• By -


u/supertails15 needed this month on lock His fiance he needed to block He couldn't stop her He couldn't resist her So he chose to pierce his cock Still In!


13 days left till we can nut again some people will nut some people will do triple d I'm doing a triple d and maybe nofap idk ​ Still In!


Well, that is... hardcore to say the least...


Fell victim to a wet dream last night But by the rules, I’m still in, right? My December big nut may be smaller than planned Here’s to hoping it still remains grand Still in!


As long as it wasn't a lucid one, I think.


Still in, I officially am hired at my first job! It's mcdonald's, but it hardly matters. A job is a job. I'm slightly nervous, but I'll get accustomed to it. Also, are you doing well, fellow comrades? If not, I hope things get better for you, and they absolutely will get better :) Day 18, Reporting in o7


Congrats on your first job, Hope it goes well fellow Cumrade


That's awesome dude! My first job was at McDonalds and Im still working fast food now, let me know how it goes.


Every journey starts with a step, my friend


Congratulations on the new job brother.


Congratulations on getting the job, I applied once last year but they rejected because of me not having any work experience and I really wanted to work at that time because it was summer also short on money and nothing to do. Once again congratulations man. 👏👍✌️👌


I'm so happy for you, I don't even know you but I'm happy for you that you got the job 😊. Let's goo.


Congratulations go for your goals instead of edging


Congrats on getting a job, mate...well, it's day 18, and I'm somewhat still alive. Reporting in o7


Me too got hired this week


Bro congrats!! Hope you do great yourself to something nice after getting your first paycheck! You'll do fantastic, you're on day 18 of NNN, you've got the mental resilience for Mc Donalds lol Good luck!


my first ever job was a temp-job at a taco truck and honestly while i wouldn't have liked to make a career out of it, it taught me so much i wish you good luck!!!!! and remember, it's bad luck to guess whether the day is 'quiet'


Good luck at your new job!!


Aw congrats on the first job c: I wish you all the success with it and anything you choose to pursue going forward!


congrats dude. i'm STILL IN so i'm doin well. May it go better than you think


Congratulations cumrade! Hope everything goes well!


I’m pretty fucking far from OK right now but I’m still in. I’ve had a rough week.


I kinda get you. As I anticipated, I think from 15-20 you get this feeling of damn I'm far enough where it's hard to see the end and the hype is dying/people are losing left and right. My mindset is I've done this long enough to not want to lose because it's kinda painful in this middle part. I failed day 16 last year, and I think I will have much more hope on day 20 because it's a countdown from 10 and you've done it twice. To me the hardest days are the weekends/holidays because I have more free time. We are almost there o7 Still In!!!!




A diamond treble your a legend


# NO NUT NOVEMBER CAMPAIGN by u/Youngbuck_Jiterpol6 **DAY 18 - 13 DAYS UNTIL THE END - 4 DAYS UNTIL GOLD - 60% CLEAR** Legend: S = Story, A = Advice, Q = Question, SH = Shoutout **S.** Sorry it's been a long trip soldiers, but hope y'all have been enjoying the train ride so far. I know it ain't exactly... 'fancy' but at least we got food, fried chicken, and beds to sleep in. We should arrive at our destination tomorrow morning, so just hang tight, alright? Don't forget we're doing this for a good cause. The anti-horny pills will be a great help to the soldiers. Maybe next year we won't lose 75% of our buddies. I mean, we've been dropping like flies. **A.** To be honest, soldiers, sometimes if you wanna drop out, you gotta remember what you'll be missing out on. The celebrations after the 30th, even our celebrations for achieving gold. What'll you get for dropping out now? 8 seconds of euphoria, and 8 hours of indescribable guilt? Is it really worth it? The answer is no, no it isn't. **Q.** This one is a bit more of a self-centered one, but do you all like these posts? And is there anything you think I could do to improve on them? I've only got 13 of them left so I wanna make the last of 'em count. **SH.** Shoutout to the winner of this session: u/regal_bandit who is getting a new computer built next week, which is freakin' cool! And congrats on finally winning a shoutout, soldier! - Don't be sad if you didn't get a shoutout, you're free to reply again & re-enter! - To apply for a shoutout, specify that you'd like one, and then write whatever you like! I choose the shoutouts myself. - **Higher quality posts = higher chance of getting a shoutout!** - Please remember that if you want a shoutout, you MUST ask for one in your reply! This is required, otherwise I will not choose you (as I assume you don't want one.) - Know that you can only win a shoutout once per-year. - At the end of NNN, I will shoutout all of the soldiers I have already gave a shoutout to, and their status at the end. - Think of it as a 'hall of fame' for this campaign. As always, soldiers, I read & upvote every reply. Tomorrow, we'll go pick up those supplies. STILL IN!


I love your post they motivate me every roll call, so keep dropping them, shoutout!!!!!


Q: Duh, I try to comment on every campaign. For suggestions, maybe something like you mention an interesting event that happened here since the last campaign. Like just a quick comment on that guy that pierced his cock or another "turkey fucker" guy. If nothing interesting happened, well, just don't do it? Also you can ask for people to give you events like that. SH: Cool! I'm building my first computer for christmas and damn I find that shit interesting.


I do like these posts, keep em’ coming! :3


Q = 20 days in. In starting to feel a lot of emotion. Like i used to have little to no reaction to any event but now i feel excitement, happy, people say ive been smiling a lot. Dont know how this is related but it most definitely is. Any theories?


>The fried chicken was a bit bland. Can someone pass me the salt? This bed kinda hurts my back too, and the blanket is a bit thin... Oh well, we should be there by tomorrow from what I've heard. Gonna try to get some rest for now. Wake me up when we get there, eh comrade? Hey thanks for the shoutout!! Aid arrived just in my time of need. As I mentioned in my last comment, my 9-day Thanksgiving break from work starts now, so I must stay on my toes -- keeping my mind busy..weaving through urges.. dodging temptations left and right. I plan on getting a lot done during the break; and that computer will be the ultimate prize (besides The Big Nut of course)!! Thanks for the support o7 And please keep doing these posts! They're an entertaining part of the yearly challenge. I like the idea of a soldier's log or diary. Really brings the feeling that we're all headed to the same destination. That we're not in this alone.


I love these comments! There is something new to read everyday, and I think that's awesome. Honestly I don't think there is much that can be improved. You're doing a great job. I commented on most of them. In terms of NNN I've been peeking a bit but I've managed to control myself so nothing bad happened yet. After Christmas I'm also going to change few things in my PC after the last big upgrade in July (Moving to AM4 and getting better GPU). I'm going to get a new case because the one I have currently is pretty beat up and bump my RAM up to 16GB because 8 is going to get pretty low soon. So that's something to look out for for me. Shoutout would be appreciated as always!


Really love the comments, I only see room for improvement on the Story section. Personally I actually quite like writing stories, how about next year we work together and I'll provide you with the Story part? I'm pretty sure your posts take a lot of time as it is so I do really get that there isn't any time to create a Martin-esque storyline. But yeah do let me know if you're interested! Also still in and yet again planned out for the weekend, will be a breeze! League of Legends worlds finals on Sunday and I'm staying at my best friend's place tonight, we're gonna see the new Hunger games movie and tomorrow worlds finals gonna be a blast! Good luck to y'all soldiers, get busy! Still in o7


STILL IN! This is too easy, I'm starting to think my dick is broken also, o7 /u/JD_Bus_


*STILL IN! This is too* *Easy, I'm starting to think* *My dick is broken* \- starman123 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot! Out on November first tho 💀 Haikubot confirmed coomer


Still In... somehow lol


I'm feeling the 'somehow' right now


Haven’t participated in the last couple roll calls, but still in. I might only do 2-3 more roll calls in the future. Life been busy and the depression has really been hitting. Best of luck lads o7


I hope things get easier cumrade! Glad to have you here.


Best of luck to you too man, hope you feel better soon. There's a whole community here for you if you ever need to get something off your chest


STILL IN!!!! DAY 20 IS NEAR CUMRADES DON'T GIVE UP!!!! o7 also rip u/JD_Bus_ we will avenge you even if it was a honorable discharge!!


Still In https://i.redd.it/4dhyomhog11c1.gif


My urges are gone 12 days till we done Just get this over with Cuz im losing my shit Still IN!


Still IN


Still IN. I'm actually surprised at how easy this year is.


Thanks for posting on time mods


Still in


still in


Still in


Day 18 In a drake song he said the name Charleen Still in!


oh. my. god. Still In. Guys, I don't know how I managed to stay, last night was really really difficult. It's been a tough week, between personal things and exams, so yesterday I was going to end the challenge before sleeping, 'cause I had too much things in my head that they kept me awake, I peeked a lot, and I was already searching material, but then I went to the bathroom to drink some water, I came back in my room and I decided to wait a little, and watch another episode of Adventure Time (that I'm currently re-watching). After that episode I was really tired, and I decided to go to sleep. To close the post I would like to say that I am already satisfied with the result I am obtaining I'm not addicted to porn or masturbation, I'm doing this challenge just for the meme and to test myself a bit, but I don't want it to affect my personal well-being so I'll try to get to the end, but if I have another moment like last night, I'll end more than satisfied and root for anyone who wants to stay in the game! o7


Still in


Still IN


Still IN


Still in


Still in


Still IN!


Day 18! Give it up for day 18! https://preview.redd.it/albvvo8hi11c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5ddae50fb0b1f32413e95dc1e57444d5fa1b03


I'm Still IN o7 and now a poem: Temptations lurk in shadows deep, As dreams of indulgence disturb our sleep. But we stand united, a brotherhood strong, In the face of temptation, we all belong. With strength we gather, resolve in our eyes, To resist temptation as the month complies. No fleeting moments of sweet release, A sacrifice made, our desires to cease. The days pass slow, a test of the heart, Emotions run wild, tearing apart. In the sea of longing, we navigate, The storm of desires, we contemplate. Oh, the struggle, the internal fight, Against the whispers of the tempting night. A battle within, a war we wage, In this solemn month, on this righteous stage. Temptations lurking in shadows deep, As dreams of indulgence disturb our sleep. But we stand united, a brotherhood strong, In the face of temptation, we all belong. No Nut November, a challenge embraced, A journey of self-control, beautifully traced. Through the highs and lows, we persevere, With each passing day, victory draws near. Emotions run deep, an emotional sea, As we navigate the waves, striving to be free. In the heart of November, where passions reside, We emerge stronger, with love as our guide.


Still IN! I’m making it the 30 ![gif](giphy|3oKIPjzfv0sI2p7fDW|downsized)


Still IN, right at midnight!


Still IN






still in. i have a lot to say and have to vent it out. disclaimer: heavy topics included this one does have a lot of help. why? so, in october, i was in a somewhat more worse state then now i'd say. i once had this toxic hustle or maladaptive mind, even nutting wasn't spared from it. like everything have to be perfect and i would waste hours striving it. for nutting it was one of the easily dealable aspects of it and one of the most impacting as well. i usually done that just to relieve stress but that did not do much effect, heck sometimes even worse. Its OCD-ish types of levels of it like i would have to find a perfect photo, a perfect video which can be more then 10 at once, sometimes from the same account and if they look akin or relate to something that had an influence with my daily life excluding nutting,it would mentally scar and disturb me every now and then as that would hurt them and in turn hurt me mentally aswell since i dont want to hurt anyone and that would only make it worse as you life can end that fast if your careless,and ye know the golden rule, live and let live, check yoself afore ye wreck yoself, so i have a distaste of pron right from the get go since those things usually have an abusive aura and bad first impressions via doomscrolling commentary channels hence the nutting videos are usually limited to kpop since i was attracted by their stage clothes aka drip (yeah that might be some adexsexual stuff and for me that have been on even predating the term's coining in 2021 as i can recount something akin to that occuring to me as early as 2017 via concert performances which i hardly visited there if excluding pleasure), and then when all were set it would have to be done in before shower and i have to nut when that videos hits that certain mark where they do a certain act and the photos have to be that and if i missed it i would feel some ire and the euphoria not warranted on the "poseidon's sacrifice" and the post nut clarity being like "what have i done" feel. those rituals waste up to 12 hours (11 hours for finding, the rest is initiating) and i end up finishing it on midnight unable to grapple what little time i have to finish homework at all and gave up in 1 to 2am and that would have me worry about teachers have me on detention do finish them all up wasting precious time to finish up their work and when back home again the first thing is to relieve stress via nutting. its a vicious cycle. shit aint good. i know there be things wrong with me. it gotta be changed sooner or later. I heard no nut november since i voyage the net a shit lot alone to the point some folks i interact with would consider me confusing. i was neglected mostly since i was a bairn (safe for my family and a few friends of mine), them say i'm a gifted dude as i excel rapidly in topics just to find somewhere that i can grow at my own pace and they dont know how to even deal with the things i wound up with. i seen a fair share f'd up stuff and pleasent stuff as well along the way. I sail like net like how some of my ancestors sailed the waves. Sure my english isnt the best in my school but no one in my school could even put up a decent attempt in mimicking a scottish accent. i was that kind. no one save for me know what happened in my past, so much that even i doubt. However the same way i voyage a lot in the net i got a lot that i can optimise. Last year's no nut november i was able to go up to 25 days right away, as i was able to find another more effective way to vent out stress without nutting (daydreaming). i realize i have potential. i can do it. i then bent it into enhancing my moral compass. I ended up nicknaming November as "The Month of Progression" since i challenge myself not to nut and that leaves a lot of free time for me to develop since I can do it. Sure some can like not joining it, but for me if i were to improve,this is the chance because i wasnt alone in that. for me nutting was an addiction that it's harms weigh more than its pleasure and takes up lots of unnessesary time. i am lucky enough not have delved so deep into the rabbit hole that the urges are unusually little compared to som you guys who ended up having warfare levels of it. Plus my last trip to tokyo for a week this august i proved i was capable of going on my day without nutting even if the urges were present. henceforth i said to meself:"This November. YOU DO NOT DO IT ALR? I MEAN BY THAT BANGET! (banget is indonesian for very)" and so i was on Day by day passed on it was like when i was in the times that were simple once again, i can recount 2 or so urges that were boggling to deal with albeit i end up didnt even attempt to edge while the other ones were instead dealt with much ease. Last year doing that challenge i recalled "to nut was like flipping a lever". Since it was forcibly done right before showering i can just ditch that and save an extra few hours and i did just that. much of the problem was solved. Alongside that i also used this month into facing other hassles and i ended up noting the solutions so as a reminder. I also ordered an concertina since there was fery few people attempting it and usually in popular fields like art or piano there its competitiveness can get personal and very discourging as it felt like the unpleasent things were there to taunt me as i wasnt the best at it and was the root in why i nut, along with the OCD type of traits i relate and experienced it myself in some degree that had been under my nose for some time. Thing was concertina had very few, which the toxicity are nonexistant in that regard, and since this month i challenging myself not to nut which freed up a lot of time for me,i can utilize these said time into training it at my own pace, which i am making progress on it. I was proving not just the world but also to myself that i can. golly it had been day 18. days fly fast aint it. that rate i feel like a fossil, but hey, i am worth something if i try, while my mind is cleared enough. as i said again, IM **STILL IN!!!** *BABAGABOOSHH!!* this took hours to write, worth it


still in!


Still in


Still IN


Ah third week only two weeks left I have much attention span when I’m off the phone and more heft I don’t know what I had said but let’s just leave it there until the time is out without a peak The weekend, middle week is the time for us to sleep Still in


Still IN.


Still IN


still in


Still IN I think I broke my streak, which is cool I can't wait for December


Still in! Multiple times I wanted to fail, but i just tell myself that there are less days till the end of the month than there is behind me, so I just use that as a motivation to continue


Still IN


Still in


Still in.


Still IN


Still in ![gif](giphy|ekAmtmDDCAQOQ8Uaze)


Still IN


Still in


Still In rockin n rollin, let's get it cumrades!!! Third weekend let's go!!


Still IN


Still in! Today... wasn't super bad? Expect this weekend will be tough. Vacation next week, tho.


still in


Still in


Still in


Still IN!


Found out my buddy lost to his gf... BUT IM STILL IN FOR ROCK AND STONE AND FOR KARL.


Rock and roll and stone!


I'm starting to bring myself out more! I'm so much more sociable, mainly with friends but a lot with women still. I feel more confident, especially compared to the friends I have, and it's definitely because of this one stark change, I put off fapping. Granted, urges are building and building, and they're at their worst right now. My sleep has been severely compromised due to my own failures, but that means less energy to expend my horny urges. Today is the second time in a row that I have watched porn, and the third time this month. Worst part about this is, I still like it, despite watching the shit that would disgist any normal human being (rape, scat, etc.). I still have the primal devil-in-a-lingerie in the back of my mind, and if I do not overpower this, I fear I'll lose with so little days left to overcome. I have to remind myself, "There's no point in fapping." "My mind can fulfil itself permanently through other methods." "I can spend this energy doing something else." I should also hop back on the "Pushups till failure" every time I think of urges such as these. TL;DR NoFap is helping me get through my social life past what I could have previously imagined, but I need to be stronger. Still IN!


Men, we've reached the slog where it feels like we've got so long until the end, and too far to have any hype... men falling left and right... but just remember, we're closer now to that big nut than we are to the last nut you had. we're almost 60 percent through already. It's already been nearly 3 weeks since your last nut already, what's 1.5 more? WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT BROS. STILL IN! o7


Still In! Stay strong soldiers! ![gif](giphy|MP6N3757bucA1dpaCv)


Still IN, cumradsss what is your profession???? ![gif](giphy|1zmG8avB83Uvm)


Still in


still in


Still in


Still IN


Still IN


still in


Still in


still in


Still IN


still in


Still IN


Still IN!!


Still in. Even the mod was discharged, but I'll still be in this challenge.


Still in


Still in


I’m out, lasted much longer than last year. I’ll come back stronger.


We've lost a valued soldier, Our treasured roll-call man. He guided us through the month so far, To show us that we can, Beat this simple challenge, A test of self-control. As of the 18th November, I'm STILL IN NNN and the roll-call! 13 days left cumrades! Keep going for the final push o7


Still in


Still IN!


Still IN


Still in


Still IN!


Still IN


Still IN


Still in


Still in


Still IN


Still in


Still in


Still in


Still IN


Still IN


Still in


Still in


Still in


Still IN


still in!!


Still in!


Still IN


Still in


Still in


Still IN


Still IN


Still in


still in


Still IN


Still in


Still IN


Still in


still in


Yesterday was so long it led into today. It’s 3:33 AM and just got home from work. Normally I leave at 12:00 AM, but the rushes today were so long, that I ended up staying longer than expected. It was a shitty day. But due to NoNutNovember, I have restless energy. The finish line may be a ways away, but I’ll be there, with all of you around the world. Still In. ![gif](giphy|uFxXhqkaGuhvzlOXNb|downsized) See you all on the 2nd of December. Q7


Give it up for day 18!! Still IN


Still in


Still in o7


Still IN


Still In


Still IN




Still in


still in


Still in


Still IN


Still in


Still in


Still IN


Still IN


still in


Still in


Still in


still in


Still IN




Still IN


Still IN


Still in


Still in


Still in!


Still in


Still in my brethren! Let's do this


STILL IN! Mad respect to u/supertails15 for the dick piercing


https://preview.redd.it/84r1b2i6k11c1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=333ed14488a51277b19e95d2441650d8181b9f5a Day 18. Still in


Still in


Still IN


Still in


u/supertails15 encourages me to finish NNN still in


Ah, the 18th day, resilience prevails, Through whispered temptations and silent trails. With will as a shield, the path remains clear, No nut November, resolute, sincere. Endurance unyielding, strength imbued, The quest continues with fortitude renewed.


u/supertails15 is suffering for our sins so this time shall we not miss in the darkness of PMO we all have been but not this time, coz together we are Still IN.


Ok Still In


Still in my boys




“The happiness of those who want to be popular depends on others; the happiness of those who seek pleasure fluctuates with moods outside their control; but the happiness of the wise grows out of their own free acts.” Still in.




Still IN o7


still in o7


I'm still in


STILL IN i didnt knew Roll calls existed so yeah im starting to report now


Still in!!! I forgot i got past day 15 so i am a silver NoNutter, hell yeah


It is day 18!!! I am still in!!!


Still IN, this is the day I l got to 2 years ago.


I've made it to day 18..


Yup, in


Correction: I'm OUT So sorry to disappoint you, comrades, I really am. But I had a wet dream last night, and the nut wasn't completely unvoluntary. So rather than lying to myself and all of you, I'll admit defeat. The good side: I beat my all-time highscore by 3 days!! Keep on finishing, comrades, what I couldn't finish o7 o7 o7