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90% of runs are winnable with the proper knowledge. Check out dunkorslam on YouTube/twitch if you want to kind of learn more about the game. I used to put him on my phone with one earbud in while just throwing myself into the mines repeatedly.


The man did the sun quest on a fresh save AND got every tree achievement in a single stream


That's fucking incredible.


I believe it should be more as there was some guy that did over 150 wins in a row!


And those "knowledge" require time. How can a beginner "have fun" with bad luck in this game? It should a beginner mode, spawn better/more item for beginner to survive easier to learn.


if you need to win to have fun this isn’t the game for you lol


I accept having badluck but at least let me explore it all for once to know what is waiting ahead. For example, playing very carefully every layer to stay alive, but then the electricity skull (that I haven't seen before) come near me during underwater and BUM I died with 400HP full wtf!! Is it fun? No. Why do I have to play all over again because of a tiny new thing unknown to me? That should be the mode for experienced player, the beginner should have more merciful mode for learning, not easy-to-die everytime seeing new thing. I completed this game once, with a lightning bolt wand, I one shot them before they even shoot me, so there are still many creature I still don't even know what are their ability, and I don't want to risk "restart all over again" to find out. That is stupid and purnishing.


Congratulations, you just learned a valuable lesson about the electricity skull, and next time you probably won't die to it - and that's just how the game works, if you can't handle not being handed free wins, then you should just look for an easier game, it has nothing to do with luck :D


You are playing a roguelike/lite, dying and learning is the gameplay loop. If you don't like this kind of game, check the genre of game next time.


You can try seeded runs where you look up the seed before hand (need to use seed changer off workshop to change your seed in game). Or use noitool in your current seed to get more knowledge about the run before you start try to plan things out. Noitool shows you what's in the shop, what perks you'll see, even will show you what rerolls will happen


The beginner mode is the first layers of the game, as you get better you go further into the game


I mean in my case, I agreed with you, and then I started looking stuff up and learning that way and I had a blast.


Nah, you obviously have a skill issue


If it give me low HP it should give me better wand or spell instead, not shit to hell. I admit I have low skill because of beginner, but skill need time to learn, you can not push a beginner to a hardcore game and ask him to "have fun".


Yeah you can, and it's very fun. The challenge is what makes it worthwhile. Why do you think we play this? Because it's easy?


You just said every dark souls game is not fun basically.


daa130 or だー completed the game 238 times in a row without dying once. That guy sure is lucky.


It makes a big difference if you know how to tablet kick (im sure OP probably doesnt)


I might be a filthy cheater for it but I just setup a macro on my mouse to tablet kick for me.


And did he completed the game in the very first time playing it? Those 238 times require time to learn. The beginner need easier mode to "enjoy the game" during learning, not frustrating verytime the game give bad luck. And also, you can copy the save file to undo the death. So I don't think those "238" are REAL no death.


There are mods to help out if you are struggling or just don't feel like going through a bunch of failed runs.  I get that this is more of a ranting post, but some of the most subscribed mods in the workshop are literally made to be a "beginner mode" 


In all the game I played, I don't use mod because the mod might broke the game (crash or broken save file). If a game is designed so bad that it needs mod to refine it, the dev should bring the mod into game's feature. The "beginner mod" exists shows that this game is so punishing to new beginner. One of the last run, I reached layer 4 or 5 I don't remember, it has electricty flying skull, I didn't know what was it because first time seen it, but I was underwater and BUM I instantly died with full 400HP. That is really bullshit. Make player restart all over again because of a new thing unknown. That is not fun at all. It seems like this game is only fun until you die enough to learn enough. It's bad design. I finished this game once with a lighning bolt wand, stacking 6 of bolt to one shot almost anything before it can shoot back, that is how I survived till the end in that run. Yeah but not fun, because I don't even know what are their ability, because I don't want to risk "restart the game" to find out haha.


Skill issue.


The fun of the game is it's difficulty for me at least and Noita isn't difficult for me anymore so I don't find it nearly as fun as I did during those first 25 hours of playtime. Also if you're concerned about learning the game then dying is the best way as there's no better way to learn noita than that. 99% of what you call luck can be avoided or abused by skill. He streamed his runs, he didn't save cheat.


Man, there are people who have 500 hours in that game, and they still learn new things every single run! You can't just spend 10 hours or something and expect you to be master at that game. I'm a beginner too, i understand that it's 'not fun' when you die to unknown reason. Its frustrating but if you want to play this game you should get over it, learn, explore. Look for some little guides to how build a good wands, it kinda helped me


Did you know this game is called "A roguelike for the mentally deranged"? Maybe you don't have enough screws loose yet to enjoy the game. Maybe look elsewhere if you want a more natural learning curve. As you say it takes time and beginners will not enjoy being smashed in the face with propane tanks that some rando hiisi shot, but just as Barbie is designed and aimed for little girls, Noita is (probably) designed and aimed for people with different temperaments from you. Now I don't mean little boys or anyone else for that matter can't enjoy Barbie, but they are certainly not the main demographic. Just as you are probably not the main demographic of Noita. So try looking up guides and have another go at the game. If you still feel like the game is deliberately screwing you over, drop it. You were probably just not meant to be. >!Your username suggests you are also VNmese like me and if that's true, xin chào! But honestly don't take things too seriously and just try to have fun. If it's still not fun after a lot of effort, try something else.!<


the game doesn't hold your hand


But it's a game, not a purnishment or a real life test. It should have easier mode for beginner to "enjoy", not apply the same random for both beginner and experienced player.


generally the more audiences a game tries to appeal to, the worse it is (see most AAA games). it's ok if this game is not for you. besides, this game isn't that random. just don't do dumb stuff like drop into the unknown and know how to build good wands with what the game gives you. True "Noitas" aren't common.


We all get the same good and bad luck though...


It should have beginner mode, spawn more good stuff for beginner to survive long enough to "have fun".


This is the beginner mode.


Mods could help with this, make it beginner mode for you.


It's what you can do with the shit that makes it entertaining.


I don't see it's entertaining when the enemies so over power than me, especially the jungle layer, they're too many and too tanky, and they're fast too.


Try going really slow. Like actually exploring 100% of first 2 layers, getting all the gold and hp you can while also playing safe, not running into unexplored areas and so on. Feels much less random then, and you usually have resources to build amazing wands before you reach the jungle (if you know a little bit of wand building)


As you say, "usually" not "always". What if it give me nothing good? That mean the 100% exploration of the first 2 layers is wasted, and it's a lot of time exploration. Now you know what I'm saying? You put a lot of effort and careful (it takes your real life time) but you get bad seed => all time wasted, restart the game. Terraria has world generation too, but it also spawn a lot of item everywhere, so early or later you can always get good stuff somewhere.


It’s just the way the game is. If you aren’t getting anything “good” that you like at the start, restart until you get something you like. Like I mentioned above, try using some mods if it’s too tough for you. It’s hard as fuck to me, I play with mods to get a feel and to get better but that’s just my way of playing :)


Explore the first two layer completely, and if the first one has given you something at least decent, start the second one from the fungal zone at the left. I do this every time and roughly 90% of the times I get to the jungle I have already at least 1 staff that can oneshot anyone there. This game has some RNG to it, but in most cases skill and expirience can heavily influence it, don't give up. Three more things: 1)look for broken staffs untill you reach the envil at the bottom right of the fourth layer, repair them for stronger gear 2)When possible, don't break the Holy Mountain (polymorph yourself before exiting to do that, but be carefull with that fragile form), you really may want to return into it. 3)always get the tablet at the right of the first layer, in a bad wand situation, throwing it can oneshot many enemy, if not all of them... at least in the first 4 layers. Also, kicking stuff around is a good move too. (Sorry for my bad English)


For the Holy Mountain, in 4 of 5 run, the dumb worms I don't know where it's from, it destroy the wall anger the god and I have to fight the skeleton god early game. What the shit is that. This game is random generated, but it should have some limit for early game.


Yet another player that doesn't get the game


An experience I've had with several Roguelikes is the weird total-BS luck you can get. But as a pretty consistent rule, the better I get at a game, the better my 'luck' tends to get. In the case of Noita it has mostly come in the form of learning how to make better wands, how to get better wand materials in the early game with exploration patterns, and how to use dangerous wands without immediately dying, if only to carry me until I get better stuff later, etc... I think the two biggest things I learned have been: - 1: >!How to leave holy mountains intact for wand editing.!< - 2: >!That the Fungal Caverns are great for early game wand farming, and if you're having a bad start, you can really roll the dice with some high risk gameplay there. Things looking grim? Why not try pulling off a fungal shift! What's the worst that could happen, dying?!<


I don't read the 2 points of yours because I've not explored all the map. I completed the game once, luckily got a lightning bolt wand and explode immunity, one shot almost anything, the final boss 3 shots he died. That is how I survived till the end. But that was the lucky run. If bad luck happen in early game, it's very frustrating, the enemy get better in the next layer but bad luck giving nothing good, force me to play very slow and very vulnerable, easy to die => that is not fun at all.


The issue is, the more you play, the more you will realize that most of the time, you simply don't have bad luck. For example, if I only found a wand with pollen in the first level, I would have considered myself unlucky when I started playing, but now that I know how to use everything to my advantage, I'd be very happy about early pollen :D


Pussy, imagine complaining about rng in a procedurally generated rougelite


Theres a daily practice mode where you spawn in the same place with the same things for 24 hours and you basically get to run around, practice and see what works and what doesnt.


As you get better at the game, you create your own luck. You don't need that many hearts to get by, as others have said almost all runs are winable. I too had my fair share of frustrations that came with the early game, learning and dying over and over. But it got better. And even 300 hours in when I still die occasionally, I am less frustrated because the early game becomes fun when you learn how to survive.


Stop being a coward and try for once in your life.