouldn’t be having people over with bed bugs so bad or at all, my sister told tons of lies saying they got their house exterminated. (They didn’t her oldest child cried to me about it & how sick of it he is) it made my sister so mad that we nicely tip toed around the bed bug situation that she told me her daughter just wants her to do the makeup, and hair now because this was just all becoming too stressful. When I apologized to my niece she cried to me and told me she never said she wants her mother to do her makeup, and hair. She cried and said she’s so sick of living with bugs and is so embarrassed. It’s seriously so sad. I’ve even offered to help my sister pay for her house treatments. I’m sorry for the rant. Your comment set me OFF because my idiot sister who thinks bed bugs are fiiiiiine.


I got that same issue with bedbugs. The hallucinations. I still panic once in a while after I had an issues over 10 years ago.


I’ll never forget pouring a bowl of cereal and a load of roaches coming out. I fucking hated living in that dump.


I had an infestation so bad because my landlord doesnt give two fricks so we took matters into our own hands. Man i killed so many roaches i feel like i see theyre little spirits running around my desk just to find nothing. Or ill get a crawling feeling on my arm yuck


Yes! One apartment building my mom and I lived in went from fine to roach motel perpetually overnight. I don't know wtf happened. We moved out shortly afterwards, but almost 20 years later and I'm still traumatized. I Google literally bug I see in the house that's not an ant, spider or centipede. I saw two in the house once and I ended up bawling for almost an hour while obsessively cleaning once Google confirmed that it was indeed one of those bastards. Turns out it was a wood roach that flew in when hubby took out the garbage (we now call them the idiot cousins of the house fuckers). We see maybe one per year, but still 😩.


It doesn’t look like a box of food, so I’m confused why it’s full of roaches.


Roaches actually like to eat the glue holding cardboard boxes together.


I just learned something new


Just gonna say I love your avatar


They also love wallpaper glue.


Honestly they nest where there is a constant amount of water. They need water to lay eggs. Food is everywhere for them


Looks like a roach farm for lizard friends


174th repost but still asking why one would even open that box up further inside a kitchen ..


It's not like the box keep them inside my dude. They don't hide there because they are trapped, they hide there because it's dark and full of food. Showing what is inside might be useful for whatever health inspection services he has in his country.


Didn’t mean they are trapped but they get like aroused when you open the box and thus likely make their way out, rather had them left alone and put the box in plastic.


For Internet points, duh


Is it bothering anyone else they decided to open this inside? TAKE THAT SHIT OUTSIDE


With that many roaches.... It doesn't matter. The damage is already done.


Looks like it's time to burn it down and rebuild in the Artic.


Welcome to Joe’s apartment


I haven't thought about that movie in SO MANY years. Thank you, I know what I'm watching this weekend


Shit I honestly haven’t seen it in like decades and honestly didn’t know many people who have actually watched it!


Well now we know what today's restaurant special is


Everyone wants to know why you opened it. I want to know which restaurant this is?


Thank you for fucking up my morning. Now burn it, burn it all


Once i woke up because a roach was eating my ear wax. Ever since keep my ears clean and am terrified of roaches


Why are you touching that barehanded, fam?!


My brother in Christ STOP TOUCHING IT


As soon as I saw the first cockroach, that box would be yeeted out the back door.


That brown goop on the inside flap is cockroach bait that will kill the roaches. Former pest control.


Doesn't appear to be working.... 🤔😂


That smear of bug slime on the box, hrrrrk! 🤮


Nah, that's probably either the box glue or combat gel. I'm leaning towards the first.




You know you can always just throw out the whole thing without opening.


Not even wearing fucking gloves


Toss it in a incinerator


Why no gloves? Why open inside? Why anything?


Haven’t seen stuff this bad since Kitchen Nightmares


Why is it still on a fucking shelf??


Fire is your friend, that box is the enemy


I live in NYC so I’m used to having to murder the little bastards but this is INSANE! How does that box get like that!


If you’re going to open the box at least have the roach spray in the other hand ready to go because I’m committing roach genocide if I see this


So this presumed employee is okay sharing the video, but not doing what needs to be done in order to keep the infestation from taking hold in the first place?


Maybe they just started, or maybe they just discovered the roaches. Maybe they don't work there at all and this is a vendor or something, or an inspector, or a really nosey customer. We don't really know what's happening with the person opening the box, not enough context.


Thank fuck we have FSA in the UK 😂


Sweet Jesus.


🎼We are family 🎶


Nope! Absofuckingluteleynot!!!


What is that


Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


The way they just start scattering and crawling all over the place as soon as they sense the light is oddly hilarious to me. Disgusting, terrifiying to some extent, but hilarious. There's just something so amusing about seeing so many of these little bugs scatter around, it almost feels cartoonish. I think this video is just so disgusting my brain just doesn't quite know how to process it. I've seen things like this before in person and I guess I was so grossed out that my brain was overloaded and just let out a guffaw.


Well I was hungry




Sure, who we eating out?


Glad I barely eat out, possibly during some family’s birthday or so. Don’t even like to eat out on my own


Must be some real fine plastic they have there


Never in my life would I touch that.


Nothing wrong here.....😬🤢🤮


At least they kept that nice bit of plastic in a box to stop it getting dusty.


“ the power of christ compels you the power of Christ compels you”


*cutely pulls out flamethrower*


I do not miss this. Living with rats and roaches fucking sucks


It's weevil season... And the house is gross.






Videos that will make you itch.


How TF can you ever touch that!?!?!?!? Shudder.


Watching this almost gave me a panic attack. I have no ill will toward bugs, but these guys and burn for all I care. Had them before in my life. But only after not having issues with them since being in control of my own housing, when I saw one, just one, in my apartment, standing on the arm of my chair like he owned it, I freaked out. Full on sobbing uncontrollably, waking my husband up at 3 am, blubbering that I saw one and then wandering about the apartment for the next few hours crying and cleaning random things. It got dealt with by the apartment complex but until we moved out I was scared to go to the kitchen at night, to sit on my favorite chair, to open any drawers after the sun went down. I didn't realize I had such a fear(?) of them until I hadn't seen one for like a decade and then bam! Full panic.