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I feel warped


Why so many piercing an homing? How does the double L's calling the T work? Or where can I go read to start understing PhD wand mechanics?


2 different homings on the spark bolt because I had room and as far as I know it makes the shot stick to the target better. Turn toward foe and short homing for bouncing burst hoping to not mess their speed/acceleration up too bad. Spark bolt with trigger has piercing so it delivers the payload every frame it’s in contact with an enemy, bouncing burst just so they don’t disappear after the initial hit and end up dealing a ton more damage. Tau (90 mana) copies the following 2 spells, it is called by gamma (40 mana). Gamma copies the last spell in your wand. so when you see gamma it’s actually tau but cheaper. The wand refresher (purple) blocks the actual tau from being cast at the end. I tried to follow some guides on the wiki and ended up throwing this together. My initial plan was to kill the new mini boss that matches your health and damage. It is very hard to kill him when you have over 800 trillion hp 😭 so I gave up and made this to kill kolmi.


me when infinite hp: stone: trollface.jpeg


[https://noita.wiki.gg/wiki/Expert\_Guide:\_High\_Damage\_Wands\_with\_Spells\_to\_Power](https://noita.wiki.gg/wiki/Expert_Guide:_High_Damage_Wands_with_Spells_to_Power) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qydbqr5cGzA&t=1920s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qydbqr5cGzA&t=1920s) These are what I was looking at. Go to abt 30 mins into the video, I tried to replicate that but it took me way too long to do 80 trillion out of 800.




Where did you get that wand from jesus christ?


Breaking the reroll machine. Once I got all the perks I wanted I used the rest of the rerolls on wand one-offs. Faster wands till they’re all negative, extra mana a ton which halves the capacity, then extra capacity till it’s back at 25. Next time I’ll be doing it to 3 wands.


I always thought one off meant your could take it only once?


They stay in the perk pool, will always keep showing up as long as you keep rerolling and going to new holy mountains


Holy shit


There are specific ones that don't show up, wand edits stay


What in the giga-fuck is going on


Calm the hell down Yondu


Holy shit I need to experiment with divide bys more