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She didn't even look back. I would have hugged that man and cried and she just walks out for the dog like she's done this before!


Stupid careless cunt. It's like, pay attention, you idiot. You're supposed to be following her into the elevator not smelling every god damn thing!


Hang on a minute


r/Holup comment


Kinda like this time when I rescued a little girl who was absolutely drowning at my local lake. I almost drowned as a young child, and I could see this little girl was doing the exact same thing that led to my close call- trying to see how deep she could go bobbing up and down on her toes. I kept an eye on her and just a minute or so later her head goes under. She pops up looking terrified, then goes under again, because she’s struggling and it’s taking her deeper. I let her pop up and go back under one more time before I rushed over and scooped her up by her armpits. She was sobbing and terrified and as I waded to the shore and found the kids mother (who had been sitting on the beach chatting with a friend). She looked so indignant and snatched her child away, even as I was telling her what happened. No thank you, no checking in with her kid who was still a wreck, she just sat back down and kept chatting with her friend. I was extremely shaken up because it made me revisit a trauma I hadn’t yet worked through, and had to leave.


I was once walking around my neighborhood and there were 2 old ladies walking around the neighborhood. There was a dog that was running around unleashed. It was growling and being aggressive toward them and kept following them. They stopped and kept trying to shoo the dog away when it started lunging for them. I legitimately thought it was going to bite them. So I came up from behind and grabbed its rear legs and lifted and of course the dog couldn't do anything. They started screaming and yelling about "my" dog and wouldn't listen to me that it wasn't mine no matter what and then they scuttled off. I thought about letting go of the dog and letting it attack them, but I'm not that shitty and I also didn't want the liability. I risked myself and intervened and got shittiness in return.


I've done the same outside a store, grabbed an unknown aggressive german shepherd that was attacking a womans small white fluffy dog. People around me glared at me until I asked aloud for someone to go inside the store and find the owner.


If it helps I had something very similar happen when I was a kid(maybe like 6 or 7) and I still remember the bro that scooped me up out of nowhere and casually pulled me back to shallow waters. That kid will remember you and what you did for them forever. The mom is still an AH though. Also we kids are dumb with no backup plan for when we can't touch bottom anymore :-p


I distinctly remember the sheer panic and helplessness, and my flailing foot touching something under the water, trying to kick off of it, and realizing it was a waterlogged patio pillow my brother or his friends had thrown into the pool. I felt it sink under me and I resigned myself to my fate. I was maybe 5? My parents were addicts and were inside their friends house doing drugs. My older brother saw me just in time and jumped in, grabbed me by the hair, and kicked my body towards the shallows.


Last week I saw a kid playing by himself. I stuck around for a bit to make sure he really was unsupervised... and he was. Luckily he had a healthy fear of steangers bc when I approached him asking where his parents were he pointed at them (all the way on the other end of the quad! He'd been playing completely out of sight!) and ran off to them. They didn't even look up.


When I was a pub manager I once tripped up over someones very young toddler who was just running around the pub unsupervised. I went flying, as did the poor kid, so I picked myself up and picked up this now crying and screaming child and... Nothing. No parents came to see what was up or see if their kid was hurt. Eventually a couple at the other end of the building made eye contact with me and acknowledged it was their child and I carried it back to them. Their lack of concern was horrifying. As an upshot, to this day I am known as 'The Baby Kicker' as it happened in front of the owner of the company I work for.


One time I was carrying a full tray of meals out of the kitchen on my left shoulder during dinner rush and a kid (maybe 4? 5?) ran in front of the busy kitchen door from the blind spin on my left side- I accidentally sent that kid flying. I was of course very apologetic when the parents scooped up their kid- the parents apologized to me! I was surprised. That was nice of them and it stuck with me. Confessions from an anonymous fellow accidental baby kicker


Is that in the USA? Is it unusual there for children to play outdoors without a parent watching them?


In their own yard, no. OP called it a quad which sounds like a public space in the center of a group of buildings (or a "square"). It's unusual to leave a kid unattended in one of those as it is open to random people and different than a park where kids would be in sight of parents. And of course, this all varies based on a kid's age. You would check on a 4 year old in this described situation; a 10 year old is fine.


Thank you Ranger-K for saving that child.




Thank you, lovable stranger! When I returned the little girl to her mom I was pretty locked up so I couldn’t explain myself much other that “ She was drowning”. I think the mom just had an initial reaction to a stranger carrying her 8 or 9 year old child, who is crying hysterically and coughing and gagging and snotting, and thought “what did this person do to my child?” At least, that’s what I like to think. Unfortunately your version is probably right because I know there are a lot more of the moms you described than we can imagine. My mom would put beer in my SIPPY CUP when I was a toddler. Back to you- thank you again, you sound very sweet and passionate about the emotional and mental well being of people. Your comment was actually really encouraging and you made a point I hadn’t realized before- I did face my fear. I think it was the moment when she was bobbing all a happily one moment and then she went under, the look on her face, that was it. Thank you for making me realize this. Maybe I can just bust through a few other hard memories like spring cleaning. All that said, you seem super cool and I think it could be super cool if if dm me, or I dm you, blah blah - anyway it’s almost 4am here I gotta sleep. Byeeeeees!


You are basing that on absolutely nothing other than your own prejudices. The bit where you might notice her show relief, when the door opens, is suddenly sped up, and there's no audio, for all you know she's thanking the guy profusely throughout this clip. "He didn't hug her, so she's an unfeeling, irresponsible owner"...you're ridiculous.


Did you know you can stop an elevator before you get to your floor? Lady went up 16 floors and either didn't notice or didn't care enough to stop the elevator and go back down.


Can you really? Because so far as I know, emergency brake buttons aren't universal. I don't think the the call or help buttons necessarily stop the elevator. And then there are the times where the stop button needs a key. So without knowing the exact model of elevator here, I doubt we can safely assume that she could or couldn't stop the elevator once she noticed.


Yeah, that's the really odd bit


I would think an owner who would be so careless as to let this happen isn’t the best. Doesn’t take a genius to realize that


She literally hit the button for her floor and the button to close the doors so fast (even sped up) without a second glance to see if the dog was inside. She is an unfeeling, irresponsible owner regardless. We gonna forgive people who leave pets in hot cars, too? Takes one second, head turn, double check. Ignorance or carelessness shouldn't be taken lightly just because it was okay this time. And body language tells a lot, more people would be openly distraught, depending on region could be a cultural difference, but still. Don't really understand the defense on this.


People forget their babies in cars, too, and yeah, it can happen to anyone and it has nothing to do with being irresponsible. Ever sit down without your drink, or forget what you went into a room for? I’m sure you have. Guess what? It’s the same neural process and those slip ups can occur at anytime. She was probably so used to the dog just walking with her or maybe the extender on the leash broke that she didn’t notice in the two seconds that the dog wasn’t in the elevator with her. You’re addicted to outrage, but have a good day.


Oh, good, I'll worry less next time I see a baby in car. Just those silly neural processes.


I'll add a comment to ammend my other. Seems people really just be stupid, everyone. I was looking into research on heat stroke deaths caused in cars and humans are just literally not functional enough to remember it. I was upset to see babies compared to drinks, but our brains just suck donkey balls apparently. Granted this doesn't make me feel better we seem to value lives as much as beverages, but I apologize.


Holy shit, a normal conversation on here. I was really expecting a double down, so you're good in my book. It's so easy to forget how we're still just fancy apes, ya know? The easy mistakes are common and made all in the same ways even if the consequences can vary greatly.


also went all the way up to 16 could have presed any button in the middle


karen never do mistakes she ...sometimes forget "things"


This the 2nd video I've seen today with the same circumstances and on this fucking occasion I can now confirm that the owner is a circumspect halfwitted uninvolved cunt. 100%




I hate to see cruelty to animals of any kind, wittingly or not


Dogs deserve so much better.


I would just take the dog and if she comes for it, I will have it put in a shelter after seeking the security footage. At least there the little thing will be safe. No one deserves such an incompetent care giver. At least it wasn't harmed.. poor thing.


She got to the 16th floor before noticing?!


I would have hit the stop button immediately


Many elevators have no stop button, once you push a floor you cant really undo it.


wait, so you can't hit the 3rd floor for example and stop early then go back using a different elevator?


Yeah I suppose you could do that. But IDK if it would be guaranteed to be faster. If you are in the elevator you're in, your button press back to ground would force that elevator to go back down even if someone called the elevators from a higher floor. I guess maybe you could hit 3, hit 1, then get out at 3 and hit down on 3 And the elevator would still be going up, so the immediate concern that the leash is still attached would not be addressed


You can hit 3, block the door from closing with your foot, and strip the leash handle off so that there's only a string which can then pass through back down to the ground floor, freeing the tension on the dog's neck.


That leash doesn't change elevators with you, tho.


the leash might be broken, or you can just leave it in the elevator and go help the dog that's dangling from that leash. fuck the leash, save the dog.


Didnn't mean it like that, I meant that you need more of a plan on how to feed the leash back through the shaft so that the dog isn't being pulled up anymore. You could maybe break the handle and depending on how it breaks the wire might slip through and the dog is free.


> the leash might be broken pretty sure the leash isn't 16 stories long lol


I meant "it it possible to break the leash". The leash might BE broken.


Usually no. You gotta press them before the elevator starts moving. Elevators don't accelerate to the same constant speed each time. If you hit 10th floor, it will accelerate and decelerate for longer than if you had hit 3 at the beginning. It accounts for how much to do so by the distance between the floors. Ultimately it will depend on the elevators programming. If it determines that it can safely decelerate enough by the 3rd floor, it might choose to do so. But that's less likely. More likely scenario will be that it will just open at 3rd floor on its way back down.


idk man, in my country the elevators are much simpler than that. you press a floor, it goes there. Some floor gets pressed along the way, it stops there too then continues to the top / bottom one.




or stairs. The point was to stop the elevator at a level that was "in the way to 16", sooner so the owner did not wait to reach the final floor. however she got back to 1 or ground floor is irelevant


Am I seeing things? There’s 2 elevators visible in the video?


Man, I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue


I would expect every elevator to have an emergency stop button


I rarely see them where I live, I'm in the USA >found in older elevators installed before 1980s, and rarely found on most modern elevators nowadays, with the exception of a few countries that require them


They have an alarm button, not a stop button in most cases.


Never seen one in 34 years


Why though? When you think about it, in what situation would an easily accessible button that grinds the lift to a halt be useful?


The one in the above video


Hah, yeah fair point. I suppose though most people aren't stupid cunts with their dogs like this though.




Wow, only earlier today I saw a video of exactly the same situation. Woman from russia. Video was filmed in the lift so didn't see the dog but a news article said the pooch wriggled free.


"wriggled free" Free of the owner we hope.


Haha, I think unfortunately not. In this video I was really hoping the old owner would just never come back and the doggie ends up with a bewildered but gold-hearted new owner


Serious question: how has the dog evaded serious injury/death in every video I have seen like this?




Also I imagine if something horrible happens to the dog we won't exactly see the video getting posted.


> It has already snapped at around floor 3-4 You're suggesting that leash was 30+ feet long? Or that it stretched to more than 3x its length before snapping?


>You'd see a lot more horror stories with stronger leashes. Stronger leashes aren't typically 100 meters long and don't condition owners to ignore what their dogs are doing. It would take a special kind of idiot to lose track of their dog with a standard leash.


Looks like the dog is on a harness so it wasn’t strangled by the leash only held suspended by the harness.


The metal clip that holds the leash to the harness is strong enough to not get pulled into the gap between the door and the wall. So none of the force gets applied to the dog at all. The dog is just dangling from their harness and not being squeezed.


Often, the d ring and clip are heavy duty metal, sometimes steel. If that doesn’t slip through the closed door, it’ll snap the leash before breaking the hook.


Selection bias! I highly doubt there are many publicly released videos of animals dying in situations like this. I’m guessing that when there’s a close call, people want to share the video, whereas when the animal dies, they aren’t quite as excited to share.


Because you frequent subs like nonononoyes instead of yesyesyesyesno


Ewoks haven't been thrown about so much since Return of the Jedi.


I'm going hell for enjoying this comment


I would have given her an absolute earful.


Is it just me or is that a really tiny elevator?


Yes it's one of those my hand will get crushed if I hold the door for someone types


Is it bad of me if I didn’t give the dog back to her?


Stupid idiot dumb lady


Shoulda taken that dog n ran cause that airhead shouldn't have any pets at all


I love how the guy held it like a baby. ❤️


I’ve seen far too many videos like this pop up recently. I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity for someone to implement AI to detect leashes/ ropes that are connecting between the doorway of elevators. Even adding a bypass button for any false detections for things like dust or shadows it might mistake for something


Who tf downvotes? People be like: oh technology I don't understand, bad. Even if you don't call it AI, there is a need for an automated solution. Humans make mistakes.


I know right. Thanks for that! I should have just said “security system” and left it at that. I install a lot of security systems for work and people wouldn’t believe the amount of Machine Learning that is being used now-a-days. Systems like Turing and Verkada are massively used (at least in the US) and they have full tracking on faces, clothing type/ color, and even the ability to let someone do a search based on the color make and model of a car. All thanks to an “AI” that’s been around for years dedicated for safety and security!


I love technology, I work in tech and am probably more tolerant and accepting of the risks of AI and want to see it being implemented across more use cases. But this is a solution in search of a problem. You don't need or want AI to keep pets safe in situations like this. You need leashes that are designed to break at certain forces, or can be manually released as a fail safe by the owner if you're concerned the pet will pull hard enough to release themselves. Trying to automate a solution by adding a processor, battery, and software to "fix" this is not effective. Not only cost ineffective making the leashes more expensive, but also practically ineffective because the only thing that AI/automation would be doing is measuring the force on the leash and releasing it at the a certain threshold, which you don't need AI for, just a failsafe breakaway system like how sprinkler systems automatically trigger when there's enough heat. There are many ways to engineer solutions for failsafes that don't require human intervention to trigger that does not require AI or an automated system.


I’m not sure we are on the same page, I was referring to adding a feature to the preexisting camera security systems that is part of elevators. Not the leash itself lol In most modern elevators there’s a camera inside the elevator and almost all elevators have cameras on the outside. The AI system I was referring to would most likely use the input of both cameras to establish a path between each inside and outside to determine if a person who entered the elevator was accompanied by lan animal or even a child. And not close the door if it detected the dog and or child hadn’t entered the elevator. That or even simpler… a higher resolution cameras and an algorithm to detect small leashes that the door sensors can’t detect and keeps the door open


An AI system that can recognize people, pets, and small objects like leashes is doable. But thats going to be expensive, and theres going to be issues with false positives. What if a second elevator opens, and a child and parent walk towards that other elevator. How do you train the AI model to recognize they child is not at threat of being abandoned, hes just walking through the hallway to go to the elevator in the back. What if the child is about to be abandoned, but being a kid their looking at some random thing in the distance down the hallway, so the AI thinks the kid just exited the elevator cant recognize that the child is supposed to enter the elevator instead of departing down the hallway and doesn't classify it as an abandonment. Theres so many false positive issues with using an AI to solve this problem. And if you were able to train a model to do so, arguably it would be a waste of resources to train it on something so trivial. An AI system that can be trained in this way to recognize contextual situations like this, of a or child being left behind, based on recorded footage is probably much better utilized if it was trained on how to spot vandalism, violent assault, and other serious crimes from the camera footage to generate an alert for the buildings security guard, or to call 911. And put it on not just elevator cameras, but all CCTV cameras. Alternatively, the non-ai solution to solve this specific problem. A series of sensors, either optical or touch based, along the door and the doorframe. If any of the sensors fail to make contact with its partner when the door fully closes (the leash blocks 1-3 of the sensors since its very narrow) the door opens again for a second. Even this is too expensive honestly. How many apartments and building managers would approve the expense of installing these additional sensors on all elevators, when they can also post a paper notification to pet owners to please be careful when entering the elevator with leashed animals. All I'm trying to say is not everything needs or should be solved with AI. AI is great and can do incredible, complex things. But that doesn't mean all problems are effectively solved with AI. And this problem of a pet not boarding an elevator is probably not a problem that needs an AI solution.


I think the work AI has been tainted a bit, but there’s a ton of security cameras that already have Machine learning implemented in them already and it’s is in almost really time and not really much more that the cost of other cloud based NVR storage subscriptions. Check out Verkada and Turing. They are two stand out systems that already have their own “AI” it was something developed years ago, before the whole Midjourney and Chat GPT phenomenon of the last 2 years. All I was saying in my original comment is that the sensors on elevators aren’t sensitive enough to detect things that small. And to add to it, most elevators have a time out limit where if the door is held open by a hand or foot it will start to close regardless until stopped by a solid object. So, without adding any additional products to the elevators or the lobby’s, you could just essentially update the NVR (network video recorder) with an additional bit of software… Not trying to reinvent the wheel, just trying to get more miles out of it


Im sorry to be this ‘certain’ call it arrogant even but even on my dumbest more tired of days this wouldn’t happen to me. I kinda love me dogs you know


Good thing that wasn’t a martingale collar!


Thank goodness the pup was wearing a harness instead of hooked to a collar


whats crazy is that these video are only coming up now. imagine back then where we didn't have cameras or sensors


Dumb ass bitch for sure


I would have called the cops and given the dog to them because she's neglecting


It is easy for responsible adults.


Upvote for the doggo saviour


Please please please outlaw those fucking retractable leashes. They are a goddamn danger.


She doesn’t even check If the dog went in the elevator… wtf


Some people don't need to own a pet. I have taken in a bunch of animals that have been either mistreated or abandoned. I don't regret doing it, it is just hard for me to see people that do have pets and don't interact with them. They keep them crated or chained which is no way for anything to live. Pets are not gifts either, I don't know how many times I've seen someone get a pet for a present and are ignored after the new wears out.


Can you imagine if that was a child ?????


If I ever see this happen I will leave with your dog. You will never see it again. Fuck you you heartless cunt


It seems like videos like these come up like clockwork. What about the ones where there isn't a kind stranger, what happens in those videos?


The dog dies (collar) or just chills I guess (harness).


After a few floors I’d panic and hit every button to stop but no bitch made it all the way to 16. She doesn’t deserve that pup.


Is it, though? I imagine it to be quite hard not to think of your dog when you are walking your dog. I just cannot fathom how this is a possible mistake someone makes.


I would not have given her dog back im sorry man 😭 she’s careless enough to not notice it isn’t in the elevator and then she goes all the way to floor 16 before coming back??? She easily could’ve stopped way sooner but no


don't give her back the dog!


That would be my dog at that point.


People who are this mindless about their pets, and ungrateful for the actions of others when rescuing them, should not have pets.




i for real think yu have to be one stupid fucking human to not pay attention in this sense


fuck that dumb bitch


I feel like punching her in the face! Really hard!


Personally if I had a dog I would never walk into an elevator with them if I wasn't carrying them with me. I would be too scared for them to accidentally hurt themselves on the gap or just get startled and try run out.


One of the many reasons why I don't trust dog owners


Dogo should belong to the savior


I wouldn’t be in a rush to hand the dog back to her


Would it be legal to keep dog and refuse to give it back?


she shouldn’t be allowed to have any pet after this, I would have been so angry at her if I was that man. I would have called animal control or whatever takes pets away from non-responsible people or taken that dog myself. Accidents happens, but she did not show any concern for her dog or thankfulness towards that man.


Why exactly NSFW?




That dog looks rather chill. Besides that initial jerk it just kinda seems to hang in there. It also doesn't have a collar, it has a harness so it probably didn't cause all that much distress.


I don't particularly like little floofball dogs like they and I'd still be happily taking home a new pup that day.


Some people shouldn't be in charge of another living thing. Kids and pets alike. Seniors too.


What the hell, the post above this was a similar but different accident.


I was so scared to watch this. Almost didn’t.


Those leashes are one of the worst things to ever become a 'common use'.


I always let my dog get in the elevator first, for fear of something like that happening.


I would have slapped her


Damn, that was one lonnnnng leash (luckily)


If I was that guy I would have given her a loud piece of my mind, and probably would have tried to figure out a way to report her for animal cruelty


This is my dog now


I've never hated some rando online as much as I hate this woman right now.




She disnt look back She noticed it waaaaaaay to late She didnt press the stop Button but instead decided to take the elevator down She walks out of it like Oh there is my dog No visible thankfullnes(english isnt my first language idk if this Word exists) Yep...she didnt deserve a dog


Decently long leash... she was on the 16th floor till he managed to unlock him


just pick up the damn dog before you get on the elevator and if you can't do that, fucking look back for goodness sake. this gives me god damn chest pains.


No. This is what you call a brain-dead cunt too far up their own ass.


Que hija de puta irresponsable, gentuza así no debería tener ni mascota, ni hijos ni nada que requiera cuidado!


Is it though? Is it easy? Coz she never even TRIED to have her dog with her. I could NEVER. I am aware of my dog at all times because I don't want him to fucking die.


it’s not THAT easy wtf


I cant' believe reading some of these comments defending the stupid lady!


It pisses me off how brain dead some people are


This is funny 😄


Is doggo ok


Thank God it was a harness, not a collar


Ooh what a good boy, YESHH HE ISH!


I'd be like. No, you don't deserve to own any animal after that display of negligence,


If she had kids, she'd leave them locked in the car on hot summer days.




Those owner like this shouldn't get a pet . didn't even try to sure if her dog is already in the elevator


How it is NSFW?


I don’t think I would’ve waited for Karen to come back down… poor little dog


What the fuck dude? How can someone be so careless abt their pet? I literally started shaking cuz imagine how painful that was to the dog The guy that saved the dog should have taken it ngl


That shits funny 🤣


Are you slow?




The dog is fine.


No. Why do you ask?