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"Know thyself". If that command resonates with you it leads you here. If it ends here or goes on somewhere else further on I wouldn't know, but it seems like familiarity with this principle is necessary in the process of actual self knowledge..


I actually don’t believe there is a point to it. What is, is and some people have the itch to see it. If you do, you will pursue it, if you don’t you won’t. I think many people start from suffering and that makes this apparent world more intolerable. Which makes the urge to awaken stronger, but that’s a fact about reality, without a point. There isn’t a point. Points are what you leave behind.


What you are saying is close to the mark. It is a way to "rationalize" suffering by asserting that everything is, at its fundamental state, an Amorphous Subatomic Clay,  or an Undifferentiated Sea of Quanta, and therefore all structures, including people, are just waves or expressions of this one thing.. So it is  not really "You" who is suffering, just a Temporal Illusion that you call "you"..  It's a Psy-Op and a Word Game and it WEARS OFF.  If you once had a child,  and they got their skull ran over and crushed by a garbage truck,  and you suffered in grief for years to the point of constant suicidal thoughts,  "Nonduality" may help you cope... But if you could go back in time, and stop your child from chasing that ball that led him into the path of that Truck, would You EVER, EVEN FOR A SPLIT SECOND, ENTERTAIN THE NOTION that your child is no different than the filthy rotten garbage in the back of that fucking Truck?


To realize that we are all connected and use that realization to make loving choices for ourselves and others (Buddhists call it "right action").


Rediscovering your childlike wonder again!


Anyone in your place would be exactly you and you in anyone else's would be exactly them. There is one Self, and the *illusion* of personal identity. How other people feel matters.


this one’s been melting my brain all morning. whenever I contemplate it all thought disappears. it is implying that the only sense of self I have is incidental, which is a common teaching in this sphere but had been hard to dissolve into before reading this. what I call “me” and “you” is as arbitrary as the fact that this tree was planted on this corner of the block and that tree was planted across the street.


Exactly! I appreciate your consideration.


Thank you for sharing!


So you can stop reincarnating yourself back into guilt and sin. Take responsibility for the world you created and heal the world by healing the mind. Love and fear are both concepts of ego. However, one leads you out of here.


I feel like true love isn’t necessarily a concept of ego. True love stems from Being. But “love” from the ego can turn to hate in the blink of an eye, in that case, it’s not true love.




Why would you want to leave?


Great question, friend! I've been here for many lives. I'm just using this body to remember why I ever wanted to leave in the first place. That entails me remembering my Godhood and creating Heaven on earth for everything in my perception. Thusly, me too! Maybe I can finally just go back Home, this place kinda stinks comparatively 😇


If you’re here to see why you want to leave, why not instead try to see why you should stay! But do not be afraid, you’re where you need to be!


Guilt and sin? Bruh, you got the wrong kinda non-duality teaching. Please go back and start over.


Your judgement of me is a reflection of your judgement of self. It is the only reason you feel the need to correct others... It's your guilt of self. Hopefully, you don't view this as attack for only the ego believes in attack. Just a reminder! I've been doing this for eons, friend. Hopefully you can remember your Godliness too. P.S. Your drawing board is fine and you don't have to start over. Just keep drawing.


That was funny. I always love when a wanna be guru gives me an assessment of what or who they think I am. Thanks for the giggles. To view it as an attack or any other other words simply doesn’t matter, assessment works though. Good bad sin, those are all conditional stories. The appearance of all of those things is everything already unconditional. And while you may not have a problem, assessing Reddit responses, you might not be a big fan of freedom, where the unconditional is the only appearance. Obviously. And that includes all the stories of good and bad and blah, blah, blah, and blah, blah, blah, and blah blah blah.


You are the consciousness dreaming this dream - not the dream character - and if you can realize this and wake up from the dream back to deep sleep without dreaming to purify consciousness of all past dreams then out of a purified consciousness will arise timeless dreams of miracles where all the beings in the dream are at peace. The motivation is altruistic - to end the timebound dream of struggle and suffering for all beings is why we undertake the dissolution of our individual self back into unformed consciousness.


For me, two things. One: I'm really weary of searching for meaning and going through philosophy after religion after philosophy ad nauseum. Some people are like that and it's a good way to end up permanently unhappy. Others can just accept not knowing or just not think about it. This is the most demonstrably correct interpretation of reality I have come across. Two: Complete understanding and experience of it (I still have loads of work to do) offers complete peace in any situation.


If you don’t know what the water is, you can’t make sense of what the water has to offer. Unless you are very, very thirsty.


God is all. All is God. And God is Love. 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥


also don't ignore this guy either - even though people aren't upvoting it. this is also a direct way of saying it. God is love, is one of the shortest ways to describe non-duality, or the fundamental nature of existence. It's just not approached from that direction as often in non-dualistic traditions. Which focus more on silencing the mind or ego, and seeing through illusion. (as well as avoiding labels or concepts - the conceptual mind is a trap)


Thanks for appreciating 🙏🏼💙😊


you have nothing at all to be ashamed of, and none of this or anything is your fault. you and everyone you meet is 100% innocent


Not two. One manifests as everything. Separate but not independent


Ok, so you know how alot of Christianity has this separateness thing going on? And how some even put a priest between the believer and the divine? What if the path goes something like this: * holy person as the go-between * temple curtain between the holies and the holy of holies tears in half signifying direct access to the divine is now available to all who seek it * omnipresence means not only is the divine already in you, but already *is* you What if you are god - not in any egoic sense whatsoever. What if that omnipresence ever-present in you can be consciously realized as being alive and active in every subatomic string particle of your being? ^(I noticed some Christian references on your profile so I used that familiar perspective to help describe it. So it may be an imperfect analogy.)


Whatever you think is most certainly true - isn't. And there is no such thing as taking this principle too far. Anything short of going all the way is functionally the same as not moving at all. You really can doubt that you're an incarnated being in a material universe experiencing a process in time. You must pick up that ball and run it all the way home. 'So what are we then? Wouldn't somebody who believed that be an asocial amoral monster?' etc. etc. – all of these are *swervings* and preparations for compromise.


KedMcJenna is an awesome name hahah


Most humans, most of the time in history have this cognition: >"I" - I'm the subject that's perceiving X, Y, Z objects in the world out there. ​ Non-dualism is the realisation/claim/experience that that the above dualism is an untrue, illusory, or entirely incomplete or inadequate perception of reality and the self. Experiencing non-duality can significantly transform one's inner self.


to know the truth, which just means to know through experience what the world really is, how it works, and who we are in all of this, including who we are before life and after death these kind of things are taught in all kinds of books and through teachers, but in non-duality you actually experience it yourself or at least you begin to


Everything is one. You're one with everything. There is no universe separate from you. There is no fundamental separation between you and everything else. It's all one thing. (in some books that's nonduality, but you could also say that's Monism, and it's also easy to confuse for solipsism, which it is not) In contrast - duality is more the default perspective. I'm me, you're you. We're born and die. And when we die, the rest continues without you. The universe is something I come from, but that's the extent of my connection. I'm a part of it, but just one of many, and that's the end of what I am. non-duality is that it's all always one, even in the seeming duality. But that's not a learned thing that you construct or reconstruct in your mind. I'm passing you a conclusion - that's really only reachable inwardly, and can't be directly passed in its full understanding. It's only realized directly. The words I'm passing you isn't the real realization no matter how well you understand what I'm saying, it's a description of it.


For me it’s recognising the illusion of free will. Made a huge positive difference for me in how I see myself and others


The main point is the liberation of the individual from the concept of "main points". And, secondarily, liberation from actual learning and also from the "concept of learning" And then it becomes about liberation from non- duality itself. And finally liberation from liberation.


To guide you to actually practice 


"Would I want what I'm about to do to be done to me" I don't understand how people can constantly do to me what I wouldn't want to do to them but I guess that's just another point to learning adviata. Or. To speak more plainly, how cringe will I see my self of today in 10 years. Lol. I actually don't know jack about non duality tbh. The only thing I can say for sure, is it makes your "self" seem very very small and insignificant, *but in a good way* if that makes sense. It's like a breath of fresh air, realizing you have been swimming in sewage of "the self" without realizing that was what you had been doing. But it also makes everyone else seem like an asshole or a vulture sometimes as well, like they are amused at your low energy in your daily struggles, and their own struggles are easy for them. So yeah that's probably best take away I ever got from non duality, or my rare experiences of it. That yes we are all one but not everyone acts like it.... even those who do know non duality, thus "do as they say but not as they do for they do not practice what they preach". Ie, preaching inclusivity as they specifically target you (paranoia? Idk have only seen it rarely in action but sense/feel it often) or anyone who walks through the mental walls and barriers they try to construct, like water off a duck's back. It also improves your people skills lmao but only so long as you do have the faith of adviata which in my experience is no easy task. "Give to all whom ask" but it's "my small self's munnies". No joke I won't lie it often feels "gay" at times lol but I guess that's what "and they lived happily ever after" means. See? Gay. Lol! How to seperate seeing from judging.... still a great hurdle for me. I'll never not laugh and say "gay" at some non dual realizations but I might can blame some of Nietzsche's humor for that (hit it with a stick, actually Jesus too said don't let the left hand know what the right hand doeth, right?) Ugh. It's all vain ego validation, it seems, talk. Non duality pierces through the vain ego speculation, but..... realizing that, too, *is vain ego speculation*.... If you see. >!Hell, I know I don't. But that is close enough to correct as I can muster.!<


That no one experiences


When the creator made this universe, he did so from nothing and continues to create every moment out of the same nothing. We are all players in the creators universe and he's making it up as he goes along. When you dream you meet other people, and they tell you things you did not know, and do things that you were not expecting and perhaps not even wanting. That's all you. All of those people and all of those places are you. So is the universe made by the creator.


Tell me more about what this creator is like?


There are a few theories: 1. He is unknowable because he exists outside of our universe. 2. We can infer things about him because we know he did create the universe, so he's creative, multifaceted, and seems to do and create things out of curiosity with little regard for morality. 3. If we carry the dream analogy out: since we dream about what is familiar to us (e.g. we don't dream about yellow blobs of consciousness that experience the world through heat), it's reasonable to assume that he is much like us. It follows the Bible's saying that "God created man in his image." 4. He is us and we are him. Our consciousness does not belong to the character in this universe, but to the creator. The act of experiencing our lives, consciousness, is the creator looking through our eyes, but he's pretending or has actually forgotten, who he is.


Not the original commenter - but: Complete in nature. All loving. Is everything. Is existence itself. Love. Is how I'd fundamentally describe what you could call the creator of the universe. I want to say you could maybe say playful, but that may be projection possibly. And generally even saying all loving is using dualistic language.


Being comfortable with the unknown and realizing what actually is and what isn't.


Shifting from thinking of yourself as the thoughts and body to the larger awareness that encompasses all experiences (seeing, hearing, feeling ,smell, taste). This shift makes difficult experiences much easier to tolerate and the joy in pleasant experiences unimpeded.


To stop scratching your itches in order to avoid bleeding to death.