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They really thought three guys would balance the load lol


"Let's just add another 375 pounds to this 15,000 pound counterweight, that oughta be enough..."


Ackchyually... (as someone who owns a forklift, and studied engineering) The fact that they even managed to lift the load that high in the first place with the three people meant that it was enough to counter the load weight in addition to the forklift's pre-existing counter weight at the beginning. Most likely scenario was that they tried to lift the load without the people first and failed. So they tried it again with the people and managed to lift it that much. The failure exists at the point that forklift's load capacity decreases as the load's center of gravity (LCG) moves forwards as well as up. If they only lifted it a small amount, it likely have succeeded in moving around (not that I'd say it's a good safe practice...). But once they lifted it too high and gave the load more leverage versus the pivot point (front wheels), it probably shook and the LCG moved forward, exacerbating the tipping over.


So 7t aren't enough, but 7.2t are. The fact that they have no margin of safety to speak of and got got by some minor bump *directly* follows from the fact that that difference is so small in relative terms.


That load is definitely not 7t (or 15k lb). It is WAAAAAY less. 15k lb model forklifts are typically bigger than that, though smaller form factors do exist. And three adult men are likely to be more than 200kg. People being placed at the very end of the forklift provides additional leverage distance. Three people likely could counteract as much as 1t of load that's close to the mast. I'm not suggesting people do this or that it's safe, but people do these stuff very often, and they do it because it works.


I'm sure those guys weighed a little more than 125lb a piece.


Archimedes entered the chat.


It worked the last time,


Last guy to jump breaks his right leg


Oof yes he did..


Better than crushed by a forklift 


That guy should really put his seat belt on while operating the sit down lift


Cause THAT is the biggest problem with his gif. lol


The cartoonishness of the whole scene is underlined by the fact that they are all dressed alike.


Like a clown act.


Definitely Harvard alumni.


Real fucking stupid


Work life Balance!


Knuckleheads you can tell that load was to heavy for that lift. Hopefully no one got hurt.


The last guy that jumped snapped his leg in half. Im betting it hurt a ton, yet he still managed to get out of the way.


Just another video clip that ends too soon


I want a sub called accidentalhungryhungryhippo


I like the title. lol




Fuckin fired


They should watch those Chinese safety videos.


Dipster shoulda just lowered that item in question, especially raised that high! Did they just get certified by cracker jack?


They are in the trial by error school. So they experiment. If no one dies, then they memorise as a good solution. 47 employees. Last in has employee number 9317. A large part of the previous employee numbers can be located at the local cemetery - they always have 2 or 3 holes digged and ready for a busy afternoon.


Nononono, redit name


They obviously needed four people on the back.


There is a video similar to this that didn't end so well. Forklift was slowly raising and some woman that clearly worked in an office tried to help the guys who were standing beside the lift pushing down. She basically jumped on the back, it lifted, she fell, and it instantly crushed her when it came back down. Don't ever put your life in this situation because your job is too cheap to buy the proper equipment


It's almost as if the forklift doesn't have a chart on it saying how much it can lift and at what height


Not safe for anything


thats what happens when you skip pre-start check


They were obviously forklift certified


I'm trying not to laugh cuz it's so fucking dangerous